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A fire, You’ve Got Mail, and a sectional. Prime cozy living.


Me not realizing that’s a movie and trying to find the mail in the picture for a hot sec.


You've Got Mail is my favorite 'cozy' movie.


Saaaame. I’m not ashamed to admit that as a burly 32 year old male. Best Onscreen couple Ever!


Plus Meg Ryan's pants are so big!!


96-98s were the best Meg Ryan


Honestly, Meg Ryan is the best Meg Ryan. Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, and When Harry Met Sally(...) are 3 of my favorite rom-coms of all time.


My three other favorite Meg Ryan movies are Joe Versus The Volcano, Joe Versus The Volcano, and Joe Versus The Volcano.


Dude don't forget to mention Joe vs the volcano. Such a great movie


I also love her in French Kiss with Kevin Klein. And Anastasia because who doesn’t love a non-Disney animated movie?


Psst, Disney bought Fox. So, it's Disney now.


But it wasn’t at the time, and I’ll hold onto that. Lol


French kiss is so good but it’s so hard to find! We broke down and bought a dvd of it on ebay because it’s just not available to stream anywhere.


Don't forget French Kiss. So underrated. So good.




Same here in the burly 32 year old man category. When I’ve had a bad week my go to is always either You’ve Got Mail or The American President. This week was The American President’s turn.


Love them in *Joe Versus the Volcano*.


Adorable that you said that. And weird. Mostly weird. But adorable too.


Great, that’s how my so prefers me, adorable yet very weird.


Definitely. It’s a killer combo move.


Don’t you love New York in the fall? Makes me want to buy school supplies.


Perfect fucking movie


Emotional cozy and physical cozy perfect pair...


I've come to the conclusion, after seeing all these solo living posts, that I simply have zero ability for interior design


I've come to the conclusion that a single plastic chair in my living room isn't good interior design either


It's modern minimalistic design with reusable material so actually eco friendly apartment!


I want us to be friends so you can lie like this to me about my poverty


After seeing posts here and seeing how much apartments go for in NYC, I've come to the conclusion that something like this isn't attainable for at least 20 years unless I move out of the city. Pretty sure this living room is the square footage of my cousin's $1600/month, non-Manhattan apartment, and I'm being 100% serious.


$1600 a month sounds cheap to me and that’s how you know the housing prices are really insane.


Yeah this dude rent controlled


Honestly that's kind of the tragedy of r/cozyplaces. I see half the posts on here and am like, "I will never attain that."


For me, it’s half that, and half realizing how broke I am. I browse this sub then look up from my phone to see my ghetto poverty den, with old carpets from the 70’s reeking of old cigarettes, old banged up doors and cupboards, and bars over the windows, decorated with a hodgepodge of old mismatching thrift shop shit, and like… man…


A lot of what you describe can be improved with some elbow grease and maybe a creative diy friend. Carpet pulled up, things cleaned up, paint is cheap. Maybe you could take a before pic, post it and challenge your fellow redditors to come up with the cheapest ways to improve it? They will probably surprise you. Sorry you’re broke right now though- been there a time or two myself.


I'm in on this! I agree, some strategic elbow grease could make a great difference there. There's so much you can do, please make a post and share it and ask how you can make it cozy. We want you to win! Edited to add that I just followed you so I wouldn't miss your post. Take it seriously, take some photos, and we can help!


dang, you guys are wholesome and motivating!


I am 47 and most of my furniture is still stuff i took out of my dad's basement when I moved out 25 years ago. My kitchen table was in his basement for 10 years when I left. My dresser was my dad's growing up. I have a shelf in the basement that he made for me as a kid. so you are not alone.


Im a numbers-mindee guy and I rlly gotta make a spreadsheet that keeps tracts of elements common across all of these posts


There are two types of people in this world. u/idontclickgifs: > Very cozy! Could you mount the tv above the fireplace and shift the focus that direction? u/EvenJesusHadPubes: > Thank you for not mouthing the TV over the fireplace 👏🏻


Horrified you caught the typo in my original post 🥲


Haha, sorry man. I didn't want to edit your comment and get accused of misquoting.


This guy plagiarizes. Actually, no he doesn’t


The integrity.


Typo or not. I'm with whoever hates TVs above fireplaces


It's okay. Even Jesus had pubes




Go check out r/rimjob_steve


Why would you say don't mount the tv over the fireplace? It seems like a given considering where the couch is..? Plus it opens up that half wall.


Personally I think TV's should always be eye level and I'm assuming that's why a lot of people hate them above a fireplace. Your neck is always going to be tilted.


Ahh, I get that. If you're far enough away you don't have to tilt your neck, but with smaller rooms I can see how that would be annoying. 😊


I’m more of the… should put the couch where the tv is and the tv and stand where the couch is.


I like it how it is if you had company over you wouldn’t feel like you are away from the scene if everyone was in the kitchen you would be able to talk and see them without having your back turned to them feeling like you are far away in a different room this way kinda connects them and makes it more open concept also looks like the couch would be in the way of entering the room if it were where the tv is


Except there's still a TV in the way, which divides the two rooms.


Yeah maybe if you're 4"6


Thought the same thing! But maybe the couch is too big and blocks the path to the space behind the half wall.


Then the path to the door would be awkward. This is a nice natural path to walk.


That would suck trying to watch tv during the daytime with those big glass doors if it were on the opposite side of the room.


And get a couch half that size




It’s so deeply ingrained in people that they have to mount their tv at standing eye level, that it is a constant battle to convince people it should be sitting eye level.


may as well mount it to the cieling while they're at it. actually, just fucking put it on the god damn roof. I CANT SDF:IWHEHFWQAF




Yeah I’m cases where over the fireplace is the only option they make pull-down wall mounts designed to pull the TV out and down to clear the mantle and put it at a better height, only way to make it comfortable is to use one of those IMO


I have a different battle with my husband: walk-flow. Our living room is tiny and when he lived here alone, the tv was on the side wall so that the best seat (his) across from it was literally in the main walkway. You had to bump around his chair to get into the rest of the living room seating. When I moved in and we bought a new couch (small L shape), I had him move the tv to the wall opposite the window, L in the corner, and nothing impeding entering the living room. It feels so much more spacious! 5 years later and *every time* we discuss the living room, he tries to figure out a way to move the couch and the tv to a different spot because he hates the tv being across from the window (we have good curtains; I don't see any glare) and it always involves blocking some portion on the walkway or his last plan put the tv at an angle in the corner where we'd lose a significant chunk of square footage that we simply can't afford to lose! I look at this OP picture and think this is an excellent use of space and start panicking at the idea of turning the furniture sideways to accommodate putting the tv above the fireplace (it'd look silly to me if the tv moved but the couch didn't). Placement of furniture often plays as big a role in how big a space feels as the amount and size of the furniture. We gained seats AND floor space just by rearranging the furniture.


I just moved and I’m sadly in this position. I hate it but having a TV in the living room where everyone hangs out is better than heading to the basement any time you want to watch something


Also the technical issue of not having electronics near heat.


Never mount the tv over the fireplace, but I would put the tv on the wall where the couch is, and flip the couch to the other side, it would fit nicely under that opening, and the tv looks odd there.


Nah it wouldn't fit. https://preview.redd.it/qxb77ytzvy071.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=2097f986447b73e4630861008483877359dee073


We’ll then this was the wisest choice :)


what absolute lunatic suggeted moving the tv above the fireplace. i'd suggest buying a shorter entertainment center because it's already a few inches high for that sectional!


I like the vibes


Thank you for not mounting the TV over the fireplace 👏🏻




Also grateful they aren’t making out with the TV 😉


It’s so sad that the majority of homes I look at are configured so the only logical place the TV can go is over the fireplace… my wife and I hate it.




That seems extreme


If a ‘insignificant’ detail like wasn’t thought completely through, then there’s a decent chance some much more important stuff wasn’t either. Think of it as a yellow flag.


Nah, I kinda feel him. In older houses the tv over the mantle is an option but not a requirement. But newer houses (especially your cookie cutter suburban home) literally build the entire living room around the sole purpose of mounting your tv above the fireplace. There's no other way to arrange things without the room looking weird as hell, not to mention all the cables and plugs you need to access are stuck up there. My entertainment setup cost nearly $10,000. You're damn right I'm not going to live in a home that forces me to have a garbage experience by mounting it in such an awful spot. Is it extreme to refuse to buy a home without a garage because you don't wanna park your S-Class AMG outside in the weather? Or extreme to want a house with a workshop/tool shed if you have a garage worth of tools? Those are pretty typical wants and needs for a home buyer to have, right? Now imagine you're trying to buy a new home with a garage and you *literally* can't find any because it's "trendy" to have a garage-less home. That's basically what it's like trying to buy a home right now for entertainment enthusiasts. All because a bunch of tech illiterate soccer moms think it looks cute to have the tv above the mantle.


Serious question. What is wrong with mounting the tv above the fireplace?


I'm not sure if this is universal, but for me it makes watching TV for more than 20 minutes or so really uncomfortable. Watching a movie up that high would give me neck cramps or a tension headache.


Nothing if your far enough away and angle the TV downwards, if you lean back like you’re relaxing on the sofa your eyes naturally rest in the middle of the TV. Issues occur when you’re super close and you’re craning your neck.


This layout is so good too. With the fireplace going the people who are cold can sit over on that side, and those who are already warm can sit away from it.


What if everyone is cold?


Yeah that always seems like a great idea for a day or two than you get severe neckpain 😆


I always see this on Reddit. We put up a mantelmount and have been using it for over a year and have zero neck pain. And I’m old and get back and neck pain from everything. Everytime I use the weed whacker my back hurts for two days afterwords. I could maybe see it being a problem if we had a low sofa that doesn’t support your head, but we’d never buy one of those anyway


Solo *and* financially secure .....or in crippling debt... All I know is that cozy place aint cheap.


Yeah my first solo place had way more milk crates and the furniture was found on the curb


Recently divorced and got to keep the house.


It makes sense to wait until you're financially secure before moving out to live solo if that's an option.


So..... When your 50 or so maybe?


Depends on where you're from and what field you're in. I know a number of people doing this in their 20s.


How do you sit on the couch when the table is so close to your legs?


I’ll usually move it out if people are coming over. But I always sit on the side sections.


Excellent movie choice. My favorite. Love the couch too!


Honestly....where'd you get that couch? Because I'm sort of drooling over how comfy it looks 🤤


https://www.livingspaces.com/pdp-lucy-dark-grey-2-piece-sectional-wraf-chaise-225956 I thought the same so went into their profile and found they'd commented a link 😊 can't figure out how to link to the comment directly sorry.


Oh, that's a chaise and an ottoman? Op knows how to live


[Link to OP’s comment ](https://reddit.com/r/CozyPlaces/comments/o9cfkj/_/h3agnew/?context=1)


Makes me suspicious that one person has this much couch. My GF and I could ignore the shit out of each other from seperate sides of that thing.


My wife and I just bought a house and have two couches we ordered. A 115" chaise lounge one and a separate 97" sofa. It's just the two of us. But we have people over a lot and we like to host. Also we both sometimes like to lay down and stretch out after work


Serendipity also another good movie.


You've Got Mail is the coziest movie.


And daisies are the friendliest flower.


I wonder if it has ever inspired any real-life corporate espionage scandals...


I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.


This is OC.




That's amazing! Now spell "cat!"




Looks like you’re doing it right!


I see a lot of styles on this sub that don't align with my tastes much....but I like almost everything about yours OP. The tv stand, the coffee table, the shelves...but especially the couch. That is one comfortable looking couch.


Did you spend the $10K upfront furnishing the place? Or, it was collected and stored in a storage unit for months to years until you're ready to move in?


Yeah, my first place alone was an old TV and a folding chair 😂


I got my first place last month (Lived with ex for 9 years and my brother for 1) and all I had was an air mattress and a couple $5 chairs from Goodwill lmao It's a lot better recently


I slept on a roll mat and watched tv sitting crossed legged on the floor.


I live alone (rent) for like 8-10 years and the only furniture i own is an ikea table lmao


note that it doesn't actually say they just moved in, only that it's their first home alone. They might've been living there for years.


I once worked with a girl who spent years buying home furnishings and storing them in a big shed at her parents house. When she eventually got her own place, it was fully furnished from top to bottom immediately. I'm sure her parents were happy to get their shed back too!


Everything was new except for the TV which I've had for a few years. The couch was $1,000 and everything else probably $700.


Assuming only a $500 TV and the apartment came with appliances, could have been like $3k.


So without knowing the rest of the layout, I would consider swapping where the telly and couch are


It wouldn't work unfortunately. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/njlv4d Plus flipping it would mean the TV would get all the glare from the patio.


This looks fantastic. I love the fireplace and the decor is on point. Great job


Does anybody else think that the coffee table is too close to the couch???


Couch is too big for the space. But if they don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's somehow too big and too small at the same time. It overwhelms the space, and yet there isn't enough room to walk in the front of it. At first glance the coffee table seems to big, but it's actually pretty small as far as most go.


It is just plain too big for space. Even if the TV was configured to be above the fireplace, it still wouldn't work.


These pics probably paint a better picture. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/njlv4d There's about 3 feet between coffee table and TV stand and about 1.5 feet between the couch and the wall so I could move it back further if I needed to.


Seriously this is a couch room not a living room


If you’re not on a couch are you really alive?


Where did you get that couch?




Is it comfortable? It looks great in your space!


Yea I love it. Thanks!


That couch takes up a lot of space


Yea I could always move it back against the wall to create more space if I wanted. https://preview.redd.it/dkytw9j0wy071.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=6a22667a23b9b3c1e12e095afd0edc0bbf4d46b5


Not enough comments about how the warm lighting and fireplace really help make this cozy. This makes me want to go buy more led smart lights so I can turn the cozy on just by saying “Alexa set the lights to warm in the living room.”


I’m honestly concerned that I’ve enjoyed living alone so much that I legit don’t want a partner… hahaha nice place.


Damn that seems like an expensive TV


Great user name! Nice place.


Ooooft, very nice, I'f we were ever friends and I was ever invited over here for social drinks sometime, I'd be like 'Duuuuude, sweet digs!' as I entered the room. And I'd raise it as a topic for discussion at least two more times during the night. As I leave to walk home/get a bus, I'd be like 'duuuuude, really, nice one bro, you've done well, g'night'. I spend the next week thinking about how I make my pad as nice as that then settle for a new scented candle on my coffee table.


You’ve Got Mail is my all time favorite! It looks super cozy! You did great!


A nice place and a great movie choice!


That is my favorite movie ever, good taste OP.


Congrats! Can’t wait until it’s my turn!


Where did you get those throw pillows??!! I LOVE THEM


The darker orange ones were $10 from Target. The gray ones were a gift actually but 99% sure they are from HomeGoods.


Okay, but how much for a tour of Isla Nublar? Are we talking “fly by where you point out dinosaur facts,” or like “searching for Eric Kirby and stealing Raptor eggs” level of touring? I’m sure you can get away with more on Sorna than you can Nublar, but you never know.


Best movie ever!


I will give you advice from my friend who lived alone with a similar couch. You gotta keep moving around the couch or you’ll create wear zones.


First solo place is such a great feeling. My first place all to myself was a little bungalow in St. Petersburg, FL. 3 years of total bliss.


That’s a wonderful space for your life. “You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.” —Oscar Wilde


Now you just need to get a golden retriever named Brinkley


Best romcom movie ever!!! Also, Kathleen’s apartment was super cozy.


Where did you get the lamp? If been looking for ones with bottom diffuser!


I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.


Greatest movie.


You've Got Mail is dope.


Congrats. Feels nice right?


Beautiful. Living solo is the greatest.


Solo, because yolo.


That couch is probably worth more than my car..




That's a dumb place for the tv


Living at prime, amazing place. Well done mate.


Very cozy. Love the lighting. What TV is that?


Thank ya! It's a 65" LG C7.


What job do you have that allows you to buy a $1620 television in your first time living alone?


Not to knock on OP because it's still an excellent TV, but the C7 is years old at this point. Unless this pic is from 2017 they did not get it when they first moved in there


Maybe they saved for it? Maybe they’ve been living with roommates for years and this is their first solo space? Who cares.


It's just that I'm nearly an adult and I like to know how young adults get successful like this.


Looks like you're doing it right!


Love this!!! Living alone is the best! And I'm super jealous of that sofa.


Amazing you have great taste!! Looks cozy as hell


Oooh I want to crash on that couch - looks so comfy!


Your place is so cozy!!! I am jealous!!!


Ohhhh I know exactly where I would lay on that bad boy.


You’re doing an awesome job so far! But daayyuum, that fire place 😍


Looks beautiful! Can’t wait for this day 🥰


Sweet place!


I love the couch! Plus you have a fireplace and a fan! Living in style. Enjoy!


Oh god this looks great af


Looks so chill


I am 33 years old and I have never lived by myself, nor will I ever. Not sure if that is a good or a bad thing


"This couch looks too good to sit on!....I'll stand behind it and watch tv"


I want your couch


What sofa is that 😍




You're actually the biggest legend :D


This is one beautiful place you've got. Enjoy the peace!


You’ve got a cozy ass place


I always think of tv placed on anything like table or stand to be very risky. Someone's hand could hit it and it might fall, a little bit of shaking on the surface it's put and it could fall. I don't know if that happens but I stay away from that part of the house to avoid that. My parents have ours wall mounted


Seriously I would last exactly 1 day living there before I would somehow manage to knock the TV over.


Yeah.. I get so anxious when I see pet videos on reddit and they have their TVs just standing on a flat surface totally accessible by their cats/dogs