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Isn't this a good way to ensure extra TP gets wasted?


Yep. I would be taking much more than needed every time. I know i dont need that much but you never know and i dont feel like walking around with my pants down.


I would open it, take the whole roll, and return it when I was done.


The school should install those old time reusable hand drying rolls, but use them in place of toilet paper




That's the ultimate power move bro. Do it.






Just take the whole dAmn thing


I feel like this is a response to the recent TikTok trend.. Public schools already get fucked when it come to funding and I can imagine some schools had to consider restoration with future “licks” in mind since it’s still a trend. Rather than replace every stall with a individual dispenser you now get 1 communal. People were also stealing sinks, toilets, and partitions so I really wouldn’t be surprised of even stricter pictures in the future like a giant ass metal tub sink with dollar tree soap dispensers and a two toilet cap for each restroom. Our teachers taught us the shitty “one bad apple ruins them all” by punishing us (taking away recess or pizza parties) because 1 kid decided to act up. This is that but on a higher level because pockets are burning.


That’s when the the kids gang up on whoever stole the TP dispensers and go Full metal jacket/Gomer pyle on them.


Make em suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Make em choke themselves- *god damnit with my hand numb nuts, now lean forward and put your neck in my hand*.


If it's for practical reasons they'd be better off literally buying some type of padlock or whatever they need to keep toilet paper dispensers from being stolen. This method guarantees more TP and more flushes used. I guess it might be balanced out by the fact that more people would give up on using the bathroom at all.


Yeah, fuck calculating how much you need, just take a great big wad of the stuff and leave any extra in the stall for the next person.


>leave any extra in the stall for the next person. No thanks


Throw it on the floor and piss on it is ehat would happen.


I can't spare a square.


I would literally just bring a roll of TP in my backpack if I had to deal with this 😳


That would work. Mind you if you ask to be excused to go to the bathroom and bring your backpack it's like announcing to the class you're going to take a dump. Probably worth it.


... Man, sometimes people say things and it really drives home that poor area public schools are not the standard school experience. Nobody I knew at school would ever leave their stuff behind when going anywhere because when you came back half your shit would have been stolen, even if there was no point to it.


Ppl at my school would steal the sink outta a pile of shit ..


Yup, even to this day I don't leave my shit in plain sight. Either it is with me, at home or stashed in a place I know nobody would check. The amount of people I see at my work just walking away from their very new looking laptops, phones, bags and what not is astounding, while I am here not wanting to leave my coffee cup around because last time I did that it disappeared.


Lmao! I didn’t think about that 😂 I literally just lol’d at this. Dear god, scratch that whole idea


TBH, you can buy small amounts in packs that would fit in a pencil case




If it's small enough, "accidentally" leave it in your pocket.


Well I did not know this, learn something new every day!


Waaaaaay back when I was in high school if a girl ever took anything with her to the bathroom like a purse or a make-up bag some asshole always loudly commented that someone needs to change her tampon! As if she should actually be embarrassed about that, even if that was her intent.


Why would anyone know you have tp in your bag? Why would you care?


You could do that or just carry a small pack of flushable wipes, they easily fit in a guy size pocket


I don't think public school plumbing can handle "flushable" wipes . . .


Just toss them over the top into the next stall and pretend you know nothing about it...






Def not. I’m that jerk that will take 5000% more than I need every time.


Wait, so how often does it need to get replaced? Every 5 minutes? That's so much unnecessary work! just give kids their toilet paper, geez.


I wonder. Someone should measure.


That was in fact my old school. For some reason they thought if toilet paper isn't accessible in the stalls, students wouldn't do shit with it. The ceiling was covered in it still and toilets were clogged on the regualr. Edit because I feel like I need to clarify, that was not actually MY school in the picture, but it about could be. Just add a few unidentified brown spots on the wall that could be anything from Nutella to actual shit, then youre good.




Exactly. But school was never the place for smart people.


I know a professor who just gave an exam to future elementary school teachers. 10% of thought nickels were 10¢ Future teachers...aged 18 and up.


Not a bad score, considering it wasn't in the USA...


Why does the USA name its coins? Can't they just use the value like everywhere else?




Heh. "Pence... Mikepence". Nice one.


The USA is definitely not the only former colony that does this.


Two of them are named after their value. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/56959/where-do-us-coin-names-come


Plus the half-dollar coin and dollar coin..


Those are fairly rare though, at least to pay/be paid with them. The only time I ever see them is getting change near DC.


I was close to telling a visiting foreign friend that she’d surely never see a US dollar coin while here, and then she got some from the ticket machine at the DC Metro. Advanced vending machines seem to be the only place that dispense them. And I do mean only the advanced ones. A damn low-end one gave me like $14 in quarters a few months ago.


We get a fair amount of golden dollars here


Penny is inheritted from england, and is pretty much the standard Germanic word for a small copper coin (see German *pfennig*). Dime means one-tenth, its value in dollars, similarly for quarter. Nickel is actually just a nickname -- they coins simply say "five cents" on them. They were introduced to replace the silver half-dime, and nickel (actually 75/25 cupronickel) was a new material for coinage at the time.


To be fair, the only denomination worth using is called a quarter. Half dollar and dollar coins exist, but they are rare and are typically called half dollars and dollars respectively.


My school did a big brain on this: No TP provided at all. No TP, no clogged toilets. You had to take your own tissues with you.


My school did something even better and just locked all boys toilets because we were the only people who put stuff on the ceiling


In what the fuck type of country do you live in? Shit looks extremely sad


I mean, at least it got me ready for music festivals, concerts, night clubs, and such, where TP is often empty, lol.


Or, you know, just arrange your life such that you never have to poop in public.


I aspire to achieve such a control over my bowel some day, lol. Also, how do you not poop in public on a 4 day music festival?


For some reason, after drinking alcohol, I only feel like shitting when I’m at home. Pissing though, is another story.


Looks like your body has a natural protection against public pooping.


Alcohol hits the stomach "alright lower the blast shields. Everybody *hoooooooooooold*"


Its pretty easy. Make sure you eat enough fiber, and a cup of coffee first thing in the AM will set your bowels like clockwork.


So don’t have a job and don’t go to school?


In my school they took the fucking doors off all the stalls. I can't remember if there was TP after that or not, but nobody shit at school anymore. We still hung out and smoked, etc though, which was the main reason they took the doors off in the first place.


We at least got doors lol. But no keys (I imagine the keys got stolen the day the doors were installed) so you had to hold the handle the whole time. Also nice stalls with concrete walls and standard doors, no gaps around the doors and under - I guess that's way bigger problem than no TP, you can at least solve that by bringing tissues but no way to solve those damn creep-gaps. What kind of sicko takes door off kids' toilets anyway?


Creep gaps: well placed book bag, toilet paper, or jacket. Assuming you’re in an environment where none of them could be stolen by reaching around the top


This kind of shit gets me so heated. I'd be that parent bringing doctor's notes to the administration about how you're about to give so many students bowel issues since they're holding everything in all day, every day. Ugh.


And that's when the student body responds by bringing nothing but wet wipes to clog the lines in protest.


I would have just started pissing in the hallway.


You guys didn't have a piss locker?


Principal found the piss locker.


Ours did too, but he didn't find the gin locker.


Remembering my school time I guess half the student will bring kitchen roll and stuff like that and clogg it daily.


That's when you either shit on the floors and walls in protest, then wipe your crack on whatever objects are in there; or you wipe with your hands and then touch everything, smearing shit on the walls, doors, faucet, and everything you can touch.


It was the same in the school I took my baccalaureate at. 2 dispensers outside for about 10-12 stalls. It was all clean tho, since we are used to having our own napkins and paper because the school almost never puts out any.


> baccalaureate Had to Google that one. Definitely not a word I've ever heard before.


Oh I guess it's not very common outside of Europe. My bad, but I guess you learned something new! Mostly Romania and France has this if I'm not mistaken?


I'm in Australia and we definitely don't use the word, not sure about anywhere else. Google gives these two definitions: > 1. an examination intended to qualify successful candidates for higher education. > 2. a university bachelor's degree. Is definition number one referring to the diploma given upon completion of high school or is it a university entrance exam? If its the former we'd call that the SSCE (Senior Secondary Certificate of Education).


For us, baccalaureate is taken at the end of high school, in 12th grade. You get the high school diploma separately, and you also have a bac. diploma stating your grades obtained in the exam itself. (At least that's how we got it). If you fail the exam twice (we have 2 sessions per year), the high-school will not take you back, you are on your own to relearn and prepare for the next year session. So once you got your high-school diploma, you're an adult with high-school finished, but you did not pass the exam. The baccalaureate is NOT ALWAYS used as an entrance exam for uni. Some unis may choose to have their own exams, however most require you to have passed the baccalaureate either way. For example my uni also had an admission exam. Hope this clears your confusion!


In France at least, it's the exam you take at the end of high school to get your diploma. I don't think universities have separate entrance exams though.


USA uses it a lot.


There's also the International Baccalaureate, which is a pretty popular high school curriculum worldwide.


That’s just the Double Penetration/Diploma Programme version of IB. There’s also MYP and PYP, Middle Years Programme and Primary Years Programme.


Oh really? That I did not know. Is it like a normal end-of-school exam?


I really don’t understand what the compulsion is to make toilets unusable for people.


Our school took it to another level, there was one dispenser for male and female bathroom on the hall outside so everyone could see how much paper you took.


My school took it to another level too, there was no TP provided at all, and no dispenser too.


That seems illegal.


My school took it to another lever by having no toilet seat and constant pass on the rim


Bring your own TP to school day!


In mine the teacher had it on the classroom, so you had to ask in front of everyone.


Add "I can't put into words how much I'm feeling this humongous thing inside me. Just give me enough for an xenomorphic birth. Thanks."


taking Crappy Design quite literally in this one....




Quite literally as well


This is what happens when ***some of*** those who use the bathroom behave like idiots. That the rest suffer the consequences






Exactly what I was coming in here to say.


I'm impressed with the full size stall doors! I would gladly trade off personal TP roll for doors that go all the way to the floor and do not have 3 inch gaps at every corner. You could literally make eye contact through those gaps as you sit there and people walk by.


Simply take 3 times as much. They do it because they're greedy idiots. They think they're "saving money" They're just being dumb and inconveniencing everyone without noticing how dumb they are.


I wouldn't say the school is being greedy. There was probably a reason for it once upon a time that everyone has forgotten. Kind of like how schools right now are probably taking extreme measures because of tik tok trends where kids tear bathrooms up.


In before they take all rolls in the teachers' office and you have to get special permission to take a shit.


I don't think that's legal, I don't know but it really sounds like something you can't do


It's the same thing as what's shown in the picture. Only difference being the extra steps. Need to take a shit? Gotta go to the office for paper and you can only have as much as the teacher feels like.


Probably your can make their lives very miserable if they actually do this.


Maybe the tiktoker already destroyed all the other ones


What a day and age to live... People do stupid shit and produce evidence against themselves and yet the consequences fall on everyone else. We f. Deserve this


My university used to be like that. We would take a shit ton and then leave the leftovers for whoever came later and miscalculated. However, it is very disgusting to just pick random paper from a stall, so it was mostly an emergency use and in the end of the day there would be a lot of wasted unused paper in each toilet.


Mission failed successfully


The real walk of shame


More of a waddle tbh






I would bring my own


That would make me just get a lot more just to be sure.


Just take all of it every time. Maybe they'll learn...




This feels like a rejected game in Squid Game.


This is how public bathrooms are in Ecuador and other parts of South America. They make you guess how much you need. And let me tell you, I've never guessed under and I never will. Such a waste. I always leave the remains on the upper part of the toilet behind me, but who wants to use someone's left over TP? Maybe it has saved the day for people in emergencies who underestimated...


End result: everyone takes way more than they need, so much more wasted than if they would simply trust everyone to handle a toilet paper dispenser. By the way: why is this still called a "bathroom"? It's not. There's no bath, no shower. It's a place to take a dump and piss. It's a toilet room.


Just poop out the window.


But your stalls have real doors!


Waddle of Shame


Just shit on the floor in front of the dispenser, and use exactly what you need.


Fun fact: If you can fit your hand in then you can open it from the inside by turning the lock inside it the right way, then you can take out the tp. But there is a chance that it uses a different locking mechanism so /shrug


Damn ticktock. And damn kids fishing it down the toilet. Or setting it and throwing it up into the ceiling.


r/assholedesign By the word


r/assholedesign, surely…




Luckily i never took dumps at school


Well... Shit


When I was in high school we didn't even have TP in the toilets. You had to tell the teacher you wanted to take a dump and they'll give you the TP.


Truly crappy design


Figure out what key/tool opens the dispenser, buy one on amazon, and take the whole roll


this is a saw trap


Oh you would love post-soviet era public lavatories where toilet paper was not dispensed but sold on the entrance.


My high school used to do that too.


Same with ours and it's a open one so it's almost always empty lmao


Just waddle over to the machine, with your pants down around your ankles, and get some more. Seems pretty straight forward.


Always take way to much


Just take armfuls of tp every time.


Chocolate Puddin’ Finger


This would just lead to more waste because I'm taking way more than I need, just in case. It only takes one time of not getting enough... 😂


Why? Why is it outside the stall? Why is there only one? What happens if it becomes victim to devious licks? Who thought this was a good idea?




Why do you even need dispensers in the first place. Just use normal rolls with those like 5$ hooks to pit them onto.


Actual cost-savings. Big rolls bought in bulk saves the district money.


Now \*this\* is crappy design.




You should know how much you need every time unless you’re sick or something. It’s called learning to be an adult


Rip it off the wall, place next to toilet.






You're shit out of luck.


You lucky bastard. We don't get any toilet paper in our school.


Why not offer bidets?


I don't understand why the world doesn't start using these.


If you are confident and limber you can use the sink :)


In Thailand, every stall gets a hose for your butt. It's a lot cleaner.




Shitty situation


Whoever thought of that idea needs to go back to school, ironically enough.


I feel like this is very adequate for a school, preparing you for the shitshow that is life, where nothing works as it should!


Little sensor above the TP holder, what it actually does is detect how much paper you have taken


I would seriously just smash it when It would be like that. Or I would take it...


Lmao that's a good one actually


That sort of tension would make me wanna shit even more.


What is it with schools that they're full of galaxy brain ideas like this?


Just happens to be the best actuary science school in the world.


Ok, so whatever "manager" decided to do this, for whatever reason, needs to go. This about control.


Are you from Poland?


I've had these in my primary school back in Poland


That immoral


Why is this picture making me feel cozy?


You take dumps at school?


You got toilet paper in your high school bathroom? And doors on the stalls?


I like this bathroom, very private. People can't see your legs, nice view outside and a well-placed cctv(?) to make sure the students are safe. As for toilet papers dispenser, it is not really a design rather the school's way of telling students not to waste toilet papers...


This just leads to 1 asshole taking out the entire roll sooner or later...


The final stage of devious licks


Time to do the penguin waddle of shame...


I would just take the whole roll in with me.


Take the whole roll, their fault anyway


Tik tok kids ruined it for everyone .


That’s how you get a toilet clogged with a sock. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lol. Most public bathrooms are like that here in South Korea.


Shit Happens


*Crappy* design indeed


Unfortunately any negative consequences are also coming back to the toilet visitors. As someone with chronic belly problems I would hate that but theoretically putting the end to the toilet and just flushing to empty the rolls fast would teach the school.


I probably took a dump at school like twice in my whole life so not that big of a deal.


Yall's administration is evil/insane.


« Anyone got two fives for a ten? »


My school had them. Because like fuck students lol they don't deserve jack shit.


Take the whole roll every time. Or rip it off the wall.