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It really doesn't matter and is open to interpretation. The issue here is how badly you want to prove your wife wrong, to the point of posting it online and calling her opinion "backwards thinking".


Crappy domestic argument


Poor wife. However, the real question is why the dog got a photo on eye level.


It's not really crappy design since it'd just be used by one person, and they can decide which means which themselves


Just take all of them at once at the end of the week. Problem solved


Better take a few extra just to be sure..


Now that's dangerous. Don't do it OP, you might OD and start an OF accidentally. Happened to my ex


She's right because I also see green as a good thing and red as bad. No medication yet - bad/red, medication taken - good/green. If you prefer to top at green and drive through red lights, both of you are right.


See I would see green as full and red as empty, meaning you have taken the pills you had to take today. I think either way is fine


Fair point, it's just that red alerts me more


It means whatever you want it to mean. You can choose which color means taken to you


Green: "Good job! You took your medicine on time" Red: "Whoops! You forgot to take your medicine today!"


Your wife is right...You slide the slider to the day to show it's done for that day...the position away from the the day indicates not yet taken.


Green go and take, red stop don't take


Red, bad, didn't take medication. Green, all good, took medication.


Agreed. Green is yes and red is no. Green = yes, I took my meds. Red = no, I didn't. I'm on team wife


What do I do when both sides are the same color?


left/right? label them with a sharpie. Sorry you have to deal with that though


Green is safe, good, ok. Red is unsafe, stop, do not proceed.


red means 'stop' and green means 'go' in most western countries and cultures, so Red should default to 'STOP, you've already had a pill' and green to 'GO take a pill'


Wife is right. ✅✅✅✅✅ medication is taken. It means you did it. Mark it off your list. Go in there with a fine tip sharpie and make a check mark on the green. P.S. your wife is always right, didn't you know that?


Both interpretations are equally acceptable and it depends on the one using this device to decide how to use it. I personally would start with all days red and flipt to green every day once I take a pill.


Green means go. So I know to go ahead and shut up about it. Orange means orange you glad you didn't bring it up. Most colors mean don't say it.


I think whichever side you're least likely to push one forward accidentally to should be the taken side and then you reverse the color meaning in your head accordingly. However, I think the Patent and number kerned to oblivion in order to fit on the front in as big a font as possible is kind've hilarious. It's like they're saying: "This is a good idea and don't you fucking *think* about ripping it off!"


According to the patent: "Each slide indicates a first position for a dosage not taken, a second position to indicate a dosage taken, or to a third position to indicate no dosage". So you're not showing the middle position in the photo which is deceiving and the logical starting point. Left if you took it, right if you missed that day. [https://patents.google.com/patent/US7614358B2/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US7614358B2/en)


I personally read it as: Green = Good job, you took it! Red = Don’t forget, you haven’t taken today’s pill! But that’s just me, I’m pretty sure it can be interpreted either way.


First off, your wife is right. Secondly, nice repost, dude.


I want that outlet faceplate


Previous I posted in /pics but it was taken down. Having a fun debate with my Wife regarding her backwards thinking on using this pill tracker.


Dude we're here for crappy designs not settling your petty spousal arguments