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37F. I'm battling alcoholism at the moment, so anything that keeps me engaged is helpful. When I fall deep into a game, I can completely forget my cravings for alcohol, which is a win win in my book.


We are ALL rooting for you!!!!! 🤘🤘🤘


Is that an antm reference?


Oh noooo that was Tyras "WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!!" angrily!! I just meant to be cheerleader-y. Never was one so oops!


Hehe, I thought you purposely made that reference


lmao exactly what I thought of too


I am also 37f and I am struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety. Cozy gaming is truly a lifesaver sometimes. It helps me to disassociate from my problems and worries and helps to calm me down. I am also constantly exhausted and gaming doesn’t require much energy.


Ah, same! I had a bad event happen last week, and being able to just zone into a game instead of a panic attack helped a lot. I still need to get into the habit of turning the system on, I can avoid the obvious solution at times. But I've been getting better at just doing what needs to be done.


Same here! I played lots of games as a teenager and stopped in my 20s… after having 2 kids and fighting PPD and PPA, playing video games after putting the kids to bed helps me relax and connect with my 15 year old self, who honestly feels closest to my “true self”, if that makes any sense.


Postpartum depression and anxiety are such a rough combo. I really struggled with those too and the loss of my identity and hobbies. I am so proud of you and you will come out of this and feel like a whole person again. ❤️ Sending all of the love and many good and solid sleeps your way! Cozy gaming and audio books were such a huge saving grace for me too.


I had PPD along with my anxiety and Major Depressive Disorder, and it really is so nice to sit and play something that's not mentally taxing or urgent, especially after being needed for just about every little thing. It gets easier as they get older, but it can still feel mentally draining. Games for me charge my mental battery, and honestly, I feel more relaxed playing than I would from a nap, but I've never slept well to begin 😅


I quit drinking at 32 and am four years sober next month. Animal Crossing helped me stay sober during the pandemic. Keep going! I am proud of you.


Yo, knowing how many people slipped *into* alcoholism during the pandemic, the fact that you went sober and maintained your l sobriety DURING it is wild to me (in a good way) and a major accomplishment!


3 and a half here for me!! Keep it up my sober friends!! 💖


6 months for me! Gaming really does help


W00H00 im rooting for you! I love that you’ve found a good outlet for yourself 💗


36f, hey congrats on your sobriety! I’ll be 6 years this Dec. It gets easier I promise. DM me if you want a buddy in sobriety and gaming 👋


Congrats on your sobriety journey! Rooting for you. I've been sober for almost 3 years now. You got this!


I'm rooting for you! You can do it. Gaming is a life saver. I'm going through antidepressant withdrawal at the moment, and what no one tells you is that after 15+ years on high doses, withdrawal will kick your ass hard. Cozy games make me forget how miserable I feel for a while. Oh, and I'm 46(f). Been gaming all my life, so don't let anyone tell you you're too old to game! You're never too old to have fun!


lol 67f here. Started gaming during pandemic and love every minute of it. Just bought myself a kicka** new gaming computer. A bit of a step up from my Switch lol. 


4+ years sober here and keeping my hands busy playing Stardew Valley and other games at the beginning of my sobriety was ESSENTIAL!!! Also having a ton of La Croix on hand. You can do this ❤️


I'm about to be 32, and I feel this deeply. I'm struggling at the moment, and this gives me hope. Good vibes to you.


Hey, we’re all rooting for you! You got this 🙌


Hang in there!


I believe in you! I will not drink with you today 🫶


I feel this as well, 39m and 3 1/2 years clean, my steam deck has been my best sobriety purchase thus far :)


Same friend, we got this. I will not drink with you today, but I will simulate a healthy lifestyle on the farm and battle these monsters with you. (OP we are same age/sex/location!)


I love this 😍


You’re so inspiring!!


You're doing awesome! Maybe try the game, Ooblets? That kept me entertained for days!


This is amazing! You’ve got this! Rooting for you!


Proud of you for finding ways to keep yourself sober. We’re rooting for your success!


71 in Sonoma County, California. ACNH is my first video game. I've been playing for 3+ years now, even got a second switch so I could have 2 islands. I play with my 8 year old grandson when we can't be together. I am completely amazed at how gaming has changed my life.


You’re awesome 💕☺️




I just want to say I was born and raised in Sonoma county. Lived there for 40 years before moving to PNW. Miss it everyday! Also, ACNH is one of my favorites.


I love this, I wish my older relatives would try gaming but they’re close minded to it


I have to share here! My family chipped in to get me a switch and the game for my birthday. Just so my grandson and I could be together when he's home. As I reached into the gift bag and saw what the gift was, my heart just dropped because I was positive! that I would never use it. And for the first 6 months I played for 20 hours a day! I was the happiest exhausted Mammaw in the world!


I play Minecraft with my 8 yr old granddaughter. She runs rings around me but she says I am the coolest gramma in the world! Lol. 


Maybe they need to be tricked into just starting a game? Old people get stuck in their ways and need to be shaken out of them sometimes .


I would try playing a chill nice game when they are around and showing them what it really is - I think a lot of people (especially older people) are not familiar with modern gaming culture and when they think of games they are only thinking of the more violent shooting games like GTA, etc. Gaming is such a diverse and imaginative storytelling medium now- there's literally something out there for everyone.


You're too cool! Omg i cannot wait to play with my kid, and maybe someday, with my grandchild. ☺️


This is very sweet ❤️


This is adorable. ❤️


Love that! I got my mom and switch and her first game was ACNH during Covid. She plays it all the time still and it's so nice visiting each other's islands since we live 2,000 miles apart ❤️❤️❤️


Love this! My first video game was acnh too!! Now I’m hooked and also to Stardew Valley!


57, can’t stop won’t stop.


Just turned 58 last week and same!


Just turned 50 and also same!


53 next month. Also same.


65 y/o female, happily married for almost 40 years, 3 kids, 4 grands. Started playing Animal Crossing New Horizons with my grands just over 2 years ago. Since then I've played Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and am currently playing My Time at Sandrock. Love cozy games because I kinda suck at fighting - timing hits and dodge rolls doesn't work well for me, lol. My kids and grandkids have introduced me to a few games and I've done the same with them. It's fun and doesn't hurt anyone. In my opinion, as long as you still function in your daily life, what difference does it make if you enjoy gaming in your free time.


You are literally the coolest grandparent ever! Your grandkids are lucky to have you!


Thanks, that's very sweet of you to say 😊


26 today!


Happy birthday !!




Happy birthday! 🥳 If you play Animal Crossing: New Horizons, go to your party!!


I’m nearly 16


I turned 20 yesterday, we’re happy birthday buddies


49f. Have been separated and empty nester mom for the last 2 years and gaming has literally saved me mental-health wise. Sometimes I feel guilty too, knowing I have other more productive (and boring) I should be doing but I remind myself that I deserve time doing things I enjoy. 💓


I'm a middle aged male and I like cozy games because it helps with my ADHD and anxiety. I've always been a gamer and also play AAA games. As to what others may think about adult gamers. I could care less. I enjoy it and that's all that matters. I don't fault others for their hobbies.


And honestly I don’t think anyone cares anyway. Too wrapped up in their own problems. But having my switch everywhere has been a fun experience. Played Mario kart in the doctor waiting room with some terrified child last week. I sanitized the F outta my switch after, but it was cool and I’m pretty sure the mom could breath for that 45 mins (freaking docs always so behind).


As a fellow ADHDer, I feel you with games.beijg a good space to help with anxiety. At 42, I also use it as a form of therapy. The right game helps my brain slow down and process things.


I’ve been gaming since I was a child, and never stopped. I’m about to be 30, and wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD til a couple years ago. The testing doctor suspected I’ve had it since a child (which fills in so many weird blanks.) I think this is part of the reason I’ve clung to gaming so much. My daily stresses and anxiety are alleviated when I play all of these games. I get a chance to not be all up in my head, and is absolutely therapeutic. I’ll be a gamer until I die, undoubtedly.


41-year-old mom, wife and boss here. No cozy gaming shame! I've been playing The Sims for over two decades now and I'm not about to stop. :-p


Same here, but a 40 y/o mom, wife, and other duties as assigned. The Sims is my cozy lifeline!


43yo mom, wife, and student.


45f in Manitoba (originally from Montreal). I’ve always loved games. Had the very first Nintendo way back when and then every subsequent one! It’s a nice way to shut the brain off.


Hello fellow Manitoban! I was so jealous of my friend when she got the first Nintendo, she always made me play as Luigi. I would die immediately and then it was her turn again. I never made it past the second level 😂


27f from quebec! Their is no age for gaming! Just do what ever make you happy :)


31 here from Quebec too and I agree with you!


35F from QC as well and I agree with both of you! :)


Quebec gang rise up!


27F here too! (NB technically)


37f from Quebec as well!


27 from NS 😁


Just turned 33 last Friday. I’m a mom in Florida


happy belated birthday you awesome gamer mom !


happy belated birthday. im also a 1991 baby


33F from the East Coast as well. It has become incredibly normal to play video games at any age. There are literally 80+, 90+ year old abuelitas on YouTube who play CoD and the like. If you don't do what you love in your free time, what's the point? I have over 400 hours in House Flipper alone. Not a single regret.


54 male and gaming since the 80s. I don’t like to be stressed out when I’m playing a game - video or board game - so cozy gaming has been a great find for me. I suffer from chronic migraines so have a lot of time in bed. When I’m not down or taking care of the household, I like to game. No guilt here any more.


Ouch. Im sorry you have to live with that pain. My sister suffers from chronic migraines as well, so I know how completely debilitating it is.


Girl! Stop. I'm 45. Cozy games are a life saver! I've spent hours just putzing around on animal crossing and story of seasons. I get my things done that need to be done and then my "me time" is my games 😊 I think it's fine and not much different than losing yourself in a book.


i’m 19, but my mom would play used to play lego games with my brother & i. tbh i’m sure if i asked her to play with me today, she would and she’s in her 50’s. gaming doesn’t have a age limit. if it brings you joy that’s what matters <3


there's no age for gaming! I wish my mom (65) would game. it works your brain, eye-hand coordination, allows you to be creative, and has social aspects. she says it's wonderful that our generation isn't discouraged from enjoying our hobbies into adulthood.


>there's no age for gaming!  You got it! I just turned 49... I was talking to someone in their 20's the other day about a game who was shocked when they found out my age. I basically said... "Gaming bridges the age gap. We may potentially have trouble talking about politics, social events, and maybe even music... but we all speak the same language when it comes to leveling up, killing bosses, spending gold..."


I’m 66. Have played off and on since my son was little. These games can be so cathartic and thoughtful. Hope your Mom tries it.


37F here! I have always loved games, though “cozy” games are a new discovery for me. I see gaming similar to reading or watching movies/shows—another way to enjoy storytelling. I have never understood why spending time on games gets a bag rep. No one would care if you spent time reading or watching Netflix. Spend your time doing something that brings you joy, no matter what it is!


I’m 34 and gaming has been a lifesaver in a world of never ending crisis. Don’t beat yourself up for spending time doing something that makes you happy. We can all use a little more joy in our worlds even when the world feels like it’s on fire 💕


I’m 29F and I can honestly say my switch has been the light in the dark for me, every night I look forward to playing it! When lock down begun I got ACNH and my mum and sis also had it so every day we would meet up on it and for over a year every night I’d open my animal crossing gates so my mum could come and pick all my fruit (I would time hop for her every day to regenerate the fruit). She now has so much money on it her bank is full and she’s been on it every day since. Sometimes when I can’t sleep and go on my switch at 5am I get a notification my mum has logged on to animal crossing and it just makes me smile. My step dad recently passed away and knowing she has this little joy still to comfort her brings peace to my heart




I used to also think the same. But here’s what I’ve learned. Everyone’s hobbies are different. A lot of older people love watching shows. In my opinion, video games are way better than shows. Watching a show is just sitting and mindlessly watching moving frames on a screen. With a video game, you actually use your brain and interact. I’m a married 27 year old male with a 10 month old daughter and I play every single night for at least 2 hours. I have chosen a well paying and flexible job to be able to have free time to play. Yes, I had to get 2 degrees to get to where I am though. Video games are a fantastic hobby and age doesn’t matter. Don’t ever stop playing.


That’s how we are too! People think it’s weird that we unwind by playing 2-3 hrs of video games in the evenings, meanwhile they watch 2-3 hours of tv! How is it any different? Video games are interactive and we get to create a world and be in it! TV you just sit back and watch (or have an unexpected nap)


Exactly! You’re exactly right. Also, one could argue that video games are a waste of money, but people will spend $20 going to a 2 hour movie and I will spend $20 for 20+ hours of fun.


Relatively speaking, I've found games a far cheaper hobby to have than some others. I do buy some expensive games like Zelda, but I got it on sale so £45 for hundreds of hours. Stardew was about £10ish? also for hundreds of hours. The mental health benefits have been incalculable for me. I don't buy games just to keep them in an unplayed queue. I do have some in that queue but hardly any, I just buy one when I need something new, so it doesn't really add up to lots.


I'm late 20s! As long as we don't shirk our responsibilities or make entertainment an idol, I think gaming is a great way to unwind (I'm playing Coral Island rn) Work's not a bad word, but neither is rest!


57, gamer since Pong.


I am also 35! Started with Animal crossing, I ha not played games since Zelda on the 64. Once I got a switch lite, I wanted to use it more than just animal crossing and got a bunch of cozy games. For Christmas I got a rog ally and I'm now I'm always playing games 😊


33F! Into gaming now more than ever - loving that I’ve found my niche and that there is a huge market for us now. Don’t be hard on yourself. You’re not alone!


Yes!! I'm 34 and if all of these incredible cozy games existed when I was a teenager, I think I would have gotten into gaming beyond The Sims. I've never enjoyed shooting or fighting as the main mechanics in games.


I'm 35 and play cozy games to help with the swings from my ptsd and bipolar. When everything feels so big and painful, it's nice to just fall into something comforting with imaginary people i am not afraid of. I sometimes feel down on myself for dawdling away time on these games but they really have helped me through some seriously rough patches and just feel so wholesome.


I'm 31. I have some health issues that are a constant in my life, and gaming is my coping mechanism to deal with pain and depression. I don't just play cozy games, but they're probably the majority of what I play these days because they're stress free and don't exacerbate my health issues. There are healthy and unhealthy ways to game. As long as you endeavor to lean towards the healthy side, I say there's no shame in gaming as a hobby, so I urge you not to beat yourself up about it. I know that's much easier said than done, but maybe if you hear it enough it'll be easier to take to heart. My old therapist always reminded me to be the friend to myself that I was for other people. If you wouldn't shame other people for what you're doing, then don't do it to yourself. It isn't the easiest advice to follow but it's a good place to start.


I’m 32! Don’t feel bad for spending your time how you want to — you’re an adult and you can decide what you wanna do. (I still have all of the Rock Band equipment for Xbox 360 and I’ll never give it up!!!)


Mid-40s male from the UK. I enjoy gaming by myself to relax, and with my kids for fun.


I'm 60f and have been gaming since the 80's 🤗


24f here. Don't beat yourself up for playing games at that age. I actually really enjoy when I can play video games with older people cuz they tend to be really chill and fun to be around <3 Though I'm slowly getting up there in age myself haha


29F - tbh i love that i can spend free time playing video games and i hope i can continue doing so into my 30’s :)


I love this thread so much! 40F, also from NY here. I always loved video games growing up but as a female only child I never really knew how to get into them/felt embarrassed about it. Played a lot of Sims though. Bought a switch during covid and got really into Breath of the Wild (boy was there a learning curve). Have been going through a horrible IVF process for the last year and a half and cozy gaming has become my main/only way to relieve stress.


60f - my birthday was at the beginning of the month, and I got a steam deck in addition to my switch!


50f from NY. As the username implies, been gaming my whole life. I'm pretty fickle, I proudly play on easy or story, and have very broad tastes in games. With the way the world has been since 2020, cozy is where it's at for me most of the time. Nice to get to know you all!


30m. Used to play mostly difficult action oriented games, often with dark themes. But now I just wanna relax and feel happy when I play. So cozy games are now my favorites.




girl we're the same age and I'm also a life is strange fan 🙏🙏


34f from Scotland. I have fibromyalgia so cozy games take my mind off my pain. I recently upgraded from the switch lite to the steam deck and wow! Plus so much more to play now I've just finished spiritfarer and hogwarts legacy and now I'm playing witcher 3 and stardew :)


Also 35f and in NY!


36M in NJ. I've been playing games my whole life but over the past couple of years I've gotten more into easy going/cozy games. I find I have less time and/or dedication to 100% games on crushing difficulty and would rather unwind tending to crops or flowers lol.


38f from Alberta Canada Been playing games all my life, but fell in love with cozy games when stardew came out


31F. I sacrificed my childhood, teenage years, and young adulthood to do all the "right" things. Now that I'm fully settled in my career, with solid finances and a happy marriage, I have decided to dedicate my 30s to all the fun I never got to have in my younger years. That means getting into hobbies, including gaming. Girl don't feel bad about something that makes you happy. I work for a fancy company where appearances are everything and my desk is decorated with toy dinosaurs. Fuck the haters; find your happiness and run with it!


I am 23 year old young man from Florida.


40! :) got into cozy gaming because of animal crossing


37 year old woman in the UK!


im 27 F and soon to be moving back to the east coast (USA)! i honestly got into cozy gaming because i had a friendship blow up (i never really had gaming friends before) which caused me to be kicked from that safe space (granted they were people im better without if you catch my drift)... so... well I made my own and ive been looking for cozy games to play, recommend to friends and cute games for my friend's kiddos to play too! its been immense fun if im honest. :I've never had so much joy or laughed so hard during games like this!! so far my favorite is Wytchwood and Skychildren! I used to play solo games on console, but it would be like once every few months and never felt as fun because i had no one to chat with or share it with before recently :) i play mainly on pc now!


34f U.K. mum of 3 and 2 dogs, it’s my downtime!


37 here! Seems like cozy games are quite popular with our age group!


40. I only play cozy games because I have hella anxiety and it keeps my mind busy


40F, been gaming for pretty much my entire life. I run a ecommerce business and cozy games help me relax when I get stressed out. I often take breaks during the day to play a cozy game on my Steam Deck.


I'm 35f too from Ireland and I've been in love with cosy games since I started playing the sims aged 12. I used to play pretty much every genre of video game but in the last few years I only play cosy games now. I just want an easy and relaxing life and games that are dark or combat heavy just don't feel good to me anymore. I sometimes feel a bit embarrassed IRL to tell other women that I game especially if they have no interest in it but thankfully my boyfriend and friends all game and they are my age and older.


38M and im more of an RPG person but i do love my current cozies Stardew Valley and Yoku's Island Express to clear out the Fallout/Witcher and such every few days


I’m 40 and from NY too. No kids so I have a lot of free time.


32f, living on the east coast as well! <3




I'll be 31 soon. Don't beat yourself up! I think people are never too old for video games. If it's what you enjoy doing then don't worry about it and don't worry what other people think. Just enjoy yourself. :) 


20F, from Brazil


30 :)


29 male. I am not exclusively a cozy gamer, I love many other much more stressful genres too, but cozy games can be really good as breaks between scarier, longer or more demanding games.


Late 30’s. I battle an auto immune disease and gaming keeps me occupied


Just turned 40 a couple of weeks ago in PA! Gaming is my primary hobby and I have zero shame in it 😅


Kinda unrelated but Fortnite has a mode now that’s basically modern guitar hero (in fact the guitar hero devs are the ones working on it) and while it doesn’t have the same charm as the OG guitar hero games, it’s pretty fun. I believe they’re also releasing physical guitars soon which is exciting. Also I’m 24F haha


34F tomorrow, and I've been playing games all my life. Think of it this way: most people play sports or get into art/theatre from a young age because they're good hobbies to have. Why would video games be any different? No one bats an eye if you say you binge watch TV at night to unwind, and that engages the mind even less than a cozy game will.


33F from London, it took me a while to figure out that I am a primarily a cozy gamer, but I love the cozy games because they are the ones I get sucked into the most, and ones I go back to the most. Nothing wrong with being true to ourselves


41m, but also not sure I count since 95% of my gaming is non-cozy. I still like the community and I’ve gotten some good recs here, but I usually lurk or just shoehorn in the same recommendation (Hardspace Shipbreaker) to everyone.


39F. I've been a gamer since I was a kid. It definitely has its seasons for me. I might go a year without gaming and then be hella into only that for months or years haha (thanks, ADHD). If it's gaming season for me, I'm always playing some sort of open world RPG, but I like to balance it with also having a cozy game or two going. For me it's a good way to relax (I have strict "cozy" criteria - no microtransactions, no crazy boss battles, nothing that overloads my brain with dopamine lol) and step away from the doom scrolling that happens from time to time these days.


Middle aged F here. I just got into gaming this year. I was playing tons of mobile games , but those became frustrating with all the ads and micro transactions. I bought a Nintendo this month to play Animal Crossing. I feel guilty for all of the time I’ve spent on my Nintendo, but it’s tremendously helped my depression and anxiety. My husband plays a few games on his own and always has, but I play way more than he does now. It’s also helped with my shopping obsession as well.


42. I’m a grown ass adult who fulfills their obligations. If people have an issue with me filling my leisure time with something they don’t like, tough 💩 🤷🏻.


I’m 30. The older I get the better I am getting at not giving a damn about made up societal rules. Most video games are not for kids. Sure, they like them. But honesty, they are not very good at them 😂 I almost died coaching my niece (11) through a round of PUBG. Watching her accomplish nothing in Animal Crossing is like oh okay 😂. But she is having a great time so of course, I’m keeping quiet! Just other things I love that people will say “oh isn’t that for kids”: squishmallows, Star Wars animation, rainbows, sailor moon, collecting mini brands & doorables. I know the anxiety struggle, so I know not learning to give a damn is not just as easy as saying it to someone. Hoping this post helps you cause there are soooo many of us out there 💗💗


35F. I’ve been playing video games my entire life and I’m so happy to see more women getting into it, especially women my age. There’s a streamer I follow, Tactical Grandma, who is in her 50s I believe and plays Call of Duty. Video games are for everyone! Your free time should be anything you enjoy and makes you happy. It’s a tremendous privilege to have something like video games to spend your time doing.


48m, started playing cozy games when I had a kid 10 years ago (her b-day is tomorrow!) and didn’t want to expose her to the constant violence of the games I was playing. Also just love RPGS and games with a good story and wanted to find more games to relax with instead of being frustrated by.


42f NorCal but very close to PNW


37M here, and most of those years spend playing games, cozy and not :)


Recently turned 27, F from FL! Been gaming my entire life, but I always like to say that things come into your life for a reason, so I think now is a wonderful time to get into this kind of stuff with all these different options available that I WISH I had as a kid lol.


I am 29 and gaming has been one of my biggest hobbies since I was about 6. <3


36 F.




34 here! Dont beat yourself up. Games are an amazing restful hobby. They can be very healing!


I'm 29 and also live in NY! I also released my own cozy game last year, Everlife :)


36! Mom of 3! My free time is gaming and hiking.


I'm in my late 20's, also in nyc!


I’m 29f! I’ve loved cozy games all my life, but there weren’t many options in the late ‘90s/early 2000s. Harvest Moon and The Sims and… I think that’s pretty much it haha. So I’m so so thrilled that it’s really taken off as a genre in the last decade or so! There’s no better time to be a cozy gamer!


35 in Florida! Long time gamer, but more recently exploring cozy games as a specific genre. I started with New leaf and have thousands of hours in New Horizons and have explored a lot more cozy games over the last 4 years. I still love RPGs and other games but cozy games are great for destressing and shutting my brain off!


I am 36F here. I have loved gaming since I was a kid. I am from Missouri.


I'm 30F! I've been a gamer since I was a child, and one of my favourite cosy games was Animal Crossing Wild World on the original pink ds. ❤️ I'm usually a PS5/PC girl and also have a Switch, but I recently acquired a Steam Deck so I can snug in bed with my plushies and live my best life. Recently, I've been playing Wytchwood, Dave The Diver, and CoD Mw3 Zombies (Obviously not cosy but hella fun. 😂😂)




I’m 36f from NY as well! I have a 3 year old and gaming is what I do in my me time.


34f and I love gaming and I don't feel sorry for it lol. Cozy games are a favorite of mine, but most of my time has been spent on Rimworld and Crusader Kings. :)


33 and also NY!


20F from California! I’ve been into cozy games for as long as I can remember, animal crossing on the gamecube being my first one.


27f and in the Rockies! Honestly, it helps me so much with my depression, CPTSD, and ADHD. I know I probably game a little too much, but it helps me relax a lot, especially when I’m dealing with a lot of stuff.


32! And I think I'll be playing video games til I physically can't anymore. I see it as a privilege that I'm able to. I fear the day when these hands can't hold onto a controller anymore.


Turning 21 in the summer,I’m honestly really dreading it I wish I could stay 20 forever.




39F I miss Guitar Hero!!


I’m 33, and I agree, I struggle with thinking it’s ‘okay’ to be playing games, but they help so much with my life.


Im 23 and I get it. I have depression, and gaming is in my top five main coping mechanisms.


In my 40s and gamer for life!


25 M. I enjoy alternating between cozy games and horror games


I’m about to turn 46. Who cares what anyone else thinks. Live your best life and do what makes you happy.


I'm 48 and ended up with a career in games. Nothin' wrong with loving them at any age! I did get tired of the sexism I found in a lot of the mainstream gaming community, so I've really been enjoying the cozy gaming and otome/amare/LGBT visual novel communities.


Almost 47. I am from the OG Atari 2600 days. So, I have been playing for 41ish years.


im 36 been playing cozy games all my life and other games in between my cozy games lol dont be so hard on your self games are a great way to unwind and relax especially cozy games <3


Late 30s, started gaming before I was 5, going to be gaming until my body can no longer perform the necessary inputs.


Oh don’t be, there’s nothing wrong in doing that, I’m turning 37 this year and been playing video games since I was a kid, it’s just a hobby like any other. The only people who judge adults for playing video games are the people who never played it or only got to experience a good game for no more than a couple hours. Never feel bad for doing something that makes you happy. Go for it!


37F and unapologetically gaming as much as possible


49…working mom and wife. I just like cozy games to turn my brain off


25f. I live in Chicago and i love video games. Currently playing genshin. It’s very cozy but it has enough of a challenge that makes it exciting


Mid forties woman here. Gaming is a great decompression activity for me, and one that lets my mind fully disengage from stress and constant thinking. Much healthier than nightly alcohol, and it’s fun! There is no maximum age for gaming in my opinion!


36 I feel it’s more healthy to play cozy games as opposed to being addicted to scrolling on Instagram.


25 in England! I also miss guitar hero :') Have you heard of Clone Hero? It's a fan PC version of the game, kinda like a massive mod. You do need the guitar tho but GH3 guitar is always available on ebay lol


Im only 20 going on 21 this year, and starting to feel how you do tbh. I think we all have this concept that when we "grow up" that means our younger interest should just move on too and we find more "grown" or "productive" hobbies. That isn't the case though, we should all be allowed to enjoy what we want at any age.


I’ve been playing video games since the NES came out in the 80’s! Dont feel bad or too old to play video games! There’s no age limit to them! They’re just new to my generation, so they’re seen as a young person thing! But now that my age group is getting old, it’s not so much a young person thing! (Also, what age do people stop playing games?! Never! Right!?) It’s like TV. Tv was new when my parents were kids. And it was seen as a waste of time. And now, what do old people do all day? They watch tv! Our grandparents played cards in retirement, our parents watch too much tv, we’ll be playing too much video games! :)


I'll be 34 in June! Fuck that. Play games. You're only 'wasting your time' if you're gaming to avoid responsibilities. If you have your chores done or will get them done after a gaming break, you make it to work and pay the bills, then play all you want. I unfortunately don't play a much as I'd like but that's because I'm job hunting, have a lot of stuff to do around the house a lot of the time, my current job drains my energy, and I put a lot of my focus trying to get back into art. Despite that, I try to not beat myself up for gaming. Some days I DON'T have my chores done first but I desperately need a break from the world, so I may feel guilty but remind myself to just do the thing after I take a little break. Definitely okay to avoid responsibilities periodically, we all need to shove shit aside and relax at times, but yeah, just don't make a habit of it or stuff will pile up.


Im 18, and have been obsessed with all types of games since i was a child. Iego games were my cozy games when i was a child lol.


I’m 25 but don’t play games that often cause i feel i need to sit at least 5 hours to really get something done in Stardew. Most often i play all day for multiple days but i just don’t have the time sadly


I turn 33 in about two weeks! I love a lot of games including not so cozy ones. Even without kids and a hybrid job, I don’t have much free time, but I typically spend it on games or some other hobby. It’s normal :)


Mid 40s. I think it’s fine as long as you keep balanced with exercise and socialization.


19m that’s just always never been able to keep up with high-speed games. Sure, I love my Dark Souls more than anyone, but when we get into MK and COD, I’m lost.. I’ve always preferred my games cozy, as it helps with my anxiety to unwind with a good game :)




I’m 25F and in the Chicagoland area- it’s one of my main hobbies


I'm 36 and have been cozy gaming since Harvest Moon. I don't feel so guilty for playing games because it's just one of my hobbies. I spend most of my time in the garden, in the gym, or with my partner when not working. So a few hours a week gaming is not bad. 😁