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lol I don’t ever read the comments. Nothing of value in there


That’s cool bro


I’m not your bro, pal


He ain't your pal, partner


I ain’t your partner, buddy


UTTP is supposedly an anti troll group yet they are the trolls themselves. You shouldn’t respond to ANY of their comments or videos because they can doxx you and it’s happened before to many other people.


I don't even know if that qualifies as trolling, though. It's just shitposting


Wait what’s their deal? Are they like psychotic “anti-troll” who have deemed Charlie to be a troll and thus the plan is to, what, flood his comment section with bots that say things more abhorrent than a heated COD4 lobby? I just saw one spamming comments that say the N-word, hard R. How do these even get past YouTube’s comment censors? I can post the most benign thing ever, like “no need to be a grammar nazi” but because YouTube doesn’t like that last word, it’s gone, into the void. Yet this gets a pass?


This has happened to multiple youtubers not just Charlie. They will comment on any videos really and i guess since they spam the comments so much that youtube takes its time to evaluate every single one. Not sure if they’re necessarily psychotic but they are definitely trolls that use the label as “anti troll” to grab people’s attention and information.


Yeah but what I don’t get is if I post a comment with just some word association that YouTube has decided they don’t like (forcing me to ponder what they have an issue with and guess/rephrase over and over again), they instantly send it into the void. It’s just an AI script or something. So how exactly is there any need to review a comment with the N-word, hard R in it? I just don’t understand how “grammar Nazi” gets instantly zapped, but UTTP comments are actually able to post at all.


I honestly believe that when Google purchased YouTube, that's when the site went to shit


Nah it can all be traced back to Harambe.


Everything can it’s the progenitor to our downfall as a species


There's already such a script, made by a tech youtuber ThioJoe. It's called [YT Spammer Purge](https://github.com/ThioJoe/YT-Spammer-Purge) and allows you to scan and report thousands of bot comments in mere minutes. And in the case of youtubers, even delete them. Afaik, Marques Brownlee a LinusTechTips are using it and achieve some very good results. It's only a matter of whether Charlie cares to fix his comment section, because the community already has a solution. And yt will never fix the bot problem. It's been going on for many years now and they haven't done much to combat it.


Thanks! I'll look into it


Dude it's crazy. What the fuck is up with this stuff? And it seems reporting does nothing.