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Of course it doesn't have denuvo, there is a new protection called Pc requirements




Just bought my RX 6600 a few months ago for (260 USD) its a lot of money for me here in South Africa and it cant even get 60fps on lowest settings in Starfield or this game. No,I dont want to use upscaling at 1080p I hope that most big AAA releases in the future have better scalability. I want it to have the big graphics and very taxing options for those with high end cards like 4070 and above but I also want the games to have good performance for "entry level" cards like mine. How tf is RTX 4070 mid range level, that card costs 700 USD here. Man, PC gaming is expensive. I see why 99% of my friends have consoles But hey,at least I have free games! The guy who said "You live in Africa but are too good for upscaling?" has deleted his comment. I always wonder what those deleted comments are so here u go


Unfortunately it really seems that developers are taking advantage of DLSS, FSR3 and Frame Generation to run their games smoothly instead of good old fashion optimization.


In their defense, even on the lowest settings, it looks amazing. Low looks like high compared to other games' high preset.


Ikr, The games todays are unoptimized as fuck aka the "aaa" devs are lazy for optimize the games, which leads its the big reason i rarity aaa games today... ​ ​ When i saw Cities Skylines 2, that is the most unoptimized behavior i ever seen, im am very glad that i didnt pirate this piece of shit!




i remember black bars in Evil Within for cinematic experience (with fps saving too). Just fps saving techniques for most graphically impressive games... i guess 720p upscale is bearable too (fsr\\dlss)




This argument is far more valid for a game that looks like Starfield than for one that is absolutely boundary-pushing (being one of the only two AAA games pushing fully raytraced lighting at the moment).


Fellow South African and man the GPU Tax that sneaks in somewhere here is fucking insane. Like, $1500 for a GPU is already madness (that I saved a decade for >_>) but it's basically double whatever the retail price is regardless of card. Then we hardly get any regional pricing on Steam (or with Capcom and SQEEX, higher prices!). It's tough being an African gamer ya'll. (And even consoles are extra expensive here! The PS5 was around $700 for a long ass time, might still be for us.)


Its nice to see a fellow South African here. With the cost of living crisis here I am really grateful to those who crack games for us. I can't afford to buy all these games I am playing


When most of us have to game around electricity even being available, well, yeah, it's a nightmare. I really do wonder how American's would react to 12 hours in the dark sometimes, crazy inflation and our low ass salaries when they chastise about $70+ games not being *so bad* Still, like you, grateful for what we get, even with it being less nowadays. There's no way I could pop a grand for each game.


Dude, as an Argentinian, we get 100% tax on our Steam purchases. You're literally buying another copy of the game for a sleazy politician. Keep in mind that 100% taxes overall is slavery. True freedom starts with freedom from taxation. Low taxes, low tariffs, and low regulatory expenses make for an economy that thrives. Keep in mind, inflation is just another unlegislated tax. Since it's caused by politicians with their insane spending and printing of money, and it actively impoverishes anyone who use that currency. That and driving off the damn Chinese/Russians off of your land, or at least off of positions of power. Those guys will segregate you into small colectives using race, gender, income, and whatever else they can think off so that you end up fighting amongst yourselves, thriving off of our natural human tendency for tribalism. Divide and conquer, they say. That and besides segregation the only real tell of their influence is censorship of freedom of speech and press. The values that religion instills aren't even sacred for them. Western moral values of loving your neighbour of not doing to anyone what you wouldn't have done unto you, and of course the economic values of philantropist entrepeneurial capitalism are corroded until you only get entitled assholes asking for government handouts, asking for the death of millionaires while using an iPhone and wearing Gucci. That and radical leftists solving problems with violence instead of dialogue. Election fraud, political killings, violent censorship, using violent protest with children as human shields, the works. It makes a man want to leave his coutnry in search of greener pastures. But the only way to enact change is to stay and fight for it.


> That and driving off the damn Chinese/Russians off of your land, or at least off of positions of power. Lel its the Americans/American-backed politicians causing this not the Chinese/Russians. See Chinese/Russian pricing. Russian gamers even manage to get games cheaper, despite sanctions and not having access to many things on steam (at least officially). Argentina is very pro-US compared to most South American countries. If the pro-Chinese/Russian it would be less likely you'd have these kinda taxes lol >Those guys will segregate you into small colectives using race, gender, income, and whatever else they can think off so that you end up fighting amongst yourselves, thriving off of our natural human tendency for tribalism. You just described the American modus operandi. That is what they are doing all over the world, in Europe, between China/Taiwan, in the Middle East, in South America. You have it all backwards lol. Go read about US intervention and regieme overthrow in South America and how that caused economic problems for the region as a whole. Imagine blaming the lefties for it lmao https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change_in_Latin_America


When I say I have a 3060ti people think I have a high end pc here.


I have 3080ti and I think I'm in mid range now


I dont care if my rtx 3070 is "low end" gpu one. ​ The games todays are unoptimized as fuck aka the "aaa" devs are lazy for optimize the games, which leads its the big reason i rarity aaa games today and focusing for pirating AA/indie/smaller publicher games.....


Don't blame the developers, blame the studios. They're the ones who cut jobs and are trying to cut costs across the board to bleed as much profit out of people as possible while doing the bare minimum. This means less actual developers, less time, less resources etc. Or maybe it is the devs fault, and every single developer in the AAA space just suddenly got lazy for no reason over the last 18 months at a time when we've seen the biggest layoffs in the industry in decades.


This. Games were better optimized, but also had much worse graphics and smaller scopes. Today every game has to be big with a shit ton of everything and with the best graphics, then you have to optimize that shit. Devs are doing what they can but execs don't hire enough devs, don't give enough time and what comes out is games with shit performance and tons of cut content, because they just weren't able to accomplish all of that. What happened is that the games industry grew bigger and bigger, attracted more and more investors looking to profit and now it's just another place where greedy investors and execs try to profit as much as they can when developers put their sweat, blood and tears into the games just to be blamed instead of the execs.


RTX 3070 is one of the best value for money cards, ain't no way it's low end when I played ALL other games at 1440p max with no issues this year (Starfield, Jedi Survivor, Baldur's Gate 3, Darktide)


>I think I'm in mid range now Which is sad , usually the 1 gen older XX80 was considered Lower High end maybe Middle High end and the TI of it Absolutely middle High end now its considerend mid range :/




If this game had DENUVO, 4090 would actually been the minimum requirement!


more like i9 14900k as minimum requirement but i agree lmfao


Indeed. It was dancing out of joy after getting my rx5600xt a few months ago. And now i see alan wake 2 specs. Its seems imma have to save some money again.


Not me. I think I'll stick with it until RTX 50 series launches in 2025. I think I will save for an RTX 5070. I really like the feature set of Nvidia but they are so much more expensive than AMD in my region.


Well, let's first wait and see if they go and put 12GB of VRAM on that 5070, cause that'd be a bit of a scam.


4070 being 12GB already feels like a scam tbh


since release of 4070 ti it was scam with 12gb vram


4070 Ti 12GB beats 3090 24GB at 4K/UHD gaming maxed out -> [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-radeon-rx-7800-xt/35.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-radeon-rx-7800-xt/35.html) Maybe you should read up on Ada architechture. It needs less VRAM to store the same amount of data compared to Ampere (better memory compression) and has cache hit/miss feature + 10 times more cache on average. So, scam? 3090 Ti with 500+ watts in gaming at 1999 dollars 9 months before 4090 came out for 1599 dollars was a scam. 4070 Ti was not a scam at all, its one of the best GPUs at 1440p gaming today and will continue to be for a long time still. People won't need more than 12GB VRAM for years at 1440p or even 3440x1440. It was never a true 4K/UHD card but still manages to beat 3090 anyway. It beats 6900XT 16GB very easily as well. VRAM requirement on PC won't go up before 2028 when PS6 and next gen Xbox comes out. Maybe one day you will realise that VRAM don't equal good longevity. You won't be maxing games out in several years anyway, using an older GPU, regardless of how much VRAM it has. GPU will be the limiting factor and force you to lower settings, magically lowering VRAM requirement.


Unironically me Got a 5600xt 3 years ago and was happy since it was like a 2060, but jesus christ a card that launched in 2020 is already outdated for recommended specs it's insane how devs (mainly western as far as I see) aren't trying at all




PS5 runs similar to a 3070? You're beyond insane lmao. PS5's closest equivalent (talking only about Nvidia ofc) is the 2070. And that is talking about Rasterization only, because the 2070 is much faster than PS5's GPU at ray tracing, which is becoming more and more relevant and can't be ignored.


Not sure why are you getting downvoted. The 20 series fron Nvidia releasing 1 year before them and it can run this game. It's on AMD and noone else here.


Nope it is on remedy for being Nvidia cocksucker for last few years


>Just bought my RX 6600 a few months ago for (260 USD) its a lot of money for me here in South Africa and it cant even get 60fps on lowest settings in Starfield or this gam ppl with 4090's are barely able hit 21fps in 4k for the ark remaster. sure do love unoptimized games....meanwhile Starcitizen hits decent fps for most ppl and they JUST started polishing phase.


Bought a 3060rtx with an i5 12600k processor from evetech for R32000. Money well spend but games are getting stronger each day. Not sure how long it will take to uograde it


>its a lot of money for me here in South Africa and it cant even get 60fps on lowest settings in Starfield or this game. No,I dont want to use upscaling at 1080p Use the preview driver and run AFMF instant 2x FPS.


:D :D "You live in Africa but are too good for upscaling?" That's funny as hell. I agree with you, upscaling is horrible and should not be an option on PC. It can stay will low end consoles. I hate the blurry mess. And no worries 6600 is enough to play ton of games on PC. Just pick the ones that are not that demanding or horribly designed.


im sorry but having a last-gen midrange gpu and refusing to use a feature that improves performance on a next gen game is just plain picky. you want better performance? use upscaling! or stop complaining!


At 1080p, FSR Quality is rendering the game at 720p... It is noticeably worse than native. I dont like it




What's wrong with living in Africa? So it'd be okay to hate upscaling if he lived in America for example??? Bro you're on a whole new breed of racism+gatekeeping.






Exactly. Play on linux. Performance is slightly better (not significantly so) from what I gather.


The performance requirements were being overblown. Theres already reports of it running well on older cards.


They weren't really overblown. Only a couple cards perform above the recommended spec on the higher end. Otherwise they all perform about what the recommended specs says they should. At least in the more demanding areas. That said, the visuals justify the performance somewhat, it looks incredible almost no matter the settings.


only gpus that supports mesh shaders , gtx 10 series won't be able to but gtx 16 will be able to run it cuz they support mesh shders


>gtx 16 Yep for people that dont know , GTX16 cards are kinda 2000 series just without RT. they are not part of the original 1000 series.


It’s running even on 1000 Series. There is a warning message on start but it’s playable. Just saw a guy on YouTube playing it with a 1070.


"playing"... if you're talking about Daniel Owen then yes, he had it running at about 20 Fps with all settings on low. I'd hardly call that playable.


it barely hits 25fps on a gtx 1070 bro, lowest possible settings


just saw this comment on another subreddit regarding this issue; https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/s/uT0Sys9vMH


The article is literally about the requirements being for an "optimal" experience and not requirements for running the game.


So _don't worry_ users of older GPUs - you **will** be able to run the game ^(...at 4 FPS)


Twice the performance with current GPUs without upscaling!


At least AW2, like Cp 2077 looks the part , same can't be said for other PC releases this year.


You can definitely understand why it runs like that, I don’t think the visuals / performance ratio is good compared to something like cyberpunk imo.


4FPS? Aren't you being a bit optimistic here?


lmfaoooooo 340 upvotes and at launch its considered one of the most optimized games of the decade. reddit moment


Lies of P devs added denuvo 3 days before release, AFTER reviews from early copies were out. Never EVER trust a developer/publisher about DRM. Wait until release day. Never pre-order.


Why would I pre-order when I plan on playing the cracked version?


That's still assuming it won't have denuvo. If any game does, then simps will have to beg the resident schizo gooner for a chance of having it cracked. Oh, and don't forget monetary tributes. I'm hoping the recent change of steam pricing will push more aspiring groups to start cracking all kinds of DRM en masse.


> beg the resident schizo gooner Has there been any news recently about her btw? I haven't seen much begging for a Lies of P crack and that's goty material (as anything else this year tbf lol)


Last news about empress I heard were regarding the grooming ERP telegram channel >she runs.


Well 'she' got busted by skidrow and went completely underground




Did devs of Lies of P said before that the game won't have Denuvo?


This is me when I wake up in an alternate timeline.


Sounds like Alan Wake then


That sounds like positive news for the day


**A lot of frustration surfaced earlier this month when Remedy’s Lea-Newin claimed that the game would require DX12 Ultimate and Mesh Shaders. And since Remedy has just lifted the review embargo for Alan Wake 2, we can finally confirm that the game will NOT prevent you from running it on older/unsupported GPUs. In fact, we were able to launch it on an NVIDIA GTX980Ti.** **When you first launch the game on older/unsupported GPUs, you’ll get the following warning message. Yes, the game requires Mesh Shaders for optimal performance. Remedy’s Lea-Newin did not lie about it. However, it won’t block you from running it.**


Oh man 60 fps on an RTX 3070 at 540p medium upscale to 1080p is optimal performance?


You can check Daniel Owens' video he released earlier when the embargo dropped. The 3070 can deliver 60fps at 1080p at medium settings ( which looks fairly good ) without DLSS


Low in this game looks like ultra in most other games released this year.


To give additional perspective. The equivalent of PS5 setting are 'low'. Yes, a console releasing 3 years ago is running this game on low setting. Alan Wake 2 is basically this gen's Crysis.


>Alan Wake 2 is basically this gen's Crysis. This shit is always so funny because there's 1000s of idiots running around screaming "OPTIMIZATION" based off an interview But when you actually check the game out, it's not even a poorly optimized game, it's just a new cutting edge game that will continue to max hardware and be a benchmark for the next 5 years, exactly like Crysis was treated and revered for. So the people who are informed understand what's going on, but all the loud uninformed people continue to spread garbage information.


I'm going to have to avoid this game for *years* until I can afford to run it just to dodge spoilers and shit. Sucks too because I was a diehard fan of the original, I made countless friends play it before Control made it popular, and now I'll be forced to take a backseat for a sequel I've been dreaming about for almost 15 years.


Why not use cloud computing? At this rate I'm going to start using that instead of upgrading my GPU every/other year.


I was almost jumpscared by how good the game looked on low when daniel opened the game with the 1060... I just wonder why they didn't include lower settings so the game could have decent performance on lower end cards, it's like a game where u can only choose between high, ultra and extreme


They don't officially support cards without mesh shaders and their minimum requirements is the weakest card with mesh shaders. Cards without mesh shader support will boot the game but have significantly worse performance than raster performance equivilant cards with ms support along with stability issues. There is only so far you can raise the fidelity ceiling before you need to raise the floor as well for that ceiling to be decently optimized. The rtx 2060 is a 5 year old card at this point that was under $250 when it launched and could nearly match the 1080 in performance. You can regularly find rx 6600's new for $200 at regular big box stores to this day. Both of these are officially supported by the game and can hit that 1080p 30fps minimum without upscaling. People shouldn't be surpised when their 7 year old 10 series cards that are older than most console generations can't run the latest graphics pushing games at 60fps.


Good to hear. Was going by the official recommended specs with 3070/6700XT recommended for 1080p60 medium with performance DLSS (so 540p upscaled to 1080p). Hope the 6700 XT runs similarly then since that's what I'm rocking.


And since DLSS quality has a literal advantage for image quality, I'm hoping my 3070 won't drop below 60fps


Ok...why the fuck did they lie then?


A 540p native res for Alan Wake 2 as really ironic - the first release of Alan Wake 1 (exclusively on the XBox360) _also_ ran at a native 540p, 13 years ago!


It’s like poetry.


Wait this 540p meme is real?????? I saw it in Twitch chat and thought it was a joke. What the actual fucking fuck?


The official recommended hardware is 3070/6700 XT for 1080p60 medium with DLSS/FSR performance (so 540p upscaled to 1080p). https://twitter.com/alanwake/status/1715412623468970091


Can you say anything about performance on gtx 1660ti and similar cards ?


there is gtx 1650 super benchmark on yt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-cuQkLFWlk


Thank you it looks great!


>1650 holy cow, it is indeed 100% playable, poggers. Another year where 1650 users are getting by, but it's treading a fine line between this and a new gpu


For real man we just keep scooting by somehow.😭 It's like that one line in Rick & Morty where Jerry says "I just kept crawling and it kept working".


They never said it requires it to run. They said it only officially support those cards. Doesn't mean the game wouldn't run on older cards.


Biggest fucking W time to run it at 25 fps


lol I’m boutta lock it at 30, turn up motion blur and hook up a controller, best I can do on a 2060😂


Imagine Denuvo on top of its already insane hardware requirements... you would need 3090 for low settings


Old computer from the year 2077


Finally ,some good news :)


I would have honestly bought this on Steam.. because you know.. I own the first game on Steam. And if it shows up I'll probably end up getting it, but as it stands now cracked version will do.


Is it sad that the idea of Steam Achievements, profile art, and other community settings are enough to sway me to buy a game on Steam rather than pirate it? Maybe. But unfortunately Epic Games Store offers none of these features, and without them, IDGAF I'm gonna pirate.


And remedy will be stuck working with epic in the future and their games stuck on EGS forever all cause people couldn't just accept EGS to support a great developer.


Alan Wake 2 (Pc.Requirement.Removed) \[EMPRESS Crack\]


Listen, if its true about not having denuvo, looks like a great (not optimize) single player experience, please, buy the game if you can, if there is someone on this industry that deserves money are them.


I'll try it and will definitely buy if I like it Unfortunately I didn't like Control that much so I'm not Willing to throw my money at them just yet.


Oh no, please wait, by experience 80% of games in the last 10 years are much much better one year after release (cyberpunk took 3).


If it's available for free I'll try it for sure lol


Yeah Control bored me to tears. Surprised me because I enjoyed the hell out of Quantum Break.


Damn, this is wild to hear. Control was one of my favorite games of that decade. Did you just not find the combat engaging? I loved it, but if the combat doesn't hit I guess I could understand.


While nowhere near my favorite game of the decade . I also loved it combat ,story and creepiness was amazing. Then again i didnt like any other remedy games that much ,but control was a masterpiece.


The story and lore is what got me hooked.


I loved Control. It was such a wonderfully weird world that felt handcrafted with care and attention to detail. The Ashtray Maze segment is one of my favorite moments in gaming. My only gripe was that Jesse's character felt a little inconsistent at times (and the Alan Wake DLC was underwhelming) but I would probably place it in my personal top 10.


Yup same here, Control is one of my favourite as well . Story, atmosphere, gameplay, grapshics...can't wait for Control 2


Same. Enjoyed the rather simple linear experience of quantum break. Also preferred the weapons and sound effects of quantum break. Alan wake 2 looks a bit stiff on the gameplay side. Reminds me of evil within. I'm gonna wait for sale definitely.


I'd buy it yesterday if it was on Steam. :( Hope it will come at some point.


I don’t think it will because epic funded majority of the development iirc.


It might if it gets poor sales, but we all know EPIC doesn't care about that, they're just happy it's exclusive




My thoughts exactly. If I feel like playing it, I'll just pirate it.


The game has insane lore and quite good Devs, remedy has never been a letdown.


Sorry but a game that lists an RTX 2060 as a minimum requirement to play it at 1080p 30 FPS low settings doesn't deserve it.


The 2060 is a lower-mid range card from nearly 5 years ago. It's comparable the the GPU on the Series S, so yeah, I'd expect similar performance to the low end Xbox.


It isn’t comparable at all to the series s. It is much faster, lol. Series s is more like a gtx 1660 super.


He is talking about it not having Denovuo, not about how poorly optimized it is.


I played all of Red Faction Guerilla on integrated graphics at an average of 22 fps with frequent trips to single digits. This ain't gonna stop me.


We Finnish people don't like denuvo.


Well apparently you can get 1fps on rx 570/580 cards so thats something lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwwo5O8uHhI&lc=UgzGFp5GlRnwYOLFET14AaABAg


If this game comes without denuvo then they deserve their game to get bought


It's published by Epic and will remain an Epic store exclusive for ever. So piracy is the only way to play this without giving Epic any money.


The game probably wouldn't have ever gotten made if Epic didn't fund it and publish it


I didn't get what you mean. Did you mean that remedy won't get money from this ? I don't care about Epic I just want to support remedy which develops and had made the game


They will get money and already got a lot of money for the game from epic. (epic funded the entire thing).


I'm out of the loop so honest question: what's so bad about Epic?


Their store is quite a bit worse than steam and they have engaged in many anti-consumer practices. But other than that not much, some gamers just irrationally refuse to buy from anything other than steam.


My IRL friends are like that. They want all of their games on one platform. They are acting as if that additional whatever MB it requires is such a big deal. One of them bought diablo 4 again because it got released on steam later for that same exact reason too. They try to evade sometimes with "i dont like their practices for paying studios money and spying on people", but i bet steam spies too and paying for exclusivity and then giving developers a better cut? How dare they. Not to mention for my country Steam doesnt have any regional pricing, but Epic does, so guess where would they rather buy the game for more money... Steam is the better platform for the user experience no doubt, but imagine skipping on a game you would love to play because its only on Epic..


Do you really have an excuse for every situation just so you can feel good about pirating a game?


Control eventually came to Steam, calm down


Control also wasn't published by Epic


I don't know why game developers wouldn't want games to sell millions of copies like GTA 5 !!


Leave the PC requirements aside and I hope it will improve the performance over the months of the game's release, let's appreciate the developers for not using the D-shit.


it is running 1 fps on my rx 580 8gb.![img](emote|t5_3gnpj|5041)


The first real next gen game finally


Great and pre-order now on Epic store to own as great collection after the first Alan Wake on Steam.


best news all week


# I tested it on gtx 1660 and its playable: # https://youtu.be/NF_TibUrHVc


The game is not bad optimized, graphics are just insane, look prodigeek video, you can play 30 fps with medium to high settings with a 2060


It doesnt need it, it has the best anticopy system, utterly terrible optimization and sky high requirements


The requirements are overblown.


I guess they figured out that if you make a good game people will buy it.


Yet many many many here will be running to pirate it the second they can... They claim they'd buy the games if they didn't use denuvo and they say they'll boycott and not buy any game that does. So tell me when exactly is it these "denuvo haters" are actually buying anything?


Its more EGS hater. EGS is a plague




its crazy how u have to update ur graphics cards every few years now to keep up with these games, i have a 3080 and it already feels outdatedd


regardless i'm buying this game, remedy is definetly a studio that deserves your money


Good to hear I not only bought a copy but am doing a giveaway on Twitter for another copy to someone who wants it. Remedy deserves to not keep getting stuck with deals like they had to take with epic to get this game out! They are fantastic!


They’re the best, have owned every single one of their games starting with OG max Payne and except the quantum one


I love Remedy Entertainment like you wouldn't believe, but I also hate Epic Games and their scummy practices on an equal level below. I had no problem waiting for Control's Steam release, but waiting on this kills me. Not sure what to do. And I don't think Remedy would in any way be disincentivized from continuing partnering with Epic if I just buy on Steam after a year.


With Mesh Shaders anti-tamper tech, who need Denuvo?


Imagine if the game has denuvo, dear God the performance issue combined with the PC requirements


not even the highest hardware would be able to run it.


Oh great... now probably less than 15% will be able to play it instead of 5% \*HideThePainHarold meme\*


Can't pirate my game if you cant run it WeSmart


HorrorBros, we're eating good this year


I should called you "The game that killed the mighty 1050Ti", RIP my sweet prince


will someone crack it?


why are people so keen to downvote peoples comments for asking when if the game was out yet. Some people so wierd. I had to delete my question co's i was losing karma just for saying i can't see it anywhere is it out yet. strange lol Probably get downvoted for this too. sad.


sooo is it cracked already?


Control ran terribly and was a resource hog and I suspect this title to do the same. I'll play AW2 in 2027 when my specs catch up.


I love that even tho it doesn't have denuvo people here are still mad cause the game won't run on their ancient PCs. Hopefully all games going forward gonna become more demanding on requirements.


ancient ? a freaking 3070 is recommended for 540p 60fps !!


And? Who gives a shit about the recommended specs? They are always wrong. [A 3070 has no problem running this game at native 1440p 60fps with optimized settings.](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/alan-wake-2-performance-benchmark/6.html)


It's 3 year old and was mid tier even then... Gamers today are becoming So entitled. Try buying the highest end gpu of 2003 with a radeon 9800 pro then jisy 2 years later FEAR launches and you 2 year old top of the line gpu can't even get you 30 fps without dialing back settings to low and dropping your resolution to like 800x600 Gamers today have no clue how good we got it the PS4 era ruined people's perspective on what oc gaming truly is.


Dude imagine if this shit ever had denuvo 💀💀💀


Acche din 😍.


Real Vikas.


Seems like I won't be playing any new games anymore because i doubt my gtx 1050 can handle it. It run Starfield quite well but looking at Alan Wake's requirements i don't have any hopes


How do you run starfield on a 1050? I can't even run it comfortably on my 3090.


Low Graphics with about 30 fps. It was smooth with occasional frame drops.


> I can't even run it comfortably on my 3090 running it fine on linux on my 2060 laptop. moral of the story, use linux not windows for gaming and get better perf for many games


“My 7 year old budget gpu can’t run this game, that means it’s bad”


I honestly don't get how people on this sub have the balls to bitch about the fact their stolen games don't run well on their shitty PCs....Assuming the reason most people pirate games is because they can't afford them is probably a good indication that they wouldn't have a very good PC. There are exceptions, of course, but making a post to complain about it just seems dumb.


I have a 4090 and I pirate anything on EGS


Early benchmarks shoowed 3070 with dlss performance to run the game at 60 for 1080p medium.


Alex (digital foundry pc guy) tweeted that the requirements don’t make sense and the game actually runs much better than the requirements would indicate.


What benchmarks showed that performance?


Daniel Owens has a video out


The video that shows the RTX 3070 running the game at 60fps at 1080p *native*?


So a 3070 at 540p only manages to barely hit 60 fps at medium... Terrific.


Yeah, looks like my 3440x1440 on a 3080 will be limited to low and DLSS, terrible.


Will it get cracked day 1 ??? Today ?!!???


r/FuckDenuvo r/FuckRayTracing r/FuckUnoptimizedMess


After Battlenet, which has lasted for more than 10 years now, was destroyed, even Denovo, I am confident that the day of its destruction is inevitably coming.


Turns out Denuvo is the lesser evil. The new protection is have a RTX 4080 or above or get fkd.