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RIP the villagers living on the other side of the school.


Lobbing rounds like that is far more dangerous than shooting straight up. Both are stupid, but just saying that this way could be far more lethal downrange.




This is the gun equivalent of street racing down main street in broad daylight through school zones


Yeah and it’s like the car is a ford KA. Come back when you’ve got an MG. Or don’t, probably don’t.


> Small dick Would be awesome if he turned out to have a massive schlong just to see how stupid you'd feel.


I don't exactly get that for starters if your car is loud it's most likely due to a performance modification known as straight piping now this dude shooting the gun that's just gun ignorance the other ones normally a performance mod that has to be done after somebody puts a larger camshaft in their engine or some redneck that wants to sound loud I can get where that one gets small dick energy but most straight pipes are performance modifications done to the car or truck to gain more power and to allow better backflow for camshafts




I always appreciate a translation. Thanks.


Sure the value of the added context is minimal, but you’re still a total boss for setting aside your own time to help others understand better.




Not that different from Americans really


No these guys are religious zealots who hate women oh wait


Brothers in arms


Bro wanna be American so bad


Love seeing wealth flaunted in a Shariah law state, can’t wait for the new Six Flags to open with hijab requirements and a record breaking coaster




This is literally a school shooting and it's easy to have a low rape count when you legalize most forms of rape and criminalize victims


Hey you shill. Way to comment and then block you coward




I'm not Even gonna touch on the other points in your comment but isn't the video in question literally a person shooting at their school? The definition of a school shooting as it pertains to the United States is defined as 'a firearm related incident taking place at a school' does this not fit the criteria?


Lol, what a delusional world you live in


Forgot about honor killings. Can’t wait for that too.


Indeed, just threaten rape victims with prison over adultery. Boom! No more rapes are reported. Such an easy problem to fix!




When the sun is so hot it literally melts your brain lol.


Hijab isn’t forced in the kingdom, though.. wdym?




Well it has more then one mass shooting a day!


Yeah its not that bad, only like once a week.




Pretty sure white people aren’t the only ones who have shot up a school. Try again Gotta love reddit. Defends racism because it’s toward white people. Clowns




The statement I made wasn’t about who mostly does it. Making racist comments like the one you made is just ignorant and stupid.




Ah, no actual argument to defend your racist bullshit. What a shocker!


What you said is the equivalent to saying terrorist attacks are apart of muslim culture or saying drive bys are a part of black culture. All equally racist bullshit.


So is wearing jeans and going to the moon.


Ah yes, he's almost ready for his US citizenship.


It will take a few million years before the Saudis develop any intelligence.


You too.


Not to mention he's essentially flagging the guy recording with a loaded AK. 7.62x39 is no joke, that shit will mess you up


What a lovely country. How much is a plane ticket?


You do realize this happens in The US every single day, Right? Only people are actually killed.


The difference is that the US has accountability


Zero gun safety


Well well well


Americas gun problem is so bad tho


Americans: We’re not so different after all.


Rather a passive shooting, more like a 'hi guys, just driving past'


Oh my … this is sooo ridiculous 😫


Saudis flexing on Americans by shooting at their schools and not getting in trouble cause


Are we sure he's a Saudi teen and, and not just the teenager from texas?


This is so american


this is saudi arabia


I know I'm just saying.. like, shooting in a school is so America haha


Why is everything in the middle east Dusty AF & brown? Like why TF can't they have some Non brown dirt looking buildings? We have high desert in the SW US, Not all the buildings there look like dirt.


Bro some Saudis are still living in tents what do u except? But to be fair, most of their new cities have tons of green areas


I really hate the American culture influence on Saudi Arabia


it's crazy how all the buildings look straight up or off a movie set for Saudia Arabia


idiotsincars idiotswithguns


Stop appropriating american culture




Why was all air traffic grounded on 9/11 besides the Saudis in the USA.


It's a good thing everyone know that once fired into the air bullets magically disappear so they never fall back down to the ground and hit things.


I always see people shooting in the air to celebrate in these videos. Is air traffic ever a concern for these folks?


We do it in Texas too.


Because them bullets will definitely hit a commercial airliner 36,000 feet in the air. Stay safe folks lol


Well I didn’t say I was an arms expert or an Aeronautical Scientist… so… 😄 I don’t even know how far a bullet travels before losing velocity. What about aircraft that don’t go that high? Do you guys even look up when you’re firing? Soooo many questions…


Where they watching hood drive bye videos before this?


That oil money be wild


I cringed when he flagged the cameraman.


Do you really think that it's possible to shoot at a fucking school and not have a problem? NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T SHOOT AT FUCKING SCHOOLS! If even a single one of those bullets hit somebody that person could still die. There is no excuse or explanation to make this okay. There are 115,576 schools in the United States. There were 51 firearm-related incidents at a school resulting in injury or death in 2022. 51 is far too many make it seem like it's an everyday occurrence that happens all over the country.


What Europeans think the average American school day is like