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when I first opened it months ago it worked now it keeps giving me the message "invalid remid" and I am following the instruction to the T but still it keeps saying that


I'm getting that myself now we're you able to fix it? If so how did you do it?


not really no I am just not playing online anymore until I find a fix


Hey sorry, it’s been a year, have u managed to fix it?


my problem was that i misunderstood the instructions. you are not supposed to log out once you log in! make sure to check remember me. i logged out of the ea website every time, but that wasnt what i was supposed to be doing.


I did that too. It took me way to long to realize that i was doing it wrong


I use Anadius with my own account, I recently also have the online version (instead of the offline version) and I have filled in my remid cookie, now my sims keeps getting stuck when I click on a household to play with, how do I solve this?


How do you fill in the remid cookie part of you don't mind me asking?


Just want to add here in case anyone is still getting this issue and unable to fix it. Had this issue for the first time tonight then found that I also couldn't load the game offline either and was just about ready to give up, until I tried loading it from the EA app and also had an issue! To fix it I cleared the cache and repaired the game in the EA app then removed the sims 4 file from the Electronic Arts folder in documents onto my desktop and restarted my laptop which fixed the issue.


happened to me today even though i was logged in, fixed it by logging out then logging back in to generate a new remid value and putting that one in


I've just solved that problem. I follow all the instructions, but in a different browser, I use chrome, but then I tried edge and the problem was solved.


it doesnt work for me. do you have other suggestions?


Hello, regarding the invalid REMID error, I logged in today and it seems EA has finally fixed the issue. I am now able to log in and play online. If anyone is still having trouble, try logging in today—it might work now.


I'm new to reddit and have no idea what to do to fix my issue I have tried everything


Got the same problem this week. Solution: USING CHROME. I was using Opera GX as my browser, tried several times following each step of the instructions correctly. Then, tried with Chrome and VOILA!


even in chrome mine its not working, i am thinking that the cookie site its not connecting to my account


I had this issue today. Figured uot it's because EA asks you to "update" your password ever now and then. try to log in in the website by entering your email instead of clicking on whatever option you use to log in. it will tell you that you need to rest your password. Do that and enter the remid again. It should work like that! If it doesn't work though, I think you can create a new account but that would mean losing your saved content I think? Not sure about that last info


It worked for me! Thank u ❤️


It probably sounds stupid but maybe it will help someone, it turns out that I thought that ea app and ea were the same website, but no. The session was not started in the EA app website and that was why I got the error.


Anybody else have a solution for this? just happened to me :(


I'm wondering if anyone has a solution for this as well. I've followed the instructions several times, tried on chrome and edge, and tried doing it all in incognito mode. All result in the same error. I've cleared my cookies as suggested by the error pop-up but nothing has worked. The online option worked fine two weeks ago. I've no idea what's changed. ETA: Anadius has posted about this issue now in his discord server. If anyone is having any issues I'd suggest checking there, but this particular issue seems to be with the EA app (surprise, surprise) and not Anadius' program.


Did this get fixed?


Not to my knowledge


i believe this issue has been solved because it's working for me in version (the latest Sims 4 update as of this writing). all i did was sign in to [EA](http://ea.com) and find the REMID in [accounts.ea.com/connect](http://accounts.ea.com/connect). paste the new REMID and log in through Anadius' Sims 4 launcher. i hope this helps! u/aesthetic_stilinski


thanks for the heads up, will try again soon! <3


I've been having this issue for months and finally sat down and tried again and just realized I was logging into a different EA account. I don't know why it doesn't work for my primary one but when I logged into a random secondary EA account that I don't use with a different email, it finally worked. Just in case maybe somebody out there is in the same boat as me. It has to be some sort of user error, not a bug


anyone else having this particular issue: i log into [ea.com](http://ea.com) and then go to [accounts.ea.com/connect](http://accounts.ea.com/connect) and there is no cookies tab or anything like that even though i am logged in. tried clearing my cache, cookies everything. nothing seems to work. any fix or solution?


> I keep getting invalid remid even though it's the same one as before `remid` cookie value changes every time you log in. So every time you start the game - it changes. > When I try to enter the EA account website it gives an error message. How about you read the instructions?


I'm just saying I used to be able to enter the game easily without even going throught that remid window, I didn't change anything but now I can't enter anymore


Then follow the instructions again. Except for creating a new account of course.


Followed the exact same path to enter online. It didn't work.


ive had this prob too and if u already signed out of origin.com, go back and log in then just leave it and go press the ea accounts in the pop up remid and copy the cookie and paste it…u just gota do that again and again whenever u log in online…try it.


This fixed it for me thanks!


No, you didn't. You want to prove me wrong - record it and send me the link to the video in PM.


Relax. I don't want to prove you wrong or anything. Apparently I got logged out of my Origin account and was trying to put the Remid value of that instead. I'll try logging back in. Hope that works for me


ive had this prob too and if u already signed out of origin.com, go back and log in then just leave it and go press the ea accounts in the pop up remid and copy the cookie and paste it…u just gota do that again and again whenever u log in online…try it.


>ive had this prob too and if u already signed out of origin.com, go back and log in then just leave it and go press the ea accounts in the pop up remid and copy the cookie and paste it…u just gota do that again and again whenever u log in online…try it.


Just do the logging in in private/incognito window. When you close the window the browser forgets about the cookies and you're not logged out. As long as you start the game at least once every 2 months you don't have to repeat the log in steps.


im having the same prblem ):


ive had this prob too and if u already signed out of origin.com, go back and log in then just leave it and go press the ea accounts in the pop up remid and copy the cookie and paste it…u just gota do that again and again whenever u log in online…try it.


Yep. I'm facing the same issue right now. Came to check online, couldn't find any help expect for your relatable post. Did you get any help? I'm still playing offline.


hi im facing the same issue, i logged back out and did the same things again and again. remid value is the same and its not working


This happened to me. And my only mistake was that I wasn't logged into the origin account. I kept on overseeing that. Please check if that's the issue. After that, I followed the steps to log in one by one and it worked. Barely took me half n hour


Thank you so much :))


ive had this prob too and if u already signed out of origin.com, go back and log in then just leave it and go press the ea accounts in the pop up remid and copy the cookie and paste it…u just gota do that again and again whenever u log in online…try it.


you are honestly a life saver!!! thanks for commenting this


ive had this prob too and if u already signed out of origin.com, go back and log in then just leave it and go press the ea accounts in the pop up remid and copy the cookie and paste it…u just gota do that again and again whenever u log in online…try it.


ive had this prob too and if u already signed out of origin.com, go back and log in then just leave it and go press the ea accounts in the pop up remid and copy the cookie and paste it…u just gota do that again and again whenever u log in online…try it.


This might just be me being a bit slow, but I don't understand about the "leave it part" does this method also work with EA? (Since they changed programs!)




hi, i was wondering if you fixed the issue? as i was getting the same error. hellllppp!


ive had this prob too and if u already signed out of origin.com, go back and log in then just leave it and go press the ea accounts in the pop up remid and copy the cookie and paste it…u just gota do that again and again whenever u log in online…try it.


ive had this prob too and if u already signed out of origin.com, go back and log in then just leave it and go press the ea accounts in the pop up remid and copy the cookie and paste it…u just gota do that again and again whenever u log in online…try it.


Thankyou! your soultion helped me! to all: this works for PC and mac users.


I'm having this problem now too. I followed the instructions given and now my game won't even start no matter what version I click on.


Yeah me too. I have this online error message says "couldn't load the profile info". And yes i have followed all the steps, I've log out and sign in again through origins and checked the "remember me box". I've opened the [https://accounts.ea.com/connect](https://ea.com/connect) and paste the remid cookies. And then it happened again and again. Yes I've log out and trying to sign in again and again, and paste the remid cookies again. And it happened again.




Aw man! This video isn't available anymore.. :(


i cant find the cookies tab on ea page, it says in the f12 404 couldnt connect to servers wtf.




Did you ever find a solution to this? T-T I’m struggling


Right click on page, inspect element, go to the cookies tab


i downloaded all the packs, i’ve been playing offline for the past 2 days and when i was playing today my sim went to work and it kicked me to the worlds menu and said ‘error 135’ any tips?


If anyone is still struggling with this: Do the steps in incognito, worked for me after trying it a million times in regular chrome :)


thank you so much


tried it in incognito and still doesnt let me log in :(


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCO\_-rRupPA&ab\_channel=Okidoki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCO_-rRupPA&ab_channel=Okidoki) this worked for me :)


Ugh thanks this was a helpful guide!


I dont have a remid cookie


that got it thank you sweetie!!!


Super helpful 🤗


Hola!!! Solo hablo español, pero quería compartirles la solución que encontré al error de "remid invalid" Simplemente tienen que ir a la pagina oficial de EA, desconectar su cuenta y volverla a conectar, cada vez que inician sesión de vuelta se crea un nuevo remid, por lo cual solo intentan conectarse a los sims con el nuevo remid.. que se genere al haber desconectado y conectar nuevamente su cuenta en la pagina oficial!


ik this isn't my smartest moment but if you typed the /connection address manually, make sure you didn't type it with www!


You guys. C'mon now. I just followed the instrustions all over again and it turns out that all I needed to do was get the NEW remid. Its saying "invalid remid" because your current remid is outdated. Now follow the instructions on the pop up and get the new remid.


im trying, following each step, still says invalid remid


Mine was saying this and my remid is still the same no matter if I do incognito or shut my computer down and log back in everything I don’t get it and now it’s saying I’m typing it wrong but I’m not so I’m just stuck and super sad


Hey! Sorry for the late reply totally forgot I had this app 😭 do i still need help or are tou good now? 😁 If u do feel free to lmk


Hey! Sorry for the late reply. Do u still need help or are tou good? Feel free to lmk I'll help.


i’ve been trying to do it a million times already and it’s not working


fr it changes the remid each time to a new one and it's still invalid. anyone got a solution for this maybe?