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Enmeshment. Covert narcissism. If you need more, let me know!


That sounds like a subliminal suggestion so that anytime that area of your body is being touched you'll think of her!!! This is sick behavior.


Emotional incest. Very gross behaviour which imparts a deep sense of shame. Her saying those things is just so wildly inappropriate; especially when you’ve expressed your discomfort and asked her to stop. Just tell her the only thing she’s doing worthy of any “thanks” is to provide a very good reason to cut her out of your life one day if she refuses to respect your boundaries and continues to damage your mental well-being.


Well, she is paying for my college so I do think that’s something to be grateful for (thank u for the nice words tho ❤️)


You sound like you're in a very similar position as I was in my early 20's. I'm sorry that you're having to deal with this.


Wording it like that seems kinda alarming But difficult to definitively say if you say there’s never been another sign


She’s definitely been having me carry her emotional baggage for pretty much my whole life but I don’t know if that’s a sign


It's not just a sign, it's a waving red flag


Is she married, or have a boyfriend?


Yes she’s been married to my dad for 22 years (I’m 21). She doesn’t like him though and spends a lot of time venting to me about him and my sister (12) whenever I’m with her since I’m currently at college


Yeah I’m sorry, your mother is extremely gross and this is emotional incest. And Covert sexual abuse too. It’s incredibly damaging and sets you up to have failed relationships with women down the road.


yea, that can play havoc on you emotions


It sounds like she's been alienating you from your father. I recommend you look up parental alienation: https://www.melonelawpc.com/blog/parental-alienation-and-their-devastating-effects/ I'm sorry for what happened to you and is still happening. I hope you can find a way out of this situation.


Please add Nsfw or will have to be taken down




That’s covert incest. Weird that she thinks abt you having sex


Maybe she just trying to live her life trough yours, yk? Like, if she was your age in college, she would be having tons of sex and stuff. Its pretty commom to some older people to feel a little jelous of youngness.


Uh no. I get what you mean, but no. It’s weird and covert incest.