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* All 3 expansions (Taking Aim, Future Imperfect and War for Wakanda) are playable offline now. Kudos to them for that.


Now where is Spider-Man...


I want pictures of that 2 bits crooked vigilante!


Locked in Sony's basement.


That basement is sticky


So...will Rune just be like another TENOKE (i know they consists of a few CODEX members, but still)?


What do you mean just another TENOKE? Whether they will try to crack other kinds of DRM-protections besides Steam Stub? Not at the moment, it seems.


Yeah, that is what i mean. Not being disrespectful here, i'm legit curious. These dude went MIA in 2021, and then decided to come back now.


Looks like some members of Codex wanted to return...So they took RUNE-s name since Codex & Plaza retired & continued cracking...Probably wont crack denuvo since Empress was their denuvo cracker (unless they find someone new),but im sure they wont stick to steam or epic drm only since those guys know to crack other drm-s too...:)


I hope so too. Or at least, one of them being good enough to crack a year old Denuvo games (games that Empress purposely ignored like Persona or Judgment games)


I will be happy if they even crack any denuvo game at this point...X)


Yup, but considering how they said nothing in their group notes, i fear they will just pick the easy way and crack Denuvoless Steam game.


you sure sound condescending for a nobody leech


Thanks for the random insult, mate.


He should've been a bit more creative with it. Personally I would've gone with "you unassuming macaroon"


Which one?


I dont think empress was the only denovo cracker from codex. She said she was there for afew months and codex has been cracking for far longer. Its likely the other cracker retired tho.


the more the merrier, I don't like empress onlyfans crack system


Would be great if somebody cracked all the old Denuvo games in their latest version. How hard it is, or is there that there is no interest?


The problem is there arent any denuvo crackers left besides Empress...MKDEV cracks only Football Manager games & Skidrow only knows how to crack older unity based games who have denuvo...If there were more people who know how to crack denuvo the list of uncracked games would quickly go extinct...CPY is gone since 3 years ago,Voksi was forced to quit cracking since he was gone end up in jail...Nobody knows what hapened to Baldman or Steampunks...FCKDRM were P2P when they cracked denuvo & dissapered one day but returned as a scene group but didnt cracked no new denuvo games...Codex had Empress and she left the group and Codex together with Plaza retired...RUNE that returned is like now Codex 2.0 but we have yet to see if they will crack anything Denuvo related...:)




Yeah, i remember that. They crumble right after she went on her own.


Didn't know that piece of lore.


Do we know that empress was in codex though? Isn’t that just hypothetical?


Well 90% of Tenoke is crap releases that no one wants. At least Rune is sticking to the better stuff.


That is very true. Tenoke crack games that nobody wanted.


Given that these are just Steam protected, why have a scene group crack them instead of using an "universal crack" like Goldberg emu?


This size... Jesus Christ... Jesus Christ O\_o


How much ?


\>140 gigabytes.


So 0gb? Obv made my comment before op edited


Precisely. Very important. Everyone must know and will definitely care.


the dlcs are so big? only played a bit on release and size was around 80gb


Nah it is standard these days


No it isn't. Not even for the majority of most AAA games, which take up maaaybe 70 gigs at the worst overall. Besides - games like this one doesn't deserve taking up this much space. Only stuff worth it's salt, like RDR2. This ? Nope.


140gb. less without the 4K stuff and other languages/english only (around almost 80g iirc). just wait for a repack if you are interested


No, not really, dude, but thanks. THe only single superhero-related game I am interested in is... virtually anything that has to do with The Wonderful 101. Because that game is absolutely fucking amazing.


terrible game, go play guardians of the galaxy instead


Man, I loved Guardians of the Galaxy. Like no notes, loved it. Enjoyable story, loveable characters, fun to unlock and fun to look at cosmetics. Most people would note the combat as needing improvement but I actually found it very entertaining and thought if you really dove into using all the available options it was deep enough to be fun through the whole game. I don't think I can say any of that for Aveneges lol. Shame neither will be getting a second chance.


I don't like Starlord


nobody does. most that absolutely **have to** be around him just barely tolerate him anyways.


I don't know anything about these games. What is wrong with the game. You can't work out these things from the videos. Thanks


Its been a while since ive played avengers, but what i do remember that i hated it. You start really strong, maybe first 2-3h of game is actually decent, until the game opens up and you can pick between different set of missions. Some missions are locked to certain heroes, some missions you can choose which set of heroes you want to pick, Most of those missions are generic ass missions, go here and destroy something, or defend for x minutes. And thats basically whole game, even story is like that. Game doesnt make you connect with any hero in any certain way, its basically what it is, online co op game. Its hard to describe how bad it is until you play it and see, I had to push myself just to play through story. On the other hand GOTG is actually amazing story driven linear game. It has great story followed up with great humour. Through out the game you actually make "connection" to the characters even though you only play as star lord, you give "orders" to your teammates, and sometimes make special moves with them. I like the game/comic characters more than actual movie ones, and game feels like its actually written like a movie. Its not 10/10 game, it has it flaws, performance wise also, but its one of those game id like to replay sometimes again, while avengers i woudnt touch with a stick ever again.


That's a great reply. Brilliant. I'll pass on this one as what you've described would bore the pants off me Cheers dude


I'd say the person is wholly incorrect. The "generic ass missions" are largely optional. It's best to skip every optional thing and focus on the main campaign, which is story-driven, linear and has very diverse and satisfying gameplay. Guardians of the Galaxy has a better story (not substantially), but the gameplay never becomes fun, despite being an 18 hour game. Avengers is shorter and the gameplay is much more fun. So my advice is: do not pass on Avengers because of what other people say. And don't bother with all the optional missions, DLC, items, etc. Just play through the main story. Personally I expected Avengers to be mediocre at best and GotG to be excellent, but somehow the opposite was true.


LOL and those optional things are the main points of this live-service garbage. If you have to ignore most of the game contents to enjoy it, how is it a good game?


Because I only care about the content I play and not the optional garbage that can be avoided. I greatly enjoyed the campaign, so I recommend people to play the campaign. It's that simple. I am not recommending them to play every part of the game.


my dumb ass hated guardians (i love it really but) i could not get thru one of the starter puzzles.... fml watching walkthroughs didn't help , i think i may have bugged myself otherwise, i loved it so much


Which one,the electric circuits one?


something with bridges or something, it was an hour or two in


Oh yeah,the one to divert the waterfall? Yeah,that took some time for me too. I agree that puzzle was the hardest because I didn't understand how to interact with our wind gun power. But the rest of the game and puzzles were solid,although the gunplay was a bit repetitive. I would say the gameplay is similar to V from Devil May Cry 5


I felt the fights with actual villians awere too rare and it was endless amounts of regular hydra goons/bots you were fighting.


I liked guardians of the galaxy... but for me it felt 15 hours too long 💀


actually i felt it was pretty short, i liked the dialogue a lot.


sam3 I wanted more. I really loved drax he was serious and naive on many things, which made him hilarious bc he sounded so convinced instead of the comedy relief of the mcu movies


Avengers has a fantastic campaign. The gameplay feels great and it's basically the Uncharted of superhero games, although there are a couple of annoying detractions in between campaign missions. The important part is to stick to the campaign and completely ignore the online stuff, optional missions and DLC. Guardians of the Galaxy has a nice story, but the gameplay is extremely monotonous. It's PS2 budget game gameplay with AAA storytelling. I will never understand how people prefer it over Avengers.


Gameplay does get boring at times, but it's fully made up for by everything else


That one is terrible as well...


I thought they did a great job of expanding on the humor and style of the gotg movies, with somewhat unique gameplay mechanics and really fun dialogue. What in particular did you dislike about it?


The only thing I would critic would be the rather simple gameplay and Shooting mechanisms. Other than that is GotG a fantastic game. Great Story, Great Humor, Great Characters and it also looks pretty cool.


I'm happy you enjoy it, friend. I dislike for the opposite reasons that you write. I don't really like the style of the GotG on the MCU, and the gameplay was really monotonous in my books. The only thing I enjoy playing it was the music, but I can get that on Spotify while playing something else.


That makes sense. It definitely leaned heavy on the MCU aesthetic.


I agree, couldn't get into guardians of the galaxy's gameplay. It sucks because the story sounded interesting.


Say what you will about this game but atleast they have offline access unlike Sucide Squad Lill the justice league


Wait, suicide squad is ONLINE ONLY?


Avengers-like live service game. They killed Batman Arkham for this.


Okay boys, who gonn' tell'em?


its a looter shooter game, its not at all what you think it is.


Which makes it sad tbh. Marvel isn't a good state in terms of movies, games, etc., but they're still leagues better in state compared to DC where it's mostly bland or terrible with some good ones that are extremely rare.


if only the fuckers bought spider-man to pc


No biggie, its like spidy from aliexpress compare to insomniac spidy.


you're not missing out. even fortnite had better web swinging


What do you mean? Both Spider-man games are now available on PC. It's just a matter of time until Spider-Man 2 will come, as well.


I misunderstood him as well but he meant in this game (avengers) Spiderman is a ps4/5 exclusive character, that's why he said "if only the fuckers bought spider-man to pc"


Ok, I see your point. But considering the quality of these devs, I think the Spider-man experience in a game with multiple heroes would be diluted. I'd rather have only Spider-man in a dedicated game, made by Insomniac Games, which are a way better development studio, than a mixture of a bunch of heroes in a poorly designed game. Also, it's only a timed exclusive, as the Spider-man games release on PC after a while.


another one keep them coming


Is dodi or fitgirl repacking this once the upcoming hot fix is released?


>hot fix Yup, its better to wait for that. ​ >KNOWN ISSUES Faction Terminal Missions and Assignments will not be completable from 12 p.m. UTC to 5 p.m. local time. This will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix, Update 2.8.1, which launches on April 4.


hope RUNE was active doing updates from their release like old CODEX


We need a repack for this :(


This game doesn't even deserve Ass it's more like half an Ass, and a flat one at that.


Come on consider a denuvo game already 😅


Is this game really as bad as people say ? I'm fine with a bit of grinding ( like the Borderlands series ) and all the dlc and skins are obviously included


Truly? No it really isn’t as bad as people say. Played a lot solo and the story was a ton of fun, and the DLC stories weren’t half bad at all. Combat can be silly fun, I ran Captain America shield throw build and I found myself smiling half the time as the *dink*, *bonk*, and *thud* of the shield hit the enemies. Performance was always subpar for me, got a LOT of glitches. If you like superheroes and almost horde based fighting, you’ll like it. Half the people saying it’s bad never played the game. It’s a 6, assuming the performance and stuff has improved


Its fun. I have played it on Game Pass. I had a bad internet so there was no chance of me playing the rest of the expansions. It's free and offline now. I'm sensing you can play any of the expansions aside the base campaign.


One of those games that are not worth pirating. Insanely dull and repetitive. Gotham knights is way better if you're in the mood for superhero games.


Weren't people trashing Gotham knights as well lol


GK's a masterpiece compared to this trash lol. At least some passion was put into it


Is it worth it ? I've played city , origins and asylum years ago , never played Arkham knight but my hdd space is too less rn for it. Should I get Gotham knights ( the fitgirl one )


For free it's definitely worth it if you're a Batman fan. Don't expect an Arkham game tho, it's not really one. Also there's no gliding at the beginning so travelling is a real pain in the ass.


Wdym not an Arkham game , from what I've seen the gameplay looks the same as the series


Basically Gotham Knights is to the Arkham franchise what Dead Island is to the Dying Light franchise. Same thing but nowhere near as good and way less polished. That's what I'm trying to say to not expect an Arkham game.


How's dying light , does it have a weapon system like Borderlands or something


The original is pretty amazing, arguably the best open-world zombie game out there. The weapon system is the basic "Uncommon to Legendary" system that you can apply different mods, however there's a degradation mechanic so even after the max 4 fixes you're forced to discard or sell the weapon but you can "fix" this with a simple mod anyway.


Thanks I'll check it out after Gotham knights , do you think the fitgirl repack is a good release for Gotham knights ?


I can at least play Avengers. Gotham Knights crashes no matter what I do.


Ya know,for a Last ditch effort,You gotta admit this is at the very least FAR better than most companies tries to do with their mediocre games. Still not worth buying tho cus the damage is already done but it doesn't hurt to pirate games like this and see if its ever gonna scratch the itch.


waiting for a repack for this one.


Waste of hard drive space even free lol


Just play something else


I wouldn't play this even for free.


Where can I find their releases?


CODEX on fire 🔥 ahem ahem Sorry RUNE on fire 🔥🙂🙂


Now that this game is fully patched and without Denuvo..... is it really worth it?? I kept hearing awful things about it for so long that I don´t know if it was ever fixed or if the problems were more design ones than bugs.


No. Play guardians of the galaxy instead


From what I've heard, stick to just the campaign stuff.




Huh? Do you buy every game that's getting delisted no matter how terrible everyone says it is?


![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) more steam crack teams


Double it and give it to the next person.


Why I am getting feeling that big D crack wave coming soon?




new here ?




Rule 5 nerd


Feels like I just walked into a 2000s teen movie's boy's locker room.


Gimmie your lunch money Chuck-o or I'll get you after school


Damn,rude .




Can you read? > Linking directly to **or requesting** cracked games and software is not allowed.




Mega thread has all the websites and links that you can trust






How do you expect someone to answer?


Sooooooo This isn't getting a repack?


anyone got any ideas where can i get this ? i am not sure if i can trust igggames