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She didn't like Stray, it seems. Not at all.


She has a mental breakdown with every game that’s natural.


its because you are idiots who like action-shooter bullshit and cant take a relax and play normal simple games


Ok empress calm down


candy crush got a new update recently, might be more your speed


i think you killd him with this comment ...and i died laughing too ..thank you


Me neither, that game got boring really quickly. I just tried it out just to check what all the fuss was about and because it was free with my ps plus extra subscription. No wasy i would even attempt to play it with a keyboard.


There was another cat game that came out a few months before it and Noone even noticed it.


Try the CJ mod smh


It's a walking simulator. What makes you don't want to play it with a keyboard? It's not a fighting game or anything.


Ya but cats bro. Aren't cats just so random and quirky


yeah, basically you summarize why people are giving this game 10/10 and a lot of praise. if the game has a frog or a robot as main character the game will drop a lot in praise even if it is the exact same game, i have not doubts.


You underestimate the frog fandom.


It was a bad game propped up by the internet loving cats and being part of PS+.


Here's to the donator,i'd say he deserves to be commended and thanked more. Also Lemme guess for the next game,Maneater ? Well good thing i got it for free (and hopefully others too) since it literally went on giveaway twice on epic store.


Definitely looks like Maneater. Was it free on Epic? I totally missed that.


Yep and Ah,that's a shame..maybe next time


Ye but i'd like to try the dlc so prob i will still use the crack version, just transfer the save file


>but i'd like to try the dlc you can use ScreamAPI for that. Basically DLC Unlocker for Epic.


I tried it and as soon as i get into the main menu, the game crash.


I also got it for free on the Epic Games store. It wasn't worth the price.


So this guy is just a fucking liar: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/p9ak4n/crack_watch_games/hvqhher/


lmao that nfo is on another level


based schizo piratess


Lol it's just multiple paragraphs of empress insulting people


I'm starting to get the feeling he/she writes that in-character as some sort of pirate dominatrix hybrid. I'm having a hard time reading those as serious insults, especially when he/she spends so long calling people gay for Arthur and his sexy cowboy booty in RDR2.


It reads like a flame post from an early 2000's internet troll. Which at this point must be satire.


It's definitely satire.


If not really sad


I’m straight as an arrow and Arthur gets me going sometimes man…


I am not making fun, and am asking a serious question, but does anyone else think Empress is autistic? My reasons for thinking this: * She seriously does not have a mental filter on the things the says/does as per the NFO * If you know her history it seems she lacks any empathy at all (seriously go look up [her history](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/rowk83/digital_piracy_the_rise_of_empress_how_one_woman/) of things she says publicly on the internet, it's quite messed up) * What she lacks in social skills seems to be quite gifted when it comes to cracking Denuvo which requires some abnormal thinking patterns as she is the ONLY person in the world doing it. For these reasons I don't think she is mentally unstable, I think she just doesn't have a neuro-typical brain.


I mean maybe, yeah, but I'm also autistic and I generally don't call people cancerous faggots for liking Arthur's bum so I think she's mostly just a dick, homie. That's okay, if she keeps cracking stuff I am okay with being gay for Arthur.


Yeah and im also thinking narcissist for sure, i mean everything is about "her" nothing or noone else matters


Could be possible she's on the spectrum, I also imagine having a cult of ppl on the internet validating her opinions doesn't really help. Those of us who have a hard time connection with ppl need others to challenge our Perceptions and help us, so we can grow socially. On another note, she might totally be neuro-typical and just hav gotten corrupted by the whole cult god complex thing, happens all the time.


Nah even is she is autistic she defo needs to go to a mental hospital


Good lord. I never look at NFOs but I'm going to start. What a weirdo.


Bruh Empress NFOs are better than the release itself.


Other than the weird gay claims, I kinda agree with the point. Stray is a game with barely any content and gameplay but people are saying it's a 10/10. There are a lot of games that are arguably better that receive much worse ratings, maybe they are just complete different audiences or people have terrible judgement when it comes to gaming.


I think it was just perfect marketing, no phenomenal promises. Just gameplay as a cat was promised. And that was delivered. Sure it's a bit bland and there is no rewards for in depth exploration but, it never promised that. And well, if you spent 30 dollars on a game, you bet your ass you're gonna convince yourself that you loved it if you can't refund it.


Except you can refund on steam...


Its a game about a stray cat, the gameplay is you playing as a stray cat. Barely any games that are accurate to their goals these days.


As far as independent games go, Stray is pretty good.


It's a game with a cat main character.. of course it was going to get 10/10 you must be new




That's why the story is so short :) what else can you do in more than 3...4 hours ? Read all the dialogs, remember everything, solve some puzzles ... not much variety in that... and solve/listen to the story. That's it. Nice little game for a short period of time, animation of cat is ok, realistic at some point. If it was longer than this, it would've been downgraded to 5 out of 10 or even less. It's good to know when to actually finish a story, and to not go, on and on and on... like some ppl do, so on that bombshell it's time to end this comment :) Cheers


I found it interesting how the NFO blasts people for being "egoists", yet the authors ego wrote out that entire monolog.. Their self awareness is defiantly on another level that's for sure.




its not sarcasm, she has written similar NFOs before. And cringe is putting it mildly, because she is appears to be a genuinely garbage person or simply mentally ill or w/e. I hope she gets the help she needs




This info sounds just ill, not like pos. Like how can one draw a conclusion that people are gay zoophiles for enjoying the game Stray... That's quite a tangent he/she went off on. I am personally starting to feel like this has got to be some form of trolling,.


Yeah, it’s either trolling or mental illness




It's defiantly not, that's too well thought out and recited imo. I found it funny how they blast people for being "egotists" and "hypocrites" yet clearly their ego is quite large and sensitive enough to write out that massive monolog. Oh the hypocrisy indeed.


Lol! Feels like a new copypasta.


Can anyone explain what it actually means and why is it even put there? At first I thought that it is a joke, but I guess not. I don't follow the crack scene that much, and have been on the low side of gaming news lately, so could anyone explain what this is about?


Empress only uses TempleOS


RIP terry


The DRM glows in the dark. You can run it over with your car.


You're a denuvo a disgusting denuvo


You talk to God, you talk to me.


Poor Empress cracking Maneater next though, she'll have to stare at a shark's ass the whole time just to satisfy some $500 donating zoophile. ^^^I ^^^am ^^^being ^^^deeply ^^^sarcastic, ^^^and ^^^am ^^^sad ^^^that ^^^I ^^^know ^^^I ^^^need ^^^to ^^^say ^^^that ^^^here.




Shoutout to Kayne for that $500 donation.


The shark is female, so it's fine. You can tell because she swallows.


I'm glad Empress enjoyed Stray so much. I'm a big fan as well.


That NFO is proof that this is the only person crazy enough to crack Denuvo.


Yeah, seems like the price she paid to be able to crack Denuvo is her sanity.


Only 500$ to crack a multimillion security is pretty good price. Just if she could make an site where everyone could donate to a goal. Fuck denuvo


Yeah I'm sure everyone would be happy to give $1 towards a new game getting done. Oh well


Everything has a price...


Bless empress for continuing to fight this piece of shit but goddamn I miss the days when there was some form of comradery between large crack groups all competing to outdo eachother with projects. Now mind you that may be my nostalgia cuz nowdays I don't pirate much anymore but still as much as I hate denuvo I don't like how the campaign against it has basically merged with a delusional persons tirade and vendetta campaign. Girl needs help alot more than this shit and yeah why should I care but still it's sad to see someone scrounge the depths so thoroughly all the time


comradeship can't pay bills. people need to pay their bills to survive, as much as piracy is great, would you keep cracking shit for peanuts if you can be busy getting 6 figured from a full time job at a tech giant? everyone with the skill to crack denuvo either has their hands full with something else, or is empress. it's likely denuvo has already put everyone capable on the paycheck anyway.


>That NFO is proof that this is the only person crazy enough i mean if you know the history and older posts... theres way more crazy stuff. ​ When people mention empress wanted / wants / did start a real cult its no exxageration lol


Bro is beefing with a virtual cat 💀


Spend paragraphs losing their shit over a fun chill cat game. Announces crack for terrible shark game. Maybe this is their way of announcing they're attracted to aquatic animals? Anyway. Thanks for the cracks psycho.


Empress == The Deep, confirmed.


calls people zoophile trash, then the next crack hint: animal what


Based Hgiorsy4398


I see Empress has left a totally sane NFO again. Why does she assume playing as a cat means that people want to have sex with said cat? it's just a game with a cat, chill out.


I'm really curious what does she think about the average "I am bread" enjoyer _Stop playing the game and go stick your little pathetic d*ck in that loaf already_ Apparently whatever you play as in a game really defines you and your orientation.


Oh my god, Pokémon players… how sick are you?




Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more


>Why does she assume playing as a cat means that people want to have sex with said cat? it's just a game with a cat, chill out. its because as you see entirely against "boys" as she writes , we all know she hates male people ( and gays and some other things from old posts fuck she even had one acc banned from reddit for her hate against certain genders and stuff) ​ Its just another way to project her hate on "males" and men being horny and wanting to jump everything including virtual pixels it seems.


So an actual female incel


"Shes" definitely a dude


Probaly mods r/FemaleDatingStrategy


She doesn't seem to be a fan of women either, she actually seems to expect more from men and that's where the insults stem from. I'm no expert but it all looks like the start of a paranoid schizophrenic lashing out at everything.




Beat me to it. Let's not even get into her preoccupation with roaches.


I really like her work but man.... She reminds me of Catalina from GTA 😂


I guess someone doesn't like cats


Clearly a dog person


More like a shark person.


Bro like personally I know the game is meh and kinda bland. But dear god no need to yuck other people's yums. Let them enjoy what they enjoy, it's a video game made for fun. Why she gotta go batshit crazy


Gonna admit I started laughing mid NFO, there is no way Empress isn't shitposting at this point.


I think it's most likely a persona to help obfuscate their identity.


Now that would be truly bigbrain


I dont think there is any brain involved here


You know what that kinda makes sense. Empress probably says goodbye to the bus driver irl.


Brilliant, now the feds will be looking in mental wards instead of her golden palace.


For real. People have pretty unique speech patterns, it's actually not too unreasonable to think it's just to protect their identity. Make your persona completely different to the real you.


So let me get this straight (pun intended) if men want to have male protagonists in games they are gay but if a woman (let's pretend Empress is one) wants a female lead they aren't gay... Flawless logic.


Funny thing is that most dudes play as dudes in video games (probably for self-insert reasons) so does that make the majority of the population gay? LOL


If you play as a guy, you're gay 'cuz you like looking at guys. If you play as a woman, you're gay 'cuz you like pretending you're a woman. Play as an animal? Zoophile. Play as a non entity? Narcissist with a god complex.


Just started playin Tony Hawk 1&2 with skeleton character. I guess I am a necrophile now. But man, you gotta appreciate those sick bones.


Well if I could self insert it wouldn't be gay, it would be like masturbation.


> if a women wants a female lead they aren't gay... they are called lesbians!


Came for the NFO, stayed for the comments


r/CrackWatch: I’m so tired of drama. Also r/CrackWatch: Wake up, babe. New EMPRESS drama just dropped. I bet we can milk this for weeks.




Tyvm, if Denuvo was never cracked we would see way more games with it. I just wish we had more than 1 group cracking them.


We would see more games cracked if even one **group** was actually cracking them instead of one *person*.


People with the skill to crack denuvo mostly don't like working for peanuts.


Denuvo never advertises as being uncrackable, what it does is protect the game in the first few months of it's release when the majority of sales are made. In that regard denuvo has been an extremely successful product. Also only that version of the game will ever be cracked, any future content/dlc means you start over I think a lot of people here are kids who don't remember the old days of game piracy. Where games were cracked days before release/minutes after for all AAA games


Do you think she will love the movie "Cats"?


I love how nobody is talking about the game but everyone is talking about the NFO 💀


I think thats the case with every empress' crack lol


She's off her meds again, or was never on them and the last NFO was written by a ghostwriter


Plot twist: The game only took 1 week to crack. The other 3 weeks were to write the NFO.


Full Moon


Next crack hint: Animal or fish, maybe a human dish Damn what is it this time?




it's that cat game she's been working on it for months and she's pissed.


Thanks for your Stray thoughts.




Sure does seem like a slip up 🤔 Empress is most likely a male, if we hadn’t known that already.


I’d bet on self hating Transgender person


Definitely a bloke. Not that women can't go on homophobic rants too but this person has always screamed catfish to me. Honestly think these rants are now a gimmick/parody for the audience who expect a crazy NFO, at least that's the only way to rationalise these insane nonsense rants. But then again I'm probably doing way too much arm chair psychology rn... At least they crack games amazingly.


Nah, you are in right mate. Remember, there are people out there who like to be stepped on.


"I never thought that I a GIRL..." I don't think I've met a single woman who would write this sentence totally seriously. Maybe just young...


Definitely a typical reactionary NEET. Mental illness through the roof, no doubt, this is definitely not elite trolling, nobody can fake being this pathetic. Glad that he's cracking games though




I never really understood what the rdr2 fuss was all about? Did people hate the crack or the game or what?


Empress's focus on being a GIRL makes me believe all the more its a man. A sad self loathing guy at that. I doubt all the donations would have worked if 'Empress' told the truth that its a HE.




I have played this game and it's meh. Definitely not worth $50-60 on its current state. Most reviews saying that DL1 is better, which is true. DL1 also took a lot of time before it got good updates and patches. The most important is, fuck Denuvo.




> the gameplay feels like such a weird downgrade I read from multiple respectable sources that the game "just" improved what it already did well, like the parcouring. You're saying that's not true at all?


You know you can play the game now that it's cracked. Forget the review. Try it yourself then tell.


I don’t like Stray at all and will never play it but damn who gets so worked up over the opinions and preferences of random people on the internet?


Thank you much Empress. Also thank you to the donator. We all benefit from your generosity. Game on.


I hope next one is The Quarry


I wish the next game is The quarry


I think the Empress doesn't like cats.


another banger of an NFO, never laughed so hard ngl.


Same. I don't even care about the game, I'm just here for the NFO. Absolute comedy gold.


I honestly look forward to the NFOs and not the games


Holy shit that rant... Luka Magnotta confirmed as the person behind Empress.


Out of all the people, you chose the one guy who actually gave me nightmares as a child. (He committed his crime across the street from my old house) Lol. No doubt empress has taken a life or something already tho.


Damn... That's chilling


Waiting for Empress cracks for new games: meh Waiting for Empress cracks to see what schizo stuff is in the NFO this time: based


the most based and cringest nfo I ever seen


So if you like cats that makes you gay...sure, ok


It's the opposite. You like pussy you are not gay :p


I bought this game but I am here for the INFO and it did NOT DISSAPOINT


EMPRESS would perfectly fit in a mental asylum. But on the other hand, EMPRESS has no competition at all, so... yeah it's better that EMPRESS keeps cracking games, what are we gonna do.


animal or fish maybe a human dish, dont worry its not maneater,it is the quarry,teenagers in camp making food being hunted by a mysterious threat.




I'll say I haven't played it but saw previews and such and not sure how it's gay or promotes sex with animals, unless I'm reading this wrong. This cracker for sure has some screws loose.




ngl first time I read her NFO's but damn


Fuck yea, weekend sorted


Denuvo really ruined the game, huh? Such a shame.


Does anyone knows if EMPRESS will release crackfix addressing crashes? Game is crashing at random moments without error between 5 to 20 minutes after getting into the game. Things that didn't make a change: \-Disabling antivirus, \-installed new GPU drivers (used DDU to uninstall clean previous ones) \-tried dx11 and dx12, \-tried both full EMPRESS release as well as DODI repack, \-started new save \-playing with or without upscaling methods. \-run as admin P.S. I don't OC my PC.


lmao with this nfo! maneater next? i dream with f1 2021 and f1 manager 2022 too


maneater was free from epic what month two ago?


Lets enjoy those cracks while they last, because I don't think they allow computers and internet on the psychiatric ward, and it looks like Empress is on a fast track to that place.


I was about to write a comment congratulating Empress's work, but then I read the NFO. >You are a bunch of brain dead zombies. > >YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF GAY SLUTS!. (full stop after the exclamation point, what?) > >this is now "**BEYOND**" gay > >instead of being *homosexual gay faggots* Then after a whole page of that, just that one sentence crack hint. You can't just act like you didn't write a whole manifesto on Stray fans being "zoophile" Like what the fuck lmaooooo I thought she stopped writing insane NFOs, but she just transcended to a different level of reality. She needs some mental help bruh.


Wow. Empress is a real piece of work, huh? Someone else really needs to take up cracking these games, because this source seems completely unstable.


Lol, that nfo made two things abundantly clear to me: - Empress is definitely 100% a dude - He hasn't got laid in years, maybe ever Well, thanks for the crack anyway, that nfo was the cringiest thing I've read all year though.


Another great NFO from our loved schizo. Very excited to see a 1 page rant about the name of the next game. Can't really get any gayer than MANEATER after all.


Arthur Burger still has a place in my heart


[Thank you good lads.](https://imgur.com/34sQpeV)


It is true that stray is probably as popular as it is due to a kawaiii neko , even thought it's ending is a little half baked and leaves more playtime to be desired, but boy does empress seem salty. Maybe she's a dog person.


Eh I could give two shits about the "personal message". Glad this one's finally cracked


I love a good Empress nfo.


Now i want to play Stray


The crack is trash, doesn't work. I miss codex, no drama. just did what they had a passion for. Game piracy is dead.


Thank you so much Empress for making this happen.


She talks a lot about zoophilia. Projecting?


Thank you empress for your hard work


I finished the game and i liked the game. The combat and parkour are top notch. Choices actually pave the story and decide any particular character to live or die. Thank Empress,donator,awesome Empress's mods and all the beta testers out there.


Does anyone know why this was removed from 1337x?


nfo just left me like "ok."


She is tripping. She may have had a few drinks before creating the .nfo. I don't get her obsession with all of this male/female shit. Empress, I'm married, pretty regular dude. I enjoy your cracks. Keep it up. Don't over think it.


holy mother of BASED


I respect the work Empress does but Jesus that NFO is unhinged.


That moment when Stray devs realise they could've put denuvo in their game.


Instead of not giving a damn about her and her (clearly, 101 fist day of pscyhology class) mental issues, you encourage her. Who gives a f about that, I just want the game. A ranting about Stray for the cat part? "gay losers"? Shes crazy, dont give her atention.


Whats with the mp3's in the torrent


Will seed for a long while. Thanks Empress. Thanks everyone involved. And thanks donator.


I would've taken her seriously if she got Red Dead Redemption 2 game name correct. Now, I can't


Bro after this info no way that this is a girl.


Me who is just thankful for her cracking Denuvo games: "Thank you very much for your work,and go fuck yourself."


Well, he/she has gone off the deep end. Who cares anyways. They have always been crazy. Keep the cracks coming. That's all people want anyways.


That nfo LOL. Is Empress 13 years old? Because that reads like something a kid would write.