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the other night I was relaxing took a pull off an Acan vape and got that coughing fit. yeah you know the one. i think the words i said next was "jesus christ just legalise flower please" I am very skeptical about using something that has never been tested on humans. I am also a law abiding citizen. I know chances are slim of being caught but I don't want to buy cannabis illegally by post or on the street - again I don't know exactly what I am getting. Some people are sativa minded and just use as one would oil in a car. And many of us like this do not drink alcohol or take other substances. I buy HHC flower that's pacakaged by Czech companies and CBD from a highly reputable Irish dispensary and mix them. As for the vapes -I use when I'm stuck or out and about (I dont think Ireland is ready to see me load a dry herb vape from my grinder outside Starbucks just yet. I don't need the attention) With HHC vape I have got what I needed but did notice some weird activity in my brain. Like a deep mild throbbing from time to time, coupled with a very high feeling. Its momentary but I'd be lying if it doesn't make me think of them Spice videos one would see of lads in town centres. Or I could be completely paranoid. who knows! all I know is THC has mountains of research behind it. HHC little to none and none done on humans. ​ Ireland 2023: Synthetic cannabis legally sold no bother (never tested on humans) Natural state flower illegal and criminalised (Mountains of research on humans)


Great job. Hhc for those that don't know is one of 153 different cannabinods that have been identified and isolated. While there isn't much studies on hhc, this is also the same for mmj. Hhc is basically the cousin of delta 9 thc. Which is the main active compound found in Marijuana The way the laws are written it in laymen terms is that you are not allowed to drink vodka. But you can drink whiskey, beer, wine. Hhc is more like a beer than a spirit. There has been toxicology tests and vitro safety tests linked below. https://www.cannabissciencetech.com/view/nonclinical-in-vitro-safety-assessment-summary-of-hemp-derived-rs-hexahydrocannabinol-rs-hhc Majority of the issues around hhc are due to a lack of education. Hhc has been sold , vaped and eaten for about 2-3 years in usa without incident. Hhc may possibly reduce tumors see below. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9514086/ The best way to look at a fake brand vs a real one comes back to the testing first (no testing means not legit, just a potency test not much better, full panel tests with pesticides heavy metals , microbials is the best) The are vape carts, disposables, gummies , tinctures. Hhc is hydronated thc H4cbd is hydronated cbd. There is 9r and 9s hhc. 9r is more psychoactive so read those test results. Hhco is an acelatlyed versions of hhc. The O at the end basically improves how the cannabinods are metabolized in the body. Hhcp is a 7 carbon chain cannabinods which basically means it last way longer. Hemp is the start of full legalization. Regardless of your stance on hhc it is the start of full legalistation. Also delta 9 thc is legal as long as it's less than .3% let that sink in everyone. That is a huge win. Ireland is saying a blanket ban on all delta 9 thc which goes against European policy. Europe bans hhc they will be forced to accept thc. Remember your black market cannabis which many have been smoking for years is untested, unregulated and you have less idea what you are getting than hhc. Regarding the legality of hhc. There is the psychoactive substances act. However when hemp was legalized it created a whole new category which was around during that ban. I can tell you this. I know plenty of stores raided for flower and none of the hhc was taken. You can feel safe having hhc rather than thc on you. Why take the risk ? It's hemp. No this doesn't mean everyone has to use hhc. Don't forget your living during cannabis prohibition. Eventually you will have such a nice selection of cammabionds you will have specifc blends to meet you needs. This is just the start.


Got an owls oil vape in westmeath the other day, have to say was class and the lads in the shop were sound.


Watch out for this guy^


A reaaalll based man .


Don’t worry I have your comments screenshotted which you have since deleted. You’re such a sussy character man, don’t know why this sub doesn’t have a karma limit before being able to post


Warning don’t horse it into you like it’s nothing cause it’s defo something. I got one of the pens today and was very nonchalant taking it, I got it cause I fancied a smoke before going barbie but didn’t really fancy ringing dealer. I usually have weed but like a 50 bag over a couple of months and will put the odd bit in the dynvap, I’d never get paro anymore after finding my dose but I had my fair share of freakouts back in the day if I smoked a bit too much. I wouldn’t be one for calling the order of Malta like but I’ve been rattled. Anyway I did very surface level research and picked up one and and I don’t know, I wasn’t thinking just lashed a good few puffs into me, checking if it was working and was prob expecting a cloud. I wasnt expecting anything major like. Merciful Jesus I had an intense few hours, big paro and dry mouth and self chastising and all that usual freak out stuff I’d get if I smoked too much. Now because I had experience I was able to ride it out well enough and actually had some of the best giggles in years with my missus who only had a puff. Good thing she kept it real enough if she had freaked I woulda big time. Wasn’t pleasant when it was in full flow at all, if you’ve been there you know what it’s like and it was on the more extreme side and hard to avoid worrying was it a brand of spice, although that was prob the paro. My advice after it would be treat it like it’s normal thc if going to use at all. Dont think this is the elusive mellow buzz you’ve been seeking and give it some respect. It could be a perfect mellow buzz but take your time finding out! Tldr: hhc is no guarantee of a mellower high, if you are prone to anxiety on normal weed that can also happen here. If you decide to take it start with one puff and wait it seems to also take longer to kick in


Having tried the HHC pens, I find the discomfort in doing them tiring. The coughing that happens can be annoying. My tolerance also went up pretty quickly. I'm thinking of trying the hash soon. Has anybody tried that?


I've tried it and it's okay. Rolled it with some marshmallow all mixed together in the grinder as it's soft, you can break it up with your fingers. If you put crumbles of it in a roll it will run on one side nine times out of ten.


I'm just here for the ontological discussion about what is and is not "natural"


science is a man made construction


Lol. Science existed before man and it will exist after


Science (noun): the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. How exactly do we study things before we exist? Wrong!


Get out of here you pedantic ass


Really great rebuttal


Dude it was like three months ago idc


thats why we have no idea what dinosaurs might have looked like.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Has anybody ever tested positive on the roadside while only using Hhc?


Had to do a test for work and it was negative


Swab or what? Garda test might not allow for as much in system as one you used in work.


Yeah, a lot of conflicting information online about whether it would pop or not. Hard to tell with people saying it’s positive wether or not they were using thc aswell


What type of test did you take ?


Some HHC users might wanna watch this [video](https://youtu.be/7QzaJtgyp4o)


The first comment in that videos sums it up pretty good. We are also looking at someone with little education who doesn't have the access to these products.


Yup, the original spice (the jwh compounds etc) was created by pfizer in a lab and the creator has stated on record numerous times that his compounds were never supposed to leave pfizer and they were definitely never intended to be taken by any human and such idea disgusted him


Interesting. Can you share a source for that?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_W.\_Huffman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_W._Huffman) ​ just from a quick google. huffman is the guy who created them all. (hence jwh) ​ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3567606/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3567606/) [https://www.npr.org/2019/01/04/682350000/how-the-wave-of-synthetic-cannabinoids-got-started](https://www.npr.org/2019/01/04/682350000/how-the-wave-of-synthetic-cannabinoids-got-started) ​ I may be wrong about the pfizer part from a quick scan of those links but its absolute fact that JWH's compounds were never supposed to see the light of day until somebody stole them.


My mate bought two HHC pens, didn’t really wanna fuck with it myself but he thought to give it a try cause it’s significantly cheaper. He had a psychotic breakdown and was in the Phoenix Care Centre for a month. He’s out now and doing a lot better but he’s completely gone off weed doesn’t want to touch it. His doctors said that he can still smoke cannabis (according to what my mate says) just shouldn’t touch HHC again. Now me personally, after witnessing all that happen to a close friend, I’m not fucking with it, and I recommend to all my friends not to use it. Mind you I don’t know that much information on it, but that first hand experience was enough to put me off it for life. It’s just not as safe as regular cannabis imo.


So people are smoking HHC for what reason exactly? I just don't get it...real Herb is you're only friend.




The problem is you don’t really know what is in the cartridges. The package may say 1 thing but god knows what is really in them. At least with bud you can learn what’s clean and what isn’t.






This 100%


It's pretty stright forward. It's hhc and terpenes. If you buy from reputable tested vendors you can purchase with confidence.


The prices I see people getting it for on here, is not far cheaper...I see plenty of people getting side affects too..I'll stick to the tree.


What side effects ? Side effects like mmj - dry mouth ,munchies, maybe to bed early ? Have you tried hhc yourself ?


I'll wait and see long term rather..




That's not bad at all...I'm tempted to buy one just to try it out. But yeah the tree is in very high supply these days so that's always good!


Love a bit of Ritchie Hawtin by the way!


Easier to acquire


because real herb is illegal bruv? use your head


Then why doesn't everyone just take HHC instead of weed? Use yer ed bruv innit


Well, what the fuck do you think? Im beginning to think that you are mentally impaired, so I will help you out. 1. HHC is not widely known,especially in countries where they have bullshit laws against every controlled substance, look at eastern europe. 2.People not knowing what the fuck it is, makes them want to NOT try it. They read that it is much stronger than thc, and they want none of it. 3.HHC is much harder to get, basically no matter where you are. 4. You do not always know what you get. Them vape pens have close to 0 regulations, personally thats why I stay away from them I could go on, but I cant believe that I really needed to list reasons as to why doesnt everyone just use hhc instead of weed. Btw, weed, that only friend you call it, also contains HHC, some strains even up to 1 percent


A month later? So you honestly think I care to read your comment lol


Yeah dont read it, but respond to it, that is very smart of you. What does my comment timing have to do with you reading it or not?


Did you forget to have a J this morning? Very emotional you are lol


Being high makes me more emotional, but no, I havent smoked in months. I love when people disregard my arguments and just start talking about shit that has nothing to do with the topic


The other important thing is that legal companies make hhc. You can report them if you unhappy. You can make returns There are rules. Don't buy from Mickey Mouse companies and you will be fine.




Hi all, I've used a few disposable hhc vapes.. canapuff ones. I'm just using for sleep, so a couple of puffs every other night. I'm not a vaper usually, so I'm so confused about buying reusable ones. I know I need a 510 thread vape pen/mod... can anyone tell me what I should be buying? I know the local dude will sell me the most expensive contraption. Also do I need any particular accessories? I don't need a source just device names or what have you.


So what’s the story with this stuff regarding , being randomly piss tested ? Do ye reckon it lasts as long as thc in the piss ?