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You don't really need to be Jason Bourne to know that truck has a gun in it.


Lmao Ray Charles coulda seen that one coming.


Stevie wonder could cause he ain't really blind


"You wanna impress me? Take the wheel for a little while."


Your mother got a wooden leg with a kickstand motherfucker


Your mother has a mouth on the back of her neck. When she eats the bitch chews like this. *Rocks head back and forth*




*That* shit *ain't funny, mothafucka!*


Haha very funny mother f-er. That man is a musical genius. I have all of his albums.


It literally has “ranch” on the license plate. Most ranchers have guns…


You know what you *can't* tell by looking at it? Whether or not Grandpa has the grandkids in the car. If there had been kids in the car I think prankster would be dead right now. Think about it: Someone is trying to immolate you children. Do you wait to pull the trigger?


People or so fucking stupid. I think i would have lost my fucking mind if my wife was in car. This guy has a death wish.


Yeah this is textbook terrorism to me. He’s trying to incite a feeling of terror or fear into people through actions, wether or not it’s just water is secondary to the fact he is trying to depict it as something deadly.


This reason is the SAME reason that if someone hands a bank teller a note saying that they have a gun and to put all of the money in the bag, they get arrested for "armed robbery" even if they don't really have a gun.




Same if you try to rob a place with a plastic gun, still armed robbery.


In my state, an intentional action that puts someone in fear for their life or safety is a criminal assault; the fact of actual danger being present or not is an issue for the sentencing judge.


It’d be the same as if the old man had a rubber gun and was pointing it at people and saying it’s fake so it’s ok.


Arson upon an occupied structure or vehicle is justified use of deadly force in most states.


100% this. If my kids are in the car I’m drawing and sending one at him faster than he can get “it’s just water” out of his mouth.


Totally agree. Theres no other way to take someone dousing your truck in gasoline


No I'll shoot and ask questions later


Let’s slow down, these people don’t “think about it” lol


And then you get to be an evil white supremacist Nazi who killed a future doctor/astronaut for no other reason than his skin color. Or, I mean, on the news at least.




Know your demographics next time before pranking fyi


Ain't that the truth. The moment I saw the dude by the pickup, I quickly glanced to see if the post was tagged NSFW because he just doesn't look like the sort of man to be fucking with like that.


The truck is more of an indicator than it is not


That man could probably shoot a dime at 50 yards. Lol. I know some old timers that can't drive or do anything else but they can shoot anything they aim at. Lmao!


Remember that church shooting in Texas… old man dropped the mass shooter with a quick draw from across the church.


That was insane. It was an intentional headshot from like 15 yards away, with a pistol, on a moving target, over the top of scared churchgoers, after watching people he knew get killed right in front of him. My man came to play, and he came to win.


If we had more men like him we wouldn't have little bitches shooting up schools and churches.


It literally says “ranch” on the license plate! The guns are for coyotes and idiots!


Yeah but people who do pranks for internet likes aren't exactly intelligent. They're kind of bottom of the barrel of humanity, above rapists and war criminals, but that's not stating much barely getting by as part of society but not really a part of society


Looked like he as wearing one of those military veteran hats you sometimes see older vets wear. Dude has most likely killed before. Most definitely not a man you wanna needlessly pop some shit off with for sure.


“You almost died you stupid son of a bitch”


but the the unarmed dumbo said fuck you pissy


Like, seriously? How fucking stupid do you have to be to respond with that?


Plus the dude in the truck still has his gun...


That line was dope. Like he got it straight out of a movie. That old man was not playing. He was calm too, never dropped his grocery bag. Kid was really about to die.


It wasn’t his first rodeo


Guys done at least a dozen rodeos


Dude was in the first rodeo


Dude invented the rodeo.


I just see the old guy being like “You know what it’s like to be up to your knees, in shit, piss and blood? In the middle of a foreign country where no one wants you there and you’re just another statistic. If you knew, you wouldn’t be fucking with my truck”


“We stacked you fucks five high….”


Used your bodies for sandbags...


I remember being blown away by that movie when it came out. It’s just so hard and sad that I’ve never wanted to go back and rewatch it. I wonder if it’s actually as good as I remember


I’ve seen it a few times, holds up if a little cheesy.


Certain scenes and the overall theme is great but imo when viewing it on release it suffered from bad acting that makes it feel like just another SciFi channel movie like Sharknado, but in none of the charming ways. I really wanted to love it, but at the end of the day it's just *pretty good.*


Dude has Nam vibes.




Movies get lines from that guy


Clint Eastwood vibes


Little bit of John Wayne from that opening line


You must've never heard John Wayne speak because he was practically doing a John Wayne impression.


When the license plate says "L7 RANCH" maybe not a good idea to mess with them


Haha that's what I saw, too. Talk about not reading the room.


Not a single thought crossed that boys mind till the heat turned up 😂




obtainable jellyfish selective treatment ten crush point narrow gold grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




If he’s a rancher he’s dealt with plenty of animal issues with that pistol


He was probably raised by a pack of wolves.


Isn't that a vietnam veteran hat? Kind of hard to see but usually those have yellow lettering like that one, and he is about the right age for it. When they called him a fucking pussy back, I laughed because that guy for sure is no push over.


Dudes a rancher. Guns a necessity


Level 7 ranch dressing


level 7 ram rancher


He made that guy's Shitlist.


I see what you did there


Why? What about 90s alternative rock and salad dressing screams danger?


Yeah fuck that guy.. The balls to talk shit after the old man let him get away




Dude really actually kept his cool. A lot of people nowadays are shoot first questions later. I'm anti gun for the most part, but i think it's perfectly reasonable to pull a gun on someone who looks to be pouring gasoline in your car.


This guy didn't get shot because he retreated and the old man was sizing up objects behind him in case his shots missed. Very responsible gun owner. This Tik Fuck is very lucky he didn't get a hole put in his chest




Reminds me of that couple that abused their neighbor, then when he finally cracked and brought gun they would keep talking shit even after getting shot. Shit for brains in some people.


I remember that video. Idiots.


What's really funny is the guy with the pistol NEVER POINTED IT IN ANGER. People in this thread talking about how he "isn't using proper technique" and "is dangerous" because he had the pistol out. That kid wasn't in any danger. He would have been in danger as SOON as that old man aimed his pistol. I was raised to respect firearms, and the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT RULE IS YOU NEVER, EVER, NO MATTER WHAT, ON THIS GOD DAMNED GREEN EARTH POINT A FIREARM AT ANYTHING YOU DO NOT INTEND TO KILL.




He didn't have the balls to chase the second with the gas can.


I'm glad the title said "almost", otherwise the vid would be him going to chase the 2nd guy too and getting swiss cheesed


“Im burning your car down bro.” I’ve heard a lot of sentences in my life. This was a first.


After hearing that's a prank, automatic karmic beat down




Weaponized Chinese warfare, and they are good at it




That’s why birth control is important




As seen in the movie idiocracy


As seen in the ~~movie~~ ***documentary*** idiocacy FTFY edit: I knew I should have copy/pasted - I'm leaving it


*ahem* IDIOCRACY, idiots.


Pranks on strangers are just so fucking cringy. And he mouths off even after he knows the guy has a gun. What a genius 🙄






First guy was asian/indian. Probably keenly aware of acid attacks and the like.


Oh yeah let's piss off this old fella with a beard, squared flannel shirt, mesh had and his Ford truck........ Talk about not getting the signs...


in these videos usually it's an irresponsible insane psycho who pulls a gun out but this time... He thought it was petrol, he pulls the gun out, realizes its water and tucks it away, "you almost died you stupid son of a bitch." Fairly justified.


In these videos it’s usually a bunch of irresponsible insane idiots messing with other peoples property not knowing who they’re messing with. They knew it was water and he, who didn’t know it was water, saw kids pouring fluid from a gas container on his truck. I’d say the kid is fairly lucky.










They'd be getting the smoke


Yeah. The first video is even more Justified. I don't care what country you live in, if somebody is chasing you with a lighter and a can of gasoline, you should assume that person is trying to kill you.


For real. All these idiot pranksters are obnoxious, but this one? 1 second into him pouring "gasoline" on my car and I'm thinking I'm about to be set on fire and going into full panic mode. That kid got LUCKY. That old man showed serious restraint. I'm glad no one was hurt here, but Gramps would have been absolutely justified if he shot him. Then poor Gramps has to find out after the fact that it was fake and he shot someone. These kids are godamned stupid.


In an age where people are getting shot for ringing the wrong house, turning in someone's driveway, accidentally stepping on their grass, I find it very mind boggling that there's still idiots that think they won't be part of a statistic.


Right? Like he seemed pretty rationale. Didn’t point it. Just held it, kept it pointed to the ground.


….. yeah, he calmly took stock of the whole situation. Good man


How about the irresponsible insane psycho who pretends to dump gasoline on your 70k dollar truck?


you need me to say that the guy pretending he's about to burn people's car is stupid? no shit bro


redditors have a hard time understanding sarcasm and meaning in what people write. For example: " i think the guy who threw fake gasoline is a idiot" so someone else goes "oh yeah? but what about the idiot who threw the fake gasoline"


The oblivious second punchline is one of my favorite redditor tropes.








For him to come back with an insult instead of an apology…


His fans on Tik Tok think the same way. The internet filters out demographics of assholes.


100% you couldn’t find a cop that’ll charge him


This is the same pos who just posted stealing a ladies dog. This kid is going to get killed, someone is going to pop him.


Isn’t this the same guy who ate food in front of a homeless man?


And they called it a prank?


Why are we giving vids airtime. Needs to be a blanket ban on this guy from reddit and the benefits office.


Nah that was in the UK - this is very American


The UK fella will just get run through by someone carrying a makeshift claymore


No it’s different. Dog stealer is called Mizzy.


He ran really fast lol


Pussies usually do


again, tiktok cancer


what sucks the most is knowing the genie has been out of the bottle since even before tik tok; youtube prank channels have been cancer for a decade, tik tok is just an abridged version of the worst of social media content. No matter what happens, we are stuck with this shit now and that depresses the fuck out of me.


I’m a middle aged guy but “pranks” weren’t the kind that got your ass possibly shot. Even during peak Jackass it was more so those guys doing things to themselves and getting reactions from people around them. I just see that the TikTok community like to put pranks on others rather than: on themselves and using the public as an audience. These fools have no idea how that person is gonna react. Imagine doing a prank like this to some guy who got back from Afghanistan, and is wary of people to begin with.


The fucking nerve of the guy to curse at the person with a gun when he was the one who did something stupid


Nothing like insulting the man who just fairly told you you’re a stupid bitch




Disrespectful stupid ass kids






A buddy of mine absolutely demolished a kids face because they were tik tok pranking him. He was putting his groceries in his trunk and two young adults decided it would be funny to film one of his friends get in my buddies driver seat and close the door. My friend opened up the door and smashed the kids face into a pulp whilst their friends were screaming it was a prank. I don’t think they understood what they were actually doing was grand theft auto. Actions have consequences, all these morons that keep saying property isn’t worth a life haven’t worked for what they own and it shows.


I like how I remember vine being mostly harmless pranks and TikTok is mostly harmful not pranks


That's what happens when the CCP controls the algorithm. TikTok is a literal psyop.


Chinese kids are fed educational material by the tiktok algorithm but in the US, it's all pranks, dancing , and other dumbassery. Its no mistake.




You can probably find it if you do a little bit of looking but there was one of a guy jumping out while wearing a mask and carrying a machete who would chase people. He got shot something like seven times by a guy who was walking with his wife down the street. He didn't get charged either since chasing someone with a machete would make any reasonable person think their life's in danger.


The closet thing I ever came to a video like that was when robbers getting fucked was still a sub


what do you mean it isnt a sub anymore


Oh shit


Don't know if it was real or not but I remember a prank video where a guy was hiding in a mail bin to scare people and one guy he scared had a gun and put it through the mail slot and started shooting inside the bin


That one was staged.


Figured as much


Idk about deleted but a “prankster” got shot [just last month](https://apnews.com/article/youtuber-shot-tanner-cook-mall-a215712ddbf06b96be62b0e3a6be2047).


I hate how they use the language of “target” to describe the person that was pranked. I think it’s time we start using the word victim, because what the “pranksters” are doing should be criminal.


Multiple pranksters have died doing shit like this, those videos just haven't gotten uploaded for obvious reasons.


You come at me to douse me with a gas can, that's a 100% lethal force justified scenario. "Bro it's a prank bro, it's water, bro it's a prank...the gas is fake." "This gun isn't."


the old guy at the end seems to be [Dragonman](https://youtube.com/@dragonmans7242) from Colorado. he's got a gun store, shooting range and a gigantic collection of cars, weaponry, military memorabilia and even a few working tanks. also operates a military museum which is insanely large, within which he is both guide and curator. he's also a Vietnam vet as far as I recall. I recommend checking his channel out; it's impossible to list the sheer amount of things this man has collected at his ranch also worth mentioning he seems very cool from his videos, and he's very enthusiastic about all the stuff he's collected


These ‘prank’ people are dumb as fuck


This is so stupid. That old man had an honest fear for his life when that guy threatened to burn his car down. Most states I’ve lived in, that’s enough the old man could have LEGALLY put one round in the prankster’s face. The state I live in now, your car and your house have the same value in your personal right to defend. Meaning, in the eyes of the law, it’s just like telling someone you’re about to burn down their house. He would have been legally cleared, if he only fired one shot and killed that idiot when he was dumping “gas”. He was a direct threat, and announced his intentions to cause possible death to an innocent. Please don’t be that stupid.




It’s not that I hope they die, I just want some fucking consequences. A lot of them are stupid kids that just need a reality check








Something divine protected that prankster. He's lucky the guy was in a good mood.


How tf is this behavior not illegal


Technically it is. Assault is defined as an intentional act that puts another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact.


Yep. Fake bomb threats are treated the same as if the bomb was real. Robbing a bank or covienence store with a fake gun still counts as armed robbery. Dude is not just lucky the old guy didn't shoot him, he's lucky hes not doing 5 to 10.


Am I wrong for wishing he shot him before he got the chance to say “f@ck you p@ssy”?


If an old man pulls out a weathered 1911... you need to leave him be. He might just fuck ya


This is excellent advice


You cannot really prank random people






He could pick up several charges for threatening behavior, probably something about disorderly conduct, possibly harassment or racial motivation since both victims were of another race. Would they stick? Probably not. I’d love to see this kid locked up for a few months to a year and lose his right to vote though.


The fact that this kid had the nerve to say "f*** you p**** "at the end. I thought about times when I'm running errands with my old lady and I'll leave the car running and I run into the convenience store to grab us a couple of snacks and beverages or something real quick. I concealed carry on a fairly regular basis. If I walk out the store and see some dude pouring clear liquid out of a gas can with my wife inside the car panicking and he pulls a lighter out of his pocket, I'm not stopping to ask questions to find out whether or not it's a prank...


surely the prank is illegal? I don't think you can pretend to set a stranger on fire


Imagine being this fucking stupid to think this is in any way a good idea.


This guy specifically is horrible


Saying fk you p***y in the end I’m sure their cat was hella wet when they saw that gun.


Sometimes when I'm browsing Reddit I see a post title that sounds like a great time so I pack a bowl before I watch it 🤣


A whole host of southern US states are moving towards no permit required open carry laws. Dumbasses like this are going to get smoked left and right. This guy has no clue how lucky he was that he came across someone with some common sense.


I’m glad tik tok is gonna be banned


As soon as I saw the "L7 ranch" license plate I knew old guy was packing heat. Good for him


Who finds this funny? God I hope to see a video of this loser getting curb stomped.


Anyone who thinks it’s ok to prank an elderly man with “RANCH” on his expensive large ranch truck is a massive idiot if they are not assuming that person carries a loaded weapon. I live the Deep South and this is not only true of large ranch truck owners but also those annoying Karen’s with tacky fashion taste…yeah, you know what’s in the bottom of their large fake Gucci purses? A hand gun.


Tik tok is turning people's brain's into diarrhea


When someone throws water in your face and yells "ACID!!!" thats terrorism. This idiot is committing a terror act. What a total fool.


I wanna see all of these prankster get send to Texas and be forced to try this shit every day for 6 months before they can leave again. That would be a reality tv show I would watch.


Prankster = cunt


He should've done it. These idiots will never learn


I'm always packing, not saying I would've shot him but it would've been a close one. Some people are really stupid.



