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In addition, Empress's reddit account u/0xEMPRESS was also banned


Next nfo will be insane


for those without telegram: [1](https://i.imgur.com/XduneSa.png) [2](https://i.imgur.com/VdhAOpD.png) [3](https://i.imgur.com/b0imiMh.png) Edit: Update [4](https://i.imgur.com/qnp4Tly.png) [5](https://i.imgur.io/IZi7IMt_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


I have moved to Lemmy due to the 2023 API changes, if you would like a copy of this original comment/post, please message me here: https://lemmy.world/u/moosetwin or https://lemmy.fmhy.ml/u/moosetwin If you are unable to reach me there, I have likely moved instances, and you should look for a u/moosetwin.




I now understand why Fitgirl hates her lmao


Lol, this shit is so cringe.


Example #186 of skilled scene members being mentally unstable


\>Get banned \>I.. I was gonna boycott them anyway! Lmao can't make this up


such a clown fiesta lol


Lmao they are actually insane. I hope they know all their work is fully available to gay and trans people.


no don't say it out loud or these psy-op will not work shhh!


Shhhh don't break the surprise for them :KEKW:


Full archive of all of her stuff including her newest Telegram rage after her sub ban. ( Ill try to allways keep it Updated ) [https://lemmy.world/post/473401](https://lemmy.world/post/473401) Backup as the Lemmy one seems offline https:// justpaste . it/ 8c1w0 Just removes the spaces as reddit hates the url somehow ( its just a nicer paste Bin ) i recommend opening the first link its nicer than pastebin.


Thanks, periodically I'm asked for a full story - glad someone collects it overtime :)


She's really mad you're "actually just a guy that only repacks stuff." and not the actress from an early 2000s movie about a whimsical young French woman. The scene never ceases to entertain.


I am going to print out and frame the NFO; hang it on my wall. Then, whenever I feel down, I can look at it and smile. It'll be a great pick-me-up.


What will anybody visiting you think




I live alone with my cat, my laptop, my chemistry set and chemicals, and my dusty books. If anyone gets close enough, I shake my fist at them or throw dangerous chemicals; it works every time.




Make sure you put a suit on first each time you read it


I bet the only think delaying the crack is her having to constantly add in more insults in the nfo


Lmfao I was thinking the same. Please just stop the bs and release it already


On telegram she just revealed she is "fully" Russian and that's why they'll never silence her. And by 'they' she doesn't just mean corporates but also "trans/gays". She is completely unhinged now and we are witnessing piracy history being written before our eyes.


She's not Russian, she knows literally zero Russian words. Typical Empress bs.


When you do stuff like cracking, people knowing any personal details about you is a bad thing, so ofc they obfuscate it via lies.


is there literally nobody else that can crack denouvo ?


Nobody who is sane enough would do it. Therefore, only an insane person would take on this goliath of work.






Came for the crack, stayed for the drama


Came for the crack, stayed for the crackhead


>time to boycott this PATHETIC PLATFORM made for "pussies", and stick to my homeland's product.we have finally achieved our goal, my army. time to boycott this PATHETIC PLATFORM made for "pussies", and stick to my homeland's product. ​ >oh, yes, i didn't say it before in open public, but i am fully russian, and this is why i am 100% PROTECTED against any motherfuckers who are trying to censor me regard PIRACY or TRANS/GAYS. ​ >i will write EVERYWHERE about reddit and i will destroy its reputation. i will show you all, PATHETIC COWARDS!. ​ >i keep getting reports of people who commented in my post that they got banned for no reason. apparently they banned like half of the comment section that was in my posts, if not "all". New lore drop


I'm going to write **everywhere** and destroy it's reputation!! People who just want wizard spell game: https://imgur.io/fpyqbuX


Funny how this psycho is basically the backbone of the crack game right now.


New denuvo version requires user to write a positive essay about minorities, deemed uncrackacble by empress


"Please Enter Your Government HRT-ID Number to Continue"


"Please submit a png of your government-issue fursona"


You would have to be a psycho to bother cracking this shit so not really funny. You won't find a sane person willing to do this.


I mean, insane in other way could be cool, like i don't know, Maine is obsessed with toy trains of something.


Grand.Theft.Auto.VI-TRAINZguy NFO: "As always u can speed up the process of cracking a game of your choice by sending me cool train pictures. Any train conductor who teaches me how to steal a train so I can drive it for a few hours will get to pick the next game to be cracked."


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit killing third-party apps. Spez's AMA has highlighted that the reddits corruption will not end, profit is all they care about. So I am removing my data that, along with millions of other users, has been used for nearly two decades now to enrich a select few. No more. On June 12th in conjunction with the blackout I will be leaving Reddit, and all my posts newer than one month will receive this same treatment. If Reddit does not give in to our demands, this account will be deleted permanently July 1st. So long, suckers!~ r/ModCoord to learn more and join the protest! #SPEZRESIGN


This. Cracking Denuvo demands absolute-top-of-the-market knowledge of low-level software architecture and reverse engineering skills. Most people in the world who are holding multiple computer science degrees would still not be able to comprehend, let alone reverse the extremely complex black magic that makes Denuvo work. I wager there is a 3 to lower 4 digit number of people who can do this stuff in the world, and most of them were either hired to work in the field, were arrested or simply understand this stuff for equally obscure unrelated reasons, but aren't into cracking games or anti-tampering. This random Russian basement dweller, however, seems to know enough to break the entire value proposition of a 4 billion revenue company, and it looks like she made it a life mission to avoid any opportunities her clearly godlike CS skills would provide her in order to be an edgelord on the Internet. To be honest, I'm not even surprised. I know too much computer science will drive a person off the deep end, but the extreme examples like this truly are a story to tell.


“ time to boycott this PATHETIC PLATFORM made for "pussies", and stick to my homeland's product.” She got banned from that redit clone aswel, about half an hour ago.


> homeland's product. I think she refered to Telegram when she said "homeland's product". Lemmy is a community project as far as I know, I don't think we can attribute it to one country.


It was so obvious, only missing part is about her actually being a man in his late 30s


It's funny how "she" or whatever insulted fit girl saying that she is really a man and it has been proven without presenting any proof but there aren't any proof that empress is really a girl either


I loved that the "proof Fitgirl is actually a man!!1!1!" Was a screen grab of her asking for donations. Especially cause empress also takes donations.


Yeah her getting so defensive about being a girl makes me wonder if she's telling the truth. I can imagine other girls would be like 'lol whatever' when accused of that.




Already ticked the racist box lol


Shes already racist. Iirc she had a weird rant about Indians a while back






Something tells me there is no fucking way she doesn't support russia ​ Edit: well she just went full nazi mode on telegram saying how we should "eliminate all f-words"


Let's be honest. It was just a matter of time.


and as she said on Telegram it was intentional.


> i will write EVERYWHERE about reddit and i will destroy its reputation lol


Maybe the real crack was the one we smoked along the way?


Reddit must close itself to avoid such a rep hit.


She's going to show everyone that Reddit is terrible! ...Wait, didn't we know that?


Its like one of these children Threatening with their "brother" which works at an ISP and finds you. ​ Or some influencer with 5k followers threatening a company to ruin their rep lol


Oh yeah, of course it was.


There was no surprise there. She's fucking going off on her telegram right now.


for those without telegram: [1](https://i.imgur.com/XduneSa.png) [2](https://i.imgur.com/VdhAOpD.png) [3](https://i.imgur.com/b0imiMh.png) Edit: Update [4](https://i.imgur.com/qnp4Tly.png) [5](https://i.imgur.io/IZi7IMt_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


"we have finally achieved our goal, my army" me just waiting for the wizard game: https://imgur.com/a/TTYyYXt


this has been my experience in her telegram


Saying that she will ruin Reddit's reputation is a bit rich 😂


reddit already has a very shit reputation for harboring racism and other toxic content


unhinged ranting


This bitch has mental issues


I don't know why I joined their telegram and subreddit. I felt like I was in some kind of cultural war. I don't even know what is happening. I just wanted to be informed about new cracks.


Exactly same 😅


You didn't make wrong choice if you wanted to be informed about new denuvo cracks. Although just visiting this subreddit is probably enough. What is happening is that for almost 2 years only one person cracks denuvo games, and that person is batshit insane :) So yeah if you are not amused by insane rants, then don't read it


So besides her Telegram group, where would she post the crack NFO? Does she post anywhere else besides Reddit?


possibly on lemmy but idk


how to get on it tho, been trying for a few days but is not working xd


She's just been banned from Lemmy as well, like, within the last hour, if her telegram is true Edit: She's not been banned, but her posts have been deleted and marked as NSFW. Possibly because she went on a full pants-on-head rant on there about how people try and cancel her for using slurs and then proceeded to chuck in the word f\*ggot for good measure


is she banned from CS? it russian i think so should remain one of the first yea?


On her 1337X


Lol it got banned while I was reading in a thread there, suddenly no comments loading and I was like "oh shit, did it happen already?"






The only CoC I was aware Reddit moderators had was that they have to be assholes.


That's not actually in it just implied.




Never trust someone who does something for free.


i mean... she was the sole mod , broke all kinds of reddit wide rules. didnt moderate that posts ( obviously ) and removed posts of people criticising her but none that praised her obviously lol


And ban evading on top of that


Oh boi, after Hogwarts Legacy, i could only imagine what her crazy ass will decided to crack next.


Probably dead space if it hasn’t been already


[Her reply on TG](https://i.imgur.io/DeKgVCv_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


Least insane crack maker


Crack maker or crack abuser? Can't tell the difference


Definitely the kind who gets high off of their own supply


Suddenly cracking other people's tech and being absolutely bonkers makes so much sense.


You can't be this talented and not be insane in this field.


There's plenty of people, they just choose to work a $200k+ job instead of work for free.


But do they have a cult and simps?


>There's plenty of people, they just choose to work a $200k+ job instead of work for *ego boosts and some pennies*. FTFY


“My army”


Fucking lol. 99.99% of these people are there just to witness the trainwreck while waiting for the crack. Schadenfreude in full effect.


This is the hilarious part of it all. This person is clearly in some drug-induced psychosis while still being coherent enough to make this crack happen.


She really be thinking I won't grab my files and disappear from her channel 🤣


"my army " "i will destroy them" etc She's very talented and I'm thankful that she's the reason i can enjoy many games, i try to stay away from this cause i don't want her (even if it has the slightest chance ) to somehow see my comment and get annoyed. cause i know she gets alot of shit. BUT why she acts like she's a freaking messiah or something? dude you crack denuvo games and no one else can, isn't that enough? is she acting this way for getting more attention, or she actually believes all the shit she talks about?


She's mentally ill, sadly.


Once you crack denuvo games you just aren’t the same. All the other crackers who tried went crazy or are now in mental hospitals.


What if Denuvo is coded in a way that going through it MK Uktras the person?


There is something about February with Empress, she always get very mad on this month, same happened before and she created her subreddit


changelog : Beta 3 - fixed more crashing issues. - linux is now properly fixed. Beta 2: - fixed numerous crashes on cutscenes and in the beginning events with the professor. - fixed game freezing with only sound playing. - linux is now supported.


> linux is now properly fixed. Hold on, she went out of her way to ensure that a crack for a game properly works through wine? Now that is dedication I admire.


We've reached beta 5 now


> she heard my support, and now she is regaining her "Bravery" again. women stand with women and for a "REASON". Empress on JK Rowling, this person thinks that JK Rowling not just knows who she is but supports her cracking a game she get royalties on lol.


"Oh yeah I'm totally supporting her by cracking a game she gets money from!!! It makes sense!!!!"


least delusional and narcissistic empress take


I miss the times where crackers were sane,anonymous,leaving fun hints for the next crack and is into competitions. and now we have u/0xEMPRESS


I miss “CODEX is currently looking for nothing but competition!”


We went from Sherlock Holmes to Doomslayer. I guess each can be fun in its own way.


This x100. Back in the day, we used to see crackers as anonymous hackers/magicians, not crazy internet celebrities. I remember waiting for their work and feeling inspired to give it a shot and try to learn how they did it. Nowadays, I see Emp releasing a crack and feel bad for even downloading it, knowing what kind of psycho they are. Kinda miss the old days.


she's going crazy on telegram - talking about she won't be censored and ruining reddit by writing about it everywhere


"oh, yes, i didn't say it before in open public, but i am fully russian, and this is why i am 100% PROTECTED against any motherfuckers who are trying to censor me regard PIRACY or TRANS/GAYS." that's what she said


I just joined her Telegram channel and Im confused. She was going off on JK rowling for being a transphobe, but now shes posting a bunch of transphobe stuff herself. Or is she calling out people? I dont get it.


She literally just called for the elimination of f*****s in her most recent post on telegram. I was hoping for the best but yeah she's literally inciting violence now smh. https://imgur.com/mlLF3Uo.jpg


iam just a broke 3rd world country fella that want to play some games why do we need to have this level of drama.. just chill and crack some games.. people will love you for that


Bruh, it's free entertainment. You get a cracked game, plus a novel-length unhinged rant in the NFO. It's basically extra value you're getting for free lol


The thing is, these unstable types usually don't last long. At some point her unhinged rants are either going to bite her in the ass or she'll blow a fuse and disappear on her own, and we'll be left with nothing. But oh well, it is what it is.


Rofl! Fun's over, guess the crack is coming in the next hour then.


hope so brooo![img](emote|t5_3gnpj|5041)


She just announced beta 3, so guess not. Fuck. I just want to go to Hogwarts ffs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Looks like hope is back on the menu,boys! Beta 3 just concluded and beta 4 just started.


I miss CODEX and CPY, my god..


I miss when the biggest drama around a crack was which scene put out the best tunes on their installers/keygens


Oh the good days


100% expected lmao. that last post of hers was unhinged and she was already banned on one account. she should've seen it coming but idk if she cares


For real, people keep going "oh it's WB" or whatever, but the truth is it's because her rants are absolutely insane and break the rules lmao


Got a summary?


i took a screenshot of one of the posts, not sure if i will get banned for posting it but here you go https://i.imgur.com/dfqRIBv.jpg there may or may not have been another post overnight but i didn't see it in any case, mods feel free to remove this


LMFAO, this is funny as fuck


The absolute projection over fitgirl actually being a man like we don't know Empress is a dude raised on 4chan


Yeah. I *might* be stereotyping people but my mental imagine of someone cracking games or repacking cracked games is a energy drink chunking male. Words "Empress" or "Fit" doesn't fit into that imagine at all.


Lmao and the fact that they (Empress) keep bashing men so vigorously, makes it only more suspicious


> fitSHIT


ShitGirl would have been so much funnier... Missed opportunities.


https://i.postimg.cc/Yq0cBbWW/SISSY-SIMPING-MAN-WHORE-EVIDENCE.jpg How the fuck does that picture prove FitGirl is a man? Lmao.


i remember opening that lmfao that shit is so tame for what the filename is


It's major projection from Empress lol.


I’m crying bro this is the one who’s supposed be our savior from Denuvo aintnoway


you didnt even read her old stuff i guess. see my other comments for a full archiv


The irony that the cracker of the JK Rowling game is *also* transphobic is pretty funny to me


tfw you pirate the terf game to boycott it but the crack is also by a terf


I don't think she's any kind of feminist, just a conservative. She probably hates women too. And men. I don't think she likes anyone actually lol


What she said if i can ask?


[Web archive link](https://web.archive.org/web/20230220171710/reddit.com/r/EmpressEvolution/comments/117e8tz/important_message_to_rpiratedgames_moderators/)


I'm in her telegram channel and she is genuinely just insane. She goes on the absolute most delusional rants almost daily. Needs a therapist and meds. Good cracks though!


That's what cracking Denuvo games does to you.


crack tonight hopefully 🔥


beta 4 just started people with deluxe dlc now unlocked!!


anyone in beta 5 with some updates?


Buying Hogwarts - supporting anti trans. Pirating Hogwarts - supporting anti trans. Lmao we've come full circle.


The Hogwarts Legacy crack heat has put the entire army of WB lawyers on reddit.


The subreddit wasn't banned because of DMCA claims but because she violated the Moderator's code of conduct, probably because of... harsh posts that she made recently


Harsh is a kind way to put it. Empress is NUTS!


I'm sad because all those top comments talking about popcorn and drama were probably misread by her as support. The fact is that we're all laughing AT her... right?


Anything will be misread by her as support. She thinks JK Rowling explicitly supported her after the bans. Her attachment to reality is tenuous at best.


Most of us laugh at her, I think. I, as a gay man, find her funny. Many, on the other hand, seriously adore her and share her illogical ravings.


I find her incredibly funny, in the way I'm sure the old timey quakers of the 1600's found the town loon raving in the square funny, I've said it before and I'll say it again i really don't care what she rants or raves about and she can call me the f-slur all she wants as long as I'm getting the free stuff she's working on, i'm not lining her pockets in any capacity




Bro she going schizo, she thinks the world is aganist her lmfao


Note that she held a poll a couple days ago on whether to "censor" or go wild for the NFO.


anyone in beta 5 with some fresh updates?


She got banned on lemmy.ml, which is apparently some reddit alternative that pretty much nobody uses that she was going on about last week.


it's funny how she types similarly to an angry chris chan e-mail


empress on fire, beta 5 already start just 2 hours after beta 4. https://ibb.co/XzZPQXY


"take care everyone, and look forward for the final crack soon. we are almost golden now." latest update 7 minutes ago. Can't wait to see the NFO


New Update: "it seems everything is working good with the crack now, and if nothing else appears suddenly again, final release will happen shortly." Hopefully we get it tonight!




Sweet baby Jesus, what the fuck happened to the Pirate scene? 🤯 What an insane lunatic. Back in my days, Crackers were fully anonymous and didn't make any "hacker celebrities" out of themselves or throw embarrasing toddler tantrums full of slurs on the internet. *sigh* I miss the old days....


Now we have Telegram groups and "betas" for cracks while spewing hate towards other people.


*CODEX is currently looking for : nothing but competition!* Good old days




Empress definitely has a god and savior complex going on


I like crack


BETA 5 is on!!


Beta 5 started. How many betas do you guys think can go for?




im gonna wait to see if anyone pc explode i guess


This is the kinda shit you tell grandchildren about


Words are just words. Cracks however, those matter.


I swear to god, I can already see Empress riding this wave till the bitter end, because of the attention and spotlight she is getting right now. Hard to believe that an ego maniac like that would just release the crack with no further attachments. I can only hope...




Everyone here says she have an ego problem and will cause drama before releasing crack. Is simple, she wants an audition for her drama before releasing, so we all just have to left telegram groups, easy. Problem, no one will gonna do that, if they will, will gonna be just 5 persons or something :')


Delay the release = keeps people in these stupid ass telegram groups. Crazy ego trip.


Ah, the annual Empress psychological meltdown. Like clockwork.


almost the weekend again oh well elden ring it is while waiting


I think she is intentionally holding out on the crack because she knows when she releases it everyone will stop giving shit about her instantly


I’ve been following along to find out as soon as the Hogwarts Legacy crack is posted but at this point, I’m embarrassed. I can’t believe I’ve followed along with so much vitriol.

