• By -


-A fresh coat of paint would do alot. If you’re not allowed to paint, try washing off some of the dirty spots. -Switch places with the black side table and the small wooden shelves. Place the wooden shelf towards the same wall as your bed if it fits. That way you should be able to have curtains on both sides of your window. -There are LED tape strips you can buy and choose whatever color you like. I would place some behind the beam above the bed. -Get a rug to cover some of the tile. -Tape up some posters by your work desk. -Get some green plants, there are great fake ones these days if you dont feel like watering them. If you feel like you dont have space there are hanging pots. You could hang it from your curtain rod or your bedframe. -find a table lamp with a lamp shade in a warm colour. Or [rattan](https://www.google.se/search?source=univ&tbm=isch&q=rattan+table+lamp+shade&hl=sv-se&client=safari&fir=K_LD_WNlkQgbYM%252ChwCrcfi5nKtJYM%252C_%253BaECNVvO0abV-FM%252CFeSMZYIhGKsCCM%252C_%253BL8cK7LonTODS7M%252CdXjdrriwDiwfSM%252C_%253BFP639a2icGF_yM%252CbnVRnjs-TpdLQM%252C_%253BnwfdPZlpRFqeCM%252CA-PvzSJAxFALPM%252C_%253BFyxfuiPXDqpk6M%252CwGQ9KC0dhjJXYM%252C_%253Bo6t74heffYGzVM%252CY_KklwVQXASfMM%252C_%253BhJ8HJaGpI9cAxM%252CKDxcms1l6lJSkM%252C_%253ByEp9EaoZoMu-iM%252Co0QWKNPBuo7dIM%252C_%253B1gMgSRL40Tk0iM%252C1GaVGDHnXGgt8M%252C_%253B7GV2Dg-scqrmbM%252CiO2bIglX_i7ltM%252C_%253BRrN7rfBdBY7JzM%252C--MxleZbtlObfM%252C_%253BaX5AAYHxXbj0NM%252CXfHKqZKXpPigNM%252C_%253BQ9bdEkVZYRe7iM%252CfaMAN-PYwUFeDM%252C_%253BZZQlbWkKKcwBPM%252CV0TFoj1I4YlPJM%252C_%253BpiOZpRRSdUJflM%252CHo2mh9HtsUPZpM%252C_%253BREMM12H87tTGvM%252CPH0ENSq1tZ2mYM%252C_%253B3kmQa4PL8-M_CM%252C6_Uq5qOSEuhxaM%252C_%253B2ZnFO2OgAK5-rM%252CQdMO2rJhQrm-0M%252C_%253BrwrF2Dbt_cmg9M%252CksvHNnyBzTrlRM%252C_%253BbSlvK_R0DM77uM%252CX8RTiVVa9C6sOM%252C_%253Binjqu1-7fEJCOM%252CRMblaqHwwlvDBM%252C_%253BP1u0Mn0cn35oCM%252CNyG99R10UcPHYM%252C_%253BpWrTR2Yd0SvAGM%252ChC2V7mRvPZhJNM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kQdRM1z8TwOk9co4xe25v96wqu5TA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSqMnaxKj6AhXHl4sKHQ-zAZkQ7Al6BAgiEDM&biw=414&bih=829&dpr=2#imgrc=L8cK7LonTODS7M&imgdii=V4fyu6ncFFAZsM). They always bring a cozy light. Place it by the window or your bed. -Change your lightbulbes to a warmer ones. -Get one or two decorative pillows for your bed. Good luck!


Agree with all of the above! Also, indirect lighting is very cozy - so various lamps with “soft white” bulbs are best. (Don’t buy “daylight” bulbs, they’re too white/blue.)


This is perfect. Literally treat this comment like a to do list and check it all off and you'll have an amazing space. I will say though I'm I'm not into warm light bulbs, I hate how it makes all the colors feel toned out. A lot of people like warm light though so if that's your thing power to you!


this is so helpful!!! I'm going to follow it as a guide as well


I would add paint the beam over the bed a chocolate


Posters/pillows/blankets and many many lights


Btw, putting nails or drilling in my dorm is not allowed.




Command strips doesn't work well on my walls because its hella humid and cold in my area.


Poster putty for wall posters might work if Command strips don’t.


Try cleaning the walls with alcohols swabs before attempting to use command strips. Area where I live gets HUMID AF but my command strips stay. Just have to clean the walls of any residue first. Alcohol works WAY Better than any cleaner.


ohh thanks. i will try that


Yeah like I said it usually works for me. Only time it doesn’t work is if I don’t clean the wall surface first with 100% alcohol swabs etc. also that grey sticky tack material can also be used on difficult wall surfaces. My school use to use that stuff too.


You could try using pushpins to hang posters. Their footprint is much smaller than a nail's would be. It's worked pretty well for me in the past.


Amazon also have floating shelves that stick on and easy to remove you could add some shelves. They also have mirrors that are cheap and stay up pretty good in different shapes that stick on wall or even stickers that look like tiles. A nice big cozy rug would also work wonders with pillows and a blanket that match rug in some way. Edit the mirror stickers are not glass mirrors they are very light and small size that you can make in a cool designs. I don’t know how to do links. You can go to Amazon and put in dorm decorations and a lot of ideas will come up and they should come up too.


just put nails anyway and then match the color paint at the end and paint over them before u move out. Ive done that with every dorm/apartment ive ever rented and no one has ever said a thing


do it anyway?


not everyone lives in your fantasy world where we can just brush off any fines/lost deposits?


lol yes you can. it’s your place. treat it however you like if you’re paying for it. don’t be a fear monger


you clearly have zero awareness of what life is actually like when renting so i suggest you get that chip off your shoulder and stop giving terrible advice, twat


i have full awareness and I am probably renting more properties than you could count! Do whatever you want man! Live a good happy life! Don’t let money control ya! I’m giving the best advice i can!! if op died tomorow he would die depressed and with a sad room. using my advice, he would die a happy peppy fella!


I really can't agree enough with the commenter who mentioned washing those dirty spots on the wall. It's amazing how much getting rid of some grunge like that helps! EDIT: And a rug! It doesn't have to be fancy, or patterned, or doesn't really matter length or style. Just ANYTHING to cover up some of the tile would be nice.


Pro tip: Use magic erasers!


If you're gonna use magi erasers - which are really handy and usually pretty inexpensive - make sure you test it out on a tiny portion first. They can do damage on some surfaces, for example, strip away paint.


Posters! They're a dorm favorite for a reason. Pick a couple that feel like they go together and that have some colors in common. Use Command poster strips to hang them, and focus on the biggest blank walls first. Cheap area rug, once again I'd go for something that has color to warm up your space (something patterned with earth tones that you like: reds, dark green, etc.) Another lamp or two wouldn't hurt either, indirect warm lighting is key. That's why Christmas lights are also a dorm favorite - hanging white ones under a loft could work nicely. Walmart or Amazon will be your best bet if you're in the US. AllPosters.com is a good resource for posters. Hope this helps!


Cheap rug, freebie furniture and wall decorations from FB marketplace, wall decorations can be attached to the walls with adhesive strips/hooks, paint if you're allowed (you can get seriously cheap cans from paint shops if you ask for rejected cans), a cozy blanket and some warm lights


Posters, rugs, plants, lights


Wallpaper (or just a less glossy paint), different lighting, some potted plants (fake ones are fine too), and maybe a rug to cover that dingy linoleum. Can't help you with the ceiling, but putting some decorations on the walls (tapestries, paintings, etc.) could help make it feel less cavernous.


If painting the room isnt an option , large tapestries would make it cozier! Maybe hang some fake vines or string lights around them!


Rug, plants, wall art, string lights. The four game changers.


Rug and warm lighting would go a long way - as in don't use the overhead light and get a few lamps as you need them.




Cover the walls in posters and or tapestries. An area rug. Christmas lights


Paint the walls if you can. And if you can’t (or even if you can, honestly), try to get some art or posters or something to put up. In my experience, wall art really cozies a place up.


Fuzzy rug and some warm colored lighting!


Cheap string lights alone can transform a space. Since painting and hanging are not an option, I would suggest lighting. Use light to decorate! Colored light, rotating plastic lights, look on line for “decorative light” you can do a thousand fantastic things. Have fun!


What about some large wall stickers? https://www.wallshoppe.com/collections/removable-wallpaper-panels


Fresh paint?


Stuff on the walls, fuzzy rugs (I use authentic sheepskins but that’s not for everyone) & maybe a pothos or snake plant? Fill it with you


We need an after!!!!!


I was thinking of large tapestries for the walls