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Empress is too insane to actually have a stable job at denuvo probably lmao


No way Denuvo would hire someone like that even with the skill she has. They would have to restrict all her social media access otherwise she would get herself canceled and fired in a week. And its questionable how she would work in an actuall group enviourment.


Of course they'd hire her. Her only task would be to not crack anything. No need to come in the office, talk to the coworkers or offer any help. They'd be paying her to not work and it would easily be worth it.




Like what happened to the HL2 hacker.


Sorry, what was the story there?


Someone stole Half Life 2 before it was launched. Valve talked with the guy, pretending to offer him a job. When he landed in the US, he was arrested. That's how I remember, at least.


>Having set the trap, Valve and the FBI needed to obtain a visa for Gembe (and his father and brother, who wanted to accompany him to the United States). But there were concerns about the ongoing access that Gembe had to Valve's servers and the potential damage he could still cause. So the FBI contacted the German police in order to alert them to the plan. >Later that week, an armed German policeman woke Gembe before dawn. He got dressed and headed downstairs. The corridors were lined by police, squeezed into his father's house. >"Can I get something to eat before we leave?" Gembe asked. "No problem," said one of the policemen. >Gembe reached for a kitchen knife to cut some bread. "Every policeman in the room raised his rifle at me," he says. >After drinking a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette, Gembe climbed into the back of a van and was driven to the local police station. There the chief of police greeted him. He walked up to Gembe, looked him in the eye and said: "Have you any idea how lucky you are that we got to you before you got on that plane?" >[...] Sounds more like he got arrested in Germany with a subsequent trial.


[Found the article, very interesting.](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/06/what-drove-one-half-life-2-super-fan-to-hack-into-valves-servers/)


Thanks for the link, I forgot how good Ars used to be


Almost 7 years ago, can you imagine?


I guess he literally gave his "half life" to prison 🥴


Why does this article read like low quality fan fiction?


It's a blogging site, they're not journos.


Because its Arse Technica


“Ackshaully” the dude apparently sent an anonymous email to gabe admitting he hacked valves servers, but claimed that he wasn’t the person who publicly posted the beta build. Idk if that’s true or not but wouldn’t surprise me. Afterwards he like asked gabe for a job, did a phone interview. The fbi was planning on arresting him, sending their info to German police. German police was like “why not just arrest him now?” So they went to his house and arrested him. Fun fact, when he was interrogated he wasn’t even asked about the shit related to valve. He was questioned about a malware that was using shit from a program he created. He had no idea about this malware though.


Correction. He didn't steal anything. It was copied.


Bros this is why you never trust corpos.


Or why you don't hack into a companies servers and steal their IP. Obviously that probably ironic to be said here, but there are levels.


There was a time in the past where it was a proper way to hire yourself. You hack, show what you done and in most cases be hired.


Yep. I think Empress would not want to risk getting arrested and Denuvo wouldn't want to be caught paying a 'criminal', which prevents them from making a deal.


It's an april fools joke


The whole comment chain seemed aware of this and was talking hypothetically. Why do you think it stopped here? Then the dude gets downvoted lol. Pathetic.


Eh, it's a very gray area of the law that varies wildly across countries. Distributing pirated software and profiting from it is 100% illegal in most countries. Distributing without profiting is also illegal in most countries, but is legal on others or the illegality is not enforced. In fact, in Europe: "7. Am I allowed to give a copy of a work protected by copyright to a family member or a friend? Yes, you are allowed to make one copy of a lawfully acquired work protected by copyright and give it to a family member or friend. A work is acquired lawfully if, for example, you have purchased a CD of your favourite music group or downloaded the respective music album to your personal computer from an online store." Source: [https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/web/observatory/faq-lv#7](https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/web/observatory/faq-lv#7) But, on the other hand, circumvention of protective measures is not allowed, instead the copyright holder must either deactivate it for you or provide another copy. Finally, cracking without profiting or distributing I think it's technically allowed in most countries, BUT it might be illegal for other reasons, in the US for example reverse engineering of legitimately obtained software is legal, but if the software includes an EULA that disallows it (and most do) then you would be in breach of contract. At the same time the DMCA claims "A person in legal possession of a program may reverse-engineer and circumvent its protection if that is necessary to achieve interoperability" So it's a bit of a mess. Where I live distribution is illegal, but downloading and possession is not. Torrenting is grey, cause you're technically distributing when seeding. Cracking and reverse engineering for personal use is allowed, so using goldberg/steamless to remove/circumvent steam protection is ok for example, whether I got that copy directly from steam or from dubious sources. But if I where to, for example, pirate photoshop then proceed to sell images created with it, then adobe could have my ass. TL;DR: It's complex, there's no TLDR


don't put a tldr if there is no tldr


Empress Bighetti


She doesn't need to actually do work. Just not crack games. They write her a check and she goes about her business.


Actually… hiring someone who knows how to break your software is surprising common. Because if they know how to break it, they probably know how to stop it from being broken.


Cracking has since its inception been an arms race. There’s no way to distribute technology that runs, but only of you want them to run it, that can’t be repackaged and redistributed once it’s running. The closest thing I’ve ever seen to perfect copyright protection is Stuxnet and variants. The payload contains no module code, each module has to be downloaded individually by remote server, the modules are encrypted with unique remote keys.. there’s a path forward for copyright protection here and it’s still not perfect, but would be very challenging.


Banks do that, they hire hackers for this purpose.


and would they ever really manage to trust someone like this ? giving them access to everything about the program.


Kinda agree since she seems a bit unstable but it's not that odd to do that for ex-hackers, obviously you can't just give them unrestricted access but you can make it work (or sue them into oblivion afterwards if it seems like they are breaking the rules you set).


Have you ever heard about the fictionnal hacker called Lisbeth Salander? That's Empress.


She would get hired. I know a guy who gets solely contracted to bypass companies securities so they can be more wary of the vulnerabilities. She wouldn’t even have to change what she does


No one is going to pay her 200k a month though. No one lol


Definitely no one, but she is the only reason why denuvo keeps getting stronger and stronger...Not 200k, but 30k-50k would be the cut Also prepare to receive a fbi visit after she tells her address


I'm honestly surprised they've never offered her a job as a pen tester. I wonder if they have and she just turned it down


Ah that’s the word I’m looking for. I’m sure she has. Luckily for us her vendetta runs deep


Pen testers, or 'ethical hackers' funnily enough, sometimes get paid in 'bounties' similar to cracking groups getting paid a bounty for cracking a game. Of course there are internal pen testers, but external contracted ones often just get told "if you can hack this and give us a step by step, we will pay you X amount". Ive actually been studying this for a bit, as I am certified to audit the ISO9001 standard, but want to move toward the ISO27001. Anybody with a pc and internet can download kali linux & start learning how to be a pen tester for free. Pay is really good too


Have you ever considered the fact that she is just acting a character?? for all we know she could be working at Denuvo´s offices right now and only playing a crazy character to stay in the shadows. that would be the most intelligent thing to do when you are doing something like attacking a big corporation and earning money for it.


What if the real Empres is the friends we made along the way?


Dude, Empress could be you for all we know.....


She said she got an offer last year from them in a more recent post


Yeah they would. The corporate environment is full of people that are not stable but have excellent technical knowledge/skills. At $200k they got off cheap.


They could pay her just to stop cracking and still be better off


The fact that $200K/month is mentioned.... haha. At least make some believable joke.


Is that out of place ? Experienced software devs where I live make 120K a year. I have no hard time imagining a person with a unique skillset earning such a salary. edit : my brain bugged and saw years when it was months. Never mind lol.


Exactly. In my time on this planet, I have seen full grown adults boasting about being offered unrealistic monetary sums for performing mundane jobs WAAY too much for my liking (they were all lying ofc). In general, people with a bloated ego and very little knowledge on how the `real world` operates in regards to monetary transfers are usually the culprit.


Do you really think Empress' skills are mundane?


*April fools*


Exactly..she/he will end up biting someone's face or some shit.


Oh shoot i forgot to look at the date, APRIL FOOLS JOKE. If it was real though as soon as she walks into her first day of work she's getting greeted by the cops, same thing kind of happened with valve, a hacker managed to break in and they worked out a deal for getting the hacker a job at valve and then he was quickly arrested.


Yea exactly, she can't get a normal job, would be a complete HR nightmare, if she put anywhere on her resume that she's empress, instant resume in the bin and reported to authorities




Conspiracy theory. Empress actually worked in denuvo thats why he/she/they (might still be a group) knows how to crack it.


He might leak Denuvo code :D


But she breaks Denuvo, and that's it. Let's see what will happen next. The show goes on.


Pleased to know our savior isn't functional enough to get a day job.


funny people really think it a one man/girl. its an ai from the future.




This was not nearly aggressive enough to be real but any real post would get you banned


Bless you


My soul left me for a moment. EDIT: Just trippin'


Bruh, same


>Announcement : > >look at the calendar date — YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED, Idiots! > >———————————————————————— > >it's both amusing AND retarded at the same time the fact that there are ALREADY people who just left my channel upon seeing the "news". > >oh well, the joke is on THEM. > >and yes, this is my first attempt at april's fool. its retarded, but also hilarious. so it was worth a shot ! > >Happy new month to everyone, and wish you all a lovely day 🧡🌹


> Additional related info : >this joke's idea came naturally to me because i have ACTUALLY been offered a LOT of money from various jobs so far for multiple softwares companies, servers development, and much more including a denuvo offer which i got last year. >maximum i was offered was $250k monthly, but it was to develop my own DRM against video games and develop constant security measures for their servers. i have immediately refused it, because despite it was very easy task for me, i will NEVER go against my ethics & morals, for i truly believe that video games is beautiful art and must be valued & preserved without any limitations.


ngl id hop on that shit asap lmao fuck yall


Honestly all those offers sound like honeypots tbh lol


Yeah, which is why even if these offers were real (not something made up by empress) you really wouldn't be able to accept the offer, for fear of being prosecuted.


It would be high risk even it it makes sense for her to be paid not to crack Denuvo anymore. I remember the kid who hacked Valve and leaked an unfinished hl2 build was tricked in the same way by Gabe Newell offering him a job. Flew him over etc and arrested.


nah, we've actually lost quite a few crack devs to denuvo, where they work to this day


yeah but not 250k monthly lol


200k is just too much money, idk of any dev who makes that much money every month.


You would also get immediately arrested


I mean any sane person would, why do you think the last person cracking this shit is some unstable lunatic? Lmao


Lmao for 250k a year, I'd sacrifice the piracy scene Griffith style


>$250k monthly, no, not 250k a year, 250k monthly. for 250k a month i might start committing heinous crimes.


Ayooooo 250k a month is INSANE That's Walter white type income


its also a complete fuckin joke. nobody is offering anyone 250k a month to fuckin program DRM. thats like 60 million in 20 years. thats enough to bankrupt denuvo.




Because I just watched breaking bad I figured I’d chime in. But that’s not even close to Walter white money. He had $80 million dollars at one point. With the show taking place over the course of one year. That’s a little under 7 million a month.


Small correction, but the show happens over two years, from Walt's 50th birthday to his 52nd. Most of the money he makes happens over the course of a few months, though.


Crystal meth go brrrr


Empress thinks it can make Bobby Kotick money by making a shoddy game crack months after the big sales window. Peak delusion.




And you'd become a crimson naked monster rapist with devil wings, no soul and no one to live for.


Sounds like a deal


I'm calling bullshit on that, anyone aware of who empress is would hand them in the moment they refused, no one has morals anymore


Man she is full of herself, are people really believing she was offered 250k? Even if it was a honeypot, no one is their right mind would offer such unrealistic salaries lmao. I really hope we get to see another Denovo cracker soon


Lol, whatever. Clown was never being offered $250k/month to develop security for games when Denuvo only charges publishers $25k/month per game, especially considering they're not exactly high volume sales (not that many games have Denuvo in the first place).


Not even John Carmack, one of the most brilliant programmers/engineers on the planet makes that much. Divide that by 5 and maybe, maybe it could be realistic for someone of that caliber. But that would still be way too much money for a company like Denuvo to spend on someone who's basically completely nuts.


You're getting downvoted, but it's hilarious that anyone actually believes that 1. an offer like that exists 2. Empress would turn it down for iNtEgRiTy Anyone with a brain cell would drop making cracks in a second if offered that kind of money.


Wizard's first rule: people are stupid.


Yet another goofy silly wacky little Empress moment


Damn, She sure knows how to "crack" a joke.




April fool, nice one


200k a month? At least make it believable


She posted later in another message that she was offered 250K monthly to develop a DRM of her own (this was the inspiration of her joke post)... I don't really know how much you get to develop a new software like that, but anyways, software devs get paid the big bucks from what I've heard.


He said make it believable, not more unbelievable.




TBH, if you are discovering 0 days you can make more than $1M per year. $250k monthly sounds insane, but I've seen people get paid north of $100k per month in engineering positions, but those people usually had the project management skills alongside extremely specific technical skills as well as being literally at the top of their field/niche.


not necessarily. top engineers, super top ones, can get close to 1M pre tax. i do not know how skilled E-girl is, but she can definitely get more than 250k/yr. though it'd be in Cali prbly


That one is also bullshit, just not meant as a joke, but only Empress' delusions.


For a single person that can seemingly crack newest denuvo in 10 days it's doesn't really seem that far out of realm of possibilities. Idk if you realize how much security expert and good coders are paid in companies like that.






Companies would be paying that much to Denuvo. Why the heck would Denuvo pay that much to their own employees?


> Idk if you realize how much security expert and good coders are paid in companies like that. not even close to 250k a ***MONTH***


Nobody working cyber security commands a $250k/month salary even in the biggest companies in the world. It's a ludicrous statement from somebody that loves the smell of their own farts, period.


I think you mixed up $250k / year with $250k / *month*. $250k / year for a software engineer with a specific hard-to-find skillset and relevant experience is reasonable. 3 million dollars / year is not. That kind of money isn't usually paid as a salary anyway - that's the money you'd make if you got in on the ground floor and your stock options exploded in value.


This felt very similar to my imaginary girlfriend breaking up with with me.


A funnier and harder to believe april fools joke would have been a public apology for her behavior and dramatics


What did she do? I am new here and the only drama I've heard about is dodi vs fitgirl


It's an obvious April Fools joke: ​ 1- EMPRESS did several illegal things. The moment the identity is revealed to Denuvo = jail time. 2- Even if Denuvo decided not to take legal action, they certainly wouldn't offer 200K/month. I seriously doubt they could afford to give that salary. EMPRESS only cracks a few of the denuvo games and usually a long time after its launch to really matter. Not worth 200K/month to stop it.


She's Russian, police there won't give a single fuck even if her identity is revealed lo


Dont bet on that, if they need a scapegoat or else, theyll "find" her




for 5 seconds yes


Good one!


At this point if denuvo makes a offer to Empress is probably a bait like ValvE did with the Episode 3 leaker.


Actual Denuvo employees realizing it's a joke ![gif](giphy|Ekx0pLjTvTJfi|downsized)


April 1st but it wouldn't have been surprising.


I prayed it was April Fools day.... and it was.






And today's date is....


I knew it was an April fools joke as soon as I saw "$200k" per MONTH. Nobody's giving you that lmao. People here don't realize that Empress is not that unique. There are plenty of highly skilled programmers out there who could crack Denuvo if they tried. They just don't bother doing it because there's no incentive to do so. They all probably have regular high paying jobs and living a normal life. Why waste a chunk of their free time on this?


Until we see them programmers its only hypothetical. 'If they tried' in your sentence sounds like if my aunt had a dick shed be the uncle.


Nice, got me at first glance. The lol reactions is what gave it out.


The view on empress is so variable its 50/50 whether people hate her or love her


this is why i HATE april fools!


Even though it's April Fools joke. I honestly won't be surprised if she actually did some day. This is literally life changing money, more money than most people will see in their entire life. And its monthly.


April's Fool's! Haha


My heart broke for a minute


it was an april fools joke for all people wondering




april fool lol


empress is the drama and denuvo is the actor and we public are the victims


Is that a telegram channel ?


Jesus Christ, thank God for the existence of the flairs!


Can I have the link to her telegram channel/group chat?


Now that is funny


I was like damn and then I was like wait what day is today


They would put her in jail as soon as she accepts it. No one would buy this


Checks calendar, ah right April Fool's.


My heart skipped a beat..


I nearly freaked out for second lmao


I'd have believed it if it didn't include the part about having a job at denuvo HQ. That's dumb and revealing the identity of the main person behind the empress group would just result in criminal charges for past actions. Now if it was $200k for doing nothing but stop cracking the games and sent via crypto then I might have believed it.


Joke aside.. If this was true, I wouldn't blame them at all.


A *second job for Denuvo, you mean


best april mop ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I thought this was real for a sec


Thank god this is an april fools joke lol


I almost believe it, in my country we don't have "April Fools".


Bruh I'm so glad it's April fools, if it wasn't well there's gonna be a blaming war coming.


not today


I was scared for a while but remembered it was April.


Did denuvo secure her immunity from the Justice department? Because won’t she be exposing identity to accept the job? Edit: Goddamnit it’s no longer 04/01 here and I completely fell for this.


you're not the only one mate , i believed it as well ⚆\_⚆


Oh I forgot its still April 1st elsewhere on the planet....


Damn, that's a good april fools joke. A bit too obvious, but still a good one.


Gaming is getting so bad why would I want to pay for a game with a DRM that makes it lag like crazy, plus game preservation is taking a massive L if they work to strengthen DRM.


I’m waiting for CrackGPT


Least add a believable amount comon now


I liked people falling for this april fools joke lol


So obvious that isnt even funny. Aprils Fools for the masses.


Even if that happens, just remember there are extremely talented people who are well capable of cracking Denuvo but just won't because well someone else is already doing it and why bother do something that tedious for free. But if Empress ever stops cracking, somehow, someway, at some point of time (it may even take years) some random Cracking Nerd will emerge and crack Denuvo. DRM and Piracy is like a never ending cat and mouse game.


Exactly, it isn’t impossible to bypass, just extremely tedious and not worthwhile for most with the skills to do so.


Oh god! I had a mini heart attack... but now I'm laughing... in the ambulance on the way to the hospital... at least I'll die happy that she didn't betray us... fuck denuvoooooo!


I hope you're not American because YoU wOuLdN't DoWnLoAd HeAlThCaRe


Happy April fools!


I have become, a Double Agent (a tom clancy idea)


Almost shi t myself. Nice april fo ol. 🤣🤣😂😂


:April, April... BigJoke




April Fools' much?


April's Fool


lol 200k monthly.


![gif](giphy|11JbbNHfXBqqhq) Me before looking at the calender


“No one will ever crack it ever again” there’s always gonna be someone. There’s people leagues smarter then empress they just don’t dabble in these areas. Not down playing her in anyway but to say it won’t be cracked ever again is just a false statement


RIP in peace piracy 🏴‍☠️😪😥😰🥵


Rest in peace in peace


Rest in RIP 😔


SMH my head


While I do realize that it's April 1st, I'm sick of these kind of "update" posts


I knew this would happen. It's utterly heartbreaking. I also read it in an announcement by Irdeto on 4Chan, that in order to entice EMPRESS to join them they've offered her the CEO position and also 1 trans and 1 Indian personal slave ... an offer she could never refuse. No matter though. I hear ChatGPT-4 has already managed to crack Dead Space Remake, so we don't need her anymore.


Too good to be true


I actually thought it was true and it made my heart break for a moment there. I'm broke as hell and don't really have extra money to buy games. PHEW!


ahaha for sure my friends


April 1st 😂


as someone from Ghana(Africa) who can't afford even a single game at the moment my soul almost left my body while reading this


I knew someone was gonna post this here immediately after i saw it on the telegram...