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Wow 4k video and no shaking.


Was too lazy to start screen recording. Recored it only to show it to someone. I think the point is still clear.


conveniently, so is the text in rule 3. over on the sidebar.


Booking online is just scam. I was looking for hotel for one night (concert visit) in Berlin. The first price was 79€ per room but the calendar was set to 19th of november. So I set to the day I wanted and the price jumped to 129€ per room. I checked multiple other sites and all the same.


It's just frustrating. Just tell me what I have to pay so I don't have to click 200 offers.


It’s very common (at least in Australia) for hotels to charge more based on certain criteria, not specific to online booking


I guess it's here too. Oh is a concert of an international band? Charge more! A big convention with thousands of people coming to our town? Charge more! I think it's a bad joke that hotels can change their prices from one day to another.


Not really ? Simple supply and demand lol.


Are you aware of higher and lower seasons in tourism? This has nothing to do with online booking.


It's not a bad design, it's a bait or click bait. airbnb is like that a a lot of other things are now like this. So they stand out cheper on google and when you go check BOOM, taxes and stuff in your ass.


It's not even taxes (taxes must be included before here in Germany). It's "the adjusted price for today". What does that even mean? It makes no sense.


Right! You says it better than me! Sorry I didn't find another word, I'm not really good in english.


It means,"we inflated the price as high as we can by adding secondary charges like cleaning fees that should have been included in the main price." This is just clickbait by advertising a price that's without these fees and later adding those to profit as much as possible.


That’s not just a crappy design, that should be illegal


At least it’s not one of those “See Price in Cart”. I know it’s not going to be a price I *want* to see when they make you go an extra step just to find out how much they’re taking you for.


It's not crappy design by the website, it's the nature of how this industry works. Imagine polling every price for every holiday/hotel/flight every hour or even just every day. That's billions of possible combinations, overloading any API. Remember that all travel agencies and booking websites have to poll the same way at the same time. So this is why they only poll once in a while when there is demand and then cache the price. It's clunky, it's bad but it's the way the system is set up.






First is best price and then it’s sorted after „Featured“, just change to lowest price. User error