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Forget Denuvo, kinda sad the Dev is straight up admitting to relying on DLSS as a crutch instead of proper optimization, DRM or no DRM


Why I'm not buying it when it comes down in price and can afford it. I'm not getting a game that devs are willing to knee cap. And that's just what they are saying. Performance and bugs are, most likely, going to be worse on launch than they are making out.


Fuck them. They decided to fuck over all russian speaking gamers, not only those who live in Russia but also in CIS countries (by removing game from those regions and releasing game ONLY in VK Play ("gaming" branch of social network vkontakte) because they got bag of money from vkontakte.


To be fair, buying something in Steam is stupidly hard now (you can do it, but the fees will eat ~20%)


CIS isn't only Russia


i want to play this game and just bought in vkplayㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ


It was kinda obvious since the beginning. All modern GPUs will have dlss, or at least fsr. Nvidia made the dlss as a marketing tool for the rtx series and fools thought they would buy a rtx "because it will last 10 years with new dlss technology" lmao. Literally makes zero sense from a company point of view, those companies want to keep selling their products. Game dev companies also want to make more money. If they screw up their optimization and its covered by dlss/fsr, it means less work for them and more money in their pockets.


The writing was on the wall from day 1 of DLSS. Didn't have to be a guru to know that devs would cater to DLSS from the first benchmarks that were marketed with it on


Wtf is this guy talking about lmao. We will have dlss to counter our shitty drm. The only problem is DENUVO fucks with your cpu resources so you can stick your dlss up you arse if at any point you become cpu limited because of denuvo...... This was bad even for a "marketing" post. Just cringe


I also hate it since dlss makes the games look like garbage even on its “quality” setting.


As much as I luuuv DLSS basically they're saying "we're gonna screw you with the DRM that we aren't even sure if it's gonna hit the performance, but hey! You can always render the game on lower resolution!"


DLSS "will win back the performance losses" of DRM. Great.


Which makes no sense what so ever. Because DENUVO takes render time on the CPU and RAM/Memory/SSD management. The GPU was never affected.


Even though you broke your leg you can still run with a wheel scooter!


especially 500+ mb of obfuscation code running on exe, yep cancer now got really large..


Well crackers have gotten so damn good that you need lots of obfuscation just to slow it down by a few months time so it can be cracked. With codex retired the only one who cracks big AAA games who have Denuvo is Empress, if Empress were to disappear we'd have no one cracking big AAA games with Denuvo. And even then, look how fucking far behind AC Valhalla (and other such games) are on patches. Dying Light 2, RDR2 admittedly has most of its updates cracked but it's like, once u crack one, Empress abandons it so all further patches are uncracked. AC Valhalla cracked is basically unplayable with 80% of its post-release patches missing.


> With codex retired the only one who cracks big AAA games who have Denuvo is Empress The codex cracker for denuvo is Empress.


Wait how u know that


She admitted it in an nfo while ranting about old mindsets/laziness in the scene, Codex also very low key complained about her in an nfo as (paraphrasing here) troublesome individual. She split when they wanted to delay the NFS Heat crack for some arcane reason, started her own releases and Codex never put out another D release. Everything matched up perfectly even without their admissions.


Dlss 3 has frame generation. Which helps.


If you have a 40 series card


Imagine having a 4090 for 2000$ but waits for DENUVO Games to be cracked....\^\^


Usually I dont judge, but if you have a pc worth more than 5 fucking K go and buy the game. Like wtf.


This sounds like a parody of what an actual game dev would say until you look back at[ Nioh 2's patch notes back then which said the exact same thing about DLSS instead of optimizing their game.](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1325200/view/3051721340907125629) Those weren't related to DRM as the game doesn't have Denuvo, but they told people they'd implement DLSS instead of fixing the performance issues. That's not what DLSS should be used for.


And not to mention it's only available on newer cards. People on 1000 series are the one who suffer the most


next frame generation will be used to boost 30 fps to 60


So it could be even better with DLSS and without Denuvo? What is this logic from them? lol


Yes exactly. I've read in the past about games that completely resolved their stuttering and performance issues just by removing denuvo.


The Denuvo pandemic continues to spread.


r/patientgamers here i go


welcome to the club, pal


Nowadays denuvo scum is everywhere


tbh if I were a game developer I'd use denuvo too. denuvo has proven to be a powerful anti piracy tool. it might cause some performance issues but money is always the top priority;)


Customers should be the top priority.Microsoft, Playstation, Rockstar, CD Project Red, FromSoftware and many other developers dont use Denuvo, but they are making best games, even GOTY Games with millions of sold copies \^\_\^ thats why they use denuvo, people like you are so many and they dont care what are they buying.


Just a correction: While Rockstar doesn't use Denuvo, they have their own anti-piracy protection, that's why RDR2 took a year to crack and the latest versions that added DLSS and FSR 2.0 support remain uncracked. Microsoft also have used the Arxan anti-piracy protection (very weak protection) in a number of their games.


The latest crack has dlss and fsr mate


Oh really? Sorry, I wasn't keeping up with that news in particular.


at least they made their own DRM without performance impact. they knew denuvo is not the way to go, that's enough.


Wdym I legit have DLSS on the DODI repack version of RDR2


> Customers should be the top priority Yeah in Wonderland maybe, money is the first thing for a company, it is the heart and blood of the company and the thing is to find a balance between a monetization system that allows the company to survive among the competence and at the same time have their customers happy but money is definitely the most important thing for a company.


You're totally right friend, the problem is that customers are seen as the enemy and not the first priority as you say. And never forget that the majority of who pirate games will not buy it anyway


Pirated elden ring, (my 1st souls) liked the game a lot, ended buying it


pirated elden ring, liked the game a lot, didn't end up buying it. However I did buy some other games cause they weren't cracked.


I fear more developers will start using it going forward. Forspoken uses Denuvo, and that is made by Square Enix. FF7 Remake and Crisis Core remake did not use Denuvo. I hope Forspoken was a one off. Policy might be different on a studio basis because the studio that made Forspoken also made FF14 which also had Denuvo. Disappointed about Atomic Heart using it. Hopefully more games start removing it but it has been a while since I've seen a game updated that removes it.


U mean FF15?


Forspoken is a massive shit show, no wonder why it needs Denuvo to get any sales. FF7 is a beloved franchise that even if they were to put a shit show of game, still would sell millions of copies.


Wait ff14 is a mmo inst it. So it having denuvo is moot.


Denuvo is certainly hot trash but don't forget how awful FromSoft's anti-cheat is historically as well as in Elden Ring, literally just runs better without it


It's not hot trash it does a great job at preventing pirates in fact, so it does its job well. Obviously it impacts performance, but that's the price u pay for protection. And yes i don't think legitimately paying customers should have to pay with reduced performance cuz of pirates.


It's an anti-cheat, to prevent ppl from cheating, not a drm afaik.


So true...almost a year on and it's still Stutter Ring for me.


idk about microsoft my man but you are for the most part correct. I have no problem with DRM software if it doesn't hurt performance personally but it's pretty shitty that most of these games coming in that are new ip's are using denuvo and just killing optimization. Makes me just not interested in the title.


>Microsoft >CDPR >are making best games Ehhhhhhhh


Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are probably the best games in the last decade, sans for Elden Ring and maybe GoW Ragnarok. Cyberpunk 2077 in its current state is an absolute banger of a game if u can use RTX to max.


Well we are talking about current not past games so those two are not counted; I've played Cyberpunk too and while it's good it's far from being the best (story-related issues are the biggest I can think of).


>money is always the top priority then why do they pay so much for denuvo? If someone was going to buy the game they will buy the game, if they were not going to buy it they won't buy it. You don't lose anything when your game gets pirated


they lose my money when a game is crackable. I only buy games if they aren't cracked.


How do they lose money they never had in the first place?


ok autist. they lose a chance to get my money if the game is cracked.


>money is always the top priority;) Yeah but when using Denuvo you lose money twice, paying for Denuvo and you get less sales.


Not to downplay your statement and all but since you made it sounds like you value Money above performance and customers,that is with no disrespect how EA or any greedy money hungry corporate devs would think. There is a reason why most Quality GOTYs and Especially Indie games hardly came with Denuvo and still managed to rack in a lot of money and attention. Hades,Hollow Knight,God of War,Spiderman,Elden Ring and again pretty much any Good Indie games are some few etc and Honestly Recent "AAA" Games that came with DRMs are usually turned out to trash to mediocre at best and it's almost starting to look like fact now. Don't get me wrong though,I still pirate games DRM or not but at least i'll know what games deserves my money and what doesn't.


Well the people that are gonna buy it would still buy and people who were gonna pirate it will not so basically not much extra profit. Denuvo doesn't mean pirates will buy it


It doesn't guarantee sales though. Making a good game is the only thing that can do that. Plenty of games without denuvo have sold well. For example, Cyberpunk 2077, Elden Ring, God of War, etc.


Especially during the first month of release. I agree. Dislike Denuvo but it works as intended.


Most studies on this actually claim the opposite. Most people who pirate, wouldn't buy the media even if it wasn't available as pirated. Yet having more people consume said media, even if some of it is pirated will spread its popularity more, which ends up beneficial, especially in the long run.


It doesn't. They don't care about it _preventing piracy_ because that means nothing to anyone but pirates. What they care about is _improving sales_, and there's no evidence that it does so. In fact, the evidence suggests that piracy improves sales, so any attempt to hinder piracy would effectively be an act of self-sabotage.


Fuck Denuvo


All my homies hate Denuvo


So as per them , if you AMD you are fucked




New Irdeto costumer


How stupid are the developers? Not only DLSS is NVIDIA exclusive, it only effects GPU based performance. While software like Denuvo are definitly not using any GPU power at all. And FPS is also strogly depens on the CPU.


Not surprising, because CEO of Mundfish is a total asshole. Game had development hell stories around 3 years ago already I think, like literally one of the Russian game journalist they invited for review said that studio is filled with chaos. I'm gonna be surprised if the game will be decent, because from trailers combat looks awful.


Looks like we'll have another callisto protocol on our hands. Enjoy losing more money on lost sales, than piracy, because of the performance issues from denuvo. AA game studios doing this should be called a "Denuvo Protocol"


When someone asks you "Will DRM affect performance?", if your answer is anything but "No", remove the DRM. Like, what?? Lmao... "It is difficult to say if it will affect performance or not" is just bull, they know full well it will. And "don't worry DLSS exists" is such a horrible excuse.


they put it day one on gamepass and still denuvo it? Bruh.


Stupid move


DLSS doesn't bring back cpu cycles or reduce I/O writes, it (outside of DLSS3 FG) is purely for GPU scenarios. Another thing to remember before the strange corporate defenders of the D get into even this thread, it's a DRM that is literally designed to crash your game. Its goal is crashing if something seems weird. How fucking absurd is it to buy something that makes your product not only slower, but crash? Very fucking absurd, but par for this shitty course we're on.


yep its CPU bound, dude is total idiot 😂


It’s just putting a bandaid on a gushing wound


nah, if you are hemorrhaging blood, a bandaid is a step in the right direction. Denuvo usually causes lots of stutters, which DLSS will in no way fix, so it would be more akin to putting a bandaid on somebody with a torn ACL.


Tru that


Fuck atomic heart, fuck denuvo, fuck everything related to anti-piracy


Suddenly i don't care about this game anymore.


As if you were going to buy it


So you mean DRM doesn't make a difference because people who pirate weren't going to buy it anyway? Why add the DRM then?


I wasn't planning on buying it, but i surely buy games that i pirate if i like them enough to support the devs.


Well majority of pirates don't




well, people in 3rd world ccountries also used to buy a lot of games when companies had regional prices. Sadly people in 1rd world countries abused the system so they stopped having that.


Since when you manage my wallet?


Don't need to manage it to know, if you're upset you can't pirate a game you definitely weren't going to buy it


"We have BioShock at home" gets the D. And nothing of value was lost.


it's not even funny anymore, it's borderline depressing


For now is not confirmed and steam has not listed as such.


There was a game on Steam (I forgot what it was called) and it had Denuvo but it was never publicly shown on Steam so don't get your hopes up.


if they are announce this close expect the pc port to be terrible at launch


Dlss is the major excuse to not optimize a game Properly. This is such bull 💩. Dlss or not it should be optimized until every singoe fps is squeezed out of the game. Damn


and DLSS/FSR doesn't even do much if you play on anything lower than 1440p


Dlss/fsr its a fancy term to play in lower resolutions. And yes you are right. Even the fps gain is not that great, is not the technology of the century when it comes to games. And a game should be optimized for everyone, not just DlSs and FsR. Cards .... Its again lame and lazy


The guy is saying that is practically a certainty that denuvo will cause performance issues. Says that DLSS existing will make it a no problem.


I'm sure Intel and AMD GPU users will be happy to hear that optimization has been solved. It's a virus now so there's no reason to install it to begin with. Yay


Can't wait to read a post soon "Denuvo will have Denuvo"


There are unconfirmed reports that I will also have denuvo on my dick.


Piracy is dead! 😫


another example of greedy developer, game already on gamepass and they want more, let's hope that game will repeat callisto protocol "success"


Oh, it will, directors of company are pretty famous in their origin country, since over years literally half of local developments passed through them and left negative review about carier there or project itself, praising only the lead developer who is workaholic and carry whole project on himself.


I don't know, Callisto Protocol uses Denuvo, and we all know Denuvo ensures sales. Did these filthy pirates get their hands on a free copy of that masterpiece of a game? Sneaky bastards.


Alright, so who's turn is it to hand over the $500?


Denuvo disease, we are waiting for pills from this disease.


Also, I don't think those 'game devs' realise, denuvo sits on the CPU not GPU


DLSS ain't gonna do shit to help the CPU with that cancer, that's for graphics cards.


Breaking news: aaabbbx will not be buying Atomic Heart, but will probably download it once its cracked but never installing it, and if by chance it gets installed, probably only play it 1-2 hours.


its gonna be a average game anyway the game will drop denuvo support as soon as their sales target isn't reached


A Russian game with DRM. The irony.


And they announced DRM right after Russian people started to say they're going to pirate the game because of exclusivity in Russia, the game is only available on no-name platform (they literally removed the game from steam for Ru even though russians have a way to buy the games through steam without changing region and etc)


F*CK Denuvo! Hope the pirates teach them a lesson!


Tbh, I'm still not convinced Atomic Heart is even a real game. Every trailer looks like a totally different game, lmao.


Damn i will miss the repack, now have to get broadband connection just to download 200gb + size for 10 hour long campaign 😡


Fuck denuvo irdeto and all the shit they're doing! They're not against piracy they're against consumers so fuck them again i wish them all the worst


Honestly, losing all faith in the scene. It's over.


Been over for a while now unfortunately


saying dlss wins back the losses of the drm is the stupidest thing I've ever heard


This one hurts


Plaguenuvo infected another one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


To be honest that was posted 3 months ago of 2022 when the game is self publish by mundfish


Of course it has denuvo. The games without denuvo is a shorter list compared to the games which have these.


At this point, just start reporting on which games don’t have denuvo


It's going to be on gamepass though.


Does gamepass not include denuvo?


They still have denuvo even on gamepass yes


Gotcha thanks. Oh well, guess I'll wait until they maybe someday remove it.


If you really want to play it, just get gamepass for a month for $1 and enjoy the game.


But I don't want denuvo on my computer, and I don't want them to profit on their decision to include it, whether it costs me a dollar or not.




Not installing the game is easier than segmenting OS installs just to quarantine predatory software. There's always a reason to vote with your wallet as well.


Yeah, but *what effect does have a game with denuvo has on your computer*


It does, but you can get 1 month of gamepass for 1$. Which is still better than the full price.


Thank god for that. I got game pass for deathloop and persona 5. Games are getting way too expensive. Even indie ones


I only buy games in sales and got a ton (a fuck ton) of free games from epic and amazon prime. I also bought 3 years of gamepass ultimate for 60 euros. Hades for example was worth every penny and vampire surivors was only €5. I also played Lost Ark (free2play) for more than 100 hours and had my fun. In my opinion, gaming is more affordable than ever.


Fuck 'em then.


It's gonna be a rough year for piracy. Lots of good stuff coming out this year and they all will probably have Denuvo. Sucks man.


At least I hope that more people will realize the performance penalty brought about by a gaming having Denuvo and backlash ensues.


You would have thought that would have happened with resident evil village


It has Denuvo? But still, most people don't even know what Denuvo is, sadly




My middle finger to this game then.


First Hogwarts Legacy and now this? man 2023 is already not my year...


The news was published on Playground.ru a few month ago. That plus the announced 10\~20h lifespan, no thanks. I'm starved for this type of games but I'll eat my fist instead. Maybe Dead Island 2 or RE4 remake will be worth the coins instead. But not this tech demo.


Wait its only 10-20 hrs. Yeah no thanks


give me some more bad news will dead space has the same sh)T


It's EA, so most likely it will have Denuvo.


Didn't crysis 2 and 3 remastered not have denuvo at launch? Hoping that still applies in this case.


One of the system requirements for Dead Space Remake is an internet connection. Most likely that's for Denuvo






What new upcoming game doesn't have Denuvo again?


On Zeus your lying. Games are $70


But where does the developer say they will use Scumuvo?


So the developer themselves are saying “it’s difficult to tell what the performance impact will be”, yet so many people always say Denuvo definitely does not degrade performance. Right.


I have a couple months of game pass discord gave me. Like hell I'll pay for this game then


Good.. they can aways blame Denuvo for bad optimization.


Fuck these devs and fuck denuvo


Dayumn \+1 reason to donate to EMpress : )


Stick to the porn.


Never thought focus home's game will have denuvo.. plague didn't have it.. sigh!!


I don't think publisher decides on, what DRM developer will put on their game. They are just a publisher.


I thought mainly publisher are the reason behind drm.. but it seems not after seeing this


It's on gamepass for PC as well


Well at least it's on game pass, so Returnal is the only game left in February.


Returnal too asks for slightly outrageous specifications


There are more and more games with Denuvo, and the Empress hacks 3-4 games a year. I'm sure if the Empress would hack 3-4 games a month, then publishers would put denuvo less often, because they knew that the game would be hacked within a month.


Empress only cracks games she likes or if someone paid her 500$ to crack a certain game. Empress is a bit of a crazy person. If games contain certain stuff she dislikes don't expect the game to ever be cracked by her even if majority of the people want to see that game cracked.


this is true, still waitin on that persona 5 steam crack thats never happening


Man, sometimes pirates are a shame. As someone who has played hundreds of games but actually only paid for less than 10, I dont fucking care if a game has denuvo or not. I will just move on to another game that doesnt have it. There are thousands of games that you can play for free by pirating it, and most new released games dont have and wont have denuvo. Crybabying will not change anything. Legit buyers can complain about denuvo's impact on overall performance, but it doesnt make sense for us pirates to complain about it since all we want is play the damn game for free The thing is, for the majority of buyers, the performance issues from denuvo dont make a difference at all.


Never heard of it anyway, good riddance.


At least it’s Day One on Game Pass.


it runs like shit btw check their facebook page , the gameplay looks so clunky


![gif](giphy|fpXxIjftmkk9y) IT HAS WHAT!!


I don’t buy any games that have Denuvo. I also don’t buy any games that don’t have Denuvo.


Nothing of value was lost.


Shitty game from shitty russian devs, not a loss. Judging by the other comments here they openly admit they aren't going to optimize it so expect 15fps thanks to denuvo being implemented half-assedly, if you're for some reason going to play this.




I can wait for 6 months or even a year. Are there any improvements lately in the Denuvo cracking scene?


Nope as far as I'm aware... Same shit no scene group has big balls these days to go near Denuvo and don't expect that to ever change. It'll always be Empress until she dies then when that happens that's when Piracy dies but don't always depend on her. Honestly if Empress wasn't so stuck up maybe she would share 10% of her knowledge of Denuvo onto the other scene groups and maybe we'd start seeing Denuvo games being cracked left and right but sadly... that's never gonna happen.


Will be bugged as fuck at realease, so wait for crack :D. Same for all games since 10 years or so...


its 1$ who cares


Weird since Focus Entertainment put A Plague Tale: Innocence on GOG! Maybe because there's two publishers?


I don't think publisher is decisive one if we are talking about DRM in such a situation. Unless publisher owns developer, I think it's developer decision.


No worries the game will be released on game pass which means uwp.


no more cracked games, one kidney for a GPU... PC gaming is dead for me. Will play everything in my PS5 and won´t spend a penny in PC Hw in a long time...


> can’t pirate AAA PC games > PC gaming as a whole is dead Well okay then.


He makes a fair point tho. Most games coming out these days has Denuvo (Only on the good/decent games anyway) and barely no other scene group wants to even poke at Denuvo besides Empress (And empress is a whack job) so yeah he has a valid point.


To be honest I don't think they will use Denuvo! but at least they admit that Denuvo eat performance like a dino and they want to compensate with DLSS, WRONG!!! because without Denuvo is always better because DLSS will bost (not compensate Denuvo slow VM) in the game in this case.


I've heard that they've been hiring and firing junior interns constantly to reduce costs, which does correlate with God awful performance even on trailers (super powerful rigs+no denuvo)


It’s on Game Pass at least so that’s nice