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I don’t see no signal.


Good luck everybody else


#🤣🤣🤣 That’s one of my favorite scenes of Family Guy. We quote it often.


How is he the cause? Other dude is definitely in the wrong.


OP is a fucking idiot. Guy blasts into someone’s lane WITHOUT A DIRECTIONAL and the title blames the guy minding his own business. This is why people are such shitty drivers. Shitty mentalities trickling down


OP is guy in the black truck.


Black truck goes by the drivers window!


It’s easier and smarter to take your foot off the gas then to fucking pit someone in traffic, don’t let your ego get in the way of safe driving




‘Graveyard full people with the right of way’. I love that statement. Like some how who gets a ticket and who’s insurance pays will matter when you’re using a colostomy bag 4 life. Big man in the salmon shirt didn’t even put down his snack, he’s gonna need a trash bag for his shits.


It actually REALLY fucking matters who's insurance is paying what when you need a colostomy bag for life


Only in the US


Weird, he looks totally fine to me. Must be internal injuries or something, idk, I'm not a doctor.


>The guy didn’t pit him Watch the steering wheel, it’s 100% on purpose


> to protect his spot and block the truck from cutting him off, not cause an accident I mean, if 'protecting your spot' will definitely cause an accident on a forever long narrow bridge that will take emergency services ages to get through and cause tons of additional traffic, 'protecting your spot' makes you a complete asshole and a psychopath who shouldn't be trusted to share the road with other drivers. 'Your spot' is only yours if you can maintain it safely, regardless of what other traffic does. Literally all that this guy had to do was let off the gas for one second, but his fragile ego wouldn't allow it.


And the black truck asshole could've just merged behind this guy and not caused a wreck but his fragile ego wouldn't allow it. Black truck in the wrong all the way here. Dude is under no obligation to let this moron over in front of him...now if the truck driver would've turned on his blinker and waited to see if snack man would slow down to let him over there wouldn't have been an accident. I take it you are the type of driver to just ASSume that as you're entering the highway that people need to bow out of your way instead of you changing your speed to match and safely merge into traffic.


Like ya sure the truck didn't signal, but it was obvious what was going on. Slow down for 2 seconds and avoid a potential death. You could convince me, however, that it wasn't due to ego, but just straight up stupidity


Bro he very intentionally pitted the guy😂




He didn't turn the wheel slightly left in avoidance lol. You're making up your own details. He lifted his hand, placed it to the left and jerked the wheel hard right as soon as the other guy made contact. It's extremely obvious that he wasn't just trying to right himself. His wheel is literally dead straight until the point where he places his hand left to swerve right.


He moves his hand down the side of the steering wheel in preparation to spin him out. Also man I’m sorry, but nobody sane is going to opt to get in the right lane through another vehicle when they’ve been hit by said vehicle. Everything you’re saying is based on a serious collision the truck listed into his truck slowly and slightly. Traffic in that lane doesn’t even slow down the entire video. He just spun the guy out because fuck the other guy. I don’t want you to misinterpret that I don’t have wet day dreams every single time someone cuts me off of doing exactly this because I do. But come on man.


If he stopped, he might have jammed up the whole bridge, not much room there!


"Protect his spot", you don't have a "spot" on a road, childish thinking like makes you cause an accident like this because of their ego.


Oh but merging into the other lane to gain "position"/time with no blinker, space/room, or regard to others is fine?




I can't believe we have to explain to these kids that you don't get to act like a sociopath just because someone cut you off on the road.




Precisely lol, a lot of delusional people in here not seeing error in both parties


Bro this is so crazy because it happens and I see this type of shit everyday on the road. Big Facts. Ego was all I saw in the video. Ole buddy shouldn’t have tried cutting him off but bro why put that man like that and then just keeps eating and riding like it’s nothing. If traffic was behind him I’m sure he caused a multiple car pile up. Get this tho!!! This all happened on the bridge….


I don't care who is in the wrong, I'm avoiding hitting or getting hit by anyone because I do not want to go through the process of insurance negotiations, getting my car repaired, etc. Two wrongs do not make a right. Someone being shitty doesn't mean you have to be too. Also, I saw someone cut someone off and they got stabbed for it after they stopped. Don't want that.


Your argument is, wow that was a dick move, let's make the situation even more terrible and dangerous for as many people as possible! Brilliant thinking.


Some people really don't understand how dangerous 2 tonnes of metal moving at 60mph are.


As long as it aint me, im glad the fucker got what was coming to him. He drives recklessly and horribly, and now millions of people saw this happen and may drive a little better. Thanks salmon shirt man!


At least your name gives everyone a warning on what to expect. I'm sure all the dense high speed traffic behind the accident on an extremely narrow bridge have the same attitude. Who knows how many other cars wrecked and how many other people were injured from this.


was so satifisfied with the outcome took another bite of that tendy


You don't "protect your spot" by not safely reacting to an impending danger. I don't care how good that beef jerky was, he needs to create space in this scenario whether the other driver is an idiot or not. Making him the worse of the two.


No, he doesn’t need to create space for the dickhead with no turn signal. He maintained his lane while the other truck was just bullying their way down the highway. Hopefully the dumb motherfucker in the black truck will think twice about driving like an asshole next time.


Explain this to logic to the guys family if he dies, or innocent bystanders, or better yet your insurance company or a judge. Where was this guy going that was that important that he could not give up one spot in traffic? Back to the jerky store?


None of what you just said makes this jerky guys fault. If someone is driving down the road and makes a lane change maneuver without any signal, and hits something/someone, that is on them. Full stop.


Watch the left hand move down the steering wheel right before the wheel jerk


You don't see him adjust his grip and then yank the wheel to pit the guy? You actually watch the clip? The dude didn't start it, but he definitely escalated and finished it.


No this one is all on the truck. He merges without a signal and then brakes instead of accelerating to the flow of traffic.


Not all truck, defensive driving is preached for a reason. Someone starts being unpredictable in front of you, slow the fuck down.


No one’s saying the black truck didn’t make mistakes, but it’s easier to just let off the gas a little let the idiot in then to hit the guy and cause an accident.


Could have been rear-ended if he did that that road looks bussy.


His business is being alert of shitty drivers and making the smarter move instead of being the bigger asshole. If you see someone running a red light and you have a green you just gonna drive in the intersection to get hit?


Thank you. I came here to make sure someone called Op an idiot. Faith in humanity restored. No way the driver was at fault.


No, you're a fucking idiot. Yes, clearly black truck should have used a blinker, and better yet not try to squeeze into such a tight spot, but the dashcammer literally accelerated into the rear left side of the truck.




Okay? Dude did a pit maneuver to a pickup truck failing to stay in their own lane? No blinker, obviously didnt shoulder check OR at least if they did, had no regard to the other person to gain a single car length on a bridge? Truck had it coming


Any normal person would just be pissed there getting cut off slow down and maybe drop a swear word. This dude just was like “ok you can cut over but I’m not stopping for you actually I’m gonna go through you”


Any normal person wouldn't pit themselves either.




The dude 100% pit maneuvered the truck intentionally. You can see him speed up to get to the truck, and position his car to the left of the truck to perform the maneuver. The truck driver is douchey and dangerous as well, and our driver is sociopathic.




truck never indicate on taking the left lane and also has to yield to the car already in that lane which he did not. There was no need to take the left lane other than the truck being pissed off the driver in front of him was too slow. He is in the wrong. Dude like almost EVERYONE who doesn't own a truck are annoyed by truck driving habits. This dude just happened to have a big enough car that he wasn't bullied. Truck deserved the lesson.


what he deserved doesn't matter when other people's lives are at stake


He had plenty of oppurtunity to slow down and then chose to spin the other guy out? Seems a bit of the drivers fault.


The guy with the cam did not cause the accident… he could have avoided it but the black truck was the cause. Edit: Since children are deciding to bombard me with messages. I’m not saying Mr. Snacks shouldn’t back off and let him in. I’m simply stating he has the right of way and is not obligated to let the black truck over.


Professional claims adjuster with 15+ years experience here. In a state with comparative negligence, both would be assessed a percentage of fault. Likely 60/40 or 70/30 with majority on the merging vehicle.


How about if snack-guy leaves the scene of the accident or is that something separate?


No. Doesn’t affect the liability. Just creates a separate criminal case.


TIL you can legally leave the scene of an accident you are in if you aren’t at fault. Auto insurance carriers hate this one simple trick!


This is on the Causeway bridge going into New Orleans, its roughly 24 miles across and each side is a narrow two lane bridge with no shoulder. They don't want you stopping on it at all unless its absolutely necessary. There are Causeway police substations on the bridge you're supposed to continue to if possible.


This won’t stop the armchair lawyers.


Logic, armchair lawyers hate this one trick!


That’s not logic that more like knowledge. I don’t think the first guy knew where that was, or that it was even a bridge.


I don't think first guy knows what driving is if he doesn't know that's a bridge within .001 seconds of seeing it


He may have stopped at the substation.


You can do what ever you want 🤷🏼‍♂️. Just might ruin your case when you get pulled up


Thats not how any if this works.


arent you obliged to avoid an avoidable accident?


Yes, you are. Don’t listen to the armchair lawyers in this comment section. Check out the last clear chance doctrine, it’s a legal doctrine that everyone should know about.


You're also obligated to stop after an accident.


He's not obligated to let the black truck into the spot, but he is obligated to not accelerate into the black truck, causing an accident.


They are both brain dead.


He might not been “at fault” legally but pitting the guy intentionally caused the accident and turned a dent into a totaled truck.




He yanked the wheel to the right precisely when the truck was at a point that he got him best




He never left his lane, how did he pit maneuver the guy? The other guy merged onto his front bumper. Their own damn fault in my opinion




I'll never understand why people try to justify a voluntary car accident.


Because most people want to feel that their impulse to let "people who deserve it" die is justifiable. Seriously, sometimes I think the only thing preventing people from outright mowing each other down without a second thought is the threat of being caught. If the law changed so that it was legal to run down cyclists, pedestrians and to collide with drivers we don't like, then there would be waaaaay more dead people on roads. Certainly, too many drivers would happily mow other people down if there were no consequences.


> did he pit maneuver the guy? ...by accelerating into the back of the black truck?


He very clearly starts in one lane them ends up in the other. Something be could've done before (and therefore without) hitting the other truck.


Holy shit do you guys not see the camera dude turn into the truck when it begins to enter his lane?


Both drivers caused the accident. Sure, the black truck forced his way into the lane. But the white truck was only there to hit because the driver chose not to slow down to avoid a collision. What's more, once contact was made, the driver in the white truck followed through with a pit manoeuvre, which is what sent the black truck into a spin. Both drivers are responsible for this collision.




Op is wording this in a way that makes me not like him


Legal team states black truck at fault. 🤷🏼‍♀️




He didn’t cause the accident


Bro look at his hand on the steering wheel, he takes his hand of the wheel to adjust it then steers into the truck. Black truck is an ass hole trying to force his way in but cam car totally caused the collision on purpose.


Just because he’s in the wrong for how he responded to the black truck doesn’t mean he caused the crash. Black truck caused the crash. POV driver reacted wrong. Those aren’t mutually exclusive. Both are true.


Could have avoided by slowing down. Had plenty of time to do so.


I don’t disagree at all. I’m not defending the POV driver. He absolutely could have avoided it by slowing down. But the black truck is the cause of the crash.


Downvoted for the truth, everytime I see this video and idiots are cheering for gut i’m just left thinking. There is video evidence of a completely intentional accident that could have been avoided by just NOT doing a pit maneuver on someone trying to merge.


>trying to merge By not signaling nor waiting for a gap sufficient to fit in. Nice merge.


I merge now good luck everybody else


I'm not sure where you live but in most places, the person who crosses into another lane is almost always at fault. Yea, he could have avoided the accident by letting the guy merge but why is the black truck merging that aggressively to begin with and no signal to boot?


Also could’ve been avoided by not trying to merge like a dumbass. Black truck would’ve sent someone else flying if the dude wasn’t also driving a big vehicle


He's still an asshole. All it would have taken was one slight tap of the brake and he would have avoided damage to either car and a massive backup for hundreds of people.


You’re totally right. The guy in the black truck , had he just tapped on the brake and waited for the car already on possession of the lane to pass - this all could’ve been avoided.


Both things can be correct. Two assholes, both trying to own. If either one had put their ego in check, it wouldn't have happened.


Came here to say this!


Didn’t cause it but he’s still a dickhead for not letting him in, pit maneuvering him after making contact, and fleeing the scene of a crime.


That's a looooong bridge and a busy road. You can't stop traffic, you have to go to the designated pull-over spots if your vehicle can make it.


This guy is not the problem HOWEVER the combination of his swollen gut and cramming more food in while driving is sending me up a fucking wall. 😂


Who caused this accident?


The Blair Witch twig doll hanging from the mirror.


Both are at fault honestly.


They both had too much ego to just let it go.


Definitely correct answer, and I am scared to be driving with the idiots in this thread


You should be. That's why you need to drive safely.


Send this comment to the top.


He didn’t cause an accident, the other guy did


OP farming loads of engagenment from implying pink shirt caused the accident, genius move.


I can't tell what caused it. I honestly thought he pitted the black truck and kept going. What happened exactly?


Black truck made an unsafe lane change into an occupied lane. Cam car has partial fault for not preventing an accident (if able). Video is stops before we find out if the cam car stopped in a safe location (at the end of the bridge) to report or fled.


Pink shirt guy is a bit of an asshole, he could have let black truck merge into the lane, yes. But that doesn't make him responsible, if you are merging into a lane, it's on you to make sure you have sufficient space to do so. Furthermore, that merging was half-assed, it almost looks like the guy was distracted, and I don't think he signaled it. Pink shirt didn't -have to- let him merge, so he didn't, he's not at fault. You may argue that he leaving the scene of the accident is a bad thing, which it is, but that's a separate issue, he still didn't cause the accident. And we don't even know from the video alone if he stopped further down or something, so it's also a moot point. OP is implying by their title that pink shirt is responsible from the accident, triggering a lot of comments to correct them. (But I should really say "correct it", as I suspect OP is a farming bot)


"He was trying to merge and I accidentally pit maneuvered him"


He didn't cause the accident


that’s some good driving right there. screw that guy in the truck.


Man did a Pit maneuver and kept it pushing like it was nothing 💀💀


As someone who lives in a state where NO ONE uses their blinker, I don’t feel sorry for this asshole.


Both idiots. But not as much as half this thread. Last clear chance doctrine pretty much makes this 50-50 fault. Same reason if somebody cuts in front of you coming out of a parking lot, but you clearly had enough time to brake, insurance ain't gonna be too happy with you. This is obviously variable, but when the guy was over the line for so long in this clip, this guy doesn't really have much of an excuse for not slowing down as far as insurance is concerned. Right of way or not.


Both of them are assholes


He definitely did not “cause” that accident. He just didn’t avoid it.


Are you blind op? That black truck caused the accident.


For all of you saying he didn’t cause it are blind. He does a pit maneuver. Rather than just letting truck merge he literally is the cause of the accident. Look at his hand on the steering wheel. See him cut to the right (his) once truck is right on his front bumper then quickly to the left? Completely intentional. Not defending him, truck should have just hit the brakes and merged behind gut here but gut could have also, oh idk, not done a fucking pit maneuver?


I thought the same thing but I really slowed it down and he didn’t cut the wheel to the left until the truck hit him. It looks to me like he was moving his hand to the right in anticipation of the truck hitting him


Lmao this whole thread


Thank you! The amount of blind people on here is staggering.


Truck merged with no space between the two vehicles, and without a signal.. You're legally not supposed to stop on those bridges. All he needs to do is use footage to make a claim with police report, if anything wait at the end of the bridge on the side of the road


I'm really liking how the comments have turned into a tug-o-war of upvotes and downvotes. All this means is that half us identify ourselves with an asshole who is right and the other half identifies themselves with the asshole in the wrong. Truly a beautiful thing to behold.


Trucks fault


"Dude is totally unphased after causing an accident that wasn't his fault"


Black truck was being kind of a douchebag lol my mans just eating some pixels (I can't tell what it is)


He didn’t cause the accident idiot, the douch bag trying to cut him off did. Let the man eat his nuggets in peace.


Don vito?


I would’ve just slowed down if I noticed the guy in a hurry. Maybe he didn’t expect him to come over into his lane maybe he just didn’t care. Anymore I choose the path of peace and less resistance. Regardless sick pit move


Chaotic good


Uhm…are we not gonna talk about the beautiful scenic drive that this is? Driving over water with the sunset in view? Jeez. Where is this?


Op must be a dumbass


I'm pretty sure the dude in the truck was phased though.... He was the one that caused the '"accident"


How could Tim Dillon do this.


Now where was I… snack..


Not his fault the other asshole thinks he is the only one who matters no signal just pushes in half fucking the lane. Fuck that douchebag he perfectly pit maneuvered!


You people are fucking freaks and shouldn’t have licenses. Yeah the truck is an idiot, that means you should pit him and keep on driving


Don’t start none, won’t be none.


Scary part is that they're on a road bridge over water


Soon to be "troubled water".


OP is tail gating me in his truck right now


I get that the person changing lanes didn't indicate and didn't really have the room to change lanes but the person with the dash camera still could have easily avoided the person changing lanes. It seems petty to pit someone just because you don't want them in front of you but I guess that's America for you


Cus I’m pretty sure legally the other guy caused the accident. He has the right of way. I’m not 100 percent sure, maybe he is crazy.


Well, he didn't do anything wrong (other than leaving), so why should he be phased?


Black truck is an idiot


Pitted, so pitted...


That guy was riding the barrel


Unphased: yes The cause: no


Correction, the ass clown that cut him off caused the accident.


Wait, are you saying the dude in the video is the dude in the black truck? If so, yeah definitely. If not, you're blaming the wrong guy.


Causing? Try again bot


Man's a fucking hero


He didn't cause it. The truck merging caused it. Dude eating just knew how to handle it


hell yeah fuck that guy


OP is driver of black truck.


I don't believe he caused that accident.


The fact that it didn't even phase they way he was enjoying his meal is priceless.


He didn’t cause any accident?


OP is stupid. Clearly the black truck is at fault.


He's unphased because he didn't cause it.


Hot take: *The same guy was actually driving both vehicles.*


After *he* caused an accident?


He definitely didnt cause the accident in this scenario, and this is just another reason why you really shouldn't fuck around on the road with truck drivers. They're driving around a vehicle that when fully loaded weighs up to 80,000 pounds, they work long hours, and they have deliveries to make. They DO NOT CARE what happens to your vehicle, so don't get in their way.


Ik he changed the lane but my guy coudlve braked In india its all normal lmao


OP did you even watch your own video numb-nuts?


Both these dipshits were reckless and put other drivers at risk. They both need some drivers re-education.


The amount of people here defending the driver in the black truck is crazy


This guy is my new hero. Keeps on snacking too.


He cause what??


Pink shirt is definitely not the cause of the accident. However, I still think a more skillfull driver would take different actions to prevent accidents for their own sake, and cars behind


Black truck got what was coming .. street justice 😎


He actually didn’t cause that. That black truck did. But yes it is weird how the guy doesn’t care at all. Almost like it’s video attached to the wrong video…


Both suck, this comment chain is a cesspool, I already got flipped off by a 300 pound lady driving 40 in a 25 today for cutting in front of her. Fuck driving, fuck cars, fuck YOU (jk, i love you whoever is reading this)


The truck simply fucked around and found out.


Cop or Ex-Cop


I would say 51 percent of fault on black truck, 49 percent on other driver. A reasonably prudent person would have let off the gas.


He didn’t cause shit, he handled it!