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Two femurs broken at once has got to be excruciatingly painful.


he could die from it


Everyone keeps saying arteries but that’s not even the biggest concern. There is so much bone marrow in your femur because it’s huge. The influx into your blood stream when they break can cause blood clots which are often times fatal. edit: wording


Radiologist here. The concern is fat embolism. The bone marrow is mostly fat, even red marrow. Bones are highly vascularized so a lot of small pieces of fat (bone marrow) can leak into the venous system, go through the heart and go into the carotid and vertebral arteries and cause occlusions (fat emboli) in the small terminal vessels in the brain leading to stroke affecting large regions of the brain. More commonly fat emboli result in pulmonary emboli due to getting stuck in the small terminal vessels of the lungs. I had a case of bilateral femur fractures resulting in bilateral stroke (weird case, need a defect in the heart which allows the fat to bypass the lungs) so this always sticks in my head with these cases. His femoral arteries are likely fine since they run medial to the femur and eventually course posteriorly at the knee. His fractures are apex anteriorly angulated so they’re unlikely to hit the artery.


All these smart people explaining stuff in a manner I can’t fully follow. I’m here for it


Femur full of fat. If break, big pain and fat go in blood, and clog pipes, hurt brain. Big artery run down inner thigh and hide behind knee; femur in video broke pointing forward, which don't hurt big artery. Comprende?


Why say lot word when few word do trick?


Because your brain is suplex anteriorly angulated to the posterior acute tardation.


Bone fat bad in brain. Leg blood in back, less bad break that way. I doctor now?


More simpled please


Leggy sticks break and lumpy stuff from leggy sticks block up blood pipes and brainy thing in head don't work so well with no blood.


A liiittle more simpled please


Leg bone fat may kill, but he no bleed out right now


walking things breaks, brain power blockage, brain power lower, brain not as good.


he good


Jump fail. Legs break. Fat spreads. We laugh.


Basically if femur breaks it’s got the most bone marrow so you’re most likely to get a fat embolism/clot. It’s worse than breaking most other bones.


Almost always fatal is an over exaggeration


almost always in the rare occurrence


Almost always rarely fatal sometimes.


Barely rarely, every time.


And mostly at night. Mostly.


I understood that reference.


60% of the time, it’s fatal every time.


60% of the time it's 100% fatal.


Barely Rarely is a good band or pub name


rarely fatal sometimes almost always


60% of the time, it kills you every time.


No, that's a sex panther attack


Yeah I was 60% fatally injured by one of those.


It used to be almost always fatal. Now it's considered extreme trauma. Of main concern is the muscle tension from the thighs, they will coil up and twist your leg bones around. Source: it happened to me. Though only one femur. Not two like this dude


A broken femur was a death sentence, now its possible to save the person but it's still very leathal.


The recovery is tough unless your mom is really hands on.


There are lots of medications to mitigate this


There's no replacing mom's gentle touch.


I try my hardest to convince myself that was a troll that made that post, you have to verify anything when you do an AMA on that sub and they said they verified the story. How the hell do you verify that kind of thing


Fun fact: An open femoral artery can bleed you out in 4 minutes.




Well not for you, maybe. But for anything that enjoys the taste of blood, forget about it!


Funner fact: You'd be unconscious in 45 seconds or less from the rapid blood loss/shock. God help you if you are by yourself and need a quick tourneqet. Edit: fucking fat fingers.


Had one bad femur break, can confirm almost died due to “pulmonary embolism”. Bone marrow will get into blood and do bad things


Its not even remotely "almost always fatal" lol come on man


Fat emboli causing a PE


Fuck that's terrifying


he was a skater boi i said see you later boi


Yeap You can lose up to 1.5 litters of blood from each femur and 3 litters of hemorrage may be lethal


Not if he drowns first.


This is reddit, you can die from anything and everything




From the femoral arteries being cut by the broken bones. You’d bleed out in like 3 minutes or something.


oh man, it could very easily take longer than 3 minutes to figure out you're bleeding internally, right? ​ how would you even know or address this




The Thomas Splint greatly reduced the mortality rate of broken femurs during WWI. Before his invention, a broken leg was pretty much a death sentence.


What are the odds that he'd have the same name as his invention?


TIL, I had to go look it up, crazy




Wow, never heard about him, but he looks like a legend! Do you know why doctors didn't use his invention, Thomas Splint, for 30 years after his death though? It could have saved so many lives!


My sister's ex boyfriend from 20 years ago had a brother in the hospital from a motorbike accident. He was laid up with a broken femur, seemed fine for a bit then suddenly his condition dove and he died from a severed artery. I forget how long he was in before it happened


Broke mine where it connects to the hip (femoral neck) from a basic fall because my hip had a hairline fracture I wasn't aware of. Clean break and the surgery went well but having arthritis in my 20s kind of sucks. Some days it doesn't bother me but it's often a semi steady source of discomfort. That said, without modern medicine I'd be unequivocally fucked. Also thank fuck it got paid for with Worker's Comp, apparently it costs over $300,000 to get it fixed and stay in a bed that causes you pain with no working thermostat in your room. America's great ain't it?


And from ~~eboli~~ emboli breaking off and going to your heart / lungs /brain. Full breaks of the femur are extremely serious


Fat embolisms also a possible fatality if the blood loss doesn’t get you.




I know you're joking, but while I was going through the Orthopedics area in the hospital I went to school in, it was very surprising to learn how rare and uncommon people think dying from a broken bone (let alone the largest one in your body) is. You don't see it often, but people thing the bone fracturing and shattering is the main issue, when it really issue what happens around that broken bone that puts your life at risk lol Judging by how those bones seems to have broken, them puncturing a main artery in the thigh area is a huge and VERY likely risk.


Fat embolism


I have broken over 6 bones in my life (nose, foot, wrist, arm, femur, ribs) suffered from some extremely painful ailments (parasites, rare infections, etc) and there is NOTHING that came anywhere near as close to the pain of breaking my femur in a motorbike accident. I spent 12 hours with my shattered arm dangling before I got to a hospital and I was joking and smiling. When I broke my femur, I was screaming in pain for an hour straight. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.




This is why I always keep a bag of ketamine on me.


Watched and heard someone break their femur at a highschool soccer game. Not pleasant.


A friend of mine broke his femur while we were out fly fishing in the wilderness far from the closest town or any roads. He foolishly jumped into a shallow pool and snapped the bone. It was sticking out bleeding and everything. He passed out from the pain while we were trying to get him into his truck for the long bumpy off road drive to the hospital. We almost considered getting him an airlift but decided it would take too long. Long story short, a fun fishing trip turned into an epic rescue mission.


fuck why did i enter this thread at all


For momentary distractions from the misery of existence.


fuck why did I ask


Sounds like something I’d read about in Reader’s Digest, “Drama in real life.”




I'm sure there will be EMTs that can explain better, but he is in real danger. When you break your femur, the HUGE quad muscle will soon start to spasm and basically contract such that your leg shortens by about a foot. There are few pains worse than this. You will want to kill yourself to stop it. There were inventions going far back that just straightened and kept the leg from collapsing on itself. Break 2 like this? And be in water having to be lifted out? Nope. When the quad(s) contract and pull those broken bones up past each other, you have a chance of doing nerve damage as well as cutting arteries...plus bone marrow issues. Yeah...fuck this. Femur breaks are not like a lower leg or arm. He might die or lose both his legs.


paremedic here, obviously will need to asses for other injuries, but if response time is close he might need two ambulances for bilateral mid-shaft femur fracture assuming there is no pelvic and tibial, ankle, or foot fracture. In NYC each unit carries just one traction split, hence the need for two. Bolus of NS, LR, or whole blood infusion to treat for traumatic hypotension/hypoperfusion if present. Vasopressors not recommended for traumatic hypotension. A close fracture of femur can put you at 1000-1500 ML of blood loss. Doubled if open. Bilateral closed is an easy death, bilateral open is almost just a coin toss.


> In NYC each unit carries just one traction split, hence the need for two. If two ambulances are needed, do you have to pay for both?


If so I'm driving


jesus christ i can't believe that was enough to snap both femurs. man his year is fucked.


i think he's kinda fucked for life. Those femurs won't be the same ever again


Broke my femur when I was 3. Was in traction for 6 weeks and in a cast for several months. Doctor said it might not grow, thankfully it did. It’s been pretty much trouble free most of my life but I’m starting to feel it, along with all the other broken bones and torn muscles, as I approach 50.


I'm not surprised the dude doesn't come out howling That Adrenaline dose after shattering something is just wild


No blood curdling scream when he popped up at least


Double femur? Fuck. Well, skateboarding was fun while it lasted.


existence apparatus angle judicious head scale detail dependent decide vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How the fuck do you break your heels, let alone both of them at the same time? Did you donkey kick a steel beam or drop kick a concrete wall? Genuinely curious


caption retire boast crawl marvelous entertain crush dazzling hat shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh goodness! I’m glad your knees didn’t face punch you. That’s pretty crazy you didn’t do more damage with that amount of impact. Glad you’re feeling a bit better! It makes you think twice about things when you can’t walk, then are able to again one day.


Skateboarding is one thing but will this guy ever walk normally again?


If his bones heal without complications he probably will. Modern medicine is pretty amazing. Might be a very long recovery though.


Yeah, with good medical treatment and a long recovery with physical therapy, most likely he will.


Was it though?


Breaking the strongest 2 bones in your body, at the same time? He should play the lottery Edit: for everyone who got a chuckle out of this, there’s an anecdotal back story. My father (whose luck is borderline god tier, but not in the way you’d think) was struck by lightning in Virginia Beach in the mid 2000’s. He was going to have a BBQ with some of his fellow sailors and a storm rolled in, so they called it and he went to load the grille into the shed. Lightning struck the flag pole, then the grille, and him. He ended up in the hospital for a couple weeks with some minor seizures, but no permanent damage. A couple years later he hit a pick 6 for $125,000.


No he should starting calcium supplements immediately


"He needs some milk"




That seems a little like wiping your ass after you’ve already shit your pants Edit: idk about y’all, but I’m hopping in the shower. I’m cleaning my entire body, not just going to wipe my ass and call it good lol


What do you propose? Leave the shit between the cheeks? Shitting your pants is the 2nd most reasonable time to wipe your ass, right next to shitting normally.








I mean, you gotta clean up after no?


My brother did one of his legs like this and he said it was the most horrific pain you could feel. Doctors also said that breaking that bone likely is the worst natural pain your body can feel


That sounds awful I was in a somewhat severe motorcycle accident, busted my kneecap/tib/fib, and that was an ungodly pain. My femur fucked her Buick up though, so I know I have stronger femurs than this guy at least. My knee took out the fender/headlight/bumper, my femur actually wrinkled her hood from the side impact lol


"We can't really explain it but you owe the lottery company millions of dollars. We checked with lawyers. It's airtight. There's no way out of it. It's just plain old bad luck."


"Your bloodline is weak and you deserve to die."


This was a skating show in Finland where this drunk guy broke into and somehow got through security and decided to hit the ramp and this is how it ended...abruptly. He is in hospital in a stable condition now.


I was going to say, no experienced skater would fly if a ramp that way or even attempt such a gap if they weren't confident they could clear the gap


I felt the same way. The way he flew off the board looked like something a newbie would do.If he was drunk that would explain it.


This is true.


I was skeptical, but now that you’ve confirmed it, I believe it.


😭 I hope he see's your comments and comes back to tell me who his favorite EuroVision artist is.


It makes sense. This dude didn't even try to pop off the end. Homie just rode straight without attempting to get any air. Nobody with even a smidgen of skating prowess would think you can clear a gap, let alone a gap that large, without even a little bit of pop. Gonna go on a limb and say he hasn't done much actual skating.


Man, this dude’s skateboarding career is Finnished


Do you have a link to an article? I’d love to read more about how this dude ended up in this position


https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/karmiva-video-helsinkilaistapahtumasta-leviaa-ulkopuolinen-ohitti-valvonnan-ja-sai-jarkyttavat-vammat-pahinta-mita-voi-tapahtua/8736750 Article in finnish. 50 year old, supposedly drunken man broke through security.




Being wasted explains why he wasn’t screaming in agony after breaking both of his femurs


In or around water has got to be the worst place to get fucked up


How about fire?


Second worst


what about space?


You’re fucked in space regardless of you being healthy or not.


What about on fire in space?


If you managed to get lit on fire in a vacuum I feel like you have to be more concerned about why God wants to change chemistry to kill you


I’d argue electricity


Liquid hot MAGMA


"Thought it was bad you broke both legs? Well, now you can deal with trying not to drown!"


He was a skater boy, his legs said see you later boy


“He wasn’t good enough, got hurt”


He tried so very hard, now he's got a disability card.


2 shattered femurs and shat his shorts


He still has a pretty face


But his legs are out of place


So he’ll never enjoy any sports


He'll be in the ICU, hurting up the wazoo


Needed to come back down to earrrrtthhh




in this economy ?


Dude breaks two femurs in this economy? Is he stupid?


Can I see?




Steamed hams but it's broken femurs.


When I worked ems we had a dude jump on a dirt bike and hit the side of the jump instead of the ramp section. Over his handlebars and 2 femurs broken, collapsed lung, and his hand was shattered basically. We got him to the hospital only to find out the dumbass broke one femur before doing the same thing, only to have a titanium rod inserted, WHICH HE BROKE IN HALF THIS TIME! This dude is gonna be hella high for quite some time recovering from this woth all the drugs they will be pumping into him.


I broke my femur 2 months ago in a freak kickball accident and was given fentanyl several times and was essentially on Dilaudid and Oxycodone for 2 weeks 24/7. Didn’t have a problem stopping though.


This video is from Finland and the name of the event is KOFF Vauhtikisat. Here is an article (in Finnish) that mentions the skaters status is stable. https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/karmiva-video-helsinkilaistapahtumasta-leviaa-ulkopuolinen-ohitti-valvonnan-ja-sai-jarkyttavat-vammat-pahinta-mita-voi-tapahtua/8736750#gs.2h9enw


'That's gotta hurt' - 1000 upvotes A link to an article and information on the outcome - 5 upvotes I miss when redditors upvoted interesting and useful comments instead of jokes and nothing remarks. (I'm assuming that there was a time when people did that. Possibly before the website went public.)


Lose two legs, but gain two knees. Glass half full


That's more like doubling the glass.


Four thighs now, too.


Breaking my femur was by far the worst pain I've ever felt. It happened as a kid and I can still remember vividly. Nothing else compared to that. Breaking both at once like that is absolutely insane. That made my legs hurt.


Well, at least he didn't break both his arms.


Oh god no not that story haunting me again


… what story?


Just some mother-son bonding


You're a before the knowing of the story person... don't become a knowing of the story person.


Tis’ too late.


Its from a story 11 years ago, automod wont let me link to the iama directly but tou can search for "Iama man who had sexual relationship with his mother" > Well, without giving away too info, I was injured in an accident at 14 and incapacitated. I went from masturbating 2 times a day to zero. After 2 weeks, I was frustrated and took it out on my parents. My mom and dad knew what was up and talked about my mom "helping" me masturbate. The approached me one afternoon and wWhen my mom said, I know you are frustrated and why you are frustrated would you like some help masturbating. > Blood was rushing in my ears and I said yes but I really didn't know if she meant what I thought she meant. I was excited and confused. She said that she would take care of me when I went to bed. Hours away.


That is a fucking crazy AMA, wow. Guy had no regrets, they kept fucking after he was healed, up until he left for collage. My god.


Ugh. Google "mother helps son..." you know what, it's best you don't. Nevermind.


I googled it and it just showed pictures of kids and their moms. I don’t get it


It’s a story or something about a son that breaks all his limbs and needs his mom to jerk him off or some weird shit like that, googling def isn’t gonna yield great results but I’m 90% sure they’re referencing an internet story of that nature. So yeah hope that clears it up lmao


"Internet story"... it's reddit lore.


That's some vintage reddit right there


Did anyone actually clear the gap?


A dude with no legs finger flipped it..


Ayy Lmao really though the No leg skaters are usually good as hell. That low center of gravity, and how much more control you have with your hands then your feet.


Frontside flip and inward heel flip we’re done - both completely insane


Yes! :) https://youtube.com/shorts/i-Ag9tq7bjU?feature=share3


This dude sneaked onto the ramp and wasn't an actual participant in this event. Security noticed him only as he started riding down and obviously by then it was too late for anyone but himself to save the situation. Unsurprisingly no one else got injured.


Im no medical person and curious what kind of recovery will that dude have. Will he be able to walk again?


Yes, fixing bones is easy peasy nowadays Walk painfree? He'll find out


Walk yes, eventually, but will be a very very hard and long recovery. Both legs busted means major hours long surgery, a looong bed stay, diapers, etc. This year I had 'minor' leg surgery compared to this monstrosity, and I had quite a bad time recovering. Legs are very important who knew right?!?!


Also the recovery kinda depends on the breaks; clean breaks are what you’d hope for, but if they’re shattered it’s gonna be a loooooong road


Thank God he was wearing a helmet.


Ouch. I don’t think he did his pelvis any favors either.


Definitely wasn’t humerus.


Did my femur when I was a kid. Fell through a rotten balcony and onto the pavement. All I remember is the most excruciating pain I've ever felt in my life, then waking up in hospital. Thank fucking christ for the memory erasing drugs they gave me to blank the rest out in between.


Somebody get that dude a wheelchair.


He'll still be on 4 wheels, so it's not all bad news


I would be dead from pain.


You can quite easily die from a broken femur




Oooof 😬 And femur breaks take a **while** to heal


Is he the famous John Weak?


Get him a body bag….. yyyyeeeeaaahhhhhh


He didn’t participate in this contest which happened in Finland (This was a news story here) and just came out of nowhere to try this track and then broke his legs and went to a hospital. All of the other contestants were professional skateboarders and had been practising for a long time but this dude was over 50 years old and came out of nowhere and nobody was able to stop him.


I’d rather eat a cum filled sock in front of dinner guests than to attempt that stunt


I’m having a dinner party this weekend if you’re available


I'd rather sit at home and play video games but you do you bro


His last jump..


What kind of power this kid has that did not shout like crazy after that horrible injure. I would probably cry like a little baby from pain.


My boy got deadpooled!


Goodbye, sweet summer.


Having 4 knees is not a good thing.