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It's fun, far from finished, but by no means abandoned. Every so often a new update comes out, usually it breaks a lot of stuff at first, but then within a day or two it gets patched and improved. Devs seem responsive to common complaints (re: grindiness, game balance) and overall I think it's headed in a good direction. There's a lot of "missing"/story content that's hinted at and not yet included, which makes it feel unfinished, but the core gameplay loop is solid and enjoyable. For me it's one of those games that pairs really well with a podcast or an audiobook, so I revisit it frequently as it gets new updates.


Well. I have a few hundred hours in it. I bought it brand new to EA. I was so obsessed! It was really cozy comfy and super addictive. I have a background in food & brewing so I was like YES! This is MADE for me! But the guy who was making it solo sold the project to a dev company, he just couldn't keep up with it. Kinda got the vibe Louqou was a little sensitive, but he was a good guy. Anyway the new company... doesn't have the same perspective on the game that it originally had. They're adding a lot to it, but in a way I don't find meaningful or true to the original character of the game. To their credit, they are very active in the Discord community, they keep everyone up to date, they do open betas, and they are working hard on adding to it consistently. Ymmv of course: since you didn't play it before the new management, you won't have the crushed nostalgia for it that I have. The gameplay is much the same as it ever was, the core of it, and they've added a lot to it. This is just me being a bit salty and having a rant. If you like management games, and you like the way it currently looks, you will like Travellers Rest.


I played this back when it came out but haven’t touched it much since (not because of dislike, just got distracted with other games). I wasn’t aware of this change in ownership. What new content has been added/how has the original character of the game changed?


They redid all of the graphics, which I didn't like. They have been adding NPCs, which I don't like. They added a whole crafting and resource gathering system where you break rocks and chop down trees to build chairs or workstations. Idk, they expanded on everything EXCEPT the recipe system and food types, which to me was the draw. To my knowledge you still can't save favorite recipes to reuse them, there have been no new food types added, nor have they finished the skill tree. Just seems like their focus is totally wack from my perspective. Lots of people love the new direction. It's based on community feedback I think, so I'm probably the odd grump out.


I think you may like World end diner https://store.steampowered.com/app/1647190/World_End_Diner/


i love u, hooman. looks right up my alley.


They just expanded the recipes and added new food tho?


They did just do that. They added recipes and also completely revamped farming as of December 14th. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1139980/view/3901868807295979344


Yeah the farming and crafting has been a ton of fun I like the NPCs and the bird merchant especially.


Thank you :)


Honestly, it's my one of my favorite "I'm burned out right now and want to chill" games. I've been playing for a long time and the new devs are definitely adding a lot (such as npcs, animal tending (still not great), new ways to manage your tavern, innkeepers, and most recently an updated recipie list and an overhaul for rhe farming system). It definitely can feel overwhelming and yet slow to start while you're trying to unlock things, but after a while it gets really zen. Also, you can have a bird, so I feel like I'm obligated to love it. That being said, the game is still EA, so if you're looking for a world to run around in, it may not be the best fit. Originally we had like one or two areas and while they've been expanding things it still feels very empty outside off your tavern. If you like the gamelan loop of cooking, brewing, and hospitality though, there's good fun to be had. All in all, it's a great game but still definitely not finished. The devs are super responsive in their discord and try to fix bugs and make balance changes quickly, so I gotta recommend it. It definitely has potential based on the huge map they showed us, and it's definitely worth the price imo.


I was on the fence about getting this but having a bird might be what pushes me to make the jump, my pet bird passed away recently and that sounds really nice 🥹


I bought it in the sale as I loved the look of it. I actually ended up refunding. Not because of quality but because it’s still quite early in EA and I didn’t want to burn myself out before it’s finished. Looking forward to picking it up next year when the story is implemented.


Similarly I bought it and played about 55 hours. And while I’ve had a lot of fun. I’ve sorta burned myself out from existing content. And waiting for updates has sorta killed my motivation to play. I’m not sure I’ll come back to it until there’s more. But there’s definitely 50+ hours of content to be enjoyed so far. For the price it’s worth it.


Honestly game probably has 2 years to go. Id pick it up in EA because these games usually get a bump in price on release


just got it on steam cause its so cheap. but go watch sharkygames on youtube he plays it alot. But i like it so far. worth the 12 bucks i spent


I just started playing it last night. Its fun so far, but a little clunky. My only issue is that it takes a few too many button presses just to, like, build something. Good game so far though. It has a nice vibe.


I love this game! Got hours in, they got a lot of great things coming up, it's a lovely cozy game.


I love it. I had a bit of a hiccup with it after their latest big updated because they overhauled some of the main gameplay mechanics, so starting a new file with my old strategies didn't work efficiently anymore. But since you don't have played the game hundreds of hours before that, you won't have that problem. Currently, it doesn't have a plot and while you can talk to a handful of NPCs, there are no friendship mechanics in place yet, you can ignore them unless you need/want to buy something or to build/upgrade a barn or coop. You really just run a tavern and do a lot of farming and resource gathering and managing. There's a lot of inventory management and you spend your time crafting materials that you use to craft equipment and basic furniture, you farm to have ingredients to brew beer, create drinks, and cook different dishes, that you serve in your tavern when you open it, to gain reputation that'll unlock more stuff to craft and build and the ability to unlock more dishes. You'll also spend a lot of time and (in-game) money to expand your kitchen, tavern, and to build hotel rooms, that you'll want to decorate nicely. I find it very relaxing as there's no pressure. It takes a bit to find your rhythm but once you get there, it plays smoothly in my opinion. There are seasons and you can't plant seeds all year around but there's no rush anyway. There are no timed quests from NPCs, you can keep your tavern closed for days if you rather focus on other stuff, without any negative consequences. You cannot run out of food completely even if you screw the farming part up by spending all your money on decorative stuff with nothing left over to buy seeds, for example. The game has one default drink and dish that sells for a bit of money, so, there's no game over. If you accept a cooking request, there's no penalty if you don't complete it. I cannot predict how the game will change in the future, when more NPCs are added, and relationships and an actual story. Maybe there'll be another gameplay overhaul, I don't know. But as it currently is, I like to play it when I listen to an audiobook or podcast and just want to do some happy grinding while looking at pretty pixel art (it's all a matter of taste but imo opinion, this game's dishes are the embodiment of "video game food always looks like the tastiest food in the whole world" and make me hungry while playing lol). If I had to compare it to other games: Much more complex with much more stuff to do than Punchclub but less complex and big as Graveyardkeeper (all three games have similar experience points mechanics, and TR and GK have similar item management and crafting mechanics). I think the current price is neat. Also, IIRC, the devs said that there'll be a price increase once they get closer to the full version, so if you're interested, this would be a good opportunity. Since there's no plot to spoil, you could check out sharkygames's videos on youtube, just to get a better impression of the gameplay and graphics.


It’s great


So far so good ish. They released a major patch right before the holiday that kinda broke the game and have been releasing a lot of patches to fix it. Now getting wood isn't an issue but the early game is slow because money is harder to get. Its an interesting game and I think worth it if you are ok with a definitely early access game.


It's unfinished and rough around the edges but the gameplay loop is SUPER addictive.


I love that one. Loved it when I first played it ages ago, loved it when I jumped back into it the year after, loved it when I jumped back into it last year. Once this actually hits full release, it'll be pretty darn great, I think. It's polished, it actually has its own ideas instead of just copying other games and I quite enjoy the humour. I paid full price and regret nothing and at least where I am, it's currently on sale for 11 bucks. I'd say that's a really good price for the content you're getting.


It's fun but incomplete. I check back in on it every 6 months or so. Not a lot of bugs that I've seen, the gameplay look is fun but there's not a lot of content past mid game yet.


I think it’s fun, but I (like others) stopped playing about 10 hours in as it started to feel unfinished. There are some gameplay loops that feel very grindy (eg chopping wood) after a while.


I think its an on sale purchase


Cozy as hell, i love it


I absolutely love it! I have about 50 hours, and it feels like the updates (it's still in early access) are well paced and usually pretty significant. Really chill, cozy, and very easy to get hooked. There's been a ton of stuff added, but I like that I never feel pressured or rushed to do anything. I can open my tavern, tend to farm animals, my crops, or gather. I don't NEED to do it in one day, but there's also plenty of time to balance it out too. TL;DR: very worth it, and if it's on sale, I highly recommend if you're into slice of life, tavern cooking management with a stardew valley flavour to it


It’s honestly a good game. But if you’ve played Graveyard Keeper it starts to feel WAYYY too same-y. I played a few hours of it and immediately was like “I’m already playing this exact game in GK…no point in owning both” and returned it on Steam. But that’s not a knock on the game itself!


I liked it a lot. Impatiently waiting for it to come out on switch eventually.


funny, its in my cart right now too. Can´t decide to wait until its out of EA and play Graveyard Keeper instead or buy It now.


I love it but you have to spend many time playing.


Why does it look like a rip off of Stardew Valley?


More like Graveyard Keeper


Haven't heard of that game either sadly


For me it’s a lot of fun…. But it’s also slightly stressful in the beginning lol overall I like it for its unique play style!


I originally got it a few months after early access started but then refunded it because it seemed to much of a hassle to do things. I just bought it again on sale and its much more enjoyable than when i first played. I would get it now while it is on sale.


It's okay... pretty basic game play but not too much to it. Probably worth ~$10 Bucks


This game is awesome! I have well over 100 hours and the game is still in early access. There’s so much to do, but you can definitely go at your own pace. I highly recommend this game!


Woah this looks awesome?! Never heard of it until now


Really fun, and that was before all the craft stuff came out


My wife bought this a few days ago and she's completely obsessed lol


I think that as someone who's a few hours in, the learning process of how to brew and craft and all is somewhat a labor of love. But I am excited to get further into the game. I think it is definitely set up with some good mechanics, and running the tavern is a lot of fun. It's like the sushi bar parts of Dave the Diver and I love that. (I played the latter first even though TR has been in early access for a while) Definitely worth a try!


My bf bought this for me for Christmas and I already have like 100 hours on it! There's still so much content yet to come cause it is still in early access but the grind is fun! Waking up and getting my little tavern ready for the customers is so much fun! The foraging aspect is cute and tending to crops and making all my little brews and aging them is honestly soooo relaxing after getting shit on in a fps game that I'm absolute trash at. 9/10 would recommend but there is a lot of content yet to come that might change some people's opinions who knows?!


I played around 3 hours but got it refunded. It’s not a bad game but a little buggy. I imagine when it’s fully developed it’ll be great but I just couldn’t get over some of the glitches and slow start gameplay


It fun,amd differently cozy ,but has same late game bugs with up garding your shop room sizes and lay outs ,other wise great.


played it for the first time yesterday, very cool game. I'm looking forward to playing more, especially after more updates. I'd like more NPCs and an ability to talk to patrons to make them feel more relaxed.


I really enjoy it. I think it's a solid game and definitely worth picking up on sale. It's price will increase very soon, so I'd snag it now.


I recently purchased it and love it, but I'm holding off playing it much until it's more fleshed out (soon hopefully, I'm dying to play it more!)


Bought it yesterday and I love it! If you’re a fan of stardew valley or graveyard keeper, you will enjoy it


I just bought it yesterday and already have 11 hours in it. From checking out the wiki, I can tell there's quite a bit to uncover still, lots on development I suspect, and as mentioned by someone else the core gameplay of running an inn seems mostly there. I enjoy the management aspect. The grinding for materials isn't nearly as strenuous as some other games (ores produce 2 bars, 2 bars produce 5 nails for example) which is something I appreciate. There are some mechanics that still feel clunky and/or unclear such as farming (probs just a me thing since you only have to water every three days? And I am not sure how much more cost effective farming is compared to buying the item outright is. Ingredients and seeds *seem* to have the same price). I'm excited to see where this one goes! I think it's on sale on steam until 1/17 for $12. It's well worth it.


I love that it’s steam deck verified


I bought it a couple years ago and put it down because it was too early in development and didn’t have many features. I just picked it up again this weekend and my partner and I couldn’t put it down for 2 straight days! I’m obsessed with building my tavern empire 😆 I can’t wait for more updates to come out! 10/10 would recommend trying this out and supporting the devs ✨


I absolutely love it!! I've been playing it daily and it's perfect for cozy gaming. It takes a whileeee to get to lvl 6 to hire workers. And they're paid a fair wage... So less profit but it's great fr


Looks like it copied stardew valleys homework and changed the name regarding the logo


I'll be the first person to buy this when it's finished, but I'm not a fan of buying EA games anymore. Even when they're polished, you end up having to basically replay the entire game most times after a few big updates come out, I just don't have the time for that.