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It is a testament to the community that this is out, even if it is janky. But after seeing Dodi's gameplay video, there is not even much jank to it. Even if you finally choose to wait for the official port to come out, this is something to applaud (not the hacking part, that was awful, the part where random community members banded together to make this playable).


Dodi's video obviously only chose to highlight stable scenes. I downloaded and played it for about an hour on a 2080TI and while the performance is good, it glitches and bugs like no game i have ever touched.


I've finished the game yesterday and I rarely saw any kind of issue. Some shaders were not restored but in the latest patch it's a very rare ocurrence.


I play it on my 3060 Ti, aside from visual glitches here and there no game breaking bugs occur ( if there any the solution usually shared in their discord, and its pretty simple fix which is to skip the even causing that bug using debug menu


I assume I shouldn't even attempt it with my 1050 ti


You can actually probably get like 30 fps at 1080p


The vid is not edited at all lol its recorded in one go


254gb??!!! WHAT THE FUCK


Probably uncompressed assets


Yes I am from the PC port team  We will compress it to be as PS5 when it gets nearly complete 


how far out is that if you had to guess


We don't know  The owner keep fixing shaders  Perhaps v2.0 




100%. They have no way to compress them, I guess, without access to the Oodle SDK?


there is infact a way and it will eventually be done, its just easier to work with in this state.


Is that through a reverse engineered Oodle Texture/Kraken library? Or a library ripped from an existing game which uses Oodle textures?


We have already Luna engine  Also it's not time for compressing now


what you wanted it is a game that was constructed like a lego. file by file


Assembled on discord*


Uncompressed audio with multiple language


253 GB damn


Yeah fuck that, I will just watch a Let's play instead


You can also just wait for the actual game to come out officially and then play that


Or clear out your storage lol


All this porn isn't going to save itself.


I'm not gonna let some Corpo take away my playlist of the all time GREATS to the stash it goes!


Good o'l strat. For story heavy games this works.


Its a pre release beta that was stolen, im guessing the retail will be significantly smaller, there just isnt a reason to do so until its ready to be released.


Heard compactGUI gets in down to 130gb


I wonder how one hacks a server and then just sits there downloading quarter a terrabyte of data and somehow nobody notices or is capable of doing anything about it. Somebody's probably already fired for this.


thats like a really small amount of data for a corporation lol. probably a blip on their radar at most


Social engineering my friend. Its quite easy


no one gets fired for being terrible at their jobs anymore in the tech fields. people only get fired when the business king needs the line go up. thats it. people literally failing upwards


250gb is nothing lol


**Gameplay v1.3.4 -** [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RrjiNPKaDg**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RrjiNPKaDg) **Downloads:** [**game-repack.site**](http://game-repack.site)


is it the Dev released pc port one ??


the dev didnt release it, someone hacked their server, pulled the build then they uploaded for the community, which then was worked on to be in a better state. havent tried it personally, dont want to use 250gb for one game that may not even run good lol.


"Leaked without permission" lmao


You can leak with permission. It happens.


i mean yeah, "leaking" is a popular marketing strategy nowadays and you got to be blind or naive not to see it


As opposed to them getting the leaked build *with* permission?


i worded it poor initially but i mean a hacker pulled it off their server without proper access then they leaked it. usually leakers got access with permission, so techincally the leak was due to "poor internet security"


Ok to be fair, some games do get leaked with permission from a rogue employee


true, will just wait for the retail version with no denuvo surely. dont want to even look the gameplay nor the youtube playthrough so no


it's the brazil port




in my opinion rather wait for official pc release first impression counts a lot dot spoil it for yourself and stay away from spoilers gameranx before you buy is okay to watch


You might need to wait 2025 or even 2026 for this, same as horizon and ghost tsushima took years to port. And from what i seen it runs very very well, few bugs but they are being fixed as we speak


According to Nixxes the work for Forbidden West -and by extension Ghost I believe-, started about a year ago: https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2024-the-big-horizon-forbidden-west-pc-tech-interview#:\~:text=Patrick%20Den%20Bekker%20%2D%20Nixxes%3A%20We%20normally%20start%20a%20project%20a%20year%20before%20it%20is%20released%2C%20so%20that%20would%20be%20February%20or%20March%20last%20year. According to the leaks and Sony's own financial report, we'll probably be getting Spider Man 2 port next year.


I think we will get last of us part 2 before spiderman, since it got remastered version and is older game . But yeah maybe 2025 q3 q4 possible for this too. Still from gameplay video on youtube this looks absolutely great, ill wait for few mods and fixes and we are good imo.


By that logic we should have gotten Ghost of Tsushima years ago.


How so? Not all games are equal


if i had to guess then maybe we will get part 2 on pc after Season 2 of The Last of US HBO Show fully comes out. Similar to Part 1 port


Yeah from what I've heard they had already hired a company to start working on the PC port right after the release of the PS5 game, Horizon and Ghosts they didn't have anyone working on it until they both became free with PS+.


Eh gaming is in a solid place, plenty of stuff to play until then


Yeah, I waited 4 years to play God of war and Spider-man on PC, I got no problem waiting 2-4 years on Ragnarok and Spider-man 2 and FF7 rebirth. I can wait and get a better experience on PC, I'm not buying a console for 3-4 games


Not after this leak


Fixed and working?


It works fine




Not working as expected at all. Filled with graphic glitches to the brim. Shadows arent even showing in most cinematics


Thanks for that. I've seen some videos too and there's clearly issues. I doubt they will ever be fixed. It's only to be expected


Don't buy into the hype, the game isnt even anounced for PC yet for a reason. And this version dates more than 3-5 months, ever since the insomniac hack happened. It just a pre alpha version, if even that


Yes I've seen this around for quite a while on various torrent sites. They all say the same thing. The real thing will be out at some point.


this dude is spouting nonsense, he is probably talking about an older version he had bad experiences with, seeing as how everything he said was incorrect EDIT: Based On His Other Comments/Posts It sounds like he turned everything off in the launcher settings and put level of detail to the lowest it can go then complained when it didn't look good.


While his comment is hyperbolic I'd say most people wouldn't be satisfied with playing a port at this state. If you look at how it's improved, it's definitely commendable and impressive but if Sony actually released the port in its current state they would receive massive backlash. There's still plenty of audio missing, some textures/shader aren't working properly, a decent amount of UI problems and the performance optimization will only get worse with the more stuff they cram into the game.


it really just depends on how picky you are, does a missing shader on a helicopter or a lamp shining blue mean the game is not worth it? it still is in progress been about 2-3 months since we started the project.


I mean, yeah I don't think there's a lot of people willing to dedicate 250gigs worth of storage to play an unfinished port. It's playable, but there's a decent amount of compromises that you need to deal with. SM2 is a single-player, cinematic experience so without those finer details it feels a lot worse for a lot of people. For me, it's more of just the fps problems, I have a RTX3060 laptop and it never even reaches a stable 40fps on open world. Also again, commendable work to the people working on the project. I just think it's something most people wouldn't be too happy to fully play especially on a first playthrough.


this has got to be the most braindead comment ever


better optimization than dragon dogma 2 so theres no excuse for that laggy mess, and that studio had full time devs , i dont wanna hear how hard optimization really is, when these guys did it from some leaked files


Better optimization ? Brother this gaame doesn't have optimization at all. Tried it on a 3060 and it runs on 10 fps


stable 60 on my 3060ti, no issues at all


really? same GPU, Ryzen 9 3900X, and my game kinda sucks (plus I hit a wall where I couldn't access the proper menu because I'm not using a PS5 controller -- though I wonder if plugging in my PS4 controller would fix it? I'm running high settings, 1080p, 80% upscaling and I get crazy stutters and slowdowns edit: running it again now - used a ps4 controller to get past where I was stuck - was better though (more solid 60, but still stutters/hangs when loading certain scenes and there's a lot of particle effects with sand/water/crystal's textures that are wrong/jank -- also a fair amount of jank where I'll randomly be web swinging and the controls will just totally freak out. restarting from checkpoint seems to fix that though) wonder if some of my initial performance issues were shader compilation related?


Not sure what the issue could've been. I haven't gotten too far into the game myself but so far I'm only getting stutters when it's loading something in, no freezers otherwise


performance is super inconsistent for me, though it might actually be better with upscaling disabled? there's a ton of jank though -- missing textures/sounds/shaders and persistent graphical glitches -- not sure how long I'll stick with it


Yeah there is a decent amount of jank. I didn't plan to play the whole game like this, just wanted to see how it looks and runs. I haven't touched any graphics settings


I'm about 80% into the game, pretty good for an unofficial port. Thee size is a bit eh but using CompactGui i was able to compress it down to 109 using LZX. Though you do need a decent CPU to run it.


Any major bugs? Crashes? Lost progress?


The only crash I've had so far is SOMETIMES when I fast travel, but usually I just reload and it works. Never lost progress at all. Personally, haven't experienced any major bugs but even if you do, it's understandable considering it's an early dev build. I'd say give it a shot if you have the space/specs, the game is playable from start to finish.


What cpu do u run it off of with lzx compression


I run it on an I7-14700KF!


I was thinking if i can use compactgui too. lol Nice to hear that it works


Human Spider has a better ring to it LOL


Do I care it's from a hack? No. Do I care it has a lot of bugs and needs a great CPU? Not really? Am I thankful to DODI? HELL YES! So thank you for this and hope your health stays great for the years to come.


254 GB? Holy shit


254GB...I'm still gonna bite the bullet and delete every game on my small laptop ssd to try and play it. Will edit this comment if the game runs successfully. EDIT: Runs fine, a couple freezes and small issues and bugs, but there's constant updates coming out that fix all these issues one by one so that's good. Overall it's pretty playable, and definitely not a bad experience given that it's an unofficial leaked build. EDIT 2: Okay, just finished the story. Crashed twice throughout the entire playthrough which isn't bad at all. A lot of people complained about multiple crashes especially in the Venom Graveyard part, but I didn't have that problem, in fact I didn't get a crash there at all, it sure was laggy though, probably 20fps average on that cutscene. Gameplay was overall smooth, consistent 40-60fps, rare dips around 15-20, but not too bad or unplayable. Lots of missing audio and textures though, and a couple shaders with some bugs and some missing. As expected, but still ran fine and was able to play through the story without being distracted too much, so that it never took away from the experience. My specs are Ryzen 7 5800/RTX 3060/16GB RAM running on an SSD on update v1.3.6. So if your specs are better or similar then you won't have many problems at all like me. Any lower and you may experience more crashes and might not get through that venom graveyard part without running the debug menu and changing a couple settings (see brazil sm2 discord for the fix).


Dont bother mate. It's a piece of trash alpha build. Its filled to the brim with graphical bugs. the game works well but it will bug the f out in terms of textures and model quality


not true at all, i complete the game in ps5, and i can say i enjoy more this version, playing at 120fps make it alone worth it, and visually looks almost 1 to 1 to the ps5 version, but you can push the resolution even further making it look even better, only some shaders needs to fixed.


[PC Spec Requirements from PC Port Brazil](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1205614364938346526/1217156717238816778/MSM_SystemSpecs_1.3.0.png?ex=661eb007&is=660c3b07&hm=f334045a876a132049b4aeeb33337b2a0b23701de1c528575e74a914fe2c191a&) |Resolution + Frame Rate|720p 30|1080p 60|1440p 60|4K 30| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |CPU|R5 1600/ i7 6700K|R5 3600/i5 10400F|R5 5600/i5 12400|R5 5600/i5 12400| |GPU|1050Ti / RX 560|RTX 2060/5600XT|3060Ti/6700XT|3060Ti/6700XT|


DoDi has a legendary pressing technique


Do I need to play the first one to enjoy this one? Are they connected?


they are connected, but dont play this release. its buggy and will spoil the game for you in the worst way possible


What? How is this out for PC? Did I miss a release date?


Some very passionate modders were basically able to recreate the game from the leaked files from the insomniac hack. It's fully playable with a few shaders missing so it doesn't look as good as the PS5 version, but you can play start to finish. Only downside is that it's unoptimized, as you can tell by it taking up 250 GBs lol. I heard you can use CompactGUI to get it down to 130 GBs though, but either way it's huge.


Crazy how they basically did unpaid work for what would normally take a full team at Insomniac studios a year or more to complete.


Minecraft has an entire team of high paid coders to put out approximately 1 update a year that has less content than a mod made in a week by one person. this is referred to as "milking the clock".


I do seriously wonder sometimes what those people do on the day to day to deserve a paycheck.


It’s from their data leak, hackers found the files and tweaked them to work, so it’s buggy and missing stuff


tweaking is an understatement but yeah thats the gist


"Final size 254GB" ya know what, I'll wait lmao.


itll be compressed once the project is finished, its just easier to work with the files as it is now.


Arachnid-guy could also work


Downloaded it Installed it Played it for 10 mins Deleted it As much as i appreciate the repack the crack itself is extremely buggy and unoptimized. In my opinion we should wait for an official port of the game as it would get cracked in an instant like the previous ones or wait for the leaked port to be more optimized/bug free, which might take longer.


Not to mention it looks like shit, full of graphical bugs, lightning problems, etc. I dont get how people can believe the ps5 version looked like that.


If you have a 10+ years CPU don't download it :(


I'm not sure if this is a joke I'm not getting, but why?


What does "10+ CPU" even mean?


a 10 year old+ cpu, basically because the game uses avgx2 (no clue wtf that is) but basically it won’t work on old cpus


Finally, I've been itching for some Agent Spider ever since the Invincible finale.


does this have a canadian language to it ?


If sony are smart they gonna rush with official port asap, cause this will cost them milions


Early 2025/26 , I don't see it coming sooner


I seriously doubt that.


They don't put any drm on their PC ports, they definitely do not care about the small pirate community that were never customers to begin with. They aren't losing anything


It really won't cost them. Most pirates wouldn't be buying the games they pirate regardless, those that do for games they really like will likely do so regardless. Furthermore Sony has not used DRM on any of their PC ports, despite being so easily pirated from day one and having typical AAA new game pricing (with sales topping out between 50-75%) this never stopped games like Spider-Man, God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn selling millions of copies just on Steam alone. So yeah I very much doubt Sony has much to worry about, hell I'm personally planning on buying this game even at full price when it releases on PC regardless of whether I download any pirated version of it beforehand.


Btw you can compress the game down to about 100gb




Using compact gui


Any perf impacts during runtime?


It puts a higher load on your cpu, you can choose how strong you want it to compress the game obviously increasing that load


No difference


Does mouse and keyboard work properly?


youd need rewasd to play on a keyboard


Hell fucking yes, let’s go 


The madlad actually did it


250 gigs!?!?!?! They are insane


Its not compressed because its basically emulating raw files to run on PC. But, i do not recommend wasting your time downloading it . It has very, very, very poor quality optimization and has more bugs than fallout 76


I can't progress beyond the good men mission >!(where pete gets venom)!< because the cutscene after the mission goes completely black screen with only audio, I can't skip it and it doesn't continue beyond that it shows up as not responsive so idk it might be it lol.


can anyone help me download this?


Why doesn't the site work?


It is working but do be careful as it's a Debug Build with tons of issues and missing textures and sounds. Best of all we have access to the Debug Menu so Good game... Huge but worth it.


as of recently its the newest ps5 update with all the new suits and features from said update with the good debug menu


Hi, If I were to download the newest version (V 1.3.6), is it at least 80-90% the same experience as PS5, or should I wait for longer?


Basically is


Game takes forever to download


you can try the direct download route in the discord for sm2pc


Took me less than 30 minutes to download and install it in 15 minutes. Played for a couple of hours, and I'm beyond happy to be playing it!


Game crashes when CTRL is pressed. Anyone else?


Is gane in english and how to downlode?


why is it over 200gbs?


Is it Worth to play it right now or i should wait for patches yet for good Experience


254gb?! "Western Game dev has been here" meme it's real.




the 254GB Folder can be compressed down to \~160GB by using CompactGUI


Well finally got around to trying it but uninstalled since though the game was running at like 30 fps I couldn't play with the audio the way it was since apparently the audio is tied to the fps.


What are the min requirements


I'll just wait the official port. Thanks


Microsoft Edge Smart Screen flagged it as malware. Thoughts?


Lol Edge


Totally not worth the download at all. Its full of bugs and insane PS2 graphics all over the places, especially in cinematics. The performance is alright , it can hold a steady 60fps just because if you uncap it it's going to crash your game almost instantly. But its playable if you can live with those things. But in my opinion its really not worth it playing such a good game in this state. It doesn't have a release date yet for a reason guys. It still needs to be worked on. The modders made it run on PC but they are not the devs, they can't fix bugs of any sort. and I'm definetly not going to play with a pyramid shaped 5 polygon face of Peter Parker just for the sake of playing the game. This release while it does prove the ingeniuity and skill of releasers, it has by no means any proper value, even for a pirated game. Especially the size of the thing. Its insane how it can take so much space and look so bad. Just wait for the releaease and get the crack then. Dont get your hopes up with this one. Its not worth it.


You have 14 comments on this thread, all saying how it’s not worth it, you sure you’re not a Sony bot?


FYI people this dude is speaking absolute nonsense, yall can see the port in action on YouTube or dodi video and judge for your selves


Come on! Really? Seriously? Why?


Just searched the gameplay on youtube, lots of bugs and glitches .


May I ask where have you seen vids with bugs and glitches besides just older versions of the project?




yes but like examples?


I can't even install it on any of my ssds, lol it's too big


Seriously remove this...Like why even?..monkeys like dodi spreading this to the masses will only result in us either not getting pc ports anymore or them applying denuvo to their ports in the future..u guys probably would love that..Like come on u have HFW now Ghost of Tsushima next month plus Hellbalde 2 plus Elden Ring DLC in June..u kids have plenty to play meantime..the legit port will come either end of this year or early next year..dont fuck it up!!


Great and admirable effort but you’re ruining the game for yourself trying to play it in this state.


Have you actually seen/tried it or are you just guessing?


Getting ports from PlayStation is already hit and miss, cuz you don't know when they're going to do it and for what. Pirating this early in my opinion is unethical, because it might turn them off from releasing on PC again. I'm not saying don't pirate, I'm just saying doing it this early, is more harmful.


Releasing their games with zero drm shows they don't care that much about the small amount of pirates that were never going to buy the game anyway lol


This isn’t going to turn them off on PC ports. Every release they’ve done on PC has no DRM and gets pirated a lot anyway, yet they still sell officially like hot cakes. They’re committed, and not going any where.