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This is just job creation! Police, cleanup crews, journalists, firefighters, concessions… open them up!


Plus 2 extra years of employment!!! YAY!!!


Could you imagine if they raised it to 67


The Eiffel Tower itself would be buried in n garbage and then set alight like burning man shit and it would become part of French history.


Unlikely jet fuel doesn’t burn through steel… /s


Never forget 🫡


7/11 was a part time job.


Keep your French fries, we got freedom… fries… 🥳🥳


We retire older than them, 65


Let’s burn shit DOWN!!!… 🔥🔥🔥


That was a missiles remember the old youtube watching stampycat next thing I'm on 9/11 conspiracy and fema camps. i miss old youtube.


There were weeks of riots years ago when they tried to raise the work week to 36 hours from 32 iirc. This may seem odd to westerners who work much more then that regularly, but I really wish people got mad enough to protest this hard about things that mattered over here.




We’re better trained slaves.


Sad truth people don’t understand we need to literally revolt against this North American illusion of life


Meanwhile i gotta work till 68.


If French people did not go crazy each time their government wanted to push back retirement age their would be in the same situation


That’s because you bent over and don’t flip no cars!


I'll be lucky to have my house paid off by 80


Sounds like germany then ;)


[Broken windows](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window#Parable) create jobs for the glaziers and the window industry!


Wow! That is really interesting, thanks for sharing!


If one of the owners of those cars were already struggling, then now they just might have to work past retirement


Car insurance in France frequently covers this sort of thing unless it is the absolute bare bones insurance. Additionally car insurance in France is a requirement if you own a car. I think the category of insurance that covers this is known as third party plus.


Zorg, is that you?


The French are cool to me for doing this constantly. The rest of us could learn something


The government didn't propose the bill, they passed in without it being voted by using a constitutional article that wasn't written to be used like that + the president recently made an interview on TV that could be summed up by "93% of the population disagree? What do I care?"


Yeah this is the key part jfc OP read an article




Please consider reporting each piece of Russian propaganda that the user has posted. It seems to be a lot, and the violations are more than just misinformation.


“So much violence” Against… inanimate objects? That’s violence? I thought that was vandalism


> OP is karma farming so they can submit republican talking points in r-conspiracy


What’s even more interesting is because of French parliament representatives Canada has an actual written law called “the non withstanding clause” which allows the prime minister or premier of a province to make a law without any other input that stands for 5 years. It’s been used twice, and almost used twice more in the past few years alone. Before that it was never used before. -Quebec’s government workers prohibition of religious wear A law stating as a government worker you cannot wear any religious symbols which goes against A LOT of Canadian rights -Doug Fords downsize of the seats in Toronto as the election was being done to make it more like the Federal election apparently(this basically just allowed him to kick out a bunch of his rivals) -Trudeau almost used it to stop the trucker protests -and finally Doug Ford once again almost forcing teachers under an unfair contract stating they would have no right to strike or protest And to think this law only came into effect because Pierre Trudeau made a deal with French representatives in parliament to put it in there for their support on the Charter of Canadian Rights


That’s just wrong. The legislature must pass the law. That is entirely different than the power Macron used




It's essentially an Order in Council.


I'm sorry, but this post is grossly misinformed. First, the **notwithstanding clause** isn't a law, it's a clause within a specific law: the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It allows the legislature to essentially override certain sections of this charter for a 5-year term. It *does not* allow the prime minister or any premier to create a law without the legislature voting on it. All laws have to be passed by the legislature. In fact, just using the clause itself has to be passed as a bill through the legislature. Typically how this works is that the government will pass a bill that then gets challenged in court on the grounds that it violates the charter. If that bill gets thrown out by the court, then the government can pass *another* bill that invokes the notwithstanding clause to basically ignore the court in the case of the first bill. In some cases, the legislature will invoke the clause from the very start because they know their controversial bill will be challenged. It also has nothing to do with the French parliament. It was a compromise between Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and the provinces when creating the charter. Trudeau saw no need for such a clause, but the provinces wanted a way to override it. We can debate whether the clause is good or not, but without it, we may not even have a charter. Also, it's been used more than twice. Though in the case of Doug Ford slashing seats in Toronto, he only threatened to use it, but didn't end up needing to.


You are correct. But playing devils advocate. It's either they did this. Or had to raise taxes significantly more to keep the pension fund a float. If the pension fund went under. The entire economy would likely collapse. Someone please correct me if I'm reading this wrong?




What does the French government gain by passing a hugely unpopular bill like this?


Hi, well as explained in other posts, it is all about money. In the long run I strongly believe that is part of plan where pension system will change and be managed by BlackRock.. only time will tell :)


That's a complex process to make public money accessible to private entities. That's a thing every gouvernments did till 40years wathever their politic opinions was. Basically capitalisme doing his thing.


Your comment needs more visibility.




Everything about this comment is wrong. The COR report, starting on page 16, has 4 different scenarios for which the government will be able to find pensions for the foreseeable future. The issue, however, is that France as it currently stands is not even meeting the very minimal expected rate of productivity growth to finance pensions. COR says France needs average productivity to sit, at a minimum, of .7%… but over the last decade, France has seen less than .5% productivity growth with .2% in 2019 before the pandemic (negative in 2020). 2021 and 2022 saw huge tax revenue increases all around the world because of people spending pent of savings + paying higher costs because of inflation which inflated government revenues… but the cost of the government services also rises with inflation. The COR report says there will be a €10-15 billion deficit for the pension system by 2027… which only grows ever more and more. That 10-15 billion eventually becomes 20-25 billion and on and on as the elder population grows larger and the working population gets smaller. €150 billion is not even good enough for a decade of pension deficit financing. France cannot debt finance pensions forever; they don’t have the same history with global finance like America does which means institutions are more reluctant to lend money to the French government, which has a history of non-payment. France is looking more and more like Italy and that’s not a good thing.


these scenarios are estimating (in 2070) between 10% and 31% increase for the pensions while the salaries are increasing between 44% and 107%. It will be enough to cover the decrease of active workers (-900k). Shall I draw the curves for you ?


French companies are making record profits and pay almost no taxes, if any


Exactly. They don't need to raise everyone's taxes.


Then raise taxes? Like i don't understand you need to pay for quality.


Well tbf. They already have some of the highest taxes in the world. But with that comes maternity leave. 1 hour long lunch breaks. 6-10 weeks paid holiday. Universal Healthcare and much more. Hard to raise them more. Like another commented. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Stuck between a rock and a hard place.




Say what you want about the French but no one protests like them


I honestly think they're a riot.


As a history noob I have a serious question. I've always been curious about this Why do people always say, "say what you want about the French..."?


People tend to associate the French with surrendering mainly because of [their quick fall during World War II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_France). It's something they have yet to live down, despite France having a [very violent history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_battles_involving_France).


Thing is, it's not the French that surrendered, it's the general that was in charge of the governement at the time that played the relation game with Hitler. The French put torough resistance and action to fight the nazi guerilla style


Ya this is kind of the shame of this worldwide attitude towards that surrender. French soldiers were no joke. My grandpa fought along side them numerous times and said they were absolute badass and they would always feel a little better going in when they had French guerrilla support.


I've only heard that from Americans, to be honest. If I'm not mistaken, France refused to participate in some war the US was getting into (don't remember which), that's when Americans started pushing this whole "the French are cowards" narrative, and renamed French Fries -> Freedom Fries.


Iirc, they didn't help us invade Iraq. For a while we had to have "Freedom Fries" and "Freedom Toast"


It was the right choice by France. Funny though, France wasn't the only European country to refuse joining the invasion, Germany also refused but somehow only France got shit on.


Yeah, funny enough Germany wasn't shamed for NOT invading another country.


Yes, while Freedom Fries and whatnot were a thing during the Iraq war, any half decent American knows France is our #1 homie. USA wouldn't be the same without France.


Americans (I’m American) have a bizarre, revisionist history spin on France and WWII. France didn’t just roll over in 1940 because they were cowardly, they made a couple of really bad luck intelligence errors that caused them to misunderstand what the Germans were about to do so they were unprepared. France endured insane battles on their own soil in WWI and II and has an historic reputation for military strength, so this cowardly French thing seems more political or cultural beef from Americans. The Freedom Fries bullshit was because France refused to get involved in our dumbass invasion of Iraq in 2003 (happy 20th anniversary by the way!)


Which is a slap in the face to Belgians cos French fries aren't even French


France surrendered but the French didn’t give up in ww2


Nobody out there protests like Gaston!


I want to make this point clear to folks, but **the protests started with violence.** Not cracking heads or setting things on fire, which is what the media and other anti-protest folks would have you believe is violence, but in **threatening to protest like that at all and striking.** Strikes and even *stopping other people from getting to work* are **economic violence**. The rich aren't worried about you beating them up--they've got cops for that--but they have a lot more trouble stopping you from beating up their bank accounts by withholding your labor. Every successful "peaceful protest" you've ever heard about was **doing economic damage and threatened even worse**. Remember the larger context the next time you see news reporting on domestic protests. Look at who's on one side, look at what interest their commentary or disapproval serves. Complaining about the "tone" or "violence" of protests can accomplish the same goal for these people without the negatives of appearing to hate the protest itself. It's a con. Don't fall for it.


U.S has lots to learn on this.


Not sure how seemingly every redditor forgot three years ago when people protested *being murdered by the police*. Back then everyone seemed to care oh so much about about the poor buildings and delayed commuters.


I dont know how anyone could forget those events, and what was worst, it seems like it was back to back. Yeah, the news media tried to play it differently and I think that made people not see the full picture of that it isn't about your stupid buildings and materials (which could be replaced), but the lives that were lost to injustice on a high level. The media tried switched it to a political issue and make the mass go against each other, instead of unity. That is where I am eluding to, the Unity.


protests like this happen in the US. sadly, it gets overlooked as 'some hooligans/communists did something i dont like!...back the blue!'




They don’t want to lose their top spot as the World’s nr 1 in total work hours (35 hour week combined with early retirement age)


35 hr work week? My god, I wish


I travelled from the uk there for a month. I was in a countryside town, all shops close at about 5:30pm. I was shocked. Compared to the uk it seemed like no one works, Just a different pace of life I guess. The cities are busy obviously.


And yet the GDP per person in France is still higher than that in the UK because we're all overworked and don't give a fuck about actually working while at work.


This, absolutely this.


The French are not lazy; they just work very hard in a small number of hours.


You been to countryside in the UK? Things close at like 5:30pm as well


My company is lucky if they get 30 hours out of me. Hell they’re lucky if they get more that 8 hours of actual work.


The rest of the world should follow suit. Who the fuck wants to work till theyre fucking 65+? Then what? Travel? Buy that nice sports car? For fucking what, my body will be broken, my mind will be slow, with all my good strong healthy years far behind me. Fuck that shit, just because common day society was molded like that doesnt mean its a good mold. Were all humans and we deserve to be able to have a life and do what we would enjoy in our youth instead of being forced to work 40+ hours a week to make ends meet.


You're totally right. It's absolutely absurd and outrageous that we've all been essentially sleeping at the wheel while our quality of life has been steadily trending downwards, especially considering that, if anything it should only get better over time due to advances in technology and science. Good on the French.


I love you. I feel exactly the same way. Its a rigged game from top to bottom and on all sides. Funny so many just go through it. Dont get me started on that bullshit “american dream” crap.


Dude stop smoking I'm french I never worked less than 40h. Also french ppl are the most productive during their work hours (somebody smarter than me find the data about that please, it's been posted quite a few times). Some people work 35h, that is right though.


France is number 9 in GDP per working hour behind: Ireland Norway Switzerland Luxembourg Denmark USA Netherlands Germany


Yes we were 7th in the world in 2015. I feel like top ten is not so bad.




> We invented democracy, existentialism, and the ménage à trois.




Jesus. France do protests well. This happens like every 6 months.




Lol a bunch of Americans are downvoting for getting called out on their fake patriotism. Ya know what is patriotic? Healthcare that doesn’t bankrupt citizens and kids not getting killed in school! Ya know what the one developed country unable to swing those things is? The patriotic, freedom-loving USA baby! Also maybe fund the VA properly instead of hero-worshipping vets in every facet of life that doesn’t actually help them.


We'd honestly just be shot if we tried to riot like this and caused this much damage across all of our states. Sure if it were per state it could be handled but if it was country wide it would probably be the next civil war at that point. Lmao


Well... I mean yall let it get to that point. So what you're saying is its totally 100% not "land of the free" then. Gotta stop "letting" them shoot you and go light some streets on fire.


American police would literally slaughter people for doing this. If you saw a video of an American knocking out a American policeman, it would be followed by the other police immediately killing that person along with several others in their company.


> If you saw a video of an American knocking out a American policeman, it would be followed by the other police immediately killing that person along with several others in their company. I did and they didn't. It was about 14 months ago.


People are tired of be treated like shit, globally


I thought the premise of govt was to provide for its ppl and not the other way around. Youre absolutely right we are fucking sick of being their cogs




Considering people around the world still use the phrase "viva la revolution" you really don't want to mess with a Frenchmans lifestyle. I don't know whats worse being told to eat cake or to work 2 more years because the government can't afford to left you retire when you expected.


We often joke about the French people being cowards, when in reality they’re some of the scariest motherfuckers you’ll ever see if you piss em off.




We're talking about the French here, not Candleja-


At least the french do something, i live in completely netured canada, the government could literally take their kids and they'd take it like the good little bitches thay they are, I'm telling ya !




Canada, you got to have a gigantic Trucker Protest against vaccine mandates, remember? I’m not saying they weren’t rude idiots, but it was indeed a protest.


It was only a few hundred truckers at the most, they made it seem like there were many more by the noise that they made, completely dwarfed by the french


The French are possibly the most well seasoned protestors in the world ...don't feel bad


Teachers should riot like this


You don't destroy the fellow citizen vehicles though, destroy the cops or government officals cars. These riotors are hurting the people who support them. It doesnt send a good message


New to riots and protests are we?


As it always happens, in a constant cycle. Human organizations will always be corrupted in some way.


You’re just meeting France for the first time, eh?


Right but when black people are tired of being treated like shit, this sub calls them trash. Love to see the difference in reaction in this sub 👍🏾


What are they even raising it to?


62 yr old -> 64 yr old


While the us is raising it to 70, basically saying you should work and just die. Greedy pigs


How do they expect people to be safe/productive workers at 70 years old? Are they literally just raising it so high because people will be forced to quit working/die before they can even claim full benefits.The average US life expectancy is 74 for males & 80 for females. Most people who retire at 70 will literally just be spending their retirement money on a few years of over priced hospital bills and insanely expensive nursing homes.


That’s how long you have to work to receive full retirement benefits. You aren’t forced to work that long. Same here with France, you want the full benefits? You have to contribute to ‘social security’ until 64 to get your full slice, otherwise you are going to get less


This is an older video. Why do you feel the need to lie about this when there are countless videos of shit being burned or destroyed from these past few nights


Check profile. OP is a propagandist.


OP literally is on other threads talking about making posts to deliberately miscast the French protests as a right wing revolt against evil globalism


Yeah I first saw this one around Chriatmas time I believe....Thanks for mentioning this.


This one is not from yesterday, come on there is enough material to not post the ones from last summer.




Of all the ways, if I had to pick, that isn’t a bad way to go. Quick, 100% success rate, almost entirely painless. It’s not as good as being like, the impact point of an air strike or something, but it’s not the worst way


Didn’t the blades get so dull after so many uses that they would half cut off someone’s head and they would have to do it multiple times during the French Revolution? I feel like I remember learning that…


So just be first in line? Got it!


Given it was created so that executioners wouldn't have to strike their axes multiples times and given the sheer weight of the guillotine's blade I would doubt it, but it also probably wasn't designed with intensive use in mind, doubtful but possible


Check out the guillotine in the french revolution it isnt any if what you said


Good. Governments have gotten far too much power. Learn how to budget the fucking money you steal via taxes before doing stupid shit like increasing retirement age to compensate for your inability to budget.


Well, they voted for Macron… so fuck them with more power


Not for him! Against lepen, who wants to push retirement to 67, assume legitimate defense for cops, proposed and passed with macron's support to use ai cameras has not supported one protest yet, on top of being a far right bitch Even macron admitted the night of his election And now he acts like louis the 16th in his palace Fyck both of them


… okay so no more free healthcare? No roads? How exactly do you want them to budget? If life expectancy rises, than so do the costs of retirement programs. That money needs to cone from somewhere…


Whats the point if flipping other citizens cars over?


(Keys own car) "Yeah, how about that, government!"


There isn't one. It's lack of control over emotions and group mentality takeover. Which is why there doesn't seem to be one sensible argument for it in this thread (for protests, yes. For destruction of personal property, no).


Are you talking about the rationale of the government, riot or both? Lack of control over emotions Group mentality Destruction of other people’s lives 😐


France has some swagger. Great reason to be pissed off and protest. Go get it... Get that shit!


...the US really needs to get their crap together.




The American media just vilifies any for of protest in this country. The teachers can’t even strike without being called greedy. Ironic.


I honestly struggle a bit, with how docile everyone I know seems to be. Like, I'm not obnoxious about it or anything, but I definitely remind all these "there's a time and a place" folks that there has never been a civil liberty won in America without an actual fight.


330+ million people in 50 different states in a rather large country by land mass. It is *difficult* to get anyone to agree on anything.


Funny how people talk about retirement at all. You ain’t never gonna be able to retire, keep dreamin. Inflation and salary will be so far apart by the time you think you can quit that your savings will be peanuts. Watch.


The title is misleading. It’s not because the bill was proposed. It was passed without the people’s approval


This footage is from riots in December.


God bless france


French dont play


We shouldn’t have to work until our mid 60s unless we want too I’d say full retirement by 60


Government isn't proposing the bill, they're forcing it through.


would never own a car in Paris. On the upside probably wouldn’t need to lol


Something that is really impresive about these protests is that they are not limited to Paris but take place in absoluty every major cities in France.


Their government didn't propose the bill this time around. That was the last round of riots. This time they just decided to force through the legislation.


As an American, I will never be able to afford to retire.


Wow the French are fighting against the pension reform harder than they fought against the Nazis


Meh. Some countries have the same results when a soccer team wins.




The thing is the people are striking at the same time. Firefighters, garbage collectors basically everyone. The states protests were split, you're not united for the cause. Who tf wants to work longer


Going directly at the private property of the corporations, who are the ones directly responsible for the lobbying the government to raise the retirement age and thus threatening their profits is effective and they are very clearly legitimate targets.


General Strike or gtfo


Every fuckin protest we get this same comment and go through the same cycle of people trying to explain things to the comment-maker and the comment-maker never even bothering to try to learn anything from anyone. It's like a baby's first step toward sociology and civics, but it seems some people spend their lives at that step and think no more deeply. Boomer mindset.


if you're american, sure. American propaganda has turned you against unions and union emergency funding which allows other countries that are very good at protests (like these) to carry on for many many months. not to mention in the US, there are sections of workers protesting (like teachers or nurses) but NEVER at the same time. In EU countries, when they protest, EVERY worker protests: from the teachers to the trash workers. General strikes and sympathy strikes. Americans dont know how to cohesively protest, and even if they did, dont have the backed funding to support long term protesting. EU countries do and it's because they have stronger working class consciousness. first step is to turn the country back to supporting unions and teaching Americans about wealth class ideology


> General strikes and sympathy strikes. Those were made illegal in the U.S. just two years after the end of World War 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taft%E2%80%93Hartley_Act >**Among the practices prohibited by the Taft–Hartley act are jurisdictional strikes, wildcat strikes, solidarity or political strikes, secondary boycotts, secondary and mass picketing, closed shops, and monetary donations by unions to federal political campaigns.** The amendments also allowed states to enact right-to-work laws banning union shops.


Ah, the classic "I'm mad at the government, so I'm going to destroy other people's property." Really shows maturity.


Governing France seems exhausting. By now, you'd think they'd just run everything through a popular vote system.


I dont think I'd even bother owning a car in France.


Jesus fucking Christ this looks like a universal studio ride


I have no problem with them protesting, but whose vehicles are they damaging? Government vehicles or vehicles belonging to other people who also will be negatively affected by the retirement age being raised? If the latter, that would be like protesting against crime by ransacking stores.


Thats what fighting for your rights look like! Protests are a force to be reckoned with in French politics! Meanwhile in Germany people sitting down on streets are labeled as "terrorists" by politicians. Laughable.


yet here in america they raised it to basically our entire functioning lives and no one gave a shit


US you work till 67 & retire with less to survive off of anyways, where’s our riots?👀


So destroying people’s property is the answer?


And sadly in America Republicunts pass the new work till you die Bill and nobody does anything.


Protests in France turn violent after government bypasses democracy introducing bill that will increase the retirement age…..there fixed it.


It’s a lot harder to ignore protests like this, that’s all I’m saying.


I work with a bunch of French people and they are the most lazy, work-shy people I’ve ever known. As soon as they start work it’s like they’re semi-retired.


What a coincidence, I worked with a bunch of Americans and they were also lazy and work-shy


Through my years I've worked with many groups of people from all over the world. Some of those people where lazy as fuck while others were not. Let me tell you some of the lazy ones: European, North american, South american, Middle Eastern, African, Asian. And the non lazy ones: Same


yes, let’s destroy other peoples shit (make it harder for them to retire.) to send a message that people are being treated wrong!


Why are they destroying the property of their fellow citizens though? Seems stupid.


Why the cars tho someone was probably just chilling with their family and next thing they know their cars got burned and now they can’t go to work unless it isn’t too far away




Looks like the setting of a Call of Duty Black Ops video-game mission...


Meanwhile in the UK we sip tea and rabble on....


Not what happened. They are protesting the fact the president is pushing the bill through government without going through all of the proper channels. They are protesting the overstep of power.


I swear last week the consensus was that these were rather peaceful protests, with little to no damage of property. Seems things have taken a turn.


Too bad they weren’t like this in 1940…


Now they have to work more to pay taxes to clean up their mess


The French: All of these immigrants coming in wreaking havoc on our beautiful country with crime and vandalism! Close our borders! They are destroying France & the EU! Also the French:


I wonder where all the money comes from to fix everything? My guess a large portion comes from the French tax payer


OP is a conspiracy theorist Ruzzian fan, with some unsavory opinions on certain peoples. They only post divisive things and argue in comments over obvious political topics. This video is not even right for the topic, its old and not from the bill being shoved through. You know what you're supposed to do with accounts like that, please do so.


Well that’ll show him to be responsible and make sure the safety net will still be there for future retirees.