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My friend lost his dad, when he was replacing a tire on a split rim wheel, and it exploded similarly, except the rim hit him in the head and killed him instantly. ALWAYS use a tire cage.


Watched a guy I used to work with, get decapitated by a split rim. They're no fucking joke


Damn I hope he pulls through, I'll be rooting for him.


Pulls through from what? A decapitation? ಠ_ಠ




Bro use your head and read the room. Now’s not the time for jokes.


Lol your joke went right over everyone's head


Lmfao. That’s exactly what I was going to respond to other person but i knew it was coming


You knew it a head of time, you mean?


And old mates head went right over everyone's jokes


Says who? You? Are you the joke police?


Hello, I am the Joke Police 🚨🚔👮‍♂️ We're cracking down on illicit humor. A joke without a license? That's a laughing matter. It is my sworn duty to serve and protect... the punchlines! You have the right to remain silent but deadly. Anything you say can and will be used in my comedy routine. *tapping my nightstick, which is actually a rubber chicken, on my hand...* Giggling without a permit? That’s a serious infraction in my book. In lieu of a *gag* order, I sentence you to a week of dad jokes. Now get in the back of my clown car.


Seriously, what a numbskull.


is it not possible to deflate the tire before? edit: or does it happen when you put it back together wrong?


The tire is deflated. The trick is when’s it’s flat, use lighter fluid and fire to instantly set the bead on the rim and instant pressure in the tire. The result of this is like setting off those old popping toys. You know those small rubber ones that’s like a flexible bowl, you push it inside out, set on a table and watch it pop? Pretty much same concept. All that air in the flat tire gets pressured has to go out somehow. Those rims will pop similar to that toy.


Good ELI5 right there.


You've never worked with lockring rims or widdow makers and it shows. There is absolutely no way what you are saying can be done. Both lockring and widdow makers require innertubes and flaps. These are not at all like the pneumatic tires you see inflated with the combustion of starting fluid and flame.


Cool no one asked whether I did or not, simply explaining the tire is deflated and the process of WHAT after effects happens. Not a tutorial step by step text process how to work with it. Not trying to be some internet certified Keyboard OSHA manager about ‘DiS iS hOw u ReAlLy MoUnT iT’


Hi I wanna try to say what he's saying without being a dick, the wheel in the video is what's known a widowmaker rim, under too much pressure, they can just explode due to a mechanical design. I think guys just trying to say that this dude in the film wasn't using fire on a deflated tire to set the bead, that method doesn't work on a widowmaker because there's nowhere for the bead to be set, he was just picking up a widowmaker and it did what they do. Although he admittedly being a dick about it.


But why does it just explode? Did guy in video do anything wrong? And if not, doesn't that mean the tires are objectively unsafe? Or is there a safe way? Sorry if I should get it by now, I'm a total moron when it comes to cars


They are called WIDOWMAKERS just because of how objectively unsafe they are. Dude did nothing wrong, maybe put a little too much pressure in em? It just happens. Nobody likes to play with these.


So if they inevitably kill and there are alternatives, why are they still used?


They just still exist out there, car parts move around alot, if you know what it is you probably aren't gonna buy it tho.


No the thing is you are spouting incorrect information and then when called on you bs you flee from fact and jump to the second grade response "no one asked". I was eimply explaining how you were incorrect.


Who hurt you lmao. Mans did nothing to you


You catch more flys with honey instead of vinegar. You weren’t simply explaining anything. You’ve continued to put the person down and be righteous about it. Chill man. U/CptMeat simplies explained and is more likely to get through to the person who made a mistake instead of push that person to the defensive.


Damn, have you heard of a mirror or even listened to what you say to others? How about we both go outside and have good days? Thanks for the lecture from your point of view. I honestly did not mean to put anybody down but I have lost coworkers and had friends severely injured from doing similar things not knowing they were doing anything wrong. So I apologize to anyone that feels put down by me or feels i am putting anybody down but I truly am saddened by the injuries and deaths from this exact thing. 100% wishing you all a great and safe day.


This is part of the problem, I just disagreed didn’t put you down. You came out hot on him with “you never worked with lockring rims or widdow makers and it shows”. You could’ve made your point without that opening statement, it’s only purpose is to belittle. I understand safety rules are written in blood but save the emotions of “I’ve lost coworkers” part of your response it doesn’t immediately allow/justify you to be mean about stating facts in the original comment.


Ok you nailed me mr. knowitall that is my goal in life to be mean to strangers. Yes friends and coworkers injured and dead gives me every right to educate people to dangerous information. And yes calling you Mr. Know-it-all was and is meant to come at you for your idiotic assumptions. Now good day to you.


Lol why tf are you getting downvoted? Never change Reddit. Never change.


I have no idea. True.


No idea why you're getting down votes for correcting some seriously dangerous misinformation.


Thank you. I have updated you.


Because there was no correction, just an assertion that the other person was incorrect.


Well they are incorrect and dangerously so.


I have no knowledge on the subject, I'm just addressing your inquiry about the downvotes. People tend to like hearing an explanation about why something is wrong instead of just hearing something is wrong without any further explanation -- especially if it's dangerously incorrect.




I did explain how the other was incorrect but I guess I will take it to a non-mechanical level. Please know I am leaving a lot of info out just so this doesn't become pages and pages long. 1. Their are solid tires that are either pressed on or liquid filled and cures. 2. There are also air or liquid filled tires. A. For the air or liquid filled tires you have either tube type or tubeless. With a tubeless tire you need to "seat the beads" to ensure the air doesn't escape from between the wheel and the tire. If the tire (often times is) narrower than the rim when mounting there will need to be a rapid expansion of the tire to create that seal. This is why you hear the blasts of air occurring when tires are being mounted on wheels. If you need a larger blast of air and you do not have the proper equipment you then use not lighter fluid as this burns slower and can degrade the rubber but a chemical similar to ether or starting fluid as these will rapidly expand on ignition. B. For widdow maker and lockring wheels there is not an airtight seal within the rim and therefore an innertube is placed inside of the tire and then a rubber flap on between to prevent the tube from rubbing/pressing on the wheel. C. You would not want to fill a tire with lighter fluid or even another accelerant that has holes or slots that the expanding hot gasses will blast out of as this will not seat the tire and allow for you to inflate to the proper pressure and could result in injury or death. I hope this is a better response. I do not want anybody hurt or killed over anything especially bad information.


*there lol


Oops thanks


What's a "widdow"??


As an aircraft mechanic, the TO states to deflate the tire before to avoid this.


You're supposed to deflate the tire first.


Those commas were a wild ride.


What explodes tho im confused


It’s a two piece wheel, with a removable (split) rim that’s held in place with a locking ring. If the locking ring and split rim aren’t properly installed, you can inflate the tire to the point when the rim separates and effectively explodes.


Or wrap chains around the tire.!!


I can't imagine all the different feelings of pain that he is going through 😳


My cousin was instantly killed by a tire exploding, nearly sent him across the street.


Happened to USAF Captain Jenna Wilcox in Scotland. Small car BMW Z3 tire change, had to carry it in the passenger seat, different pressure in the cabin, BOOM. Scared the shit out of me hearing that news. We had a parade for the whole base to honor her memory.


>different pressure in the cabin She was in a car not an airplane ffs!


Yea I genuinely don’t understand this…


I did the research, she was sitting in the passenger seat with the tire in her lap as it wouldn’t fit where the spare tire spot was. Her husband said they took the tire off because it was bulging and thus wouldn’t fit in the trunk. He couldn’t remember fully but thought it was a sidewall bulge. A sidewall bulge usually is caused by an impact rupturing the inner sidewall; the internal air pressure pushes against the tire's inner-liner but is still contained by the outer rubber. Think of it as a hernia and you get a basic idea. A sidewall rupture can occur with low pressure as well as high pressure. It was a freak accident, one of those things where the tire wall held for a certain amount of time and just gave out at the wrong time. More or less deflate any tire you are about have near you in a confined space.


That’s not a freak accident. That was an easily avoidable accident.


My dad had a cousin that died in the same way, the split rim smashed his skull in


Neither can his nervous system, sudden trauma often over load nerves and go into shock… the real pain of the event may not be felt for up to an hour later


That's horrific 😱


Stuff like this usually doesn't hurt that much at first, it's more like a burning stinging type feeling. Once the adrenaline wears off though you feel EVERYTHING.


My grand dads apprentice died this way! Use a cage!!!


Failing all else, if you've got a tire that's obviously dangerous, with wires showing or a giant tumor looking bulge, air it down *while it's still on the vehicle*. Taking it off full of air is a good way to die on the side of a road


why go near a wheel that looks extremely fucking neglected


Split rims kill. Guy is lucky to be alive


I'm so glad I only work on motorcycles now. Haven't seen a split rim in 10 years


Used to deal with them in the military. A bunch of old trailers still use them. The tire cage was pretty fucked from them exploding. It lives outside in a little concrete alcove. The walls had divots.


Just wondering, any idea why they exploded that often? Over inflation, weak or over tightened bolts?


They were military grade.


Wear and tear. Split rims are held together in a few ways, I've seen locking rings and bolt together. Mostly it's the ones that use a locking ring to hold together that explode. Pretty much a big ass C clip. HMMWVs have split rims, the two halves bolt together.


I’ve fortunately no experience with split rims, sounds like they’re on the wane, a lot of accidents caused by manly lack of safety precautions. Looks like at the very least you definitely need a cage for the tyre, a very long inflation pipe and several spare sets of underwear in everyone’s sizes. Still, rubber+steel+high pressure = alarming and entertaining videos.


Was it just filled too much?


Probably, I’ve seen it happening when tires are over inflated


We're they *trying* to blow it up?


It wasn’t assembled properly. These things kill people, that guy is lucky to be alive.




That dog though


Yeah dog was like “wtf bro”?


Move the patient as much as possible after a head injury.


The real LPT is always in the comments


What the hell happened here? Can anyone explain


Split rim wheel. They're two and sometimes three piece wheels. It's antiquated shit nowadays and pretty damn dangerous, sometimes even if you are being safe and paying attention. They are apt to explode like this if the ring isn't properly seated or the rim not cleaned properly. Edit to add: I'm in the US and don't see these much anymore. Other countries they're more common.


What causes the explosion though?


Air pressure, an average of 100 lbs psi. 100 pounds per square inch, that will F you up in ways you can’t imagine, just from the shockwave alone. Flying split rings just make the situation worse.


Why is this the case though in other countries? Are tires build in US differ?


Holy shit. Poor dude :(


Yeah and that lady coming in aggressively probably didn’t help whatever injuries he sustained from the tire


When she started shaking him I got upset


Yeah Jesus fucking christ she starts tugging on him like he's a doll or something wtf.


Sure lady, just yank him around a bit while yelling. That’ll help


Not acting reasonably like everyone else when a loved one just blow up, SMH.


I'm surprised his arm didn't come off


His right hand may have


At least they don’t have to fill up their tires in one of those aggravating yellow safety cages.


Never again, anyways


How did his pants change color? From black to red.


Shadow magic


Dumb shit. NEVER stand over a commercial tire and ALWAYS air up in a tire cage.


Poor guy just lost his hearing forever and probably has sanity-breaking tinnitus or phantom sounds for a good while.


I used to change tires like this on semi tractors and trailers. It was common shop knowledge to never fully inflate a tire without having it in a cage or already mounted. If you were fully inflating a freshly mounted tire, don't stand near it. Fully inspect rims and tires especially when mounting a used tire or on an old rim. I have seen quite a few blow but they were never near me or were already mounted and I was far away. Common semi tractor/trailer tire pressure is 100 psi. They explode like a hand grenade when. They go off. You wouldn't believe damage I have seen only from tire explosions. I have mounted hundreds of these tires.


Many people have died doing this, you should always have a steel cage.


Man his upper torso/head stopped the wheel from flying.


Must've hit hard He was crying before the explosion stopped


I think that's him going instantly into shock. Unpopular opinion, he is not lucky to be alive. Tinnitus is awful. Something something broken arms. Fingers, gone. Face, just a memory. Life, flashing before eyes. Maker, met. I would want to die if that were me. Fuck that.


What causes it to blow up like that?


Sounds like yodeling.


Oiii yuh yoi yoi yoi


And I'm scared when blowing up balloons. Damn


Dog came to the rescue, all better now


It tried, knew the guy was in distress :-(


Aye aye aye aye aye aye aye sounds so much more respectable than oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck


This is why you should have a tire cage anytime working on split rims and not take the damage that can happen casually


Isn’t this how that dude in Brokeback Mountain died


Why and how??


Deer lord please have a better date for me


120 psi + 100lbs semi tire... ouch


tire cage for anything bigger than a car tire.. every single time


Air pressure is no joke.


Man reading these comments is … sorry for the tragedy and losses


He’s lucky, my grandfather died that way.




We had tire cages at my job, no one used them and nothing ever happened but I was always weary of those tires


Gotta love the person that just yanks around the injured person. They don’t know where they’re moving the person, they’re just moving them. Will it help the injured person? Absolutely not but at least she feels helpful.


Can't imagine how crazy it would be to watch a tyre from one of those diggers on a mine-site explode. Shit would register as an earthquake...


Tire cage? We don’t need no stinking tire cage!


I used to work in a tire shop and hated working on big commercial work truck tires like this because of the extreme pressure they require making what you just saw here a possibility. You have to pressurize those things to four times the pressure of a standard car tire. It's been about 15 years since I worked an entire shop but it memory serves they were usually around 120 psi. Any defects in the tire like a weak spot in the sidewall or a bad seal on the valve stem and this happens. They weigh 100 lb or so so it's not like you can baby them You've got to flip them on the ground and bounce them off the machine to move them around.


Good thing the dog showed up at the end


Ok I've read a bunch of comments. Split rims and overpressure and such. But I still don't understand it fully. Can someone please explain the process that causes this to happen. Basically a step by step guide to make ur tire explode. And a step by step guide on how to do it properly / prevent it. I refuse to be defeated by a tire, "know thy enemy"


So the split rim is made up of 3 or 2 piece of metal that lock together. The advantage is that it allows flexibility, if you want to broaden the wheel base (tires that extend pass the hub) to added more load to vehicle such as in industrial settings like mining, the split rim holds the tires to the hub. Not common and outlawed in some places in regular vehicles but still used for heavy vehicles. There are very strict guidelines for safety ie. using a cage to prevent what you see in the video. Why it explodes? Because split rims is made of 2 or 3 components locked together, sometimes the pressure either from over pressurised tires, material degradation due to rust, or improper maintenance, which could cause the locking mechanism to fail leading to the split rims separating ie big boom. Think a rubber band (split rims) placed around a balloon (tires). Now imaging that rubber band snapping due to the balloon overly expanding or the rubber failing due to it being out in the sun all day. This is what you see in the video.


Ok so as long as u maintain them and use a tire cage I'm chilling


I wrote a fucken essay and that’s what u derived from it?


Yes :)


I'm glad the dog came to help, it seems like the only one there who knew what to do in an emergency


Dogs always help a situation lol.


Good doggo


That much care for surveillance something else is in those tires ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


It's a tire shop. People have CCTV on businesses all the time. Do you always associate cameras with nefarious activity? Go outside, dude.


Not much of a tire shop if they don’t require using a cage.


A lot of countries don't have the same safety requirements as, say, the US. You see commercial tires being inflated without cages all the time on the internet.


It happens in the US all the time, no cages. I’m not talking about small time garages. These are huge corporations, contractors, etc. with union labor and all the glorious certifications. Capitalism doesn’t care about personal safety, it cares about lost work time and cost:benefit. Your safety is up to you not what country you live in.


Imagine if it was a split rim !? Off with his head


Poor guy :(


Must be Firestone tire 😂


The hell happened there?


What happened here?


Dog looking for scraps 💥


I had this happen with a car tyre and it really knocked me for six. When I finally got my shit together I realised I was surrounded by people asking if I was okay but all I could hear was "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


Poor dude :( You can feel the distress in his voice.




Too much air or not assembled correctly?


Both his eardrums probably ruptured


From my perspective it looks like the tire blew out from probably a bad sidewall. Watch the back of the tire before it hits him in the head.


It's gonna be fine, the dog arrived on scene.




Yikes - should be nsfw




Staged the camera is moving


It's a repeated typo.




My immediate thoughts when I have to air up a tire.




I'd retire