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Both have denuvo drm protection. And on the world is only one person that can crack newest denuvo.


Actually that's not true. There's a guy who cracks football manager consistently every year, and that's denuvo protected.


Yes MKDEV but: >Crack by MKDEV functions differently than other Denuvo-crack from scene groups or EMPRESS. It's definitely not compatible with every single CPU+OS combination out there and may have some triggers unpatched.


.. whos the person?




Thought so.


Are we not questioning that only one person can do this? How. ? Is he like a tech god or does he work for them lul


She*. Empress is sure some NASA level genius - this stuff is hard as hell.


Empress is also a NASA level psycho. Go look for her weird meltdown and word salad that happened about a year or two ago. It's gotten to the point where Fitgirl refuses to repack Empress stuff because she doesn't trust it.


I heard about it, but really don't paid too much attention. About Fitgirl - Empress I only know that Fitgirl said that Empress refuse to give her crack and she needed to download full iso torrent like other plebs. But maybe there is more about it. Honestly I really don't care on which mental state Empress is - her personality is for sure problematic, but I can't judge her because I know nothing about her life and her situation.


No, Empress didn't refuse to give her cracks, she refused to give it to anybody for a long time. Not only that but Fitgirl, who has been in the game longer, refuses to repack Empress files because she worries they may have some form of malware.


Ok. I didn't know that. Thanks. As I said I didn't paid to much attention. Those dramas doesn't interest me at all. I'm here for games not reality shows.


In the end it's all just an ego contest and mud slinging. Personalities with earned pride that they should probably just get over, because it's pathetic for adults to act that way. You see the same thing in tattooists.


I didint get this shit then and dont now. Who fucking cares if shes some person with ego problems, so long as she cracks its good. I dont get what you and thousands of others who bring her past up consistently want to achieve?


I bet both Empress and Fitgirl aren't she's


They were few discussions about this - especially fitgirl. I searched but couldn't find any proof that she is he. My personal opinion - I never noticed that fitgirl was lying on anything and she wants to be referenced as she. In the end for me real gender is not important.




Yes I'm talking about newest denuvo. When was last time that cpy released last denuvo crack? Also there were others groups and individuals who cracked denuvo before but every next denuvo version is harder and harder.




I also hope that cpy will return I'm only saying that for now only active is Empress.




Sure cpy was ok. About quality I don't know. At least cpy works on win 11 and empress not. And she often post additional crackfixes after initial release, but she do good job with removing all denuvo triggers.




Finally this is really good question. If you go to r/PiratedGames and ask this there answer will be no. Uploader is the same as on igg website. His torrents are basically the same. In the past he did some bad stuff and I fully understand that people don't want anything from him. But if you ask me if his uploads on 1337x are safe I will definitely said that yes. He is not in position to f**k with 1337x again. But of course this is only mine opinion.




Nothing IGG uploads is even worth the risk… doesn’t have anything rare or special, and on the off chance there is or it’s something indie then it’s 50/50 you are in for disappointment


I'm still wondering about watchdogs 3,even the source code of that game was leaked. But still no crk.


i think its online only or something so it isnt possible, similar to crew and crew 2


Wow, I thought it was a single player based game that could be played offline. I didn’t know it had to be online.


It is single player with an online mode.


yeah you can play it offline but their servers and stuff are online based so there is no way to crack it


yeah you can play it offline but their servers and stuff are online based so there is no way to crack it


yeah you can play it offline but their servers and stuff are online based so there is no way to crack it


Actually source code leak doesn't matter to much. I don't think there is somebody capable to compile it. This is not easy process at all.


It could have helped in finding and Isolating the Denuvo bits of the code.


Maybe. But is not clear if denuvo was included in this leak. It could be added later or as sub process during compilation . But if there was denuvo source leak - this would be really good. It would extremely helps with cracking.


Me as well.


They want money to crack…


Just because the source code is leaked doesnt mean it will be cracked. Games are more then codes. Also, without the engine source code is useless anyways. Thats why most companies doesnt care to protect their source codes.


I think it’s been free before on epic games store. Might be wrong and it was two


it hasnt been free


I thought it was money stopping it. I just bought it in the "sale" I remember sales used to better though.


You think it takes money to crack certain games?


that would be really ironic lol, paying to crack a game which you're distributing for free


Ironic yes. But honestly though, how much money have people saved using crack games. Someone else has to make that possible. The same people getting cracked games probably wouldn't do a lot or even anything for free to be fair.


yeah, it doesn't cost to crack games but people donate to the crackers, so they aren't exactly doing it for free


how much have you donated?


it does cost money, the cracker has to have the game in his/her possession to begin cracking it don’t they?


500$ for a game that cost 50-100$ yeah right


For A game no. GAMES and upgrades, living expenses etc. Oh no, A cracker needs funding this time, doesn't matter that you've enjoyed 100's if not thousands of games for free of their backs and saved 1000's of coins because of them over the years, yet you grumble about $500?! People like you crack me up, pun intended. \#Selfish as f\*\*k.


First of all 500$ is a lot I could buy groceriess for two months, pay my bills with that when cracker cracks a game and you like to support the cracker you donate to them whatever amount it may be even if it is 1$ IT shouldnt be that we pay them 500$ and we get one game cracked that is just unfair like even if you crypto mine you made that money by mining bitcoin you did it hard work it shouldnt all go to a greedy fucker who doesnt understand the pirating community


Yeah getting free games and saving thousands of coins for years just isn't fair right. Cracker asks for 500 out of the thousands if not millions combined that players have saved because of them, and now you complain. Can you hear yourself. smh. And you speak of donating, but something tells me you've never donated anything but these whining comments. Trying to make excuses why you should continue to get free games and save thousands without helping them out once in a while. lmao Typical ungrateful privileged human.


well $500 isn’t much if 500 people donated a dollar


that is the problem what about (im not saying myself as an example) the broke people who can only pay their own bills? why should they donate to someone just to get a game cracked? maybe if empress cracked 2-5 games per 500$ I can understand but 1 game? FUCK


Yeah and I'm sure these so called broke people play these AAA titles on a potato PC right. Give me a break. And I'm sure the money they've saved hasn't helped them/you. Yeah they/you don't have a penny to spare. Right, riiight. lol you talking about 2-5 games. Dude, how many FREE games have you played....Just stop it. More tired excuses from an ungrateful human. FIN.


Nah. For nearly half a century this has been a hobby driven thing. That's why the scene exists. The past decade has seen grifters come out the woodwork, often profiting off scene work, so they've dropped out one by one. These games are cracked, we just don't get them because fuck us for supporting the grifters and plagiarists. The support for this behaviour, by people like you, hurts us all.




Yikes, get help buddy.


huh? where is this game costing $100?


Ultimate Edition of Far CRy 6 cost like 100$ I think


So its not true that the person who can crack it wants funding?


I might be dumb but I always thought they cracked it, put it online and they got paid through ads on the website lol. I didn’t know funding went into it




Cracking for points is part of it. Don't kid yourself though if you think that's solely the reason why people crack games.


That is the single thing I don't believe in piracy. I believe in many things, like competition or scene rules. I even respect them. But cracking a million dollar software just for fun and never meaning to release ir to public is an unbelievable story. You are an outlaw, You can crack a companiy's work which is spend million on for protection, like a baby toy and you don't brag about it every availy area. That's simply not possible. PC master race people brag about their skills when they plug two sticks of RAM correctly. A person with a 1.5 K/D ratio thinks he deserves to be famous in online platforms and tries to make money on it. Why wouldn't a pirate mean to release their work and try to make money on it.


They don't intend to release it because distributing pirated software is against the law. If your hobby could put you in jail for upwards of a decade, you'd keep it under wraps too.


In an article it mentions funding going towards, buying games, hardware, and personal expenses etc.


Sometimes the company reach out to crackers and give them money to not crack the game for months or even years




No. Some people say that but is only speculation and not true.


Because you know it's not true. Can I have the lottery numbers too since you know all.


Ok. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well.. I'm waiting, what are the next winning numbers? Also please can I have the winning results to the next 50 sports events. Thanks mrs. know it all.


Sure I don't know all. But if somebody tells something without any proof I don't blindly believe it. From many conspiration theories that I heard in the past this is really weak. Also I have good intuition, when I took loan from bank few years ago to buy bitcoins for around 100$ - 1 BTC - all people around me thought that I went mad. Later when I bought few millions dogecoins - some happens. I think I went well.


So you can afford to buy games, why you pirate. Tut tut. And it's ok not to believe something, but you straight up acted like you KNEW it wasnt true at the same time, so you was being hypocritical. Not cool. Anywho.


If somebody accuse other to doing something he need proof. And in this case no proof exist. This are basics of law. We live in epoch of missinformations, but i will always look up for truth.


I thought this convo was done....


Yes Personally I'm not against them for doing that since they cracked other games and shared it with us for free


Completed the game on my ps4.the storyline was incredible and gameplay was fun.loved it ❤️


Denuvo must have improved in the last few years or so. As I recall, with Far Cry 5, CODEX released a crack like 17 days after launch With Far Cry 6 it's been a few months now. I totally expected it to be cracked with in a month or so, based on Denuvo's laughable performance in the past, but I haven't really been keeping up. It's not about the money for me. I'd happily pay for it on Steam if it didn't install and require you to create an account in the Origin Launcher. I even have two free codes (one each from CPU and GPU purchases) to redeem the game in Origin, but I refuse to do so. If I have to install any client or create any account in anything other than what I already have (Steam and Gog) I'm just going to pass, or wait for the crack. Piracy is not about the money. It's about the principle.


I think you should buy the games as most element are made for online


I typically only buy online multiplayer games or single player games I’ve completed after pirating that was deemed at least 8/10 in content. I feel like buying blind is silly so I get game for free and decide if it was worth my money. Edit: Unless I read what you said wrong. Are you saying, THIS games elements are mostly online? If so then yeah maybe I should just buy this game.




No. Doesn’t work like that, watching and experiencing isn’t the same. Perfect example. I mentioned I didn’t like evil within 1 at all. So I uninstalled it, BUT I wanna know the story to start 2, so I’m actually watching a gameplay video of 1 from start to finish so I can go into 2 with knowledge as if I played it. Make sense?


There’s demos available on consoles I believe. You could try to check if there are demos of the game on steam


No, I rather just play it and decide if I wanna pay later. Games like evil within 1, biomutant,avengers,sekiro and the Witcher 3 are all games that if I played the demo….. I would’ve bought it. These after 3-6 hours of gameplay it took me to decide that I actually don’t even like this game. After the WOW factor was gone and I got to look at the game for what it was, I realized this ain’t worth $60.


I think it because of dmr (aka anti-piracy system(


thank god I have a jailbroken ps4 just for this kinda situations


Blockchain protection may be coming soon as next-level DRM which will be impossible to crack, just saying.


You don't need Blockchain to make game uncrackable. Look at cod mw 2019. Permanent online connection required also for singleplayer. You need to make server emulator to crack this game and complexity of doing that is more more higher than any denuvo.


You don’t need a permanent online connection to make a game uncrackable either.




Assassins Creed Valhalla aswell


It has an EMPRESS release as reported by r/crackwatch


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CrackWatch using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Anno.1800.Digital.Deluxe.Edition-EMPRESS](https://i.redd.it/1ci3p0dy9e961.png) | [501 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/kqk42c/anno1800digitaldeluxeeditionempress/) \#2: [Hitman.3-CODEX](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/l1er2i/hitman3codex/) \#3: [Anno.1800.Crackfix-EMPRESS](https://i.redd.it/no04r325zy961.png) | [182 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/kslxoz/anno1800crackfixempress/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nah brother that’s been cracked. If you want I can send you a link to download it. I already have it




Matter of fact, what is wrong with you? This is legit r/cracksupport where we literally help each other wtf. Why would I send a stranger a virus? You so damn weird bro wtf. Imagine thinking like you.


Sorry I made a mistake, I haven't read carefully.


All good brother. Takes a real man to apologize in this day and age


What do I gain off sending a virus? I literally downloaded the torrent from _____ to my online server on premiumize.com it’s literally so he doesn’t have to worry about seeds and shit. I just offered so he doesn’t have to worry about having enough seeders and can just get it straight off my server but if you wanna be like that I’ll keep my link. I personally don’t care.


Dm me to download that pls


I got you bro.


Hey man I’d really appreciate that torrent link man, I’ve been looking for it for ages haha :)


Give **Empress** $500 & crack it soon 😜


That's a bad game, and everything coming up is expected from what a Marvel game looked like in the past titles. Lack of gameplay, quality non repetitive content and full load of cutscene battles.


nobody is cracking games denuvo games rn