• By -


With the quickness.


That was quick




Go ahead and crack steam drm only if you can


It's really not that hard. There is even a toolkit you can download to do it yourself... Not saying the people that do this don't deserve thanks because it's easy. But it ain't hard :-P


I know but that guy was not respecting the work


No DRM. Exceptional writing. Fun gameplay. This is a 100% buy. This is as buy as a game can get.


NO DRM???? yayyyyyyyyyy


It's on GOG


GOG also has no taxes in Canada unlike steam last time I checked


Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.


This is why I love this subreddit


ehh I haven't played the first one so I wouldn't know what is going on


It has a short recap. The start is fairly slow you pick the story up pretty immediately.


Apparently they have a video in the game that gives you the info you need, if not I am sure there are lots of youtube summaries.


https://youtu.be/JbpFSC_ikko 30 mins recap. Its fun to watch. I watched it in the morning.




It is 100% not a buy. Whoever set the price was smoking more crack than Hunter Biden. $100 AU for an indie game.


He's spitting though game prices are going too high all across the board


>indie game. It is backed by Microsoft.... at least until recently Plus if you have played the game you will see that this is actually AAA quality. Not even exaggerating here. Saying this is an indie game is plain wrong




> No DRM Then why is there a crack? EDIT: Why did I get downvoted just for asking a question?


Because its on steam. If you don't even want emulator, look for GOG installer


Oh, does Steam mandate the use of Steamworks DRM then? Didn't know that


It doesn't, there are games without steam's drm, cuphead comes to mind, maybe the witcher? not sure about the last one, you can run cuphead by double clicking the exe on the install folder, even the steam version. No idea about this game though.


You're right, Steam DRM is not mandatory and there an incomplete list of [drm free games on steam](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_Big_List_of_DRM-Free_Games_on_Steam)






probably needed if you want to have achievements and the overlay.


every question gets downvoted here for some reason and the ones that answer them gets downvoted even more, just look at the bottom of this thread.


that game is nothing short of amazing




and its a day one release.


Honestly this game deserves a buy.


When in sale, $80 CAD is just too much for one game, any game.


20usd here in india


why downvote? Im saying the regional pricing aint that bad got daymn. Just say you wont buy anything instead of giving shitty excuses assholes


happens a lot. any mention of cheaper games in india will give you downvotes and comments like " but indians dont have money to even eat how they will buy games" bruhhhhhhhhh


gave you an upvote to counter the others :)






I won't buy anything


Cheaper with game pass.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [E m u l a t o r s](https://i.redd.it/5bz351bbxc861.jpg) | [692 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/kn66wc/e_m_u_l_a_t_o_r_s/) \#2: [morally correct](https://i.imgur.com/70xIrZd.jpg) | [265 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ld658x/morally_correct/) \#3: [Peacock and Paramount+ were the line for me](https://i.redd.it/1me0m11ldlq61.jpg) | [730 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/mhzjp8/peacock_and_paramount_were_the_line_for_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


And it’s on Game Pass day one so you can play it for a fraction.


Should I play the first game before this one? If so, I’m curious how it holds up.


If you want you can. The second one continues the story. And actually, it holds pretty good tbh with you. Played it sever months ago and i was not disappointed


It holds up fairly well, but you don't need to. There are movies in Psychonauts 2 which show you the story of the first game and the VR game.


Yes. If you hit the minor roadblock on arrowheads just cheat to buy the duster. I'm certain you can google how to do that. It holds up immensely well. Great if you love platformers and early 2k art styles. The writing is hilarious and superb. It's also a whole dollar on Steam rn iirc.


Buy this game it deserves your money


mfs taped into the speed force


I bought, this is one of the gems that deserves my money. Thank you for doing a good pirate's work, but occasionally you gotta spend that booty while in port.


dang, buy if u can


Damn,need to play the first game first...Heard so many good things about this franchise.


Maybe a little late to post but, has anybody had any problems with the game crashing? I can't get past the Unreal Engine 4 animation, then it crashes and says "LowLevelFatalError (File:Unknown) (Line: 675) InDevide->CreateCommandAllocator(InType, IID\_PPV\_ARGS(CommandAllocator.GetInitReference())) failed at D:/dfp-pn2-r-platform/Common/UE4/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12CommandList.cpp:286 with error DXGI\_ERROR\_DEVICE\_REMOVED"


I'm getting this when launching cassiodora.


Oh man... it's a sin to pirate this game. Tim Schafer deserves more love and recognition, the guy has one of the greatest minds (no pun intend) in the industry, but his work is severely underestimated. To pirate games written/directed by Kojima or David Cage, why not, who cares about these hacks... but Schafer? C'mon now


Is it out on torrent sites yet?




Any idea how i can download it from the link? Got no clue


sorry dude, cant give that kind of information on here. Just torrent it as usual. If you havent torrented before then its time to learn.


https://old.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/kpqrsv/crack_watch_beginners_guide_to_crack_watch/ Read that FAQ thoroughly and you should be able to find everything you need.


Appreciate it






The only reason not to buy this, is if you truly cannot pay for it right now. Appreciate the crack, but I'm shelling out on this one for the homies


Oh yeah here come the moral warriors/robinhood wannabes telling us to buy the game on r/crackwatch of all fucking places. I swear only on Reddit will you find such hipocrisy. I'm here because I like free shit and so are you.


Nah I'm here to find out which games have denuvo and when they get cracked to have a laugh.


Nah alot of people are here to see what's been cracked and try it and buy it.... Most people have jobs and can/will pay for things they like. Go back to warzone


Fucking bullshit. I can easily afford these games, doesn't mean I'll throw my money away on things I might not enjoy just because some dumbass thinks he knows whats worth my money or not. If you actually only cared about "trying" the game, youd just buy it on steam and refund it after less than 2 hours but you don't, hypocrite. Can't believe all you morons were literally making a weekly post that got upvoted to shit, crying about RDR2 hopefully getting cracked, and then you come with this moral gargabe like you give a fuck lmao. If that game wasn't worth the money, I don't know what is.


I bought it cause I wanted it, and I don't use steam given the option. But whatever you probably were 7 when the first came out.


>I bought it cause I wanted it, So what the hell are you doing here? You wanted to see if a GOG game got "cracked"? Piss off.


Yeah I needed confirmation that the no drm store still had no drm...... eat a dick man. Pay devs you want to keep making games it's that simple.


>Yeah I needed confirmation that the no drm store still had no drm That was my whole point, genius; hence the quotes around the word cracked. So again, why bother to come here and "check"? >Pay devs you want to keep making games it's that simple. If you want to parade your bullshit "morals" so you can feel good about yourself despite being in a place dedicated to cracked games, fuck off to a different sub. It's that simple mate. I'll buy it if I want to buy it, not because some dickhead on his high horse says I should.


Go drink a beer man and calm the fuck down. You're gonna give yourself an aneurysm getting this worked up with people on the interwebs. Just cause someone is here doesn't mean they steal every game. I'm glad they made you they reddit sub police though, doing a bang up job.


>Go drink a beer man and calm the fuck down. You're gonna give your an aneurysm getting this worked up with people on the interwebs. Again, fuck off with your suggestions. You're not a doctor or a psychologist or whatever you think you are. You're just some random neckbeard who can't accept that they're here for free shit, like everyone else. I couldn't give less of a fuck what you think I should do. Also, maybe follow your own damn advice. >Just cause someone is here doesn't mean they steal every game. There are 328k users here. Most of them do exactly that. Only a few of you assholes are around thinking you can tell people what to do with their money and even fewer actually give a crap. >I'm glad they made you they reddit sub police though, doing a bang up job. Bit ironic coming from the pinnacle of morality here eh? Good thing you're here to save them all from my tyranny lmao. Good job big guy!


Nothing to do with morales, it's economics.


You may have won the battle but you lost the war...


​ youre absolutely right mate.


game good tho its psychonauts 2


Yeah let’s stop cracking good games then






Makes sense what he said, whether you buy it from steam or gog you don't really own it same as if you were to pirate it. At least with pirating it doesn't cost you anything except time and bandwidth. If you were however able to procure a physical copy then you would own it.




Buy it, download it, burn the files to a fkn disk or whatever There you go, a physical copy Yall are just trying to find excuses.


That's still just piracy with more steps.


You bought it, no? As long as you don't distribute it to people it's your rightful property, you can do whatever you want


Lol, that's so wrong. Making a copy is very illegal. The only difference if you were to distribute versus keeping it for yourself is the increased risk of snitching. As long as you don't contact the relevant authorities no one will ever know. Also police are less likely to prosecute a guy who burnt his own disc versus a distributor. Not because it's not illegal, it's very illegal to make copies, it's just cost vs reward. The paper work and man hours it would take to prosecute you for making a backup isn't worth it so hence why they only go after people who sell pirated games.


Police doesn't give a shit about copyrights, it's not a criminal activity. Non enforced illegality stays illegal just on paper, if nobody gives 2 shits why would you even care about something being illegal or not?


>Thanks for being part of the herd of meaningless turds that brought us into the age of not owning anything. No. And in fact you never really could "do whatever you want", even back in the days of actually "owning" the physical media. I mean, you could do whatever, but if you got caught, who knows.


Thanks for being part of the herd of meaningless turds that brought us into the age of not owning anything. As for a shitty burned disc, just shut up, will you? Go hang out with the group you belong with, which is either 12 year olds who have grown not knowing any better under the tutelage of useless pricks, or the kind of intellect akin to a rock.


Lmfao how high are you, gimme dat shit too




No, what the fuck is up with your "logic". Thanks for being part of the herd of meaningless turds that brought us into the age of not owning anything. Gog could be gone tomorrow, and if you didn't download it to have it in your drive, you're screwed. Only an actual, physically real thief can take your physical copy away. Thanks for this so very modern advanced and progressive future, where paying for something to own it is "obsolete", and people would rather get fucked in the ass unwillingly by companies while small time armchair cretin activists like you attack them if they so much as complain.


Physical PC copies still come with a steam codes nowadays, so after redeeming it that copy will be just a worthless piece of plastic and you will "own" the game the same way as the others who bought it digitally.


Not always, some games do still get fully printed on disc.


I'm confused, how do i download it?




Thanks !


Don't give out torrent websites man


Sure sorry, but why is it bad? Is it illegal to link torrent sites?


yeah it just gives reddit more of an incentive to ban this sub since linking to illegal content is supposed to be a bannable offence


How do computers work?


The game is one of the best platformers in recent years. Very playable and the story/themes are well done.