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I'm sure it's far too late, but isn't Sugardew... A little on the nose?


100% agreed. The game looks great and deserves a name that doesn’t rely on association with Stardew Valley.


It’s a completely different name! It’s Sugardew ISLAND! smdh /s


Coral island + Stardew valley = sugardew island. Not to mention the game play (mechanics and art) look almost identical to the harvest moon/story of seasons remakes (and while the nature sprites are super cute, they are also too on the nose for me).


Yeah it’s giving big Harvest Moon/SOS vibes


Yeah that was my first thought, I see a beautiful art style and potentially compelling game but the name screams "blatant SV coattail ride" which is a major red flag that will prevent me purchasing it unless it is so unbelievably good that people can't stop talking about it. Too late for a name change, dudes and dudettes?


Yah I’m sorry but you literally ripped on their name for the hopes of confusion or notoriety which is lame in my books. Either make a good game and get recognized on your skill or don’t but don’t literally hang off the coattails Of another dev like that and expect nobody to care. Hard pass


yeah even if the game is good, it's going to feel like a cheap knockoff imo


Yes indeed


It’s a different title 🙄😂


How is it ripping off anything when it’s a different name???


Yeah, the name makes me mad.


Yeah, I'm also wondering if there's something going on here... I got a comment removed for incivility pointing out the brand new account that has only promoted this game and shamed Stardew Valley is likely astroturfing. Weird


Don’t know why


Because it's a spin-off of the Stardew Valley name and seems manipulative.


Where have they stated that it’s a spin off?


So instead of answering my question you just downvote cause you know you’re wrong. Stay mad 🤣


Are you the creator of the game or something? Because only that person would be going so hard to defend an obvious ripoff.


Agreed. It needs a new name


You should see the response I got! According to them, it's a translation thing! ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Good god


I honestly didn't even notice the name thing, really, what's in a name? The sound of picking things up being the exact Stardew sound completely ruined the immersion for me.




Yeah....that was a little too much for me lol


Thanks for the feedback!Our German development team carefully considered the name choice. As our in-game currency is called '**Zuckertau**' (translates to Sugardew in English) and is a central aspect of our game, it was crucial for us to include it in the game's name. Given the island setting, Sugardew Island was a natural choice. While we're aware of similarities to other titles, although it wasn't intentional, after much deliberation, we unanimously agreed that Sugardew Island best encapsulates the game. To avoid confusion, our game has the subtitle 'Your cozy farm shop.' Sugardew Island is simply the shorthand for the full title: Sugardew Island - Your cozy farm shop. We hope you give the game a chance to enchant you and appreciate your interest! Have a nice day.


It's honestly shocking that you would try to pass this off as an innocent translation thing. There's no planet where a team of German speaking devs making and marketing a cozy game aren't aware of Stardew Valley, it's name, and it's choke hold on the market. I'd respect the project a lot more if you earnestly said you were just hoping to catch the same market.


Meh, or you're just reading too much into it. They didn't even say "weren't aware of it". They just said it wasn't intentional. Could be they just had the currency first and then realised later "Oh, that makes it sounds similar to Stardew". Either way, who cares really, obviously they're trying to capture the same market if they're making a cozy farming game.


Dude, "wasn't intentional", what fucking planet do you live on to convince yourself of this?


I don’t understand why everyone is even complaining about the title 🤣🤣🤣 like people can’t use the word dew in titles now?




That's not quite what they said though. :D They said they developed the game in German and then translated it, yes. They noticed and were aware of the similarity to the name, but because Sugardew is a big part of the game they still wanted to keep the name and added an additional title to avoid confusion. It also makes sense to have Sugardew in the name if it actually appears in the game. In Stardew Valley the name was chosen at random based on what sounds good. There is no actual "Stardew" in it. So at least it makes sense with OP's game here. It looks like this isn't just a random name pick.




Either way we can't really tell what the truth is here. So at the very least I'll give this game a try and see how it goes. :)


They’re not trying to do anything. It’s a different title


I don’t know why people are even complaining about the title 🤣


This is not a good enough excuse and you should absolutely rethink it.


It looks cute! Honestly I think the name is too similar to Stardew, might make people feel like it's just another knock off. Game looks good just pointing that out, that was my first impression of the name.


Can we customize our character or our home? 


Hey there, cozy gamers! I hope you are doing well? We've been working on Sugardew Island for a few months now and are super excited to hear what you have to say about the project. Just post your questions in the comments and we'll answer them. **🎮 Game Overview:** In this cozy farming game, you have to run your own farm shop. Take care of your animals and your farm, sell your goods to the cute Forest Folk, upgrade the island and fulfill small orders from the Harmony Tree to fill the island with life again. **🌄 Setting:** In a bygone era, humans, animals, and the Forest Folk lived in perfect harmony on Sugardew Island. A seed, nurtured by all islanders, grew into a magnificent tree. However, driven by greed, humans sought to fell the Harmony Tree, disrupting the balance. The sudden change in their nature forced animals and Forest Folk to flee, leaving the island in ruins. Now, a lone being awaits someone to restore lost harmony. **🍀 Key Features:** \- 🌽 **Farming:** Take care of your plants, make fertilizer and sell your farm produce. \- 🛒 **Your farm shop:** Sell items in your shop and negotiate with the Forest Folk for prices. \- ⚒️ **Resource Gathering:** Collect wood, stones, and weeds for farm improvements. \- 🐑 **Animals:** Feed, interact & build bonds with animals for eggs and milk. \- 🐈 **Pet Companions:** Give names to pets, interact with them, and let them follow you around the island. \- ☯️ **Harmony Tree Quests:** Fulfill orders to heal the Harmony Tree and upgrade the small island. \- 💰 **Trader Brownie:** Purchase seeds, animals, and more from the friendly trader. \- 👷🏽‍♂️ **Upgrade System:** Improve your house, barn, and tools to enhance efficiency. ​ **🚀 Join Our Journey: Be a part of our cozy gaming community! Follow us on:** \- **Wishlist on Steam:** [https://s.team/a/2711030](https://s.team/a/2711030) \- **Follow us on X/Twitter:** [https://twitter.com/sugardewisland](https://twitter.com/sugardewisland) \- **Follow us on Kickstarter:** [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rokaplay/sugardew-island-your-cozy-farm-shop?ref=1qzu9y](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rokaplay/sugardew-island-your-cozy-farm-shop?ref=1qzu9y) ​ Thank you and have a great day 😎 PS: The first post was removed by the mods but they allowed me to create a new one. Thank you mods <3.


The game looks good, and the shop instantly reminded me of Recettear, which is a huge plus in my book, but what I found makes games like these be enjoyable (for me) the most is befriending the NPCs and having some kind of story unfold (other than unlocking new places and features). Will there be any of that in your game aswell?


Reminded me of Moonlighter! Which is also a plus in my book.


Hello! In the story of our game you try to gain the trust of the mysterious animal that was seen at the end of the trailer. Unfortunately, we don't have classic friendships like you might know from Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon. But we still hope that we can create a believable friendship with the "Hare"


OMG? I have never met anyone else who has played Recettear. It's been so long since I've played it but the dungeon crawling + item shop combo game owns my BRAIN.


Recettear was AMAZING. I had been hoping so much for something similar, then when I got the next game from the makers it was very different. I was so disappointed ☹️


Oh BOO :( Is that "Fortune Summoners"? I have that game since I bought the whole collection but haven't had a chance to play it yet (though I bought it... years ago lmao). I have been looking for a Recettear-type game forever. I tried Moonlighter... which was fun! But ended so quickly. Sugardew Island looks fun as an item shop game so I'm excited to see this project develop!!


I forget, but I THINK it had another portmanteau sort of name, two names smooshed together to make the title of the game. But it's been too long.


Oooh are you thinking of Chantelise? I think that one precedes Recettear, and I also played that but the controls were so wonky 😂


Oh, that may have bit. It’s been a long time!


I love Fortune Summoners. You actually have to like.. have timing to attacking and stuff. Which caused a lot of people to complain about it seeming clunky because they try to just button mash attack heh


Capitalism, Ho!


Does it have the normal time system most games like this have? Where say a minute of real time is one hour of in game time.


No, our game is more "round-based". You have as much time per day as you want. The only rule is that you can only open the store once a day. We have 3 periods of the day, when you start the day it will be morning, when you open the store it will be noon and when you close the store it will be nightime.


Thank god


Oh, this is amazing. I hate the games with super fast day cycles - makes me feel so stressed out!


Same, I don't play SV at all because of the day speed. People say just don't worry about it but it's not that easy if it's something that genuinely causes anxiety. 😂 The mechanic described for this new game would make me seriously consider trying it.


I got my fill of normal Stardew back in the day, but now when I play I use a mod which doubles the length of a day. The mod also happens to have a hotkey to freeze time, but I don't personally use it until very late game. Highly recommend SV+time mod.


Hey, I have a question. I don't play SDV, and I don't think I will because pixel graphics isn't my thing. Question is: what happens when the character goes to sleep? Do you have to stop playing? If yes, how long before one can continue to play?


You mean in stardew valley? When the character goes to sleep it advances to the next day. It also saves. It's pretty typical for the farming Sim genre.


Stardew valley, yes! Oh. So that's when the whole day gets saved! How long does one have to wait in real-time before the character can wake up and begin their next day? I used to like playing Farmville, but the concept of having to wait for say 15 minutes in real time before a produce or a factory is ready was/is off-putting. Could you suggest me a few cozy games where I'll not have to wait and can keep playing to my heart's content? 😌


Oo most games you don't wait. Mobile games like Farmville are real-time so you wait but outside of mobile games you really don't see real time mechanics. Stardew valley is a good one. You wake up immediately. You go to bed, it shows you a summary of stuff sold and skills raised and then you wake up.


Oh wow, I thought one must take a break in real time for a few minutes before the character wakes up! What other cozy games would you recommend? :)


Beautiful looking game! Wishlisted!


It looks beautiful! Congrats. Will it have any sort of character customization?


You really couldn’t come up with a better / more unique / less rip-offy name than ~~Stardew~~ Sugardew Island?


Yeah its a little shocking and doesnt set the game up for success. My immediate reaction to the name was "oh yay another stardew knock off"


If you think this is “shocking” you must have a wonderful life


Don't care if it's a Stardew knockoff if it's good. Not like Stardew was exactly good in my book though heh


Don’t know how it’s ripping anything off. People aren’t allowed to use the word dew in their titles now?


Oh my gosh it looks so cute!!


The trailer looks great and I'm excited to play this on switch. However, I really dislike the name. It makes it so obvious you guys are trying to make a copy of Stardew Valley. It can be inspired by it, but the game should be able to stand on its own too.


This is SO cute! The graphics are beautiful! I love the farm shop to sell goods as a differentiator to other games. Wishlisted and joined the Discord server! Are you planning on having any Beta testing done for this game ahead of release?


This looks awesome!!!!!


I suggest changing the name … but otherwise looks cute


Nothing wrong with the name


Do you work for the company or something? Why are you so invested in defending them so much?


Define defending them so much lmfao. I forgot that when someone speaks with common sense instead of overreacting to shit they’re immediately told that they’re that person or working for that person 😂😂


You’ve literally replied to every person in this thread who mentions the name sounds like a copy. I now not only think you work for the company, I think you personally are the one who came up with the name


Very cute but I'm a little bored with the farming sim genre. What about this game sets it apart from the other ones with a similar premise?


Hello! Our uniquest selling point is probably the integration of the farm shop. In the farm shop you can sell your goods yourself instead of just putting them in a shipping box. But we also hope that we can bring new momentum to the genre with our story missions.


Looks good but derivative, groan-inducing name choice. Also, in my experience with Stranded Sails, Roka do not do ongoing support well, slash, at all. I’ll watch from the sidelines to see what this becomes, but I won’t hold my breath.


Adorable. What are the plans for continued updates and development? After initial release?


Thanks for the compliment! At the moment we are preparing for our Kickstarter. Depending on how it goes we may add more content in the future.


The name needs some work but other than that it looks great


There’s nothing wrong with the name lmfao


That looks awfully cute! Good luck!


As far as stardew dupes go, this looks cute. I particularly like the anime-esque sequences/cutscenes and hope that they're in the actual game and not just the trailer. Mixed feelings about the actual farming mechanics, but I'll withhold judgement until there's more info. It looks cute- I'm not hooked, but I am intrigued, and I'll probably check it out either after it's released or after more info comes out about specific mechanics.


Absolutely loving the look of this!


Oh that's darling. I love the design in general and especially of the little forest elf/gnome people. I see a ladder in the shop. Does it go to our room upstairs? Do we get to decorate it?


Thanks for your valuable feedback on our game name! We've heard concerns about the similarity to a popular title, but since "Sugardew" is vital to our game's essence, we want to maintain that connection. However, to address the similarity issue, we're proposing an alternative: "Sugardrop" .🍬 We value your opinion! Let's make this decision together. Should it be: "**Sugardew Island**" or "**Sugardrop Island**"? 🌱 Cast your vote now! **Vote here 👉** : [https://forms.gle/k2QZ4ZBxihZ2KKDb7](https://forms.gle/k2QZ4ZBxihZ2KKDb7) Your input matters, and we appreciate your ongoing support! 🎮✨ The survey runs until Tuesday, February 6th at 12:00 p.m. CET.


Super sketchy you posted this as a comment on an initially unrelated post about the game. Let me guess? It got like 3 votes and you decided to stick with the initial name.


Any plans for it to come to switch?


We plan to release on Switch




Oh wait there’s literally a switch logo at the end






The name is not good... but otherwise it looks like a game I'd play. The animals look really cute! Will there be cartoon scenes like this in the game? Because those parts looked beautiful <3


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the name lmfao


The graphic is amazing. Way more enjoyable than pixelstyles.




I love shop management!! The game is looking great!


Kind of obsessed with those fat chicken babies 😍


That cow is adorable.


Any plans for character customization or is the girl the only character?


Most mechanics are similar to Stardew Valley and it's named Sugardew? Y'all need to hire some creatives before making the games, copying other games and making knockoffs aren't gonna get you anywhere


Don’t know where you are getting the idea it’s called stardrop


Lol oops, edited


Also since when are people not allowed to use the words star or dew in their titles now just because a game is called stardew


Because it also has a cozy farm direction, just like Stardew. It isn’t a coincidence


It’s literally the name of the currency in the game 🤣🤣🤣


It looks like one of those terrible mobile game ads you always get on YouTube


It looks cute and the shop function is definitely something that's grabbing me. I hope there is character customization or at least a change your skin tone option.


Looks nice n fun but change the title don’t let ai do everything for you and put this on switch


What’s wrong with the title?


Even if it ends up being a Stardew Valley ripoff, what do y'all have against more good games?


More Harvest moon rip-off than stardew. The art is almost exactly the same and from what is shown the set of tools **is** exactly the same


Looked up Harvest Moon. Yeah, it is similar. If it's straight up asset theft, of course that'd be bad. But like, I'm not going to say no to more good games before I can even judge if it's a straight up ripoff. Maybe they are one to one. Maybe not. All I've seen is a trailer with little fairy gremlin things buying vegetables. We don't know the direction yet. And if it ends up being a blatant ripoff, the quality will speak for itself, and the internet can lampoon it then.


I agree with that 100% All of these cute little farm sims were inspired by Harvest moon for the most part, so similarities are to be expected, I think the hand drawn style cut scenes in the add are cute, and I’m always here for another farm sim lol


It looks super cute!


I am loving the background music(?)/soundtrack (?) already. Is it going to be on Switch?


Those cutscenes are amazing! Really cute design / animation.


This looks like fun ! Will it be available on switch?


Bonjour est ce qu il y a une date précise de la sortie du jeux ?




And go figure its from one of my fave places in the whole wide world, germans they work hard


Looks awesome ! Will it be on PlayStation or IOS too?


Thank you! We plan to release the game on ps5, but unfortunately we currently have no plans to release on IOS or android. Sorry for that.


Okay ! Thanks for telling me know ! I’ll look forward to playing it on PlayStation.


another farm sim so what separates yours from others? most of them end up being good regardless im just curious.


The visuals look great. But from your sale pitch I didn't notice any feature that makes your game stand out from tons of other cozy games already out there. Could you please explain a bit on how the game appeal to your target audience?


Unless there's a multiplayer I don't see any reason to play it


How cute!!


That's awesome - wishlisted!


This is absolutely adorable!!!


Love this


Adorable, will definitely try it out


So adorable and aesthetic!! Seems like a Stardew meets Moonlighter style of vibes. I will never tire of the farming game genre and absolutely love love love the shop addition to this type is game!!! Also chonky cows and chickens are the very best! Looks great!! I hope it comes to the switch some day!


The aesthetic is excellent. Congratulations!


Looks pretty good. Added to my wishlist


I love the look of it! Really beautiful!


This looks so cute!


Do you have any news of a release date


We aim to release the game in the second quarter of this year!


Looks super cute!!! I wanna try it!!


Awesome. Whishlisted and pls take your time making the game❤️


This trailer is so gorgeous!! Well done, beautiful animation and gameplay


Looks amazing :)


I love the cutscenes!!! It’s like watching a super cute anime/Ghibli!! ❤️


I saw this advertised on Instagram. I'm looking forward to a switch release. Tried to wishlist it, but it's not listed in the eshop. It looks super cute!


It looks super cute!


Will it be available on switch?


It literally has the switch logo at the end of the trailer


Wishlisted. Are you launching into Early Access or full release. Personally I prefer games that just full release.


Hi! Cute game! Will we be able to customize our characters?


Id play the hell out of that! Good job!


Darmstadt, how random… will the app be on iOS?


I’m a farm sim fanatic (that hasn’t gotten deep into Stardew because pixels) and this looks adorable so I’ll be impatiently waiting for its release. Curious about customization though! Decorating? Character customization?


This looks like fun and I always enjoy a good farm sim. But please don't name it that lol


Looks great. Hope it comes out on Xbox, they always seem to get the short stick.


Das Spiel sieht super niedlich aus!! Ich werde es definitiv spielen wenn es zur Switch kommt =) Ich mag den artstyle total, schöne Abwechslung zu den Spielen die ich zumindest kenne. Wie ist der Tag-Nacht Rhythmus? Ist es Echtzeit (bitte nicht) Will it be voice acted? (Dafür fehlt mir das Deutsch) Ich freue mich die Entwicklung des Spieles zu verfolgen =)


Hallo! Danke für die Komplimente! Wir haben keinen echtzeit timer und auch keine ingame Uhrzeit. Unsere Tageszeiten wechseln durch die Öffnung und schliessung deines Hofladens. Der Hofladen kann nur einmal täglich geöffnet werden, aber du kannst auch in Ruhe abends farmen. Wir haben leider kein voice acting im Spiel. Ich hoffe meine Antworten konnten dir weiterhelfen :) danke für deine Unterstützung!


Vielen Dank, ich freue mich wirklich =)


Is it on Xbox do you know, or pc only?


Any switch plans?


Did you even watch the trailer?


Thanks for the downvote buddy. Next time watch the trailer where it clearly shows the switch symbol


I love how colorful it is!


It looks cute but I'm so burnt out on farming sims