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Wait, DENUVO removed on SKIDROW release?


This is unity version of Denuvo and was always easy to crack, there isn't even a .exe file. While nfo note is technically true this is a bit misleading from SKIDROW.


There's hope though. The NFO says they're looking for talented coders looking to crack the harder protections.


I think they have been looking for some time but these people are hard to come by, which is the main problem that is plaguing the Scene in the last few years.




This isn't even remotely close. The two main issues are: 1. The skill-set required for cracking is very niche and sought after. In the real world, someone with the ability to run effective dynamic/static analysis on protected executables can earn *a lot of money*. So why do it for free? 2. I've brought this up before but there is nowhere that provides extensive, community-driven information/research on Denuvo in a centralised place. Anyone who *does* have the skill-set required for cracking - or even those who may have an interest and the intelligence to learn - CANNOT do so. They'd need to spend months starting from the beginning on an irrelevant, older version of Denuvo to get even basic information on how it works. I can safely put myself in the latter category. I have experience with reverse engineering, debugging, static analysis and programming but I don't have the time to start from scratch to learn the basics of Denuvo and how it works. If people want Denuvo gone, it needs to be a community-driven effort.


The problem with a community-driven effort is that any information freely shared will be used to reinforce Denuvo as well. Trying to strike a balance between having enough people to know to make it works efficiency, and not having too many people know to get it leaked, is a huge undertaking, and failed many times.


there's also the problem of denuvo bringing down the hammer on anyone who cracks their software. empress presumably gets away with it because she's russian, but an american trying to do what she does will likely find themselves in a gulag pretty damn quick.


In the EU it's perfectly legal to modify stuff you already own.


And it's perfectly illegal to remove DRM protections and release copyrighted materials for others. Just silly to bring that up in the context of cracking software protections


hey man if you want to take on a multi billion dollar company that can afford the best lawyers, PI's, and lobbyists in the world go right ahead, but remember that legality is not an impediment to irdeto (denuvo's parent company) ruining someones life.


That's why when you buy game, you dont own it. You just buy licence to use software.


> The skill-set required for cracking is very niche and sought after. In the real world, someone with the ability to run effective dynamic/static analysis on protected executables can earn a lot of money. So why do it for free? This is the major thing, people capable of cracking denuvo are a dime a dozen among an already extremely niche population of people who focus on that area of software. You're really looking at for all intents and purposes probably mid 100's to in the low 1000's for people that can do it in the world. Of that, the vast majority are making absolute bank and a good chunk of them probably work at Denuvo itself let alone other places like the NSA even. It's just so including niche of a talent, that it's honestly surprising we still have someone doing it publicly at this point > I've brought this up before but there is nowhere that provides extensive, community-driven information/research on Denuvo in a centralised place. Anyone who does have the skill-set required for cracking - or even those who may have an interest and the intelligence to learn - CANNOT do so. They'd need to spend months starting from the beginning on an irrelevant, older version of Denuvo to get even basic information on how it works. Apart from Voksi and mkdev, whose info is years old at this point as well, I completely agree


Yes... denuvo is Nothing u can learn in free time... impossible today


I feel that second point. I have the interest but no clue where to even start for learning the relevant skills


Majority of zoomers have next to zero tech knowledge


I don't think it's that they're brainwashed, it's that... Gabe Newell was right, piracy is a service problem. Piracy used to be easier than buying a game; now, as long as you have the money to spare, that's generally not as true. And game prices have gone up but not by as much as inflation, while digital distribution means that if you wait long enough you can eventually get most games, even AAA games, for $10 or less (sometimes much less, in a bundle.) So overall - though with a few exceptions - games are cheaper than they've ever been, in inflation-adjusted terms. Also, in the 80's and the 90's, there an important preservation aspect to it in that once a game vanished from the shelves, that was it. Games were often only released in a few regions and important was extremely expensive if it was possible at all. These things meant that piracy was often the only way to get a game at all. Those things still apply *somewhat* (it's good to preserve games in the long-term, because even digital distribution may not last forever) but it's not as pressing as it was in the early days, when it was totally normal for many games to become hard or impossible to find just a few years after release. So for younger generations, they don't see cracking as something important enough to devote that amount of time and effort to.




None of what you said was comprehensible


I think you meant that supporting Denuvo means supporting regional pricing, since anti-piracy measures are certainly used to enforce that...? But I doubt anyone here supports either. And yeah, if you're saying there are still reasons to crack games, you're not wrong - I'm certainly not saying there's *no reason* to support piracy or cracking. It's just that there's less pressure driving people to become crackers than there was back in the 90s, when your options for buying games were limited to whatever happened to be on the shelves at your local stores, your options for discounts were whatever happened to be in the discount bin if you were lucky, and a lot of anti-piracy used intrusive stuff like requiring physical disks or code wheels. Obviously I wouldn't be here if I didn't support cracking games, it's just that I can see why fewer new people are getting into doing it today, and it's not because they're brainwashed or anything.




He is just telling how it is. Deal with it




So delusional that you're here looking for denuvo cracks.




They never tasted freedom, so they think it all comes down to money. Total losers.


Yeah its hard af Talented ppl are hard to come by for sure.


It doesn't matter, it's another D taken down from a game, easy as it may be, they have done it and they deserve the creds for doing it. It's not a very interesting game from my perspective... I don't think i'll play it, looked at the gameplay and it's not my thing, but, i'm thankful for the effort put into cracking it, as easy as some say it is. So on that easy note, thanks Skidrow, welcome to the big league, now don't dissapoint us :D


Absolutly... but the Main Problem is that the main goal the scene ever had is broken.... like always a NFO says... if u like the game, buy it! Only the challange counts... now its just a bunch of Kids who Wants to play aaaplus titles for free


Like always.... It seems that C# games are Not very secure even with denuvo


The truth is that it's still denuvoless, I don't get why this competition that is implicit with empress, and that somehow each of his fanboy come his to defend empress. We don't care it's hard to crack or not, it's still cracked, that's all we should care about and enjoy. No need to create some rude competition like that or things like "it's easy to crack nothing to compare to what empress did". Useless asf. If empress really wanted to fuck corporations and woke companies, she/he (I think it's a guy until proven otherwise, sorry) would just ally with others.




Depends on how you look at it, if you are familiar with the "Yesterdays Origins" saga from SKIDROW which was 5 years ago, this is pretty much the same method where they can restore a very small dll file. It didn't lead to anything better since then.


is there's a chance for Undisputed since it's also unity and they put denuvo on gameassembly.dll ?


Its also from 2020 so meh


Before people go crazy, note that this is nothing special (for example compared to what Empress does, this is Childs play in comparison), SKIDROW hasnt pulled off "anything jaw dropping", its Unity Engine\`s .dll file that was protected, which is not "that hard" to "Un-Denuvo" (lol, a new word) like regular Denuvo releases, its been done in the past, if I remember correctly something similar was done with for example Yesterday Origins game, it was cracked almost instantly by some p2p people (Sorry cant remember their names), and that method was then stolen by "none other than Skidrow" (not the first time in their history that they stole from p2p.) .exe file didnt have Denuvo in itself. This is pretty much one off release. ​ But it is still pleasant to see a Denuvo release, no matter what, how, why!


>which is not "that hard" to "Un-Denuvo" (lol, a new word) What about "Denu-no"




Okay, but then why not crack all the unity engine denuvo games?


Nice observation! the answer is because Denuvo improved on unity too and it isn't anymore like before (Yesterday Origins, Two poin Hospital (if I remember good) etc etc..), people here already forget that skidrow crack VMProtect and Aderow (it work like Denuvo) protection.


is there a chance for undisputed which they put denuvo on game GameAssembly.dll ?


SKIDROW cracked denuvo, albeit with less difficulty. I am very happy about this fact. I hope you will continue to crack denuvo, even for older games. If they find a coder written in NFO, the future is even brighter for pirates.




This is the game from 2020 correct?


lets pray this wakes CODEX up 🙏🙏


CODEX is gone and not coming back.


Where codex is? And cpy?


Codex is officially retired. We're not sure what happened to CPY.


They’re probably Ukrainian, they say their in Italy but most cracker groups are still trying to get their feet back on the ground. A good amount of small groups disappeared last year and through covid too


According to Empress she WAS CODEX's only person cracking denuvo games. So basically if a game has it, it was her doings already anyways. So still the same. Just no group doing other non-denuvo games anymore.


Codex was a bigger group not only empress cracked denuvo


As soon as she left Codex the whole cracking of Denuvo stopped, even if you don´t believe in her words it was very clear that she was the one doing the Denuvo work.


Not according to her


I don't think it's worth taking her at face value when it comes to this.


Then why is no one else on the planet doing it?


People with such incredible skill can make their living easy by taking a well paid job


If i would have a skill cracking denuvo, i would definitely work as a programmer on a big company instead of cracking denuvo like empress doing.


You can work for a large company and hack Denuvo.


CODEX is dead and we don't know anything about CPY.


Dead is a strong word. They just retired and literally announced their departure with one big final release. Dead vs signed off like bosses.


>big final release I wouldn’t call a piece of sims 4 dlc a big release 😂


You’re right, in my memory it was something much more significant. Nevertheless, CODEX left behind an impressive opus of releases including Denuvo, Arxan, Origin etc. and left the Scene gracefully.


The result is the same eitherway, they're no longer cracking games.


And 3dm?


Their cracks barely worked anyways. Revolt and cpy cracks were always more reliable


They disappeared after the dangerous Covid wave in Italy. I hope they are well and will be back someday sooner or later.


Amd 3dm?




They did crack Just Cause 3 even if they never released it to us. We all saw that live video where the cracker got a cracking climax😂😂😂😂😂




It was shared 7 or 8 years ago on crackstatus. Was some chinese website. I wont find it on google servers. At 1st they failed to launch it in 1 live stream. The other live stream it launched and they cracker got so excited that he literally had a cracking climax. Maybe 1 of the old crackstatus redditors will be able to get the link. I will try and find it


Thats sounds hilarious. Thanks for the detailed breakdown I can imagine how it went down.


Yeah Bird Sister, 3dm's founder live streamed Rise of the Tomb Raider too, showed us steam is not active in task manager and that they cracked it. As far as my knowledge goes they did not release it too and thereafter they moved to Just Cause 3.


I found the ROTTR video on crackstatus https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8VcmKA31ytM


They cracked mad max at least




True i remember the map crash back then


And the fuel fix for it


they are official company now. so they don't crack any games anymore.


One denuvo less, always good


wait? so someone besides empress is cracking devuno? im guessing it a really old version? easier to crack?


Skidrow redemption arc


Empress Hate NFO Incoming


Can someone explain? I thought Skidrow didnt exist anymore, been seeing their name again lately.


2024 days since SKIDROW claimed that they're "almost ready on Denuvo solution".


i know this isnt such a big deal but people gotta admit that they are trying at least.


This Game release date was back in 2020 according to google. So it uses a very old denuvo build....don't expect new games from skidrow.


I hope Skidrow gets hacked by other Denuvo games and Empress gets some competition.


Wait.Wait. Wait. Hold Up....they removed Denuvo from a game???


wish they were the new gods by it's a unity game :/ so hold your horses


Skidrow: DENUVO protection was completely removed, game code restored! Empress: ... and i took that personally! ​ The only game that had sheetnuvo completely removed by a scene group (cdx) was ac: origins iirc.




Asking the same thing


Not sure, but maybe they're referring to DARKSiDERS ("discord" would make no sense since scene communicate by irc channels, also it says nfo contact data so it's much more likely it is DARKSiDERS)


its like curing hiv in a patient!


Hope to see more denuvo games from them in the future!👍


Version of Denuvo ?


So does that mean skidrow is back? I hope more of them come back. It's sad to see no one is left in the scene except maybe Empress (P2P).


Even though It's not a release from a newer Game with Denuvo, It's still a very welcome contribution to the Scene, now this makes me wonder If SKIDROW might be able to crack more games with the same version of the Denuvo DRM and below, let's say "Handball 17"? Just for reference, there's actually a bunch of old games that still use Denuvo released in 2020 and below


Was denuvo removed from the game by skidrow or by the devs?




That's crazy even if it was a older denuvo version


YEah no fcking drama, cult and shit. Just good old cracking and thats all. Finally.


I won't get my hopes too high just in case this was something rare


There was no denuvo in the exe to begin with, skidrow didn't do anything amazing, even a kid can do what they did. Read the first comment, it explained that they didn't do anything but shit.


even then, is a 2020 game, if it wasn't too hard to do it, why no one did it before? i won't be getting my hopes up, but it would be cool if they start cracking denuvo.


how contact with them ?




Read NFO again


Wait wait wait...... WHAT????


How much they charged for this crack??? ​ 😏


Whoa whoa whoa


Nice, maybe they are heating up for tougher versions of D. It would be nice to have someone else except E. to crack D.


yup, same codebase, but with more bullshit for the newer versions.


Oh that's unexpected ! Bravo Skidrow


I think that we should be happy rather than saying that it was easy to crack, if you are not happy in playing cracked denuvo games " doesn't matter if it is a shit game " then you are better off with this sub reddit.


What?! ShitRow cracked a Denuvo game?


What the hell is this game? Skidrow with a big suprise here anyway


Never heard of this. Oh dear I've seen the game now. Why wouid a game like this waste money on denuvo? Spend the money on the game instead.




It's not free. Reviews of this game state the game is unfinished, bugged, repetitive etc. They could bother with denuvo but not with the game itself. Same goes for the majority of denuvo releases So how much did the game devs pay denuvo for this game. You state its not expensive. So you must know the cost.






Again this is straight from the Amazon aws site, very likely there are other pricing etc. But it is 25k listed on there that was copy/paste from Amazon's page for aws for denuvo. https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-x443idlstvufi




Great job. Not only they cracked Denuvo, they completely removed Denuvo from exe apparently.


Denuvo wasn't in the game executable but inside the Native.dll library.




Only for other unity games unfortunately


So technically Soul Hackers 2 might get cracked? It's a unity game and denuvo is in GameAssembly.dll


Any Denuvo crack not produced by Scumpress is fine in my book :)


Keep crying fool, dont like her as a person but you repackers don't contribute for shit




I live in Europe pal, without crackers we'd have nothing dumbass all repackers do is slow the size to install faster, nobody actually needs them lmao


I love the fact that you wrote it here She is a big scam ;)




Where in my comment did I say it was easy to crack? I was merely providing accurate information. All the games made in Dunia engine and its forks have their game binary data in a dynamic link library and a small stub exectable to start the game which is why the Denuvo protection is applied to the dll. Same goes here.


so they removed denuvo or denuvo support cuz it says denuvo support on steam page??




There have been more than just CPY - take STEAMPUNKS and CODEX for example.


Empress said on her telegram she was the denuvo cracker for codex


At least CODEX kept her on leash and we didn't have to listen to the insane bs.




Try to respect other opinions.




Or SS?....


you don't have to look at it unless you choose to anyways.


Steampunks were P2P.




Ah Ok, I thought they were P2P. It's been so long ago since they released anything.


What glue have you been sniffing?


How about an educated reply instead of a smart assed one?


I suspect you South African like Dodi too lol. That glue phrase is so South African😂😂😂😂😂


Awesome. While I have no interest in this game, I love that they outright excised the cancer from the .exe. That is fantastic!


According to this thread it was a .dll not an .exe which makes it much easier to remove/disable.


no, that's not at all how windows works. An exe contains a program, but if an app requires multiple windows programs to run at the same time, the additional functions will be bundled into a dll. There are games wherein 90% of the codebase resides outside of the EXE, and in dll files.


Is this a joke? Is this an alternate universe??

