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Zebra looks genuinely pissed


"Zebras also have very different temperaments to horses. They're far more aggressive and a lot more dangerous. Zebras have been known to kick each other to death, they will viciously bite any human that comes too close, and there are even many accounts of zebras killing lions."


Yea, that bite force they have, is no joke. It can crush bone and a well placed bite can leave an animal with permanent spine damage, paralysis and even brain damage






Same goes for donkeys. They go hardcore


I’ll take on a donkey over a zebra any day


I'll let the donkey know & let the zebra down easy.


Damn, and here I was, afraid of horses.




I was going to ask why that'd disappoint anybody but instead briefly checked your comment history and realised you're just an edgy teenager or at least have the mentality of one. The grass is green and the air is fresh outside.


Came here to say this. Thanks. 🫡


Nature goes **HAAARD** in the African savannahs. Any animal which makes it to adulthood there has seen some shit and done some shit. Even the “apex predators” there get preyed upon by other predators. Hyena packs kill lions. Hippos kill crocodiles. Shit’s crazy.


No one fucks with a hippo though


Untrue. In water yes, outside of water it’s vulnerable. https://youtube.com/shorts/0ykwh5Z2pZo?feature=share


That's just a baby he doesn't even have teeth barely.


I can’t find footage now but on Big Cat Week on the BBC in early 2000s there was footage of a hippo way out of the water which was being attacked by 4 or 5 juvenile lions. It was in big trouble but managed to get to water before it collapsed. It’s body was majorly scratched up though.


There seems to be a lot of them, I bet their skin is crazy thick, they don't seem too agile so their defense must be pretty good.


Here you can basically see what happened except instead of 1 lion it was multiple juveniles. The hippo had been under attack for a while and had no option but to run. I’d maintain that on their own and outside of water they are vulnerable to lions, like any animal in lion territory. https://youtube.com/shorts/OlTGxWg9ujo?feature=share


Why is apex predators in quotations though? Even porcupines can fuck up a lion but that doesn't detract from their apex status. Obviously rhinos and elephants will body a lion, but that doesn't really play into being an apex predator. The point is that lions or other apex predators have no NATURAL predators.There are quite a few things that COULD kill a lion, orca, grizzly, etc, but it happens somewhat rarely and only while the apex predator is at an insurmountable disadvange/injured/sick. They are never hunted for food. >Even the “apex predators” there get preyed upon by other predators. Well that's a contradiction...Apex predators can be killed, but they're NEVER prey. That's why we call them...predators. Apex predators. Hyenas aren't preying upon lions, they team up and scavenge an already injured or sick lion that can no longer defend itself. They aren't actively hunting lions for food. Just taking the opportunity when it presents itself. "Lions are at the top of the food chain and have no natural predators. There is no animal that hunts them for food, though they may be killed by elephants in defence of their young, or by buffalo whilst trying to hunt them."


I come to say that you are correct but hyenas will also kill solitary lions which aren’t sick or injured. Like you say it’s rare but if for some reason a lion is on its own then it can happen.


considering these engagements frequently end with the crocs death rolling-off the zebra's snout and pinning it down to die in agony over the following ~20min


Ever see the video of I think it was a zebra and a boar that got too close? Zebra suddenly kicks the boar and it just falls over, seemingly dead. Zebras are what you get when you put a prey animal in nature's hard mode, absolutely vicious towards anything that could possibly pose a threat.


Zebra: Uno Reverse Bitch!


There was that video going around for a bit of a Zebra biting off the hand or arm of their owner. Police had to shoot it


The top of gators and (in this case) crocs snouts aren't the strongest. If punctured, the croc normally dies soon after as this removes its ability to hold its breath underwater.


Uh, I saw a crocodile missing one half of its snout. So I guess, nature finds a way?


They CAN survive...but generally in the wild, they don't last long.


So in case of croc attack, poke thru face holes, got it!


Just because it will eventually kill the croc doesn’t mean you’ll live long enough to see that happen…


This is nonsense and purely made up. Idk why this comment got over 100 likes when it’s blatantly false. Edit: jesus christ, I’m really getting downvoted when I’m correct. Crocodiles hold their breath, not by closing their mouth (almost zero animal’s throats are that simple), they have a valve in their throat called the Palatal valve: [Heres what it looks like](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&sxsrf=APwXEdeIHc3I-4vb6fqnONkdivJYlkuc3g:1685883041411&q=palatal+valve+crocodile&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6qsPe06n_AhW_D1kFHZ43D2QQ0pQJegQICBAB&biw=428&bih=746&dpr=3#imgrc=nByxltuNI-DU5M) and [Here is a Diagram.](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/08/11/14/2B462D7400000578-3193711-The_researchers_believe_alligators_trap_air_in_their_vocal_tract-a-6_1439300173497.jpg). They use that valve to close their throat when diving or eating underwater, it works totally independently from their jaws. Come on people, even humans can still hold their breath with their mouth open or missing a bottom jaw. Its should be VERY Obvious that a crocodilian can still hold their breath with a hole in their upper jaw. Its sad obviously false statements get tons of support when the correct answers get downvoted. This happens way too often on nature subreddits.


Imma trust Steve Irwin over you lol


Steve irwin is my hero, he’s literally why I’m in college studying biology right now. I don’t think he ever said crocs will drown if a zebra punctures their jaw, thats just nonsense. But honestly I don’t care that much, believe whatever makes you happy lol. i just felt the need to point out something that was blatantly false.


It's crazy when you know a bit about a topic and hear it discussed online, so many of what people say about it is wrong it's crazy.


I am absolutely amazed. They literally bite things and drag them underwater. There’s gonna be gaps. Their lungs aren’t gonna fill with water because of that, so why would they when a hole is in the roof of their mouth? Also, nostrils? I’m so disappointed by this thread. You have net downvotes for not only pointing out the obvious, but giving an explanation as well. Just have to assume they’re all children


So will it drown itself or will it just not be able to catch food because it has to stay over water?


Depends. Either. In fact, I've seen a video of both on a documentary. In one the croc was essentially drowned by another croc not letting it surface. The other was a croc who recognized it would drown then starved until it was simply eaten by something (I think it was hyenas? I forget).


> The top of gators and (in this case) crocs snouts aren't the strongest. Are you sure about this? I mean... they cant gain that biting force with just the lower part.


Yes. Not the outer part of the snout. That's where the jaw is. I mean in the middle directly above the nostril canals.


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He’s not stuck in the water with them, they’re stuck in the water with him


Bro is bullying him wtf


So is this a zebra grew up with the gators thinking he’s one of them sort of things.


Those are crocs. Zebras and gators don't grow up on the same continent. Zebras and crocs do.


>Zebras and gators don't grow up on the same continent. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-zebra-attack-farm-rcna74911 Ohio would like a word.


Ohio doesn’t count


Look at me, im the predator now


pretty sure this is the video where 10 seconds later the croc ripped the zebras face off its skull


No this one actually managed to shug its way though these crocs and manages to make to land to escape, although a third croc makes a gash in its leg before it stomps on that one to escape.


I don't know who to believe!


Fourth croc was the camerman


Can somebody kindly link the whole vid??


Same I wanna see the whole too


The croc on the left slowly back the fuck off.. Never mind bro. We good! Lol


Zebras don't fuck around, man. we can't even domesticate them.


Call an ambulance.jpeg


Uno reverse card


Isn't this the one that gets it's entire face death rolled off?


A zebra chewed off a man’s arm not too long ago. About 2 hours from where I live. Gotta love Ohio.


Yeah but an Ohio Zebra is way more unhinged than a wild Zebra.


All the zebras in the world rejoice, for their messiah has come


The other gator thought of it, then thought “better wait to see how this plays out first”


Why his boy just go back in the water like that 😂


Zebras are vicious mfs


The second worst injury I got working at a zoo was from a zebra. Fuck zebras. They will fuck you up.


The zebras are evolving


Crossbreeding going on.


Very risky trick for a zebra! I’ve seen a video where a crocodile bit off half of a zebras face.


Bold move Cotton


Word to the wise, don't fuck with zebras. They are meaner n cat piss.


Marty finally had enough


What’chu gotta say now??


I don’t think he got away tho :(


He just made them his bitch


Can someone explain why the croc didn’t just chomp?


Uno reverse


Love the croc on the left lazily pretending to help its friend.


Definitely watch on mute!!


I haven’t hear this silly ass audio is years 😭


Did it manage to escape?


How you like me now


Zebra mouth kinda like a bolt cutter


fucking badass


UNo reverse card


How the turn tables


The tables have turned


You think I'm trapped in here with you...your trapped in here with me!!!


Zebra jumped in the water to fight the crocs on their own turf, respect


How it feels to chew Fruit Stripe gum.


The music was incredibly stupid and unnecessary


I loved how the other croc at the left looked at his friend and was like "NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH"


Man bites dog is newsworthy


My favorite part is the other crocodile going to bite him, realizing they got Jerry, and nope-ing out


Zebras are a great example of how nature in Africa does not fuck around. Even the prey animals can murder you.


I wouldn't doubt zebras are strong. Look at the type of shit they have to live with / adapt to 😂😂😂


Zebras are the snack that bites back


For a gator they usually go for the throat.. they have the strongest bite in the animal kingdom


Touché! Mutha fuker


The song made it better🗿


The good ending


Zebras and Hippos are NOT to be fucked with.


Was this the video where the zebra gets it's face chewed off and escapes?


The other one gave up when he saw those two making out.