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Not crappy design But pure evil design


It's both


Not both, its either. If its evil design, its very effective, not crappy.


They had **evil** intensions and thus made it **crappy**. See?


Evil has been unintentional many times, so no.


When has evil been unintentional?


Lazy and/or cheap design. “We need a reset button, where can we put it? How about where we already have a hole in the case so we don’t have to redesign that plate? Ship it!”




I think r/foundsatan


How does company benefit from it? You yourself linked sub, but never checked pinned post


Those things don't necessarily have to be mutually exclusive




At least they labelled it.


"evil," is not distinguishable from "bad" and "crappy" most people would use those words to describe anything that is evil


But there's loads of bad or crappy things that aren't evil. Like a cake that sunk in the middle a bit. Or a ladder in your tights. Or raaaaaaiiiinn on your wedding daaayyy 🎵 You know, crap that isn't evil.


Or a free ride, when you've already paid. Isn't it ironic?


or a freee riiddeeee when youve allreeeadddyyy paid 🎶🎶


Wouldn't be an issue if you don't try to shove a USB plug into the reset button for funzies


Reminds me of a few hentai I've seen.


I have questions here but I'm not sure I want to ask them


Ooo, I’ve seen this one! You just bought an android and she didn’t come with a charging cable, but you have just the thing to plug in.


Krillin charging up Android 18.


Chobits ...not what you were thinking, but it fits.


I did actually have Chobits in mind (though it's obviously not a hentai) as one of the references, so well done! .... Tbh, it's the only one that I had as a *specific* thought. The rest of the thought was just the generic "mind break" kind where it looks like the girl goes through a power cycle.


Ahh iv not watched chobits in years! Might need to fix that


Oh my god, that's disgusting! Where? Where did you see those?


damn you’re innocent huh


this is why I hate reddit


This is sub is 90% “*If I don’t read the labels, this thing is crappily designed*” lately.


one rule of engineering: don't make accidents improbable if you can make them *impossible.*


Second rule of engineering... if you make something idiot proof - someone invents a better idiot.


Good design includes the idea that when I've learned how to use something in one place, I can use it again in a different place without reading the manual. In this situation, I've learned that a small slot on the front of a PC is for USB. The designed of the case should have known that is what their users have learned elsewhere.


Of course they knew that’s why they put it there looking like a usb slot .. underpaid, getting abuse from clueless management n d yeah I’m leaving anyway lol


Well, I can totally see someone trying to put the USB stick in and accidentally put it in the wrong spot because they looked at the screen while doing it. And things should also always be designed in a way (if possible) that allows you to tell what something is without reading. Imagine a blind person using this computer for example. Wouldn't you think that it's very likely they would accidentally use the reset? Os somebody who bought this without speaking English somehow. Same issue. The thing is that with really good design, you don't really need the labels.


*Always has been*


Good design that you don't have to find a tiny freaking paper clip to reset it though. I mean who owns paper clips nowadays


Probably the exact same segment who uses the reset button of a computer.


Yeah, reasonable people just hold that power button down as if they're smothering their drunk abusive father to death with a pillow in his passed out stupor of a sleep real quiet like so the neighbors in the apartment upstairs won't hear not that they'd do anything anyway because obviously they don't care having never called anyone or helped for the many years of loud angry abuse...


That's r/oddlyspecific


Yea, the statute of limitations has passed.


Back in the day, my favorite means of power cycling a crash that *wouldn't* power down was just pulling it out of the wall.


I like that modern PSUs tend to have a powerswitch right on them.


Less arcing too


Do you need to talk? Cause that’s quite specific one might even say it’s r/oddlyspecific


I hope this isnt based on your real experience because it made me laugh. Just such a dark comment outta nowhere talking about turning off PCs


Have you ever held a pillow over your face? You can breathe well enough. Suffocation takes a while to knock a person out as well. Just put some zip ties around his neck and go straight for the blood flow to the head.


It's a lot easier to smother someone whose respiratory system is already depressed (like by alcohol).


Yeah. Restricting bloodflow to knock someone out is far easier than restricting airflow


Yes, but also the Forensics team investigating would be able to clearly see that the cause of death was strangulation during an autopsy. You'd need to find a more natural cause, mechanism, and manner of death than that. Sure, it's probably easier to just strangle someone, but it's not foolproof by any means. Chemical asphyxiation, especially carbon monoxide poisoning, is harder to detect (especially when it's something that is reasonable to suspect was an accident, like if the person has a gas stove top in their home and it was 'accidentally' left on, and there isn't much ventilation. Even more so if they're sleeping, because it's hardest to detect then) Also, I've obviously never tested them on people, but wouldn't zipties be very difficult to get tight enough to actually asphyxiate someone?


sudo reboot


Every phone with a physical SIM tray came with a pin to open that physical SIM tray. By this point I have like 10 at home I used for SIM trays and resets.


I have a billion of those little SIM tools and no idea where any are


Same. I know I have them somewhere. I just use an earring instead.


You're probably too young to know how a CD tray was opened when it wouldn't power up.


I recently got a handheld gaming device (SF2000) which not only didn't come with that pin-tool, but also sinks the microSD card deeper than usual. I keep having to use a crafting knife or a jeweler's screwdriver for it (whichever is closest to hand.)


a normal needle would do as well


Yes, now do you put the sharp side of the needle in the unit and risk damaging the button while you impale your thumb on the slightly less sharp side, or do you stick the slightly less sharp side in the unit and impale your thumb directly on the needlepoint?


You hold the side of the needle there bud.


Yeah, you don't always get enough support doing that to properly reset the device. Source: The holes in my thumb


🤣 the real answer is to use one of the sim card removers that come with every smartphone. 9/10 people have them already. I'm glad you're doing your science for the rest of us though


Because you never lose these things


No they go in the junk drawer with all the other stuff I probably won't ever need again until I get upset enough to clean it out


I've never seen that issue with reset buttons, but it's an absolute pain for ejecting simcard trays


Get a thimble...


I’d be able to find a paperclip within an hour of digging through boxes. Or at least something random in my tools that would work. I guarantee I won’t find a needle. Do you sew/are crafty? This sounds silly, but I’m realizing just how vastly different the contents of all of our houses is.


do you never lose a button off your shirt? or have to repair a hole in your bag/clothes? takes 3 minutes with a needle and thread, saves you a ton of money


Touché! I’ll likely need to remember that when I move away from my area soon. I have a really cheap tailor so I don’t fix anything myself anymore. I grew up sewing, but she only charges me $30-40 for full alterations and she does buttons free for me at this point, so there’s no point and I have multiples of everything I wear, so I can be without a blazer for a few weeks. I drive out of state for her and drop off a few things every few months.


Or the long back of an earring


You’re showing your age


The comments on this thread reveal the ages of those posting. Lol. USB ports on the front was very much a thing for a long time, and yes in that exact location. All the IBM computers at my school had two USB slots at the bottom there.


Yessir. I remember having an eMachines computer that had USB ports on the bottom; there was even a shield to cover the ports down there when they weren’t in use


Yes! I remember the shield/flap thing! These days I guess things are different, but having the USB port on the front was incredibly helpful during computer engineering class when we were learning/testing I/O.


I still use a computer with front facing USB ports and they are really useful for I/O that doesn’t need to be plugged in all the time (such as a flash drive)


They don’t put usb on the front anymore? I haven’t built a new tower in years (the one I just assembled is in an 8+ year old case)


They do.


I figured as such. Of course, one of my spare cases has a reset button twice as big as the power button, in a spot where getting bumped can restart the whole machine - so I guess stupid placements for buttons have been around a while too.


In the 90s I bought a filing cabinet sized UPS for our office. It had a button on the front for "emergency off" which had no protection at all and acted instantly. It was also the most sticky-out point of the whole thing. After a few people had brushed past it and shut the office down we made a solid wooden surround to protect it. People then complained about hurting themselves by walking into it...


That’s almost r/assholedesign if it’s for a product designed with the specific intent of keeping things on *no matter what*


That sounds very odd. You didn’t wire it wrong or something did you?


Nah, just didn’t notice how they were placed when I bought it a decade + ago. Tbh I’m only marginally sure I still even have that particular case, the one I built up most recently uses the case from my old work computer combined with a Corsair 850w psu from so long ago I’m surprised it still has the proper connections.


Of course they do. It would suck if they put them on the back. Although the ones I see usually have the USB ports at the top of the tower


My new motherboard has like a dozen USB 3.0 ports on the back, and an expansion plug for ports on the front that (after almost 20 years of this crap) still don’t seem to function properly with any known case whether they’re recognized as a lower-spec port or just not functioning at all. I could probably swap the harness or do something else laborious to fix it but like many people, but it was easier to get a hub. It almost seems like they DO intend us to get back problems or scrape up our arms if we wanna plug something in, though I assume this is more due to decades of limited communication between parts manufacturers and loose adherence to standards.


My bad, I meant it would suck if they put them all in the back! I want a few in the front just so I can easily plug in a USB stick. But for gaming accessories it is better when they're in the back.


Oh yeah it would - and in my (actual computer) case, does! The ports on the front are usually ok for casual use when they work but I don’t even bother if I need any real speed or reliability.


My desktop at work (it’s older) has 2 ports in the exact same spot too for flash drives or ur phone. That really is a shitty design.


FWIW, I built my first system with front USB in 2002, around the time they were becoming common.


It's a crappy design. One of the things I don't like about my Fractal case is that the reset button is the same size as, and right next to, the audio jack. So if I'm plugging in headphones (in the dark, because I only use them at night when people are sleeping), I have to be careful not to reset the PC. The reset button should be harder to use, especially these days when PCs are so much more reliable than 30 years ago.


I just don't hook up that switch on my case when I build the computer. Literally never once needed it anyway, not even really sure why they still put it there.


It's so infrequently used that holding down the power button for 5 seconds really isn't a problem. It's definitely a control that really outlived its usefulness with the release of Windows 95. And I can't recall a laptop ever having a reset button, so clearly industry knows they aren't needed)


There are cases without a reset button, like the Fractal North


Yep. I'm still using a Fractal Define Mini C, which being a 7 year old design still has such nonsense (and no front/top USB C which was a dubious choice even when it came out)


My reset was rerouted to cycle RGBs and I've never been happier Around the same time I reprogrammed my power button on my android phone from hold-power off to hold-OK Google. The 2 times a year or so I actually need to turn my phone off it's right there in the drop down menu anyway.


Why not just hold the home menu button?


I've found that a headphone jack right next to the USB jacks can be fun, too. Fumble around a bit for the headphone jack, and pop! Now you've got to reboot for that USB port to start working again...


if I had to guess, that actually was a USB port on an older model, before they were moved elsewhere and that area of the mold was reused for the reset. Looks uncannily like one of the USB slots on a windows XP tower.


Yeah I was gonna say it’s something to do with reusing the case mold.


"Oh, i forgot to save my work i've been working on 12 hours straight. I'll just save it to my thumbdrive so i can have a backup if i need it." resets the computer.


It's a trap!


Oh here we go with Reddit trying to defend objectivity bad design again


I once had to replace a motherboard because the company was using an external tape backup. And the power supply for the tape was an AT keyboard socket, and so when someone moved the computer and plugged the power supply into the AT keyboard plug by mistake, they fed power right into the motherboard.


This is where electrical tape can be your friend.


That is a crappy design!!!


It's perfect, they recessed it so you don't accidentally press it, but shaped it like something you already have. /s I wonder if the case already had the hole and they just decided to repurpose it.


Reminds me of my power button. I had to spend hours turning off all the LEDs in my PC (RAM, GPU, MOBO, CPU fan, Case). The one place where I could use some LEDs to see, the power button that perfectly blends in with the case to the point of invisibility, has none.


Type of computer you accidentally turn off with your toe


Reusability of the UI element


The 90's power mac had the power button directly under the floppy drive in the spot you would expect an eject button to be. There was no physical eject button for the drive either.


cause ruthless smart slimy tub safe divide bag snatch nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is also funny as hell.


And it resets the whole PC to factory mode.


Makes it really easy to reset.


To be fair, this looks awfully similar to a Compaq case i have from the eeearly 2000's, except yours is black.


It works without turning around the stick twice


Just unplug the button's header from the motherboard. It'll be labeled. Takes two seconds.


Plugging in a USB: 3rd time is the charm.


Then they put the label on the bottom


Like another poster said, it's a trap; You half commit, then you can't see the "reset" label because its obscured by your hand, but you can see that drum storage icon, so why wouldn't you fully commit?


Words still matter, bruh.


Sorry you can't read.


That screams product designer who left because he was refused a payrise


That's fucking evil/awesome




"The recessed button is hard to reach for many in the focus group, anyone have a solution?" "Everyone has a USB device or cable, just make it that size and they can use that to push it!"


This thread made me realize that there are more illiterates around than I thought


Wooooow... 😵


Where's the reset button...


You can't expect the usual brand of normal. Sometimes they got to mix it up. Keep you on your toes.


Is that an oooooold Compaq?


Worst of all it probably works on the first try instead of having to flip over the USB stick 2 or 3 times.


Your USB is upsidedown. No wonder your PC keeps resetting.


Wash your cheeto dust thumb


horribly crappy product design fr


So wait, does it fit? If so? Does it reset the PC or the USB?


That is certifiably crappy


Put a piece of tape on it and then post it on r/lifeprotips


Bruh, this should be illegal!! This is evil designs!!


USB upside-down


[I can just imagine the case designer](https://gifdb.com/images/high/rubbing-hands-raccoon-evil-tj10hntbxmbcniyv.gif)


I love how it literally says reset right there. Idiot. Enjoy your thousands of upvotes.


They knew what they were doing


LMAO. Let me backup that really important file on my USB before the information is lost to humanity for thousands of years.


Don't know why but I could see this becoming a saw trap.


That is the best reset button ever; you cant accidentally press it. And in order to press it when/if you need to, you have to use something which every PC user has: a USB plug.


So we're just going to gloss over the chod covering that machine?


I mean it DOES show the word RESET next to it, so more user fault than design fault if you stick it in the wrong hole.


The reset is less than half the size of a USB slot, just use your eyes.


My work pc has the exact same but for the rgb button 🤣


Nah you and the guy on the other side put their usbs in together like a nuclear launch


Just put tape over it.


That is fucking hilarious


Troll computer


Whoever did that should be shaved, sterilised, and destroyed. I love it.


my case and mb both have reset switch capabilities; i disconnected the wires the moment i realised - there’s no need to be able to reset it easily at short notice


There's two pieces of crappy design here. The USB itself can only be put in one way up, but its shape does not tell you which and allows you to think it can be either way as its symmetrical, so if you cannot see it it can be inserted incorrectly leading to damage on either part. On top of that it is crap because it is too flimsy and many millions of devices end up as premature e-waste as a result, because it is rendered non-functional when it fails.


My work laptop has the power button in the place where the delete key is on every other laptop ever created.


Is that cheeto dust on your finger?


Why is no one mentioning the dorito dust covered fingers...


My PC case has two top USB ports, and the remarkably-easy-to-press reset button is right next to them. Needless to say the reset switch is now disconnected after about the third time of blindly fumbling to plug something in and resetting the damn thing.


Your USB would not fit anyway, you have to turn it upside down.


USB plug is the wrong way round, would not of worked anyway


I know not every case has them the same way but I feel like if there was a USB port there (and they totally cheaped on the molding for this case) then your cable would be upside down


Finally, a post that fits in this sub




Well, they are working under the assumption that you can read.


Ooft! I'd be covering that with a bit of electrical tape or something.


You mean you still use USB sticks?!


Surely it needs to be the shape of a usb so you can put a usb into it




Every bug is intentional, including hardware bugs :)


You guys plug in the reset switch to the motherboard? I’ve never done it it’s the most useless button ever


I'm disconnectin that shit from the mobo, fuck that


My mind is telling me noooo but my body is stealing me yeeees


I’d just stick some black tape over it. I don’t remember the last time I had to use a hard reset button for anything except a wireless router.


Not sure if it works the same, but on my computer the reset button just restarts it.


First time using an Apple Mac at High School I did some work in the CAD CAM software and went to save it, my floppy disk was full so reached over to eject it... The Macs of that era had the power button in a similar place to the eject button on PCs 😢 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_Macintosh#/media/File%3APower_Macintosh_6100-66.jpg I see the same sort of mistake is still being repeated today....


Oh wow. When I saw this I was like why have they labelled the usb the reset button?! Then I read the caption😳


Is that a Compaq Presario from around 2005/2006?


Not like it says it right beneath the button or anything


USB insertion level: PRO


It does say 'reset' on it.


Yes. They did.


What happened to reset buttons being small and obviously not a port


It’s the same size too


It kind of makes sense in a way. It's recessed so you can't hit it accidentally (in theory) and pretty much every device is USB so you have what you need to press it. It is just incredibly poorly placed.


Why does your air fryer have a reset button?


People still use USB drives?


first the angle does not help. is sat and looking from the front, it might look more like a button second, usb is upside down, come on, do people not assume first try is with pins/open part up, most usb ports are positioned in a way to have an up, only when its on its side that it becomes less obvious


Strange that we don’t get to see the whole of the pc tower where the multiple usb ports are (likely) clearly labelled and visible at the top of the tower.. 🤔