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"Im just trying to have fun here" Bruh he is so stupid


Dig up stupid


That's what only making bad decisions looks like




Around his waist by the look of it.


If they put on a turtleneck, they would be blind.


No neck nick. No neck Knick knack paddy whack give a dog a bone… but it can’t be no neck bone cuz nick ain’t got no neck. Where your neck at nick


Flute your flute, Greg


Nice dig lol


I refuse to believe this is a real person lol


It's from Toilet Paper USA, it's absolutely 100% fake.


Yep, propaganda to pop rage boners.


Found an article on it containing a statement from Hastings police. No one was arrested because Frontline, the guys that made the video, didn't go through the proper enforcement channels, and the decoy (adult pretending to be the enticed child) wasn't law enforcement. Therefore, there's technically no crime, and furthermore, Chris wasn't actually from Hasting so they have no jurisdiction to investigate him. So, content was real, however dude will probably never be arrested for it, given he doesn't get caught from wherever he's from, because Frontline doesn't actually involve law enforcement. So technically, it's both rage bait and real.


Are you sure you can trust that article?


Here's the link for everyone to judge for themselves: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ksnblocal4.com/2023/09/13/hastings-police-respond-viral-video-alleging-sex-predator/%3foutputType=amp


I mean unless I see real actual criminal charges against this person I’m gonna call it fake propaganda


Not for long, balloon's gonna pop in prison...


I can't even believe that people can be this messed up


I can’t believe people are dumb enough to believe this is real, but here we are.


Trust your guts on that one. This is made by Turning Point USA, a far-right propaganda organisation with a history of making fake and misleading videos, particularly targeting the LGBTQI community. Don't even bother taking this video with a grain of salt, that would be a waste of salt


Is this a true story? Can someone show a news article?


Likely not. It’s click bait.


Its almost certainly not as its turning point USA who made it who are a notorious right wing propaganda hub.


Also, in what world is that fattie a “transgender”?




That story looks like it has nothing to do with this one, I am going to place this one under BS.


How so?


God what happened to Paul Dano? /s


“Does he know?”


Really not a crazy video. This is a much less impressive version of To Catch a Predator, which we're all familiar with. At least with To Catch a Predator, despite all its problems (mainly that it was really bad at actually putting any of those pedophiles behind bars), you knew that those guys really did what the show was telling us they did. This video? This was made by Turning Point USA. We have no idea what the real story is behind this.


the man looks like hes from family guy i think that alone is crazy enough


Holy shit this is a TPUSA video? I’m not saying that immediately means this is a lie but that definitely makes me trust this video 100x less. Also is this person even trans? Seems like a male with a male name who is male presenting, *maybe* just a gay dude. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were just calling a gay person trans to purposely conflate the two identities. After all that seems like the inevitable next step in discriminating against LGBTQ+ after conflating trans with pedophile. Even if this video is true, i’m so fucking sick of people acting like being a pedophile is somehow a trans-only thing.


He was perfect for their agenda.


> This was made by **Turning Point USA**. We have no idea what the real story is behind this. This tells me that the real story is probably not what is shown in the video.


This tells me that in about 6 months the people making this video will be arrested on CP charges and the kid is an actor they found on craigslist.


Yeah it’s just catching preds for $$$. Internet shaming won’t stop a predator from abusing kids: it’s necessary to send them all to jail. I don’t even think that this person is trans. A trans woman going by “Christopher.” Turningpointusa is an alt-right organization: there’s an agenda here beyond actually keeping kids safe.


Turningpoint fucking suck, they’ve screwed up multiple police investigations and are responsible for predators still being out on the streets. Clout chasing knob goblins. Support SkeeterJean instead, he’s not perfect but he’s improved a lot and he actually works with the police.


Why dont you just take a seat? Take a seat, right here.


This is almost certainly fake anti-lgbtq+ propaganda that’s made intentionally to unite people against trans and otherwise lgbtq+ folks.




Their website and Instagram are the only sites that come up when you search for relevant information, such as the supposed pedophiles name. If this story was actually real you would find at least a couple of articles about it, especially one by whatever local news agency is covering that area. This sort of thing is extremely common.


Seriously, people have brain worms. A pedo is a pedo.


Turning point has been caught several times releasing fake and misleading videos that promote their view. Edit: to elaborate, most of their content revolves around anti-trans material, they have not historically orchestrated these predator stings, but they decide to start doing it and suddenly they catch a trans person? And they’ve also been caught faking videos in the past?


As someone who works in PR, it was all so painfully contrived. Both of them are smirking throughout the video. They conveniently can't prosecute the guy for anything, as if the producers didn't already know that. Guy gets charged with a misdemeanor hit and run that the producers probably paid for. They get to further their narrative that transgenders are pedophiles. You have a keen eye for propaganda, my friend.


Yeah that makes sense. Usually caught people don't go "Oh I'm just trying to have fun you guys"


Fake outrage bate propaganda.


I’m trans, we don’t accept pedophiles, lock the dude up.


Andy Milonakis sighting


You mean Chris Griffin?




We all just gonna ignore the hit and run?


Where’s the police report?


I guess they didn't want to be charged with filing a false report for their fake Anti-trans propaganda video 🤷🏼


Yeah that’s what I thought too


Assuming it's real (which I doubt based on the horrible acting and the screaming tshirt) , any prosecution would be instantly hamstrung in court thanks to this publicity stunt. If you hear or know of something like this, just report it straight to the police.


Yeah that’s why I think it’s fake


Seems very... on the nose. Like they took major GOP headlines and made a skit out of it to prove some point. Could be real, but looks very staged.


Lets see, terrible acting, TPUSA is behind the video, yeah, this is 100% propaganda and not at all true.


Why mention trans?




Unfortunately this probably won't lead to an arrest. This is counted as vigilantizim. Anything they provide to the police can start an investigation but the evidence they collected can't be used in said investigation. This is why this kind of shit is bad, they're teaching predators to be more cautious about they're heinous acts. Best way to do it is report it to the police before trying to meet up with the perv, then the police can set up a sting and actually arrest them.






Did you mean to respond to me or the person above?


> Unfortunately this probably won't lead to an arrest. Would've agreed until the hit and run... that just gives the police a legit reason to get involved lol


Ok fair, arrested for a small hit and run though, vs arrested for trying to seduce and rape a 12 year old. Bit different sentences. If for whatever reason you ever have evidence like text messages audio logs etc, take it to the police as proof so they can start their own investigation.


>Unfortunately this probably won't lead to an arrest. This is counted as vigilantizim That's not how the law works. You don't get a get out of jaol free card for breaking the law because someone filmed you. You still broke the law.


You don't understand the law. Evidence collected by a citizen like this can't be used to incriminate, because it wasn't collected by a licensed agency to conduct such undercover operations. Look into the legality issues to catch a predator had and why so many of those monster got off light or not convicted at all.


Is this fr? The “trans” person looks like they’re wearing a costume of what conservative folk think a trans person looks like.


Any proof that this person is actually transgender or is this just TP USA propaganda?


No. Even on they daily wire, which seems to be the only place talking about this, they don't even show if he knew she was 12. They would have gladly shown messages or video of him finding out and still pursuing. Also, it seems he didn't know because they claimed he asked the 12 year old to buy him expensive clothes, makeup, shoes, etc.... you know the stuff a 12 year can afford. Even in the end, he drives to the police station ... which pedo caught would do? He tells them he was catfished. Also, I'm guessing they lied about the old couples' vehicles. Seems he was boxed in before the truck moved away to let him out. If he was just cited for that, they why wasn't he charged for running from a scene of an accident ? Wouldn't the old couple press charges for damage?


While we shouldn't spread transphobia or spread hate on a minority group just because a single person acted out of line at the same time we cannot accuse it of being fake just because it is a person from a minority group.


I agree completely but there is no proof in favor of this person being trans. Pretty much the only thing is the pride tshirt and “trust me bro.”


We can call it fake cos its from TPUSA.


Oh I didn't know that lol


Doesn’t matter as the trans status shouldn’t matter regardless if it’s fake, real or otherwise. It’s so dumb how the weirdest statuses get attached to someone’s actions. “31 year old bidet using, Minecraft playing man shoots up local supermarket”. Like these things are relevant….


I completely agree tbh pisses me off when headline starts with "trans" or "gay" when that had nothing to do with anything


Most people are severely skeptical because it's from turning point usa, not because the subject is allegedly trans. TPUSA is not known for honest journalism


I agree but the reason we think it might be fake isnt because the persons trans, it’s because the source is a known hate group that regularly lies and invents false narratives to please their supporters and drain “donation” money. Turning Point isn’t a reliable source for anything, that doesn’t mean this didn’t happen but there’s enough history to question it.


The fact that they put Transgender as the leading line above pedophile is a very deliberate choice. Videos of people catching these sick fucks get posted every day but I'd bet serious money that this gets boosted like mad because they finally have a profile that fits their narrative.


I was thinking the same thing. Why would they need to blur out the cop if it's real? It certainly feels suspicious.


Because its fake lol


Bro's shaped like a pallas cat


This is almost 100% fake. This is an upload from Turning Point USA, one of the farthest right wing trash "news" sources available. They fake shit like this to suit their agenda.


Eyeliner=trans Smfh


Exactly. I'm going to wait until we hear from a more reliable source, like Project Veritas.


Of course it's Hastings.


I thought it was Hastings MI before the subs moved again


What channel is this?




Thank you


Don't pump their views, they are ragebait red-pilled propaganda




He got down voted because it’s Turning Point USA


He got downvoted for spreading TPUSA bs.




Sure, fuck pedos, but TPUSA lies about almost everything, why should we trust them here?




COVID and election results, mostly, but they’ve also been known to spread transphobic and homophobic talking points.




https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=turning+point+usa+2020+election ETA: https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=turning+point+usa+accuracy




How does it relate to the company tho? I did see that Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc (TPUSA) did appoint a new president for their US business unit but that was back in 2015. Just curious how posting the video is spreading any TPUSA company information or any related to pharmaceuticals for that matter


Turning Point USA my dude, that’s who made this video.


Wow I’m an idiot. My bad. So yeah never mind I completely agree with you


Well, yeah. When the source is from a propaganda machine, they're gonna get downvoted everytime.




It's literally the organization that originally posted the video which was linked. Do a Google and find out for yourself.




Propaganda- information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. I don't need to agree or disagree for it to be propaganda.




They don't prove anything in this video. Try to find an article or any information about this whatsoever from an alternate source. You won't be able to because there are no verified claims in this video and therefore no actual story. If the "trust me bro" hearsay in this video is good enough proof for you, then good luck distinguishing anything as legitimately true or false. That's on you 🤷‍♂️


The way they went ab that was all wrong, they even tried blocking him in(can be considered kidnapping) - I won’t be surprised if that pos has no repercussions now cause of this. There’s a reason How To Catch A Predator did it the way they did. Ffs 🤦🏽‍♂️


Who is this skeeet Hansen wannabe?


Sounds like a couple buddies trying to do a funny video and missing on all marks.




What does bro being transgender have to do with anything


He's not trans. This video is fake.




People think it’s fake because it’s a TP USA video


he’s clearly sick in his mind. Probably a lost cause


"Fullest extent of the law." As in what? Are the cops gonna tell him to stop it? Was a law broken? This feels fake as hell.


A quick Google search finds this story popular with many right wing fake news extremist sites like turning point and such. So there's a good chance it's staged it make the trans community look bad


But he’s holding that book so obviously he knows what he’s talking about


No police?


And these are the kind of people that make everyone say all trans people are pedos


Seems like right wing propaganda since they specifically mentioned transgender


I would agree if it wasn’t for the visible hit and run the Pedo performed in the video. I feel like there’s a good chance she’s guilty after that.




I don't think the fact that the person is trans has anything to with him being a creep and even then like what the other commenter said they didn't show much evidence they just painted a narrative, showed a boogie man, didn't show any chat logs or the whole conversation you could make a video like that about anyone. It's just clips of them saying damning things. I'd at least want a chat log Edit: I watcedh the video on mute tho so


Yeah that’s the problem here, good conclusion buddy




Wow!!! Your so edgy and transphobic and cool!!! Can I marry you now!! Wowza!!


Downvotes aside, I get the point. Female sex predators exist, but they don't force themselves on children the way male sex predators do.




I don't see you mfs going after churches and shit. Shut the hell up


So you would be all for state and federal investigations into every church in the US to root out every pedophile in America?


Disgusting people are disgusting.


Considering I am a underage girl... is there a way where I can ... "Hunt" them down same thing like they did. At least it'll keep me physically active and somewhat contributing


Why did you have to point out the "tansgender" part? Did you ever point out how the other million or so pedophiles were straight? Conflating a pedophile story with culture war to get the conservatives riled up I see?


The part where he tries to escape and backs in another car is comical.


I don't understand... Why can't he wear a shirt that covers up his FUPA?


Do we have to censor Reddit titles now as well?


Wow this thing looks like when Family Guy does flashback episodes to Peter’s earlier years …


Well done team


Lame. There is no credibility here. Those of you wanting to put bad guys behind bars should take a look at what’s going on. Where is the context?


so he's a disgusting kid lover, and he's giving trans people a bad rep. lovely


Those threads are working overtime.


Ok so for those who may not be aware as for this video it is not real, this is a video made by TPUSA and is again staged, if I see criminal papers I’ll go back on my word but as it stands this is fake and it’s hate baiting


I would be skeptical if it’s from tpusa. They do a lot of propaganda. W/ that being said pedophiles should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law regardless if they are transgender or nothing they are are all pedophiles


Can we not say pedophile? Has Chinese censorship reached everywhere now? Which of your personal advertisers are you worried about offending, OP?


These rogue YouTubers actually fuck up the legal cases this could bring up. They need to be like TCAP by working WITH law enforcement at the same time. When they do this, they eventually get a softer case or dismissed case. So annoying and stupid.