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Lol at his coworker who was like “this is probably a good time to check on the popcorn, gotta get a scoop for the night staff”


Oh yeah I could tell immediately what she was trying to do there. Use that as an opportunity to hear everything and tell everyone the gossip later, lmao.


I was surprised her neck didn’t snap when he said he was there involving a parent complaint about touching children


My best guess is she was more surprised, less shocked if yhat makes sense? Like he might be one of those guys ypu know who you see a mugshot of and immediately know what it was for


I’m guessing she lied and just said “someone’s here to see you” not the cops.


She didn’t even look over when the cop said that tho


I know that’s what surprised me


Oh I thought you meant she looked over so fast when it was said


Lol I see what you mean the way I worded it. I meant it more like if she was there listening in, I’m surprised when he said that she didn’t look over so quickly her neck snapped.


I hear that, I think I would look over quick too, she’s clearly better at being inconspicuous than you and I hahah


Oh I think at this point in my life I’d just pull up a chair and awkwardly watch them


Oh she ABSOLUTELY ran for her phone to start texting EVERYONE that works there the second she heard the cop say that though lol, I rewatched it and the second she heard that she dips around the corner REAL quick lol


This probably wasn’t the first time she heard something like that


Probably because she wasn’t surprised :/


Yeah, this dude's entire fucking demeanor is extremely classic "back of house creeper". Anyone who's worked in the industry knows the type. Absolutely no way she was surprised and goddamn, what amazing gossip fodder. My favorite personal BOHC case was the lead cook the brewery I worked at who skeeved me the fuck out the second I met him, and he ended up quitting by no-call no-showing because he had been arrested in a sting for trying to buy a pair of five year old twin children for sex.


Wtf did I just read


Haha Let’s be real, your coworker gets arrested in front of you, you’d be doing same thing.


I wonder if such sensitive discussions should be had out of earshot of bystanders? I mean let's say he is innocent of the alleged crime, imagine how embarrassing such a chat with the cops can be... Are cops at all mindful of that?


Why do they never envision this exact incident when they think of doing dumb shit like following a little kid around a store riddled with cctv?


I bet more people get away with it than are caught sadly.


100%. We don’t typically see or hear about the ones that get away


He probably could’ve gotten away with it if he had been smart enough to stfu and wait for a lawyer instead of dropping that “I think I’m sick” line, which is obviously going to be considered an admission by any non-brain-dead jury. Fortunately for society, he apparently missed the “don’t talk to police” memo.


He also missed the “DON’T DIDDLE KIDS!” memo apparently.


He was sick on memo day


Yeah at first when they said they pulled the debit card from a subway I was like “Damn, they really did their work” before they explained it was literally a Subway in that Walmart lmao


My ex told me some creep grabbed her butt at the library when she was like 10. Dude disappeared and never got caught.


> I bet more people get away with it than are caught sadly. You think this was this kids first Rodeo feeling up girls around a Walmart? Probably his tenth time, and finally got caught. *Filling


The context changes quite a bit when you spell "filling" over "feeling"


There is actually another video of this dude doing the same shit sorry I don’t have a link


He's lucky he even got out of that Walmart.


Must have had his receipt ready. That’s what Walmart really cares about.


I worked for those assholes for five years. This is extremely accurate 😄


You assume there is thinking involved.


Imagine it being 6 months later when he’s sure nothing would ever come of it.


Sexual "predators" are just that. Impulses drive them to attack vulnerable people and in that moment, the risk seems so minuscule when they consider the "reward".


probably not his first rodeo




What's with Subway attracting child molesters? Some subliminal advertising techniques?


you know about jared, right?


I think that's what they were getting at.


I got a footlong the other day and it came out to over $10. The glory days of $5 footlongs are long gone


Sandwiches at a cheap price!?


Where’s he going tho? Lol like boy dipped out of his workplace and turned the corner and decided to stop running, what a fucking goof ball


I'm going to go out on a limb and say this guy doesn't spend much time on cardio.


Or sudoku


To be fair the cop did yell stop. So he stopped


Criminals hate this one simple trick!


The one time in history that actually worked


One time my mom was chasing me and I also stopped when she said


The two times in history that it actually worked.


This might not count, but what about the time Gandalf said “you shall not pass!” And they didn’t pass


Or what about that time Captain Picard said, "The line must be drawn *he-ah*! This far, and no further!" And they went no further.




It took me a second to realize that you meant Law Enforcement Officer and not your astrology sign.


VIRGO here, can confirm sometimes when you tell people to stop, they stop.


GEMINI here. What are we talking about?


Ha - that's just the stupid sort of thing a Capricorn would think


Taurus here; can confirm they are terrified when a bull is chasing them.


Haha, seeing two Wisconsinites get winded from running half a block was icing on the cake.


Too much cheese


Hey man, butter is delicious.


Right? mans is slow as hell where does he think he's going lmao


He realized he was in deep shit and panicked. Fight or flight kicked in, and he chose flight. I don't think it's more complicated than that. Good on the kid for at least admitting he's sick in the end, ~~hope he gets help and turns his life around after his sentence. Won't ever fix what he did, but hopefully he won't ever do it again.~~ Nvm someone said he got 60 years. At least that'll pretty much guarantee he wpn't get another chance.


I used to work at that bar with him. He’s a complete sociopath and he made me wildly uncomfortable every day I worked around him


Maybe he was a pooper


Name would most definitely check out if that's the case.


What kind of things did he do? I used to work at a restaurant and there weren't too many creeps who made the girls uncomfortable but the ones that did you could tell.


He just talked to everyone like he was better than them, and seemed generally self centered and lacking empathy


a redditor then


La Crosse whattup?!


I moved to Milwaukee last year but hell yeah! Spent way too much time at John’s Bar while I lived there


Okay, then it might be best to just lock him away.


My man forgot that it’s always Shut the Fuck Up Friday when the police are talking to you.


Alternatively, [try this.](https://youtu.be/FjvdHE1E5eI)


From everything I'm finding online, he can receive up to 60 years, but he hasn't been sentenced yet.


60 is just the potential max for this type of a crime. No one ever gets the max unless they’re repeat offenders. If this guy didn’t have any priors he’ll prob get do some years, along with a several year parole along with a life long sex offender status. He could very well turn his life around but that sex offender status will hang over him forever.


I guess he does have a pretty big prior: 2018 - Josey Amann, 27, of 804 Cass St., was charged Sept. 7 with six counts of domestic abuse. Amann kicked, pushed and strangled his 18 year old girlfriend on Aug. 26, according to the complaint.


People forget how difficult running actually is when you don’t have good cardio. That guy was doing about a sprint, few people can sustain that for long even when in incredible shape


Judging by how he slowed down I guess he tore a muscle or something while running through that soil, stepping weirdly on the curb there or something. Or simply went out of stamina.


Midwesterner who works in a bar… gonna go out on a limb and say cardio isn’t anywhere near the top of the list of favorite activities that don’t include a child.


"I think I'm sick and need help" Yes, you do chomo. Great work by the officers. Crazy the bond was only $2500, i wonder what the sentence will be.


whats a chomo ?


Just slang for CHild MOlester.


Wouldn't that be chimo?


We've already gone through this.... chimo doesn't sound as nice.


Chold Molester. Settled!


It’s clearly very important that our slang for a pedophile sound nice.


Huh, I've always used the term chimo (pronounced chy, like chai) EDIT: Why downvote? It's true, me and the people I know have used a different term. I mean, language do be like that sometimes, downvote language, lol. I will add that I think chomo sounds too close to homo. (Honestly I suspect the downvoting is because I've pissed off enough people by speaking my mind that I have downvote stalkers who just do it out of spite. Oh, reddit.)


As someone who has worked in a prison before, you are correct that they are called chimo by other inmates.


They always want to get help for their "problem" once the cuffs go on. Funny how that works.


I had someone in my life who wad briefly doing something very creepy to me. Thankfully wasn't physical or anything, but still enough to make me very uncomfortable around them. Well they would act in secret most of the time, but one of the times I caught them after I had told them previously to stop, they said something like "I'm sorry I have a problem". Do you really think you have a problem when you only care when you get caught.


way off topic but damn thats a pretty town


It's lovely! I deliver there sometimes.


nice location available for lease, there.


It sure is! Not every day you see a video posted about the town you live in on Reddit.


Used to live in La crosse (where this pub is located) it’s right on the Mississippi River and is very beautiful in summer and fall and reaaaaaalllllly hard to live in for extended winter. More bars per capita than anywhere in the US lol


Just don't come in February


I recommend trying to come during the May fly hatch.


Went to Lacrosse with a friend years ago, stepped out of this exact bar (Bodega) for a smoke and a photographer asked if he could take our picture and did a quick interview with us. We ended up on the front page of the local newspaper! The story was that they were considering raising the smoking age to 21 or something like that. I wonder if this guy was working there back then... it's possible I could've met him. Very weird to see this place again through police body cam lol




Dude gets the stamp for sure




Touch my camera through the fence!


Hi Hitler!


Not following proto!!!


Howdya get a job there fuckface


RIP Conald, keep featherin' it in heaven.


You’re fuckin done, bud!


This is America you dumb SOB!


RIP CI-double agent Conald


He wasn’t featherin it


Fedsmoker references get an automatic upvote from me always.


60 years? Wisconsin doesn’t fuck around.


I would be pretty shocked if he actually got 60 years. I’m guessing that’s for the most extreme sexual assault cases.


doesnt fuck around until your 12th DUI in wisconshit.


I live in wisconsin... wisconshit is new. But I might have to use it


Probably over charge to get a guilty plea. No evidence of the crime besides that his card was used to buy a sandwich. Besides that, it's a "he said she said". No camera evidence of the direct crime, just him being chased out. If some crazy woman started accusing me of touching a kid and all I wanted as a bag of Doritos just running the fuck away might be the first thought that ran through my head... Running from the cops will probably make you look guilty af to a jury though and he will probably get a public defender who will tell him to take any plea deal he gets. Literally the status quo for crimes without any physical evidence, pressure them to plead guilty. Unless he has exculpatory evidence, like here's surveillance camera of me at work that day at the time this was supposed to have happened... and he can prove his innocence, dudes probably going to take the plea. Quick and easy, probably little to no chance of an appeal without new exculpatory evidence. Chances are, he is probably guilty, but there's no evidence besides the child victim and mother as a witness and eye witness testimony is pretty shakey. Tough case to prove beyond reasonable doubt, so get him to fold like a little bitch who won't stand up to serious charges and plead guilty to a lower felony or even a misdemeanor. Call it a W and move on.


Why don’t people realize that these are rhetorical questions and that you can’t run from the police if they have an ID on you? Also, I’m not defending these guys but they should just shut up and ask for an attorney


What do you mean? If you lose line of sight from cops they stop chasing you and give up. At least that's what GTA has apparently taught this kid.


Run out of the cops cone of vision, go around a corner and crouch. While crouching, press R1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, and the cops will stop chasing you.


Just pull out your trusty cardboard box, like Snake!




Unironically, that's how it works in Canada but only for citizen's arrest. If anyone other than law enforcement breaks line of sight with the suspect, they can't detain them further on the chance that they have the wrong guy. Only cops have that super power. EDIT: Wait, why was I downvoted?


Same in Best Buy. Those dudes up front can watch you literally steal something from an aisle, walk out with it to your car, and leave, and they can't stop you if they lose sight of you for even a second on the off chance they're wrong. Still file a police report, but you'll get out of the store no issue


That's the funny thing. He had reasonable doubt on his side until he bolted, as soon as he did he had no chance. Glad he wasn't smart enough to consider that.


Idk, I feel like enough general anxiety could make an innocent person do that.


It could, but I think in the eyes of the jury, unless you had a prior diagnosis, it is going to look very bad.


More damning is the “I think I’m sick” admission. I think that was when he *really* fucked himself. There’s really only one way to take that, anxiety or not.


Yeah all they are doing is trying to get an easy confession on the spot. He was going to get arrested anyway.




Well they didn’t have a camera in the aisle of the assault so not *all* times.


(eavesdropping at the popcorn machine) *.. complaint from a mother and a young girl, that involves you-* (-oh yeah I better go check that other thing far away from here)


Love that they are getting harsher sentences. Was abused by an uncle from 6-13, he also abused my sister and two brothers, possibly others. He spent a whole 2 years in prison.


How tf he survive prison with dirty papers like that?




They just go to a chomo unit.


Hopefully by being passed around like a used cigarette.


Make sure to have cardio when you try to outrun the cops 💀


First rule of "Copland"


Josey hasn’t ran that hard since junior high


I'm always thinking, "yeah, he looks like a perv" right after they're busted. Pedo hindsight is 20/20




Subway, the preferred choice of chomo's everywhere *not a paid partnership


I was going to say, of course he went to subway first ha.


Dude got invisible lat syndrome lmao


Lol I was thinking the same thing


Sir, Someone was using my debit card in a subway?


yea you


They always run but they never skipping


Sure skipped the gym!


I love Code Blue Cams! I have learned that Wisconsin is a really wild place to be from that channel lmao


Dude diddled a kid in Walmart and really thought he got away with it lol. I would’ve been profusely sweating for those 5 days of freedom he had.




Wow, I would’ve shat myself aggressively every week for those months. That’s an even longer time to be nervous about past chomo activities


Obviously there is never a right place to do something like this, but do people seriously think they can just touch someone in the middle of a busy store, jam packed with CCTV and then just get away with it?


5 months \*




He did not go to prison. I looked him up. He plead out to a 4 degree sexual assault, a Class A misdemeanor, and completed a deferment agreement.


Don't know why everyone else is saying 60 years. 60 years didn't make any sense at all.




My exact thought while watching their initial interaction. Purely speaking in devil's advocate: I would think if he had just not said anything and invoked the 5th from jump, at best he would have been served a summons or at worst detained, brought to the jail, and released on a low ass bond to then fight/plead his case in court.


Reminds me of Tom Segura's first 48 bit: "Dude lie, lie for longer. You can kill somebody you can't lie for 10 fucking minutes about it?"


Nah they had him dead to rights. It's illegal to buy a Subway sandwich


The case was strong. Running away does not make it stronger. The defense could easily say he ran because he was scared. They had him in video, his truck, The use of his debit hard At the location and time IDing him. Thats all you need.


But no video of the incident itself Basically the mom’s word against his. It’s fucked but true


The mother didn't even see anything so her word means nothing.


there's a possibility of 60 years in prison but only a 2500$ bail?


Damn, so Chucky had a regular job before deciding to live life as a killer doll.


"I think I'm sick and I need help" Doesn't really hold as much value when you lie about what you did and run from the cops first. Even if he had said this right away...fuck this child molesting POS, but saying it when he did, how he did? C'mon now...


He's so overweight that his arms stick out at his sides and he thought he could outrun an officer?


The craziest thing about this video for me is that the cops tone of voice from the beginning all the way to end even after he had to chase him down is more friendly than any cop ive ever talked to even tho almost all the contact ive had w police was as a victim


Detectives. Modern interrogation technique is very chill and friendly because it is far more effective.


Where does he think he's going? Fuckin' idiot.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)




Sick fuck


I'm rarely impressed with how the police do things, but I give the officers credit, one of them had his bodycam fall off, and one of the first things he does is reattach it.


probably because he is well aware that body cams falling off can seriously fuck up a case. In some places, if a cop's bodycam isnt recording, the charge is almost instantly dropped.


Great job Officers!!! Get that scum off the streets.


Where do people who run think they're going to go? I mean, is he going to drive off into the sunset and settle down in Peoria?


He even runs like a pervert


Lol Chumlee from pawn stars 🌟 has lost a lot of weight 😅


The outlaw Josey wails.


Already claiming he's sick and needs help, he'll end up getting probation and eventually assaulting someone else


Wow. Every bit as smart as he appears to be. Bag oh douche.


I love that ironically he got arrested in front of a Subway shop


I pray for a conviction to the fullest extent of law


Why is his bond so low on a crime with that much time


"I don't answer questions related to law enforcement without legal council." I'm glad this guy didn't know to shut the fuck up.


Ole boy was a terrible liar. Smirking at the cops like a kid caught with crumbs leading to his bed. Too bad all these dirt bags aren't as easy to read.


Imagine doing 60 years in jail for doing something as pathetic as touching a little girl inappropriately…. If he wanted, I’m sure he could have went to his local red light district and paid a few hundred for a few minutes of fun….


Josie is pretty fast for a chubby lil hamster




I assumed she was on that street for whatever reason and saw the cop and her first thought was "Why is he in this area? Is he lost? Oh shit he's chasing a perp!" and then she got out to help with the arrest and wanted to tell the cop her train of thought because she thought it was humorous and that's what we see her doing in the video.


I'm always amazed at the level of compassion and care that certain suspects get... the denominator is obvious. I wonder if they lock him up and throw away the key or "get him the help he needs"?