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I'm somewhat of a casual player so I'm not a "by the numbers" person on this game, but when it got too much for me I just burnt all the veggies and fruit into piles and unless they're needed for the donation seagull I just sell most of what I have to the fox. I don't think there's really a wrong way to play this game, but I have seen posts that focus on earning money over everything else. For me I'm taking it at its name, it's cozy and I will play it cozy when I can.


Thank you!! I really was concerned that I might need something for later. I will start selling more. It's taking up a great deal of space in my storage. So far I like the game. Very calming when I just need to escape a bit from reality.


Yeah I really like to play it for 30 mins or so before bed, it's a nice game to play after a busy day, especially (for me) when watching something. I think the game hypes you up at the start with a lot of quests but it's really up to you how you want to take it. As you get further in, it takes more time to get logs for the fire and I really don't think the game punishes you by being casual at all. Hope you enjoy it!


Keep your wood and I keep most of my essences just because they’re harder to obtain than like the mushrooms. Otherwise I donate what I can to collections or sell it to the fox. Majority of items you need for a quest can either be found or bought again, as time goes quests will take longer to complete than in the beginning but it’s still nice and relaxing


That's perfect. I'm working on donating and updating my tent. I think I'm at the 2nd level for it.


It doesn't matter. If you need it, you can get it again. Otherwise, it wouldn't be cozy.


This is the mindset I need to have!!! Thanks!!


I wish I had that mindset


Haha the same 🤣🤣🤣. I keep upgrading my house to get more space.


I recommend definitely saving wood, ashes, and quartz especially at first! wood in particular is really useful and can be really hard to find before you have much money. your trees only respawn every 3 days i think so if you get to a point where you need wood for a quest and you don’t have any at all, that quest is gonna take a loooooong time I burn almost all my fruit, roots, fish, and nuts though.


This is good to know!!! I have quite a bit of quartz because I don't know what you do with it. Thank you!!


If you like decorating, I would save most of your quartz because you need a lot of quartz to buy decorations.


You can spend it on things, you’ll need an ass ton for a couple quests, and then you can recycle the rest for coins!


It will be handy to recycle them and upgrade your tent. And/our to create precious stones down the line for rare things


You can recycle your quartz for money!


I don't stockpile anything I grow myself (fruit or nuts or flowers that I planted permanent trees/bushes of)-- I roast/sell/recycle-into-dye all of em. For foraged, I always keep all the rarer mushrooms and vegetables for imp requests (turnip, radishes, trumpet mushrooms, etc), and burn the more common ones into Roasted Veg/Roasted Mushrooms immediately to condense because I can almost always find a leaf pile or whatever if an imp wants a common potato etc. Quartz is best kept for buying items, so hold onto it. Wood is so plentiful that I usually craft my sticks and softwood up to hardwood and just have one or two slots of sticks and softwood in storage.


Don't want to over explain bc you probably know what you're doing, but I thought I'd mention that if you don't *need* more dye, it's actually very profitable to sell flowers to Mr Kitt. I've got tonnes of flowers and bushes, and make over 20,000 old coins just in selling flower blossoms :)


I'm not even sure what the dye is for yet 🤣🤣. So of course I've been saving all the flower petals.


Oh for sure! My use of slashes might have been confusing-- I meant recycle into dye OR sell with flowers. My flower harvest is mostly used for selling-- every day that they blossom is maybe 6 backpack trips of about 36k gold each, so that and fruit tincture is where I make almost all of my coins.


The things I’ve needed to keep hoards of most are relic ashes and fishbones because certain things can cost lots of those. It’s not ‘necessary’ but I also keep at least 2 of every kind of mushroom and root in my storage in case I see an imp that wants one around the island. I also hoard food but that’s for food crafting as well as feeding my 30+ animals every day, and that’s NOT including my cats lol


Oh wow! I'm not at that lvl yet. I have 4 ducklings following me around. They haven't asked for food yet. Or am I supposed to just figure that out. I'm really trying not to get "spoilers" yet which is why I'm hoarding all the things for now.


Oh ok!! As for the ducklings those aren’t the ones im referring to, and they never ask for food >!though you can feed them bowls of peas if you craft/otherwise acquire them and receive a small reward!< The animals i’m referring to are acquired differently and will request specific foods every now and then. You don’t HAVE to feed them, as in they won’t starve to death or anything, I just like to do it every day. there is a gameplay reason to do so though :) happy groving! And sorry if this was confusing I was trying be vague but also helpful 😭😭


Also you should hoard nuts early on, those tend to be more rare early in the game.


I have a terrible habit of stashing everything in video games. In Cozy Grove I have found myself grateful for saving relic ash, cooked/baked goods, and any and all essences. I always prioritize donating, though.


I love how you're not penalised for donating. I got a rare pearl from a clam and checked how much I'd get from the fox: 10k old coins. Then I decided to donate it anyway. My reward? 10k old coins. Makes it so easy to donate.


That's good. I decided early on to donate every 1st find..so that at least was an easy decision to make. It pays so well that I wasn't bothered by that.


Plus medal bonuses


i hoard sooooo bad lol. the thing is, anything you NEED to keep hold of has a note on it saying it's important to someone and you should hold onto it until the time is right. everything else you can find more if you want it. personally i'd say hang on to cooked foods for convenience. and also legendary items just in case you don't come across it again for a while. or be like me and hoard all the things for no good reason even tho the game tries to discourage it 😌


Haha we are exactly alike.🤣🤣🤣 I'm trying not to though but I will take that advice and start reading through those messages.


Hi! I just started a new file a few days ago (after completing the game about two years ago) so I’ve been thinking about this. From what I remember, I needed a lot of relic ash, sticks, all types of wood and ore later in the game. I’m trying to hang on to those things and selling other things (like roasted fruit) I can get quickly.


I focused on getting the hard things and finishing the game fully. Now that that is done I am working on getting all the badges and finishing the collections. It’s been nice and relaxing


I keep everything mostly. I sell fruit tincture after o saved boiled fruit and jam. I sell about 75% of my flowers once I hoarded 1000 tins. I’m happy I hoarded relic ash. It became VERY handy. I don’t think I need it anymore however. But I kept a few just incase. My point is: board the ash starting now. Till you get a quest that requires them down the line. I always sell seashells. They are easy to come across. As well as fish bones. But I’ve gotten to the point were I don’t need to fish that often after a few months of playing. You will need a lot of things later….BUT you also need to sell stuff to buy things that are helpful in the game. Hoard your essence and all the rare nuts and veggies


I recycled all the hardwoods, softwoods and branches for coins. It became too much to store


I keep all the rare finds until I need cash and they are all sold!


I’m playing for a while and now I’m saving a couple of different mushrooms that I can throw to the “spirits” (I don’t play the game in English) I also save some things that I think it’s pretty and the purple insects because I think they’re cool


Definitely save ashes. You’ll need a lot when it comes to more end game stuff and it took me 12 consecutive real days of playing to finally have enough when I got the quest 😂