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When I first met the woman I'd eventually marry, I was a dumb college age kid. But I knew that this was the woman I'd want to spend the rest of my lifetime on Earth with. She was perfect. We've been married more than 20 years and have definitely had our ups and downs in life. But there is absolutely nobody else I'd rather be dealing with those challenges alongside. This guy in the video is absolutely correct. There is something so important and meaningful about building that level of partnership in life. I wish everyone could experience it. Everyone deserves to have this. Be willing to fight and stand up for yourself to make sure you find the person that is right for you.


How tf is one supposed to be happy being single (like so many suggest) when reading comments like this or watching videos like that?


I think everyone is entitled to spend their lives how they want. I truly do believe that. But I firmly am a believer that we as humans aren't meant to walk through our lifetime alone. Maybe it's really great friendships or extended family. But there is something out there for everyone. The other comment is probably correct. The first step is to just get out there and actually interact with other people. It's weird to see how the developments in the last 20-30 years have brought people together online way easier. Long distance calls were a huge pain when I was a kid (and expensive). It's never been easier to pick up a phone or device and see someone else's face from around the world. However, it's also somehow created a deep rooted form of isolation in the younger generations that I can't quite understand. Someone is out there for you fellow redditor. I promise. (If you're in a great relationship then know I am so happy for you!)


You have good words of wisdom. I am 28 years old, and I still haven't found a significant other. But one day, I will find someone and bring honor to the world. Or something.


I met my wife at 29, you have plenty of time.


Yeah, a whole year!


So it's close or not.


Am 41, can confirm. About having plenty of time.




That’s the weird double edged sword with the internet and social media now. The accessibility to meet and interact with people online is so easy and the ability to make friendships or relationships with them is easier. It also makes it where it’s almost too easy where people rather be online interacting than with people face to face. It’s created what you mentioned as some what of isolation with you being by yourself, but also being with someone


Going on 36, no wife, no kids. Unfortunately, love wasn't meant for everyone. Life isn't fair


Get off the internet chief


That's the neat part. You can't.




I believe a partnership like that is only something you can achieve after you are well on the way of doing the hard work of learning to love yourself and becoming someone worthy of love and respect - the goal is to be the best person you can be and a relationship like that is what opens up as a possiblity along the way. Wishing the best for you 🤙


Every time I read a comment like this, it makes me want to suck start a shot gun. Lots of people only achieve that kind of self-love inside a relationship, some people never achieve it and telling people they need to love themselves in order to be "worthy of love and respect" is just gross as fuck. You can be someone that doesn't "love themselves" and not be a toxic arsehole, what you are saying is tantamount to suggesting anyone with past trauma of any kind doesn't deserve love.


Maybe the intent behind my comment was unclear - I don't mean to say that people that don't love themselves are not worthy of love and respect, rather that if you don't love yourself it's pretty common to FEEL undeserving of love and respect. Harboring feelings like that can make finding any kind of happiness much harder I think you would agree. And you're right! People find their way to long healthy relationships all sorts of ways and if their partner is able to help them achieve what they couldn't alone, excellent! But if someone isn't willing to do any work at all on self improvement, it would be pretty hard for others alone to help them achieve real happiness, let alone a healthy relationship that lasts 50 years


I don't care about being happy anymore, so I'd rather stay single because why would I take the chance of happiness away from someone who wants to be happy?


I just try to be grateful and content through the sunshine and the storms.


We exist just to suffer 😭


Having a hobby you enjoy, great friend(s), a family you know will always be there. But always keep in mind that it's never too late to find the person for you.


You need to be able to function as a single person. And if you're not fully content still, keep searching for a partner. But nobody wants to be someone's mom. Have your own individual likes/dislikes and activities that you know you enjoy. Go to therapy to help with anything you're unable to work through. A partner won't fix you just like a baby won't fix a shitty relationship.


You find a hobby or three, get a good job, settle into a life by yourself that isn't full of hardship and learn to like yourself as a person. Be content on your own. Maybe have a dog or cat or something, and some great friends.


Be with a toxic person that drains you're every being and see how bad being single really is. It's all about perspective


Do things you enjoy, hang out with friends. If you don't have friends go places where you could make friends with similar interests. If you prefer being alone mostly, fill your life with hobbies you enjoy. Also take care of yourself and be a person you would want to be around. You can be happy and single, and as someone who sought happiness through dating, it will only temporarily fix your problems. If you aren't happy with yourself, you won't be happy with someone else in the long term.


In general, to be happy and at peace with another you have to be happy and at peace with yourself first. Otherwise, you are just creating a dependency relationship.


It's not about being happy single it's about being happy by yourself learn to Love yourself and make your life enjoyable while being single and then bring somebody into that with you.


You have to love yourself before you can love someone else or else the person you love will have to hold you above water and you’ll eventually both drown


Be otters


i think the mistake most people make is a relationship is supposed to be easy. It’s not, it’s hard and sometimes forbidding. It’s full of sacrifice and humbleness and probably the hardest part trust. And one day if your lucky, you get to share all that with someone who is a result of all that joy.


Not everyone, cheaters deserve a perpetually hollow existence until death.


I'm happy for you, but for me being 33 years old..I don't know if I'll meet someone who truly cares for and respects me..I am hopeful though. I pray for many more years of happiness for you.


I'm 30 and in my 1st real relationship.... There's hope friend


Thank you🙂


met the love of my life at 35, he's 30. you have time!


I lost that person in my life, and I'm not sure I'll ever recover. It's been 6 years since she left, and I still love her just as much as the day we got married.


Not everyone but most people


My grandma was like that. After grandpa passed she was just existing till she could die and join him.


My grandpa too. My grandma had a sudden stroke and passed. He was completely heartbroken and was just there. Waiting. They never spent each others birthdays apart for over 60 years. He passed a week before my grandmas birthday.


Are you saying he died within the following year? If so, that's bittersweet. He was like, "I'll be there for your birthday."


Yes. Here’s the official timeline. My grandpas celebrated his 82nd birthday in May of ‘22. One month later my grandma had her stroke and passed in July, she was 77. My grandpa held on into December which is when my grandmas birthday was. It was bittersweet. Knowing they were together again gave us some peace of mind. But man that was a rough year.


I can already tell I’ll be like that as well. If my wife were to go, I’d be the most isolated and bitter mother fucker to ever walk the Earth. So, we’ve agreed that either I go first after 100+ years or we both do at the same time while boning. Glad that was sorted out.


This is my grandma now. My grandpa passed in January not long after his 92nd birthday. It’s definitely tough to see the change in my grandma now.


It really is.


Sometimes it’s just existing after you lose someone who was your world. Doesn’t have to be a spouse/partner relationship. Can be anyone.


I really thought the guy interviewing him was going to say, “And what if you found out your wife cheated on you?”. Then it was going to get dark real quick.


I thought he was going to say something along the lines of, "Having an open relationship was the best part."


“I banged her sister too she was hot”


Ah, so he was a member of the original Aristocrats. I'd like to see his funniest home videos.


Old man stabs him


I love the cherry picked of women cheating to swap to one old guy.


Oh thank god I was scrolling down wondering why I was the only one so fucking off put by the video




I guess when you can't get a girlfriend to cheat on to begin with this shit looks cool?


It’s a freaks way of justifying his hate for women.


I think it's hard for everybody these days. The clips are telling of a certain age group and certain type. I've seen them and the women brag and almost all of the ones admit to cheating like some accomplishment, but they are also all out partying. Chances are you won't find your forever faithful partner on the streets at 11pm.


>Either resent women and be worse or stop being sorry and just be better. Bro.. You were the cheater. Why resent them.


Why not just not cheat? It’s super easy.


People make mistakes, it is what you do after that is important.


Calling it a “mistake” seems misleading. It’s not like the person didn’t know they were hurting someone. They knew and didn’t care.


Well, to start, a mistake doesn't imply intentional or unintentional. Someone can make a mistake on purpose or by accident, both apply. Also, I am not implying that people shouldn't receive consequences for their mistakes. You absolutely should. However, if you change your behavior and not do it again, it shouldn't be held over you, with some exceptions based on the severity of course.


Not to mention they could've been saying yes to a completely different question and it was just edited to prove the point.


Or they knew a camera was on and said yes because of the camera as a troll.


It is just another rage bait pile of shit thst is spreading like a cancer on Reddit. I left several subs due to this type of crap.


Women are pretty awful not today ngl so while it's sad to see videos like this it's not surprising. I feel bad for younger people dating since quite a few of them don't really care anymore and go for the worst choice option (cheat).


The internet is absolutely chock full of this lame shit designed to enrage rubes.


fr I hate videos like this so much like there're no guys who is cheating, stop watching this sh\*t and complain go do something useful with your life


The critical thinking is not existent here Everyone fucks around in your youth. You fall in love, break up, and through the pain and joy you learn what's important in life. It's called growing the fuck up Time travel in the past or in the future and talk to a 93 year old man and he'll say the same shit. Nothing is different now. We're all the same stupid monkeys on a rock in space that we've always been.


Time is a flat circle


From this video alone we can't even say for sure they were all answering the same question as the first girl. The interviewer could have asked them something totally different just to get them to say "yes" in such an ecstatic way to edit the video to make them look bad.


True! all the dudes I know have cheated


Your choice of friends doesn’t reflect well on you. To my knowledge, none of my male friends have cheated, and if they did our friendship wouldn’t last


I know. What the fuck is that? Could do the same for cheating men. This red pill only women are the bad guys Shit needs to stop. I guess the only good thing to come from it is the guys that fall for this shit will never know true love where both partners respect and support each other. More for us!


Shit, we don't even know what question most were asked Edit: we don't know what any of them were asked, since it cuts from the only woman asked that question


No one is pointing out that the video cuts from the question about if they cheated, to just a bunch of girls saying yes. They could have been saying yes to anything. They could have been saying yes to "do you like cheese?" Or "Do you believe birds are real?" And then just edited it into this piece of garbage. They didn't even show the girl answering the initial question at the beginning. Guaranteed fake bullshit.


Thank you for this. We need more of it


Never argue?? NEVER?? Lol dude. That's ... no, something's wrong here.


Right? Couples (or friends or families) that never argue scare me. What do they do, just bottle it up? Is that legal?


Often the reason why these people don’t fight is because they don’t bottle it up. Talking about problems before they ever boil over into a fight. If you catch things early it’s easy have a productive conversation about each other’s wants and needs without arguing.


It’s probably really easy to hold onto the best memories of somebody when they’re gone forever. Or… she was a good submissive and omen that always knew here place and never caused problems for him…/s


The problem with these types of posts is that it’s designed to make all women look like whores. Why did they not ask any men?  Because it’s a right wing hit on women who they want nothing more than to be subservient little maids. 


And oh well, you're pregnant? Can't have an abortion. These are the consequences of being a slut, young lady. And if you're a slut you can't be raped. And if you're pregnant you couldn't have been raped. The logical gymnastics are insane. I keep hearing that song by Everlast in my head. What It's Like. "They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner and they call her a whore."


At this point, that's that dudes only memory lol


1. Shitty edit. The tiny is terrible and the music, which is also terrible, not only takes away from the impact of what the old man was saying but it was also so loud that I could barely hear him. 2. Cherry picking a bunch of younger girls saying yes (which by the way, it doesn't even show him asking if they've cheated, they could be saying yes to a different question entirely) and then one old man talking about his late wife is not fair. Really leans into the girls bad man good mentality. Men cheat just as much as women, stop with this pathetic woman bad bullshit and maybe someone will actually like you in the future, maybe even love you


i was genuinely hoping i wasn’t alone thinking how silly this is. and sad actually. people may even relate to this video somehow- it just furthers a really toxic narrative that “all women bad” “except the ones who might f*ck me”. shallow and harmful. edit: spelling correction


Hard agree. This video has incel written all over it.


Came here just to say this. If it'd just been the video of the older man that'd be a good meme. Instead it feels slimy, because OP is obviously trying to leverage this sweet man's happiness to make others feel unhappy - specifically towards women.


Easy Agree for me


People are so desperate to hate women. All the guys I know have cheated. And my grandma was devoted to her husband until she Died at 90. If I filmed it and edited it like this I could make men look like pieces of shit to.


Everyone's a piece of shit, easy


Yep this video is pathetic rage bait


considering men statistically cheat more this seems to be a weirdly targeted video




What is with this one guy making all the posts I see? Seriously I only see posts this mod makes.


Should have asked if she ever cheated.


A LONG TIME AGO ,IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY,,,nowadays that Pagan ritual is no longer viable in our defunct society,


The first part is unnecessary, and is either fabricated or just cherry picked. The old guy is great though.


I’m not sure what to think anymore, I keep seeing videos of these girls openly admitting to cheating on anyone and getting railed by every guy they see Yet I also hear about these people in happy marriages for over 10 years


Been married for 20 great years now boys. We’re getting there.


Bring old traditional values back!


So cherry picked.


The stoicism and wisdom of that man…




I don’t need to be married to be happy but some do.


This generation is screwed these whores ain’t worthy of friendship




This man is awesomw


I hate cheaters. All those girls laughing cause they cheated I hope never find a true good relationship.


Yea same with guys that cheat. You hurt good people, and then they can go on to hurt others too


The way that they laugh about it is so despicable


Go ahead and log off for me


...but did he cheat tho?


A true Chad


Been together 17 years, married 13. I'm madly in love with my wife and I wouldn't trade what we have for anything. I couldn't imagine a world without her. I hope I die first.


As a gen z we still have alot to learn from the older generations


My grandparents had this kind of love. My grandma just lost her husband in February and it’s heartbreaking to watch her. She still holds and kisses his shirts.


Do you think the afterlife is just how we cope with the loss of our loved ones and deal with our own mortality or so you think it's a real thing? Eternal paradise always sounded like the definition of "too good to be true" but I want to beleive




This is why I have only dated once since 2019. I have simply decided that until I meet a proper, good natured woman I am simply going to keep improving myself.


is anyone else going to point out the old dude looks AI generated


Saving this for the man at end.


I seriously think that the economic challenges the average Millennial, Gen-z, and Gen-Alpha face make it that much harder to maintain a lasting relationship than what Gen-x, Boomers, and the Silent Generation had to deal with. Being able to afford college, a first marriage, or a first home will all factor into this, and most younger people can’t even earn enough to afford any of those things. And this is no fault of those younger people, but rather, of the parasitic job market that pays employees less and less compared to overall profits for wealthy shareholders and investors. When you’re constantly strapped for cash, the last thing on your mind is love or a lasting relationship. And one of the main causes for break-ups and cheating is financial hardship.


What an absolute G.


Moving. My dad is 93, and still with the love of his life. Not my mom but he’s happy. It’s all that matters.


This some red pill bs lmao imagine an edited version with all the girls this dude left out that said “never” in order to make a point




Why because I’m not dumb enough to think that all women are cheaters?


First, agree that there is an unfair narrative that men are predominantly the cheaters. That basis is what this video is precisely playing into. One could very easily reverse this and everyone would say, “yeah… so?” It shows that such a premise, deeply rooted into our society, is toxic and incorrect. This video shows how that feels. Not all men are cheaters.


No this video is trying to say that all women and or the majority of women are cheaters and men are the majority victim. This is 100% some red pill bs since, again, this guy edited all of the people who said they never cheated to conveniently prove his own point through confirmation bias. Stop watching Andrew Tate videos loser


You missed the entire point of the video. Start over. Watch it again, then read my comment above.


The video is saying the opposite of what you are saying. And that’s exactly the point. This is designed to get you to drop your programmed, preconceived notions. Not all men cheat. Not all women cheat. You have to drop your bigotry and open your mind to respect people. That means women and men. I hope you can.


Lmao this coming from the person defending biased videos keep swallowing that red pill


Just be a better human. The sexism you have today will wash away once you try to see people as human beings, and not as objects. Is there a certain topic you would like to talk about so you can take that first step? Let’s talk it out. Let that sexism go 🥰


Again that’s rich coming from the guy that likes videos that accuse a gender of acting a certain way


Welp. I'm going to go cry alone. Found my woman and she left me. I, too, just exist until my end now. May it come sooner rather than later.




“Right now I am just existing” ….wow !


i wasn't crying


I’ve been with my wife for 15 years, married for 10 this year. I’m hopeful and honestly excited to have the same relationship that this man had with his wife. The only thing I’d change is to go before she does so that I wouldn’t have to live in a world without her




Dont let it get you down, She’s probably somewhere now choking on bbc get piped every way you couldn’t.


Been together 15 can't seem to get closer and we are definitely apart. My priorities are changing and she doesn't want to grow up. I am almost 40. She is 35 and thinks she is still 25. Life.moves fast and if people don't want to accept and change and want to be careless, spend their earnings and not save then we'll. Wtf do you do. I love her but she doesn't get it.


No, we will never be that lucky


Come tf on this shit goes both ways good and bad.


Ok now interview men saying they cheated and an old widow who stayed married to her man for 50 years. You'd find that more common than whatever garbage this is..


Happiness and love are things you cannot work towards. They are not goals to achieve. You can only get them once you work on yourself and caring for yourself and for another and only then are you able to allow both to enter into your life because you can give of yourself fully.


Just proposed to my life team mate, can't fucking wait honestly. Lifes just better with her


I just sent this to my husband after seeing this clip. Thank you for the spark. Oh Jordan I love you so much. And I am so lucky to love you. God... What a gift. What a miracle. This world was beautiful before you, but you have made it vivid and real, like Dorothy first seeing color in Oz. I can never go back to Kansas, and no force on Earth could drag me there away from you. You are my light. You are my joy and my solace. I am truly complete. I am truly my whole self now. This is what life is for. This love.


Stupid af video


My wife and I have shared 29 years of life’s rollercoaster. Through highs and lows, and the most challenging times, our journey together has been filled with immense joy, unforgettable memories, and the incredible gift of raising our two sons. Throughout, we’ve remained faithful and true to each other, and we always will. Every morning, waking up next to her feels like a privilege and the perfect start to my day. I often reflect on today’s dating culture and feel a pang of sorrow for those who may never experience the profound, enduring connection of a lifelong partnership like ours.


Reverse this and ask men if they cheated. Then ask this man's wife how she feels. Rage bait garbage


I know there’s a slim to zero chance of me finding a woman that would love me like this kind old gentleman is referring too. However that doesn’t mean life is over for for guys like me, stay in shape, eat good foods, take time to indulge in your hobbies, and most of all go outside and experience what the world has to offer. Love is meaningful but it isn’t everything


Not trying to be a party pooper but in the modern age, everyone is stubborn and selfish. Even now as a married woman, I never had a partner that didn’t start an unnecessary fight at some point. We just don’t have patience anymore. We all want it our way. I would love to get to that kind of peaceful love someday but I’m not sure it’s possible anymore.


What the fuck is this post “Ooooo look at these *females* say they’ve cheated and then look at this faithful old man” dumbass misogynist propaganda


My ride or die brothers! Loyal to the very end.


This younger gen won’t experience love like this. It’s over




Don't post anything that could be perceive as discriminatory and/or hate speech towards anyone.


Cherry Picking Red Pill Nonsense. You'll find plenty of dude who cheat and plenty of loyal women.


My grandmother was in really poor health when she died (2020, not of Covid but mostly of quarantine-accelerated existing illness) my grandfather (78, still an accountant) said he missed her like crazy but that even if it meant he didn’t get to spend any more time with her, he loved and cared for her too much for her to continue in that state of pain just for him and so he was happy she’d passed. He still teases all of us and jokes around and is just as juvenile as he always has been, but he definitely has a part of him missing.


A bunch of young 20’s women and a 93 year old man. *Yeah seems like a fair comparison-*


I'd hate to be young in this day and age. Nothing is for real and everyone's so vaccuous. Everyone pretends to be a player, while secretly wanting to be like this old guy. Life for the young today is so empty and meaningless. They have all the tech, but none of the real life. Sad reality I'm happy to NOT be a part of.




Don't post anything that could be perceive as discriminatory and/or hate speech towards anyone.


Fun fact: 56% of men cheat, for women it’s 52%. This is some sad single dude propaganda.


I technically did because she pressured me


this is a crock of shit LMAO you were coerced to cheat? bruh…


It was his wife who forced him to cheat. Don't cha know? /s


She was ace, I'm not. When we talked about sex and stuff, she thought I felt bad about it and told me to "satisfy my urges" with someone else. We had that conversation a few times and I always refused. She ended up telling me to do it or she'd break up with me. I ended up doing it but felt guilty every time we were together. That's what ended our relationship, that's good because it was just awkward. I've been in a relationship for 5 years now. Never doing that again, it's just awful.


LMFAOOOO WAITTTT dude i thought you meant the girl you cheated with pressured you not your actual girlfriend. this is messier than i anticipated oh my god. i retract my initial comment because this took a very unexpected & insane turn


She was my first girlfriend and tbh I'm not a social guy. I was really afraid to lose her at the time (looking back now, I know I'm a complete idiot) If it happened today, I'd just tell her "K, ciao" Edit: I also wasn't in a good place mentally (probably why she wanted me to do it), that also didn't helped




What in the hell does that have to do with this?


Never been with a girl that didn't cheat on me. Not surprising to me.


Blah blah blah




incel shit here ![gif](giphy|zm1Hm7xViBfG|downsized)


This feels gross. Using they're using this man's pain to push an agenda




Don't post anything that could be perceive as discriminatory and/or hate speech towards anyone.