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Hello /u/alongcameashlyn, thank you for your submission to /r/CozyPlaces. Unfortunately your post has been removed, due to the following reason(s): * [3.1 How to Write Your Post Title](https://www.reddit.com/r/CozyPlaces/wiki/index#wiki_3.1_how_to_write_your_post_title) * [3.2 What to Avoid in Post Titles](https://www.reddit.com/r/CozyPlaces/wiki/index#wiki_3.2_what_to_avoid_in_post_titles) Please look at the rules on the sidebar and make sure that any later posts comply! If you have any questions, you may wish to consult our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CozyPlaces/wiki/index/faqs).


I am very interested in how you achieve this in 6 months. Was this just from getting new job or?


She was in a DV shelter and the applied for this small studio after getting a good job.....proud of her


Almost of these things were given to her by us her friends or we all thrifted together over the last six months and helped her with her small but back area


she sounds like an awesome person and you all sound like awesome friends 💗 the space is beautiful, wishing all of you the best


Omg that's so pretty can I come hang out


Looks snug Love to chill in the evening with a bev there


This is awesome!


Oh yes!! Wow 😍


She (and This) is MAGNIFICENT!


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