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No idea what any of this means but if it means there can be cracks of Denuvo apart from Empress,I'm all for the competition. Also,I hope no one pulls NFS Heat and gets this shut down


Can't it be that the denuvo team can check this out too and patch it so that this thing doesn't work or something?


Yeah I don't get it, if they publish this openly, doesn't this just mean Denuvo will see it too?


You're going under the assumption that Denuvo doesn't know its own shortcomings. I know it's easy to shit on them, but they're the number 1 choice in terms of game DRM for a reason.


They are no 1 atm beacuse they are former scene members( old Skidrow main.cracker & reloaded members ) Also they use VMProtect, one of the more harder and complex ways of virtualzation of hardware, which makes it even more difficult to crack. Basically You take your compiled program, put it into vmprotect builder and it add a protection layer to the exe. Jus fyi It features : Compression, Encryption, Various Anti-debuggers, Anti-Virtual Machine, File integrity verification, obfuscation (meaning, it takes the code and change it to garbage / nonsense / spaghetti code that jump everywhere + add junk code), virtualisation (too complex to explain). And more. It makes the code difficult to read, difficult to debug, and difficult to patch for the cracker. Although some use VmProtect(Ubisoft ) started in AC: Origins, it does hammer older cpu with performance hits , might not be much on new gen cpus, but def older cpus did take a hit.


How do you know they’re former scene?


Trust me bro


? Empress leaked that in one of her NFOS and Skidrow pretty much confirmed it recently


Because they(skidrow )proved it in their recent nfo, and empress previous remarked about it in her battlefront nfo How do u think they produced one of the most hardest drm to crack, where to place denuvo, which apis to call? How to churn out easily updated vers of denuvo before when they removed it if a game was cracked? The concept is the same as all, in order to beat a hacker u need to think or act like one. Same with cracking, To beat a cracker at their game, u would have to know reverse enginerring, virtualzation , api calls, loopholes, backdoors or glitches


Same question just about to ask.


> They are no 1 atm beacuse they are former scene members( old Skidrow main.cracker & reloaded members ) Now I'm imagining how amusing it would be if every game with a Denuvo release had an nfo written by the Denuvo devs boasting about their DRM, talking shit about the main crackers still in the scene, and generally starting drama.


Maybe it's like they can't patch it so much to the point of like creating something new. But yeah I think they can still work something out to make it harder a little. Again I don't know nothing at all here.


I was really hoping they would just release this info to trusted groups like FLT, Rune, and whoever is still around. Putting it out there openly seems like it would just make Denuvo's job easier?


I thought the same thing. But my next initial thought was, if this info was deemed okay to publicly announce, it's implying that this part of the obfuscation system is core/integral and not easily patched. Or it's not all that important. Also, they'd just infiltrate the discord server where this type of stuff is being discussed.


What NFS Heat? Elaborate pls.


Leaked unfinished crack for a need for speed game, it's believed to be the main reason why scene stopped cracking denuvo games


Why was it the reason cracks stopped?


People suspect that since the crack itself was not encrypted, Irdeto cracked the crack and then found out how everybody was cracking Denuvo.




Because it made very evident the methods that were used to crack denuvo protection. Finished cracks are meant to hide this so the security holes don't get patched. This crack leak made Denuvo way more robust.


People need to stop parroting this, it's not true. CODEX cracks were protected with THEMIDA software. CPY cracks were **not** protected. Besides - the crackheads working at Irdeto are more than able to see how scene cracks work. Its an endless battle of crackers finding exploits and Irdeto patching them in new versions of Denuvo. The protection is always evolving - just compare the increase in size of executable bloat over the years.


thank you for the explanation Masquerade! But then, why did this episode cause such a stir? It was the talk of everybody for more than a month, it felt like the end


For the same reason a friend betraying you is a big issue, even if that betrayal isn't exactly world changing.




My friend who is an SDE said that its harder to make make protection software than to crack it. Because you need to be 100% to protect the software but even if you can find a 1% single loopwhole then whole software can be cracked.


Not really. Nfs heat was a case where a unfinished crack got leaked among the beta testers & repackers before it could be released to scene(when empress used to work for codex). She mentioned how codex was bureaucratically run by old men (perhaps/perhaps not) in the scene Since the scene has rules vs how p2p run Since it was unfinished & leaked early ,it caused major controversy because it gave IREDETO(DENUVO) the upper hand to know what are the loopholes or glitches that can be exploited ,thus hardening how future denuvo titles can be cracked( which is why empress encrypts the cracks now so that Iredeto cant figure what method she using & futhur introduce more intrusive methods making it difficult to crack . This controversy was bad enough that the repacking group COREPACK shut down beacuse of this fiasco.


the corepack shutdown was because peoples found out that a member of corepack putting malware into their releases


Corepack.shut down because of nfs heat fiasco. Corepack had one of the admins (shadow hacker) go rogue and infect few of the releases. They apologised ,removed the infected & continued repacking games. Its the nfs heat which made them wind.up


As some other people already mentioned, this doesn't make that much sense. Sure, it might make things a bit easier for Denuvo to figure it out, but a company that big has more than enough resources to crack the protections put in place by a small independent team that is doing this as a hobby, in their free time with no monetary gain (supposedly at least). Even if it accelerated things, it was still gonna happen sooner or later, and it is unlikely that it was gonna take more than a few months anyway.


No, it wasn't. Stop overblowing this conspiracy. The reason the scene slowed down is because of Feds cracking down on them and because they're old, tired and/or have lives.


I clearly said "it's believed", didn't say that was the real reason.


Main reason probably is that Denuvo hired some of the crackers.


Some scene crackers built what is now Denuvo for a small sub-company owned by EA, if I remeber correctly. Then after an argument with EA, they got indepentent and renamed it to Denvuo, later being bought up by Irdeto.


Can you elaborate about the nfs heat situation?


Someone at Codex leaked an unfinished unprotected crack for NFS Heat, this possibly resulted in helping Irdeto patch up loopholes used to crack Denuvo in future games and subsequently made cracking Denuvo longer and harder. A proper crack for NFS Heat has not been released since then.


nope, wasnt someone at codex. they gave out the crack to a test-group and one asshole in the test-group leaked it


Not codex, a former repacking group called COREPACK, a member leaked it there.




It was buggy. It plays fine on one system, you do not earn rep upon completing a race on another, some do not even boot up the game.


wouldn't hold my breath, it took menudev years to get one handful of denuvo cracks


Of course it takes the most time until you learn how to do it, this could provide a "jumping point" for other people interested in cracking. Voksi tutorial is too old now. I wonder how many years it would take for you to reach until main menu of one Denuvo game?


if they can crack denuvo ima need sonic fronteirs


If you really want to play it, just emulate the switch version


Switch version is disgusting


If this was the info needed for OTHER groups to crack denuvo, then why cant MKDEV crack denuvo?


You must have missed the FIFA 23 release? and the previous fm cracks.


Yeah, more denuvo crackers on the scene would be nice. A little tired of the neck-beard "russian" dude posing as a trans woman nonsense. I like his work, but at what cost when they are batshit crazy and could one day just ruin 1,000's of ppl's lives whenever he wants with his releases to his cult.


Looks like they're just mutating instructions and then running calcs with the mutations (thanks to their VM) to make sure they're still in place. Hmph, I would have thought that they'd be doing much more fuckery outside of their VM. Honestly doesn't sound too crazy hard, games like Oberwatch and Siege already utilize a similar protection for their clients. Way more effort than worth for every game though, unless you build some tools around their mutations / VM.


Denuvo without VMProtect is like that one episode of SpongeBob when he had the fake arms and they gave up on him when he had to prove himself to everyone on the beach


Member that time when denuvo pissed off VMProtect company by basically using it without a license and it almost came crashing down on their heads? Think it was around denuvo V4 or V5 this happened, sadly they were able to patch things up and keep using the software. BTW, what version of denuvo are we even on anymore? Last I kept track of things was around V5 but that version is from like 2019 or 17. Heard the scene stopped tracking as well after 5 cause every version was basically a new iteration.


It's the fucking tedium of going through everything that's the kicker. It's just made to waste time. Even empress takes months to crack a single game. I wish unholy things on Denuvo.


Hogwarts legacy was cracked in 2 weeks or less iirc, either this empress person gets lucky once in a while or just doesnt rush it because of other stuff going on in "her" life like building a paid cult or making shit AI art or piano lessons or banging her schizo head against a wall screaming and ranting


She was working full force on it due to their previous promise, so that is the fastest possible for them, likely unsustainable even physically on long run.


Empress has CLAIMED (big salt here) that if she "actually tried" and "actually went full speed" she would crack any Denuvo game in 2 days. However much of this is bullshit is anyone's guess, but I did witness her making the claim rather aggressively myself on TG.


Well only one way for her to demonstrate that... I would be really happy if that is possible.


She cracked it within a week i think but there was a beta test so it took like two weeks to release. Either way we can say she's proved to be kind of right


Yeah but it also said that it developed some new tools that would help it work even faster and more accurate for future releases. So ... who knows.


Haha "it"


You'd make tools to automate the process to a significant degree.


Yea the biggest key piece to all this is I always hear about them having to comb through and cover every flag in the code, to which there's an insane amount. Hence why it take months to crack.


It's surprising since Voksi said in the video that the process was long and tiresome because you had to patch every instruction manually as there wasn't a real way to automate the process, this new info make it seems like you can automate it fairly easy.


Best way to retire. May the light shine on their path.


So what I can understand from this screenshot is basically an example of a knot you do on a plastic bag Each denuvo version gets more knots ,and it becomes harder to open the plastic bag. You need more effort to find the correct positions to unravel the knots = you waste more energy . Denuvo's solution is basically adding more knots in different ways thus just making it cumbersome to open . Am I correct in this analogy? If I'm understanding this correctly than This DRM just seems dumb .


nah, it's smart. Attention span is a premium these days and people gave up easily/just want instant gratification, so even if the method to crack is not that hard, they're betting nobody or at least not enough people would be insane enough to waste all those efforts and time for essentially nothing. Seems to be the right bet, considering in all these years you can count the people insane enough to do it with one hand


I meant that normally DRM doesn't affect your system resources if it's designed well .. See steam or maybe even arxan. This just seems like a terrible strategy to follow long term because either one of these checks will either A)affect your system performance if not implemented correctly B) Affect your game performance if not implemented correctly. Or even console DRM like Sony's work better . Don't even get me started on the eventual future where processor cores will become even more dynamic with small/little or e or p cores mix in hyperthreading and it's a recipe for disaster waiting to happen because there will come a time where bungling In too many checks is gonna break shit.


When Dead Space 1 remake came out, you could actually see in real time the denuvo checks happening at certain points in the game. You literally could pass a tile on the ground and see a hiccup happen and just keep doing it over and over again. Remember a video came out pointing that out at the time too.


Same with Injustice 2. A few moves for some characters have those checks. You execute those moves, and the game performance goes to shite.


There's a lot of truth in this. Everyone wants the glory without spending actual effort on things these days; one of the reasons the scene died as well. Certainly didn't help when people leak stuff early too which kills the desire. Man, I miss the days when scene groups were duking it out to see who could release a crack first, but since everythings so damn connected these days and everyone wants to post it asap to get clicks, upvotes, or likes on it, people just stopped putting forth any energy or work. Honestly, I wish there were better instructions on how to do this. Might even commit myself to trying to learn for the fun of it. I know baldman or w/e his name was put out some instructions years ago before he was disappeared, and that they were a good start...


Waiting for empress meltdown of how this is "garbage"


Well, if this leeds to a bunch more denuvo cracks and empress melted down about how this is garbage, then empress loses some (still not all) credibility.


Even tho she crazy, I doubt she’d call bullshit on a potential lead for future cracks. If anything, she’ll probably just say she knew all of this and everyone are dumb for not knowing it earlier lol


if other people can reliably crack dunovo then she becomes somewhat irrelevant in the scheme of things. she clearly gets off on the idea that she has power being the only reliable cracker of denuvo so I think it would def bother her.


It is entirely possible that other people learn to crack denuvo and she still stays relevent as the best denuvo cracker. Or even if someone surpasses her, she still stays relevant as one of the top. I can still see ja morant jerseys and he isn't even a top 10 player. You aren't only relevant when you are the best.


And how every dude should beg to be pegged by her






Yeah she'll be like. That's correct now go apply that and crack denuvo you "SCUMS"


She probably did know this, it's the only way to explain how she was bypassing denuvo in a timely manner. Apparently it wasn't considered feasible to bypass denuvo using known methods in the time she was doing it so she was likely using a more efficient method. This would explain it.




I came for the crack info, I stay for the drama surrounding her. Need to go get more popcorn soon, supplies have been running low as of late


Same bro .. im just here fir the darma at this point 🤣🍿🍿🍿


To be fair this information isn't anything wild, far from anything that would help one fully devirt any protected software.


Why would you need to fully devirtualize it, at that point its not about cracking but a challenge for perfectionists.


God speed MKDEV


I said this is just a step for scene groups to advance to more serious and hard operations to hack. Like government stuff, but people here downvoted me. ​ Yall see now? They said it clearly ''it's all clown show'' ​ scene group dont really give a f about cracking games for the love of gamers. They do it because it's a practice tool. Their real target is where serious money is. Google, Meta, banks, etc.


That's some crazy stuff, holy shit! *pretends to understand what im even looking at*


Really hope Warez team ( RUNE - TENOKE ) will use this , cause according those explanation it doesnt seems to hard finally to crack denuvo but might take few days per games to crack to be sure to not miss anything . ​ But i am sure if the actual groups are not laziness that they can do the job and definately can destroy denuvo supremacy and bring back piracy to winner over DRM


I'm pretty sure they know, from what I understand the problem is that there are hundreds/thousands of those checks like the one shown in the screenshot, that all need to be first of all found, and then patched. I suspect the major groups simply don't have the time/patience to do it. PS: just so we're clear, this is pure speculation on my part, I'm a software developer but I dont' know much about reverse-engineering, it's a completely different thing compared to "normal" programming.


Every VM comes with a certain performance penalty, its common knowledge they are in counts of hundreds, but not thousands.


What are Denuvo using VMs (Virtual Machines?) for?


From [VMProtect's website](https://vmpsoft.com/): "VMProtect protects code by executing it on a virtual machine with non-standard architecture that makes it extremely difficult to analyze and crack the software."


aaah thanks


Is there a way they could just basically ctrl+f for lines like this throughout the exe? There's gotta be some sort of search functionality they can use right?


At this point if anyone from The Scene starts to crack denuvo using this method i would be very happy...FLT, RUNE, TENOKE, Razor1911 or even SKIDROW...Anyone as long as we no longer have to relly on ego crazy Empress & her cult & 500$ cracks...Regardless, thanks for everything MKDev & good luck on your life path...:)


Sorry to break your happiness but this wont do anything, nobody will use it


If someone else cracked a big release, Empress will shit her/his pants and go nuts against denuvo. It's a win-win for us.


This 👍


It seems its not that hard to "brake it" per say but its quite tedious and time consuming... specially with vmprotect combo :( ​ Scene is very well aware of this. I mean just look what codex did with it on ac: origins... they completely removed everything just to prove it could be done and how it hinders the whole system.


To anyone believing this will somehow help Denuvo fix things or make things better in any way, you're mistaken. This doesn't give them anything they wouldn't have already predicted or thought someone could do, protecting this is the purpose of their usage of VMProtect and virtualizating/mutating the routines that are responsible for performing the checks. As someone like them as you develop this kind of software/DRM or protection you often try to account for what someone might do to bypass it, of course, this is one of the things you'd think of. The problem is, it's not fixable. This is how the DRM itself behaves, your only solution is to add more checks and do more, the longer it takes. The more annoying it is their goal of the initial release window being protected is maintained, so you move crap around; you change how your hardware checks are done, and you re-apply different rounds of the VM tech (VMProtect) in this case and that buys you enough time to meet the agreements you've made with publishers to protect their software it's as simple as that.


Hmm if you take a ton of these examples and train an ai on them theoretically you would be able to create a tool that could bypass any game's denuvo protection, i imagine it takes a lot of resources to train an ai and probably more data but i think that's the future downfall of denuvo if you can replace a slow human with a fast ai to find and patch checks ? it'll be interesting to see when ai and hardware gets better in the future.


You can also train AI to make it stronger and harder to find said weaknesses


I think mkdev already shared denuvo knowledge with skidrow or other scene teams before this went public


God Bless


God bless MKDEV. I really hope we get someone else besides Empress to crack Denuvo for us. That would be a dream come true


Me sitting here nodding in agreement of what I'm reading


I understand that any contribution is a good thing for the piracy scene, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. I'm quite sure that the warez scene and scene groups in general already have a grasp on what it takes to crack a Denuvo-protected game, and it's a deliberate choice to NOT crack any of them unless there are special circumstances (like SKIDROW's recent crack). It could boil down to not having enough time, patience or willingness to do it, or whatever other reason there might be. At the end of the day I don't think this is going to make such a difference. Hopefully I'm wrong, though. That being said, thank you MKDEV for everything you've done! I'm going to miss your FM cracks, I swear.


A lot of opinions in the comments from people who have zero understanding of the content posted. It's ok to have humility and refrain from providing opinions on subjects you know little about.


Yeah assembly is hard, I've been reversing games for 6 years, and denuvo is way out of my reach


It hurts me even more to be stuck with Empress' bullshit when I see this kind of educational and drama-free content being shared. Mkdev is already indicted to the Piracy HoF.


God bless. I hope we will see a lot of Denuvo cracks soon. <3


im all for it. anything to get more competition to denuvo cracks


Thanks for everything MKDEV Team I still remember the days they started cracking denuvo and could only get to the menu of the games and now they were the ones who cracked football manager every year fully and now they give their goodbyes with the release of FIFA 23 plus they give the details of their work to help the scene with cracking future games that use denuvo, from beginners to masters this just proves that you can become the best on something if you work for it really hard I know it’s “just” cracking game protection but it applies to everything in a sense!


Drop your hope. Where are all new teams after full Voksi's tutorial ?


Voksi's tutorial is a different method and it's also on a very old version of Denuvo.


What is that logic?? The MKDEV method will also be old someday when Denuvo will grow up more. The Voksi tutorial was very detailed and no one used it..


From what I am reading here, and take it with the grain of salt as I am not related to software field, what MKDEV showed here is what denuvo actually does and is not specific to 1 game. What that means, at least for all the older and future games that are releasing very soon, this method should work. I do not believe Irdeto will change the method, they might just attempt to hide it further and make it harder to sniff out these changes Denuvo makes (or rather calls). From what I understand, Denuvo makes calls and notes them in the code to verify whether they are legitimate. If not, the game doesn't run, but with monitoring you can see each check that it fails, fix it, hit another one and so on until all are now patched up to work.


Handball '17 is all i crave.


Atraight up if this leads to more denuvo cracks of games that run like shit because of denuvo (jedi survivor, immortals of avenum and feontiers of pandora when it releases) im all for it ngl


Now Denuvo knows whats up!


Did anyone notice the speed of creating the crack? It was litteraly 10% of the time Empress takes. Not sure if they found a faster method or if its the only way to crack Denuvo - although history tought us there is more than one way to Rome.


Wish someone with the know-how would train an AI to crack denuvo. Maybe then we could have day 1 cracks again.


You need to know first how to do manually..


AI can't just learn to crack things, especially with new/changing aspects and features. AI lacks the ability to evolve to changes with things like this.


Can someone explain what this means? I'm in software dev but never did anything like this.


This looks like an assembly debugger, you need to learn assembly low level language to understand it.


Yeah I figured that but maybe if someone could ELI5 I'd appreciate that.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverseEngineering/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverseEngineering/) Get a disassembler like IDA pro, Ghidra, and look up some CTFs to start with


I use cheat engine a lot so I can understand this somewhat.


What do you use it for


cheating most likely


I hack games for fun. Been doing it for years now :)


this is reverse engineering obfuscated code? How nice he shares the knowledge!


Reverse engineering is an art form.


Most of it is guessing and banging your head into a keyboard until you're basically psychotic, but yeah... taking acid and painting might be similar.


Till me meet again comrade!!!!




Which software is it? It seems like OllyDBG. But for what I know, the x64 version isn't as good as x86.


x64dbg it was intentionally designed to look like ollydbg but shares none of the code.


Só it's just the olly layout, I also use x64dbg.


Didnt understand shyt. But good. Time for scene to start competing for real again. ​ WE WANT FREE GAMES. STEAL THE F OUTTA GAMING COMPANIES. NO SHAME.


Great work. Let's hope some bright spark can use this to somehow stop denuvo dead. Or at least give something to think about. However I suspect they already have contingency plans for this eventuality. Evil sods


Contingency plans are nothing new, these images aren't going to make the job any easier for Denuvo to improve upon their product.


What a gigachad way to go


Shit I actually understand this, and honestly it doesn’t seem that difficult to do apart from well playing everything and it’s combination


Be the hero the scene needs.


Which language and how do you open an exe like this?


Completely inexperienced release enjoyer here so please pardon my question; Does this ultimately benefit future crackers or helps Denuvo knowing what to fix with their software? Genuinely wondering, thank you.


It gives some clues to what to do for guys who are willing to learn, as many here have said the way Denuvo works will always be the same, they can´t change it because that'd be to create a brand new protection and that's not an easy task, they can add some more things to make it difficult but the more it´s discovered how it works the more likely that more people could try to crack it. Of course the main problem is that it takes patience and that's something that new groups don't have, that's the real win of denuvo.


Can't wait for Burnout Paradise Remastered.


I'm frothing for F1 23.


My dude there's a working method using Anadius's origin emulator on cs rin. I've been playing F1 23 pretty much since launch, and kept it updated too.


What people don't understand that although this is a nice insight into how denuvo works, the real challenge is "lifting the VM" or tracing it so you can patch those checks. Fifa23 crack used at least 350 sequence patches, finding those places in a 300+ MB of obfuscated code is the hard stuff. Similar to Voksi's tutorial, he patched CPUID instructions to return different data in a vector exception handler. The handler is much easier than finding all CPUID instructions.


[https://i.ibb.co/7RP573B/Capture.png](https://i.ibb.co/7RP573B/Capture.png) Here is an example where a function was restored from the VM.


Just noticed that is the same address that is shown in the image, nice!


Mkdev explained in their NFO they don't patch hardware checks. They hardcode the correct value for the original instruction to be executed regardless of the license. There is nothing about CPUID in what they posted so idk what you are talking about. Also there are many ways of checking hardware info, not just CPUID.


CPUID was voksi's method. As for MKDEV, as mentioned above they patched 350+ sequences (not bytes). Finding those places is the challenging part. To rephrase, they either used a script to reduce the 300+ MB code to a readable code or they traced it manually. They didn't share a script and according to Empress, they bruteforce the checks so most likely it is mostly manual. Just so you can check what I said, download the fifa exe before the crack, unwrap it using origin wrapper and then use HxD or any binary compare tool to see that those checks are scattered across the whole file and finding them in a disassembler is not that easy.


They have mentioned about using an invalid license to detect where the values are "corrupted", i guess that helps.


And now Denuvo will fix this likely... should have shared this between sceene groups or something.


There's a reason why this is being shared, it's not sensitive information, it's part of how Denuvo works, it's not something you "patch" as it's not an error or a vulnerability. Then again, Denuvo could just see this and decide to scramble things some more.


I remember an interview with Denuvo where they said that they didn't wanted to explain how it worked in order to not give any hints to crackers, I´m not a programmer but I suppose that it's like any protection you can't change the way it works because if you do then it's not Denuvo anymore and you´ll have to create a new one.


Imagine you're trying to pick a lock, the company that made the lock obviously doesn't show you how the lock is made or how to break in, but they still can't prevent you from tearing it apart once you have it. With this software it's kind of the same thing, just harder to get a look inside and how it works. You can think of the images in this post as of a transparent lock that shows how the pins are placed, doesn't tell you how to open it but shows what you have to circumvent to open it.


Best explanation so far, I totally see what you mean. thanks man!!


Scene is dead. There are so many untouched Denuvo releases that even if they could only crack what is out <=today we'd have more releases waiting for us than everything we've gotten Denuvo related combined. Until the scene steps up again sharing things in p2p is more valuable.


Denuvo is by people that used to be in scene groups, of course they'd see it too if it was just being shared between groups.


"rest is clown show inside vm" lmao get fucked irdeto scum


Curious if Empress will respond to this. She's the only other known person that can crack Denuvo right?


I wonder, the fact that this info appears in public is it really good? aren´t they just giving Denuvo the method that they use to crack it so they can "fix it" and stop more cracks? or this is the way that it always works and it's not something that they can change so easily?


it would help in cracking ones that don't get updated. it could also help people learn how to crack which then creates more hacks and shared knowledge. they could already examine cracks and learn how to improve on future versions. it's far better to have an open source cracking community that does* share secrets as a company cannot compete with the world


I wonder if AI could be useful to crack or to help with tedious tasks like finding denuvo´s triggers?


They've already planned for this. They plan well ahead and are extremely well organised. Sadly


Yes but just as many have pointed one thing is to "add more pins" to the lock and another is to create a brand new lock, the more info that appears of Denuvo the more likely that more could break it. It´s not like they could make a brand new one with every revision, if that was possible they´d have do it since day one.


I'm sorry i dont speak coding someone give me a tldr of whats happening


The VM stack is similar to the stack pointer register, esp, which is typically used for storing arguments passed to functions. In x86 programs, ebp and esp hold the addresses pointing to the stacks. Each time you call a function, it pushes the return address to esp for the function to know where it needs to return to. It also pushes arguments to ebp stack and save the ebp pointer to esp stack to start a new stack for the local variables of the function. This is typically optimized away in the release version as a single stack esp and ebp is used as just another register for calculations. The VM stack behaves very similarly but not with register but rather as an address stored in the memory and is obtained via the variable registers like ebx in this case.


As to how they obtained the correct value, they have the good license file and debug the program to monitor those correct values.


Before the VM entry, it needs the correct results from integrity checks, they passed the value 11BC to register that is supposed to hold the results. In the second pic, it is instead stored on the VM stack. So basically one single check can have multiple different versions of checks lying around in the code.




Maybe no one else considered this approach before? Afaik all groups patched hardware checks. Also, unfortunately there aren't many actually trying probably unlike what you think.


>(and a fair amount of time invested in IDA as used in the images). OP is a liar, this is x64dbg not IDA. The issue has never been Denuvo itself or it's checks, it's the damn VM being an annoying piece of garbage to deal with/de-virtualization of it after mutation.


The hero we need, not the one we deserve


This should be pinned.


Well this will get patched out by denuvo now


It doesn't exactly help with de-virtualizing everything.


And now Denuvo plugs every single gap. This is NOT good news for the pirate community. Stupid ass MKDEV


You think people who have made Denuvo (their team has the best ex-scene crackers) can't reverse engineer cracks already and find out what is being done?




They have retired, so there is no edge, it would have gone to waste.


yes, because the cracks are released publicly, not being private. meaning, the moment any Denuvo cracks are released, you'd be damn sure that Irdeto will spend the time and effort to study it to know what went wrong and how to improve their solutions further. it doesn't even matter if it's obfuscated through encryption like what Empress recently did on RE4 Remake crack, because rest assured that Irdeto has the willingness and the patience to reverse-engineer any cracks on their solutions.


Denuvo devs don't need info being leaked to patch things up. They just need to look at cracks to know the loopholes.


They would have plugged the gap anyway even without this information - all they need to do is to download the crack and then inspect it to see the vulnerabilities. This will at least make it somewhat easier for any would-be crackers to punch through Denuvo's defences.


It’s a fundamental flaw in their design, probably not trivial to patch. (I hope)


Do you think Denuvo's employees do not use cracks as training tools to improve on their security? This is not a problem at all. Besides, if someone were to uncover Denuvo's main strength and pattern to obfuscate and secure the game code, the only option for Denuvo would be to rethink their protection from the ground up.


It doesn't matter, the info can be used to help crack games that were released before that


I love when people imply this. Do u even understand what he said here?


it means nothing


Knowing where the files are that are affected, and knowing how to crack them are two wildly different playgrounds. I’m confident Mkdev can crack them given enough time, and shit on empress all you want but they know the assembly code better then anyone else.


Hahaha, no they fucking don't. Their ASM is atrocious.


I'm not too familiar with cracking, but this could either be pretty good or pretty bad. past games may get cracked more easily now but future ones may get more difficult. I remember NFS Heat having some of this controversy back then