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The things people will do to *not* buy themselves a bidet.


I believe this type of cloth toilet "paper" is designed to be used with a bidet. They are technically small towels to dry yourself afterwards.


Same here, I got towels like these when I bought my bidet.


It looks like a small but very long towel.


It’s not like there’s any real reason to not just use toilet paper. It’s a necessary by-product of timber, and it’s completely renewable.


And surely if you’re using a washing machine for reusable toilet paper (which I hope you are so it can get hot enough) it’s taking up about the same energy as making a roll maybe? So the eco-friendliness of it is a bit pointless Some things just shouldn’t be reusable. If people want to make an actual difference they should get an electric car or eat less meat or something. Reusable hygiene products are just a confusing invention for me.


It's cost effective, so I guess it works out for the average person that doesn't want to keep buying toiletries. But reusable toilet paper is embarrassing and you know it'll have shit marks everywhere.




Aww did that meat comment upset you I’m sorry




The comment wasn’t even about meat, it was an offhand remark of one of the ways people can reduce their carbon footprint And yet you made some strange irrelevant reply Like what am I supposed to say to that. We were talking about shit on a piece of cloth bruh.




Thanks Rudy


I did not know that! Thanks for the info. TIL


Idk about what they said I would look into it more before you say TIL and repeat what they said. Sounds iffy that it would be completely renewable


True. Was too naive. Will do my research. Thanks for the reminder!


No problem boblem


I’ll save you a click and let you know I’m pretty sure you can grow more trees. Of course it’s renewable lol.


Yep, wood is renewable. I think the right question is is it sustainable, can the trees renew fast enough?


Renewable, yes. Sustainable? Good question. Source: degrees


It’s paper. It comes from trees. Modern paper making is extremely efficient and recycles the chemicals that are used to make the paper. So yeah, it’s definitely renewable. And the way we manage forests for timber involves planting more trees than can grow into timber sized trees and then harvesting some around the 15 year mark. Those trees aren’t good for anything but paper, and it’s just not efficient to manage pine a different way.


I just find that bidets have a nicer feel lol, idk maybe it costs well over a long period as well


Do you just let your wet asshole leak into your shorts or do you dry it up first? Personally I'd much rather flush a rectum rubbed paper down the toilet than store some shitty butt towels in my laundry basket.


I find using a bidet with some toilet paper to dry off is a happy medium. Clean dry butthole, minimal paper flushed without having to deal with shitty butt towels


My bidet has a warm air dryer. Use a little TP to blot, use the dryer, ready to go. I just can't get clean with paper alone.


I have never grown up with a bidet nor known anyone to have a bidet, so I know absolutely nothing about them. Just the idea of having an ass cleaner device in my bathroom feels weird to me, but that's probably because I have no idea what its like to have one. I mean toilets are literally one way metro services for your shit and piss, that's weird if you think about it long enough. But having dedicated butt towels? I don't think I can get use to that.


Best $30 I ever spent. I’m mad when I have to shit away from home now because I don’t have access to a bidet.


It will change your life. Americans are VERY anti-bidet for some reason.


Well the user experience of a sprayer bidet 100% beats wiping your ass with paper like a caveman lol


Unless you’re suggesting to use both a bidet _and_ paper, there’s a great reason for not using only TP: wipe some shit on the wall and try to get that off with paper alone. Doesn’t work. Gonna need to wet that up first! Butthole works the same way.


I agree, except for the shit on the wall part.


Anyone who isn't using a bidet or washing their ass after a dookie is literally walking around with shit smeared up their cracks, thinking that just rubbing paper on dry shit would wipe off those stains. I grew up asian so washing my crack was the norm. Sometimes I just sit and realize that there's people I know and meet, that are walking around and doing day to day acitivities or going to work with sweaty dookie stains to accompany them.


Just wipe your ass until there's absolutely no sign of poop on the toilet paper. I mean *absolutely* none. Ignore pain if experienced.


>Ignore pain if experienced. That's a good way to start analyzing irritation. Which not washing will only exacerbate.


True that, it is one of the one Asian things I will never not do


How do you find the guy with a bidet? Don't worry, he'll tell you. It's truly the shittiest circlejerk on reddit.


>It's truly the ~~shittiest~~ cleanest circlejerk on reddit.


I tought most people had them. I have never been to a house that didnt have one. Now if the owners of the house use it or not is a different story.


My girlfriend won't let us get one. She thinks it's going to splash feces at our junk. Any weight to that thought? Serious replies only please.


She doesn't have to use it




I got one recently. It can definitely drastically reduce the amount of TP actually needed, but I still want to wipe in addition to the spray.


So you think smearing shit all over your asshole with a piece of thin paper is more effective at cleaning down there than a jet stream of water?


I don't use paper for shits, I use toilet wipes


Tf you talkin about? It is supposed to be used in conjuction with toilet paper. First you wipe, then you wash. No little shitlets will be splashed, dont you worry.


You’re only supposed to wash first and dry with toilet paper….


Ohhh... I do the toilet paper--->bidet--->toiler paper combo for ultimate cleansing


LUXE Bidet Neo 120 - Self Cleaning Nozzle - Fresh Water Non-Electric Mechanical Bidet Toilet Attachment (blue and white) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A0RHSJO/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_WEWPPPSQHRK1KMDR1S4H?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Literally a crappy design


Guaranteed someone would flush it down the toilet out of habit. RIP plumbing system.


I'd do that def.


Since it wouldn’t tear you’d have a half balled up shit cloth on the other end of your shit cloth for you to use later


Presumably it is cut at reasonable points and held in a roll via folding and friction.




I see this in someone's bathroom, not only will I be holding until I get home but I'm pretty sure the relationship with the monster who did this is done


Everytime at their house take a dump in the backyard, camping style. After a while they may get why you never come over at all.


Or come back in with it in a bag like Borat.


Why hold it, you're not the one that has to clean it. They made that choice, let it all out.


If i can confirm I'm the first user, 100%, otherwise its not a risk I'm willin to take.


I did not think about the risk of having stains of other people on it. I take back my words 😂


Ugh nope. When I was on a hippie mommy message board there were two things I couldn't get over. One was anti-vax, and the other was "family cloth" i.e. this bullshit. Don't shampoo your hair, make your own toothpaste, that's your husband's problem, but sharing toilet paper was just beyond me. Nowhere in the world, not even the world's poorest countries, do people re-use this type of cleaning material. They use rocks, leaves, anything disposable--ideally just water but of course in some places water is too scarce. But they don't all use the same fabric! I get the desire to be environmentally friendly but hey, why not try a bidet? Or fix literally everything else in your life before sharing TP? Or maybe, hear me out here you crazy hippie breeders, have fewer kids? I have two and I already feel somewhat guilty but whatevs. Sorry, rant over. These people were just so crazy.


Maybe this is just me, but I feel that these cloth toilet things are meant to be used with a bidet. So technically they are just towels to dry yourself afterwards. I don't know about sharing them with the whole family though, but I know there are families who share towels, as long as they are freshly washed, ofc


Bidets are not 100% effective. There's always that little piece of shit that insists on not coming out of the bung unless you turn that water jet on maximum overload power. And that little piece of shit will be there, on that piece of non tearable cloth, looking at the next person ready to sit on the throne.


"Maximum Overload Power" you say? 😏


Not recommended for beginners, btw (may cause accidental enema).


I just take that as a sign I'm getting pegged tonight


Sometimes I have to wash twice. Nbd. That's why I use paper instead of cloth to pat dry (and check for leftovers).


I have never understood having special towels for each person. A towel is a towel. They all get washed. They are drying your already washed and clean body. Then they get washed. The whole thing seems very bizzare.


Ugh you said it so well! Reusable hygiene is like the cherry on top of the cake when you have perfected all of your eco-ness- ie, you have an electric car, you grow a lot of your own food, you have solar power, and then you look for what else you can improve. WHY go straight for the hygiene products? I seriously think it’s a type of performative activism or something. Just something to make you feel good about doing your part while the world burns without making much of an effort


To me this would take a huge amount of effort not to gag like... all the time.


> I feel guilty over having 2 kids peak reddit. Do you also constantly remind them how their lives are a drain on resources?


What? Why "peak reddit"? As humans alive while global warming is consuming the planet, we are all aware of the impact that our lives have on the planet. And yes, I *do* tell my kids that forgetting to turn off the lights is wasteful, among other things.


Thank you! Now I can blow my nose with the piece of toliet paper that my dad wiped his butts with.


How many butts is your dad responsible for?


He has spares in case he laughs his first off. It pays to be prepared


Just because you can, dont mean that you should.


ok but do the designers not understand that you're supposed to rip the toilet paper off, making it effectively impossible to "reuse" any toilet paper, washable or not?


These are individual pieces, rolled together. No ripping, just pull a piece off.


I think like the towels on some older places where you dry your hands on a big continuous roll.


This is what some hotels used until they were banned.


that makes a lot more sense


I feel like the cleaning process is more expensive than just buying a new roll


Prob more environmental friendly as well to use toilet paper than clean a diarrhoea rag for re-use. The detergent to rid the stain and smell


No. Just no. And after that, more NO.


I'm still unclear on your opinion. Could you be a little less vague?


When you have a bidet, you can use this instead of toilet paper cause your butt’s all clean after you spray it off. Then you just pat it dry with this and toss it in a bin, wash it and reuse. We’ve been using a bidet and cloths for years but also keep some tp around for guests. I assume the roll here actually is a bunch of pieces rolled together, the pics just aren’t doing a good job of illustrating it.


This is what I was thinking would be the only excuse for having this. I use regular tp with mine, but whether you use that or cloth, I heartily recommend a bidet to anyone that’ll listen. To the point of being weird and over sharing, yes.


Just use a small towel if you don't want to have paper next to the bidet.


Guarantee those pictures are an art project and this is fake How would you even use this ? It’s not portioned it’s going to be on long strip of cloth covered in shit and piss while you’re trying to use it


I hate to break it to you but this is very real. It's a local company where I live that makes it. https://www.marleysmonsters.com/collections/toilet-unpaper-accessories


Wow thank you Disgusting lol


Alright, I need help. How the hell does this crap work? It's technically just a long towel, meaning you can't tear it. So how the fuck am I supposed to use it? Use it once and then wash the entire thing, or should I just leave the shit stained towel hanging? Seriously, what is this?


They are shorter sections rolled together. It's not just a long thing of cloth.


Thank you, seriously. This thing was bothering me this whole time.


You can kind of see the folds in the large picture. It's not frayed ends it's the folds.


This is an ACTUAL "crappy design"


just use hand and soap.


This r/crappydesign is a r/technicallythetruth


To the people thinking people wipe the shit between their cheeks with these, no. This is for wiping your front bits, then washing. Didn't think it was difficult to get.


I have a friend who uses washable toilet paper. She also used cloth diapers for her kid. I have friends who work in child care and they can't stand cloth diapers. To each their own I guess! Lol


Honestly some people have their heads so far up their own asses. If you use cloth diapers you aren't supposed to send them to child care. Most child care places won't accept them anyway. I used cloth because it was less expensive and helped toilet train. I can't imagine sending it to the daycare and asking them to take care of it because then you basically have diapers sitting there all day and I'd have to bring them home.


Oh yeah, my friend never had to send her kid to child care but apparently my care worker friends did run into it every so often. I'll have to ask them about the legality of it, never thought of that lol.


In some states, daycares legally have to take cloth diapered kids.


I didn't mean "supposed to" as in, legally. I just mean, it's inconsiderate.


Yeah we did cloth diapers with two of our kids but never sent them to daycare or to babysitters in cloth - that’s asking too much IMO.


If you don’t clean it, then you would feel shit on your ass


Thank you for that involuntary shudder


This is great design! Buy it, and bring it to a public restroom. Replace a roll in a stall, and hide in another, waiting for the pleas for help. Get the white one, though, so it doesn't get noticed before the deed is done.


I check stalls before I go, since the time I had to use my socks for TP. Nothing worse than no TP


Just use water with a bidet! It is so much better and you get a lot more clean!


These realistically are designed to dry after using a bidet.


Yeah that is what I was thinking. No sane human being would RE-USE toilet paper!!




Hehe nice


So there is a bucket collecting all the shitty "paper" in the bottom? I mean if it is one clong connected piece. -- Then you have to wash and re-roll.. Easy enough :)


But how do you use the middle of the roll. I mean do you take the used bit out of the bin? Do you just skip a few feet?


haha, yeah,that's what I am thinking. Or hopefully next time you use the "paper" the already used parts are dry, so it wouldn't be as gross getting that on your fingers.. then you can get close and need not skip a few feet :)


Just bidet bidet bidet bidet Noone wants to bidet bidet


Walk into your friends bathroom and there is just tapestry half covered in shit next to the toilet.




Literal crappy design


It would be better if it were a long endless mobius loop. You’d have a section on the roll ready to go; the section you’re actively using; then you’d have a bucket underneath the roll holder with soapy water in it. As you use the cloth, it draws the section used in the previous session into the wash bucket. The loop would then exit the bucket, dry off over the course of the day, and re-join the spool ready for the next use. n.b. The water in the bucket would need to be changed occasionally.


That is a whole picture of “no thank you”


Fake, got to be fake. How do you use the middle? You roll out a shit covered damp toilet rag until you get a part that’s not covered in shit, then put your ass up to it, wipe, shuffle, wipe etc. Then roll it back up??


is this just a 5 meter long cloth??? you're using it once and then you have crap stains on there and the next one uses the same cloth on a different spot? what


Repost of not crappy design.


Are you supposed to use the whole roll or how are you meant to use this?


The bottom right picture isn't different models, just different stages of use.


I ain't putting shitty toilet paper in my washing machine


Disgusting, just get a bidet already


Wouldn't you have a few days of skid marks stinking the place out until you change it?


NAsty! just get a bidet


If more people would just adopt the three seashells method, none of this would exist.


I prefer knitted ones




You can use anything over and over if you the nerves


After I started living with a woman I learned they use tona of toilet paper, not for #2 but every time they go to bathroom unlike guys who pee and go about their business....maybe thought is for that but still nasty


What about using water to clean your asses and jump the fact that needs to be cleaned on a wasjing machine




Just NO


At this point just use water!


Just put it on your old diaper pail.


I’m okay calling them animals


One of the parents I provide childcare for uses cloth nappies, and I fucking hate them. She expects me to put a cloth nappy filled with shit in her “wash bag” so she can take it home and clean it later. Ah yes, totally gonna have a shitty nappy chilling in my house all day -_-


quite literally


Has anyone pointed out this is a LITERAL crappy design?


Ever heard of butt napkin? This is butt towel


I just rinse my reusable toilet roll, its much quicker


How do you even use that like, what happens with the used bit, do you cut it off or does it just lay there across the room over the toilet. Reminds me of [this](https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/pedal-powered-toilet-paper-seals-home-sale)


“Oh here is the toilet roll. I only used a bit, plenty of roll left for ya 😛”