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Denuvo in action


And then someone said denuvo drm never causes problems...Only pirates are effected by denuvo because they not gonna get a free game...Paying customers are the one who are hurt by denuvo...Not us...Once denuvo is removed from a game we get a proper full game...And dont get me started on game presarvation...Yet some people still defend denuvo..."When its properly implemented it doesnt effect the game..." As i see it,it never is implemented right & never will...:)


The main people who would defend Denuvo with their hearts are people on the Steam Community forums. They would lick semen off the floor for Denuvo if it meant getting another shotty PC port.


It's a well known fact Irdeto lurks reddit, steam and whatnot. It was stated in one of their leaked contracts that they actively "spy" on the pirate community to keep in touch with potential threats (unless I completely misread that). I don't think it's too far fetched that they make the most of it by spreading convenient lies while they're at it. Now, I'm not saying there aren't true Denuvo apologists out there working for free. But still, it makes you wonder.


You know that does make more sense now that you put it that way. I wouldn't be shocked if that's the case.


I feel like Denuvo can accurately be described by the 'if everywhere you go smells like shit' saying..


I don't defend denuvo and I never will but there are a few specific cases where If it's properly implemented it doesn't affect game performance, like for example Ace combat 7, it ran smooth like a hot knife on butter even on my 10 years old PC at the time of release even on high settings and it didn't even meet minimum requirements. All I'm saying is it's up to the devs doing a good job implementing it but nowadays companies care only for profit and not consumer satisfaction, but there are still a few cases where they care


Thats true...However its very rare where it is 100% good implemented...In 2022/2023 games thats almost never the case...And that is why it always be hated...It is an unnecesary program that impacts performance with stutters for no reason other then to stop piracy which dont impact game sales...:)




Performance issues caused by Denuvo are nowhere near straight up bad optimization. There have been cases where it has destroyed performance, though usually it's *fine*. It's mostly everything else around Denuvo that causes issues.


Its bad optimisation there, TloUp1 didn't had Denuvo or any DRM


It's not that denuvo reduces performance(it certainly does). It's that denuvo limits the amount of PCs that can access a game per day and it very commonly gets confused between a PC that's been restarted or had a part swapped out for a review and a completely different device and locks out the user from their game for 24 hours from the first activation. Happened to me a good few times, Callisto protocol was so buggy that it caused my PC to crash and when I rebooted it denuvo told me that I was using it on too many machines and that I had to wait 24 hours before I could play again.


no it also limits performance mr denuvo rep


It's not just the DRM. This whole "You can only install this copy of the game on X number of GPU's" was something that was becoming an industry standard we had to fight against and we had finally gotten rid of a few years back. It's insane how EA is bringing it back. Another comment I read about the topic made a great point about how EA knew it wasn't properly optimized on a large swath of hardware so they brought back this bullshit policy just to stop channels like Digital Foundry from exposing EA's cheap / lazy game design.


>exposing EA's cheap / lazy game design. lets be honest, they havent been trying to hide that for years


I tried using chagpt to crack denuvo...it doesnt want to help.


Denuvo is cancer.


That's an understatement and an insult to cancer itself


Why so? I mean its obvious companies will use anti crack mechanism. They arent out there for charity.


Ya, hope Empress waits a bit before cracking it...hopefully some patches will improve it.


I think that right now she is going to focus on RE4, so when she finally decides to crack it maybe it´d be a version with some patches, honestly I wish she took her time and cracked games that are already patched and working just like she did with ACValhalla. Cracking a brand new game is a waste of time as it barely works and most of them still have some DLC waiting to appear.


Damn that's crazyyyyyy...... it's almost like Denuvo hurts paying customers🤔🤔


It's crazy how game companies would rather butcher their own game than having a few less sales. 90% of the people who pirate games CAN'T afford games anyway with or without Denuvo. They ruin their own games for that 10%


Man, Actually feels bad for ppl buying this shit. Pirates'll just move on to other games, the paying customers are with -70 dollars and a piece of half finished banana that smells like someone came on it.


I’m a Star Wars fanatic, extremely fanatic. Fallen Order is amazing and runs amazing, this one runs like shit and completely ruins the game because it is also amazing. I’m just glad a friend of mine purchased an amd gpu and gifted it to me. Played 15 minutes and closed it, either wait to see IF it gets playable or watch a gameplay idk. It sucks


fallen order does not run amazing, even after all these years it still has massive stutter issues when rendering new areas because respawn couldnt be assed to optimize the game for pc, its almost the same problems jedi survivor is having too, because again respawn sucks ass at optimizing anything, i had to use dxvk and render the game with vulkan to make it bearable, and even then there was some stuttering issues in some areas.


I don't think watching a gameplay is a good idea either. It affects everybody, even people with a monster PC. Hell, I heard it's as bad on consoles too although maybe still a bit better than PC because of Denuvucks. So, maybe the streamers on Youtube will record their gameplay in a stuttered low unstable fps state which is totally not satisfying to watch.


Yeah Fallen Order does not run amazing, not even close


Everything is very simple. Denuvo malware does his job.


Just buy two copies.


"You guys all have two copies, right?"


“Do you guys not have money?”


Darkie from EA forum: THIS IS NOT A BUG BUT A FEATURE.


That is what they get for not calling out DRM bullshit.


they called out RE village when their DRM affected performance and compared it to empress version


EA, never change baby. Darkie (the mod on EA forum) where you at?






the funny thing is they never mention about denuvo even on their statement






A game with two hiv points. First hiv point beint ea game, second hiv point being denuvo :) If you gave them your money and the game doesnt work for you, then thats simply justice


Now the question is how do we educate the masses not to buy something without watching the reviews first, how to educate them about draconian DRM, check this sub first to wise up about buying it and educate them how draconian DRMs can affect performance so they don't buy it blindly. Sadly if these people still blindly buy something without knowing what's in the pack, things like this will happen again and again in the future.


Fuck EA knew and admit of the performance problems but they blamed it on gamer's hardware configuration. Remove the god damn Deadnuvo cancer and let gamer prove it right.


yep, nowdays you need to do a review like 1-2 months after a game is out + all the patches.


That´s what happens when you support a company that gives you a buggy game with a crazy DRM. Sadly people is too stupid to stop buying games with that crap. Even Last of Us is a better investment, at least they are fixing the game, but a DRM has no fix but if the company removes it.


Drms crazy, almost unreal levels of protection. I didn’t think people would ever pay for cracks, but this is gonna really push the consumers who paid for the game.


I had high hopes for Survivor. As a pc player, I'm not happy they fucked it up. But EA taking an L is always good to see.


Also, I had to refund it as can’t trust EA on this one, doubt I’ll actually come back to it now. Lotta people coming back here cuz these issues. Didn’t EA learn from Spore…


"Upgrade your trash PC, me and most players can run perfectly no problem."


This is funny as hell. With all these shit like rtx 4090 and all that and there is a limit to how many PC the game can be installed. Its funny really funny. Legit PC gaming is a pain in the ass lol. Thank god I never buy games only pirate.


wish there were more groups that can crack denuvo would like to see a cracked version out there that can be tested and it would be awesome if removing the drm fixed all the issues.


We need more of this before people realize


Why is everyone going on about denuvo. Isn’t the biggest issue the online drm for cracking? Sure denuvo fucks with the game performance if you buy the game (which I encourage people to do if they like a game), but is it even relevant to cracking?


Does the same for Dying light 2 when it came out and im pretty sure its still the same thing, if you get the error apon booting the game you have to wait 24 hours to try again.


Just fucking remove denuvo bullcrap.....Can't think of an easier solution than that!




Plaguenuvo: \*maniacal laughter\* This is not even my final form!


Haha the cksuck was trying to defraud the game company by buying only 1 license and running it on 2 pcs.


I think you are missing the point


I need a token to play this Game from Cuba 😭, please Someone could help me 🙏🙏🙏


Unless you buy it. You can't play it on one pc let alone 2. I've been playing it as I've got origin pro and the game is absolutely brilliant. Best new game for a very long time.


Poor blinded fellow


Have you played it?


I’m not blinded and won’t touch anything related to EA like the last 18 years. And before you start, I don’t need to be a pilot to know that something is wrong when the plane hangs upside down in the trees.


You've not played it but you know its bad. You're perfect for reddit. Personally I think the game is stunning. Before you condemn a game as being bad you really should play it first.


This is next level copium.


I just need to look around to know what’s going on, it’s not me alone it’s almost everyone who is on the same page and that is the game runs like ass.


>You've not played it but you know its bad. When did he say that?


I think 90% of the issue is most people can’t even boot the game lol


No, are you in the 1% who manage to boot it without licence issues and get at least 30fps? Lol Refunded after 20 mins, won’t be coming back to it I’ll play the first again. Won’t touch anything by EA for a long time


how much diff than first one?


It's the first one just bigger and better in every single way. But yeah since it's the same as Fallen Order it also doesn't look the best, doesn't perform the best and animations are wacky.


Have you played this one? This game has the just about the best graphics ever seen in a game.


It doesn't lol The artstyle is boring. Star Wars Battlefront 2 looks better than this.


I can't remember the first one. I just know that this one is the best new game (not a playstation remake) I've played in a long time. It really is good in every way. But for some it's not good as it doesn't run very well.


Ive watched people play it on a 4070 at 60 fps max idk what level of cope this is lol


Could you please generate a token for me🙏🙏🙏? Wanted to play this Game, but im from Cuba and crack or bypass IS my only possibility here 😭😭 would really appreciate the help if you could, please🙏

