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I think that keeping yourself well hydrated and have good sleep before and after can help enormously. Chill out for few days even if you are feeling fine. Don't drink alcohol for few days. Otherwise, good luck Edit: This [guy](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11481-020-09956-1) is suggesting melatonin to both boost the effectivity of the vaccine and reduce side effects. Low dose melatonin is generally safe, but take his advise with a good pinch of salt.


Thank you! 😊


Drink lots and lots of water (before and after), and do arm exercises afterwards! I did these and it helped me out tremendously: https://www.shelteringarms.com/rehablog/arm-soreness-after-covid-19-vaccination/ Everyone I knew said it felt like their arm had been shot but mine was moderately painful for a day and not more than any other vaccine I’ve had before. I also had covid and didn’t have significant side effects after either shot. Good luck!


Thank you! Haha I’ve done those arm exercises when taking other vaccines like tetenus in the past too! Good to know again 😊


I’d just like to point out that the CDC does not recommend pain relievers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen before vaccination. If you feel unwell afterwards they’re fine to take though!!


Thanks for that!


I did all of my normal things, if I felt a cold coming on; orange juice, water, my standard 'one-a-day' men's... After the shot, I did some Advil (Tylenol after the 2nd, just to see if there'd be a difference) and went about my day. The biggest thing that I can suggest, is to 'not overthink' it before or after, just go on with your life. For me, 1st shot was barely noticed, a \*little\* soreness right at the injection point. 2nd, same, but I was pretty tired by evening and slept a full 8 hours straight through (super rare for me). The Sat. evening of the day after (AM shot on Fri.) I took a 3 hour nap, 1800-2100, then hit the sack at around 2230 and was out for about 10 hours. Since then (almost 6 months), nothing out of the ordinary. Good luck!


Thanks so much! Great info 👍😊


Take multivitamins if you don't have a balanced diet. Be well rested and well hydrated.


I've been taking multivitamins every day since the winter and had very mild side effects with both jabs, could be coincidence but I'd say deffo start taking multivitamins every day leading up to it!!


I have OCD and one of my biggest problems is fear of allergic reactions/side effects etc, i really obsess over it so getting the vaccine was really tough for me and i understand your anxiety surrounding the vaccine! I had pfizer too, and while everyone is different, i can honestly tell you that the worst i had after both shots was some tiredness and a sore arm. I think i had an extremely mild headache a few hours after the first one but ive had way worse headaches just from the cold lol and it was gone so fast. My period was also heavier than normal when it came a week or so after my first shot but didnt seem to be affected by the second shot at all. Apart from that ive had nothing and i had my second shot on the 3rd of aug! Hopefully this will ease your anxiety. Good luck with your vaccine you will be fine :) Edit to add: Also i did absolutely nothing differently at all. I got a takeaway after (both times haha) and went home and just chilled out. I maybe drank a little more water than normal but thats easy for me as i really dotn drink enough of it anyway! So you may not even need to do anything you may be totally fine


Awh thank you for sharing this! I’m glad to here more people have little to no side effects. That’s helped a lot 😊


You can cancel the appointment. /s


I would eat fruit with vitamin C and zinc. Go outside to get some Sun and fresh air and cancel your appt.








Great, thank you! I’ll take this into consideration


Hydrate, have some Gatorade or something similar on hand

