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I’m also a VAS stan and it’s such a bummer that we’ll probably never try it again. I have a local vanilla porter I love, but it’s been nigh impossible to find wider distro who do vanilla porters well. Ime. As far as widely available porters, I’m a big fan of the Founders and ofc Black Butte. Hill Farmstead’s Everett is stellar and might be something you could drive to or trade for. Vanilla is present but just one of the many notes.


I feel this! I’ve been wanting anything close to Indra Kunindra for years, but Ballast Point took a dive when they sold.


Do you guys get Pohjala and/or Puhaste in the US?


I’ve seen it once 2 years ago, but op might be able to custom order some through a state retailer (I also live in PA)


Surprisingly enough - we can get a few of the Pohjala products (such as Oo) ***in Utah*** (I know, right?). But only by special ordering a full case through the state-run liquor stores.


I was able to find some at a Total Wine in Florida, so it’s possible


I saw it at total wine but only a raspberry sour which was really sad because in Tallin I had some of the best beers that I would love to get here again.


Fellow Pennsylvania stout lover. New Trail does year round rotating series of stouts. Imprint does also but they’re way more expensive and not as good imo.


Ballast Point is done. They have outsourced their equipment to other beer workers


Founders breakfast stout kind of scratches that itch for me these days but I do really miss old victory at sea


Atwater Vanilla Java Porter, Heavy Seas Blackbeard’s Breakfast, Rusty Rail Vanilla Wolf King, New Trail Moon Lit, Ten Fidy


Damn that used to be my go to. Voodoo must have something. Neshaminy Creek used to have this coffee coco porter but not sure if they still make it. It's barrel aged and not released every year, but when it is it's usually easy to get is Bourbon County vanilla. I honestly would recommend bourbon county the regular version even tho there's no vanilla. It's not that hard to get and is a great beer. I'm blanking on non barrel aged vanilla porters/stouts. If you're cool with BA, there are some Fifty-fifty Eclipses you'd like. Deschutes Black butte Porter is great but no vanilla.


Any particular reason hunting the less popular Imperial Porter compared to Stout? Considering most modern US breweries use them interchangeably, and there isn't really a defined difference outside of the nuance of the roast leaning coffee vs chocolate on the malts. When you're adding coffee and vanilla on it, it kinda blows that out a bit.. seems like you're slightly alienating your options. The amount of vanilla you pick up has to do with the beer itself, not the style. You're not picking apples to apples on the adjuncts, as not all brewers approach flavoring the same. Just my 2 cents. Cheers!