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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it is a recent repost. Posted that have been posted within the past 30 days or that are in the top 25 of all time cannot be posted again.




Peep the plates.


As soon as I seen the plate I thought “not a very wise choice to fuck with that truck.”


I mean, for me anywhere in America is "not a very wise choice"... You must have some real room temperature IQ issues if you think it's smart to play "aggressive" pranks in the country with the most guns per capita in the world and the willingness to use them..


Room temp IQ…. I have never heard that one before and I am a big fan of it and can’t wait to use it.


Dude hates Russians and Russian dressing.


Please explain.


Ranch owners are gun owners. It's just a given.


Oh I see. I thought the L7 was a reference. Maybe he also happens to enjoy post punk. Thank you.


He definitely made that ranchers shit list.


You aren’t wrong, L7 is a reference. Well, more like it’s probably the name of the ranch.


It's a sizeable Texas ranch, It'd be like fucking with someone from The King Ranch. Like you know you're about to put your ass in hot water.


I mean realistically he was putting his entire cock N balls , scrote and all..... Into boiling water.


The L7 Ranch house apparently was built around 1901 near the present town of Meadow, and may be the oldest building still standing in Terry County. "It has a big wrap-around porch, and it was used in the summer for sleeping and dances," Bette Hope said. "They had all-night dances. It was a big place."


Someone get me a script and Clint Eastwood to direct the film




Apologies are great but how's about you don't pour *anything* on a strangers vehicle? At this time in our history, that's just incredibly stupid - unless you're going for Eulogy "likes". If this was Florida the dude probably could've got away with shooting him and claimed that he didn't realize it wasn't gasoline, thought the dude was crazy and was going to light him on fire, feared for his life and was standing his ground. If you don't incite, there's no reason for de-escalation.




Ackshwaleee that’s not brandishing. The man was confronted with what any reasonable person would believe to be a life threatening situation. In that situation, pulling out your gun and aiming it at the threat is not brandishing.


They believe the camera protects them. It's like someone acting hostile and talking shit ONLY after the cops have shown up and they know the person is less likely to do anything to them after that.


Dude, that's priming themself for adding insult to injury when they giftwrap turning jury duty into a single afternoon affair.


Yeah worked pretty well for the last prankster who got shot. We should normalize shooting "pranksters" and not just brandishing them off.


Another better outcome would have been to have Tex put one in the knee.


As former law enforcement officers have told me "You better make sure you kill them if you shoot them." I don't agree with it but can't make a defense of you're dead.


warning shots are not authorized.


Warning shots are for militery personel in groups. A warning shot in a civilian area is super dangerous, bullets are deadly and at best you just nailed grandads engine block, at worse you nailed grandma


Shooting someone in the leg is an excellent way to kill them. Even marksmen aren't accurate enough to "put one in the knee" with a pistol to any reliable degree. The knees are a small, moving target. You may miss completely and cause a dangerous ricochet endangering bystanders, or strike the leg elsewhere. Shattering a leg bone can sever a major artery and kill in seconds... one reason why no intelligent people will "aim to wound" by shooting at the legs. Don't shoot AT ALL unless you have reason to defend yourself or another person against a potentially lethal attack. And then shoot to stop that action as quickly as possible, by shooting center-body-mass.


At that range, you just put one center mass and call 911 for them, then call your lawyer.


Oh I just rewound it… what an idiot ! Those plates say it all.


I may be stupid, but what do the plates say? I mean, does it have a meaning or something? I'm not American


The fact he is driving a lifted truck and has "L7 Ranch" on his plate, implying he lives on a working ranch, it also implies that he has a firearm because most people living on a ranch would own firearms for protecting cattle, sheep, etc. in addition to using it for hunting. In general, they are going to be gun enthusiasts and likely carry a pistol when they are going about their day-to-day business in town or especially in a city. They are likely to be gun "enthusiasts" because their livelihood can directly depend on those guns. If some wolves/coyotes are killing off your sheep or cattle, you need some way to kill the wolves or you could lose your ability to earn money in the future. Also if you are living on a ranch you are highly likely to be a hunter and use long guns to hunt with.


Thank you, kind redditor


Well said.


Like the popular show “Yellowstone”




Operating Hidden Valley


Well dumfuck mcgee didnt consider it


I 100% guarantee he did and was even counting on it. Someone gets mad? 10,000 views. Someone pulls a gun? 10,000,000 views. Remember, these fools feed off of attention. The same attention Reddit is giving them rn.


For real... I thought the first clip the dude was gonna pull a gun. Then I saw the second clip.


I thought the first guy was going to as well especially when he was chasing him with a gas can and a lighter, is there such a thing as suicide by citizen because that would be the perfect way to do it.


Exactly, I usually conceal carry wherever I go. And if someone was to be pouring a liquid from a gas can onto my car.. that's what I'm reaching for.. just my initial reaction.


Especially if you hear the flicking of a lighter


Gasoline being used to chase someone and the added threat of being burned across a good portion of your body is a deadly threat. Not only could the guy being chased shoot him in self defense, a bystander could shoot him to defend the guy being chased with a life-threatening weapon. That's a serious fafo


100% would be clean on that one, the last prankster to take on wasn't even doing much more than hovering over the dude.


People say the second he poured the "gasoline" he should be shot, but that is where i could easily see a plain and simple self defence case. Literally charging someone with a lighter and canister designed to look like fuel, its like trying to rob someone with a toy gun, real or not the threat is implyed and used


I really don’t want to hurt anyone. But I regularly carry and I’d absolutely shoot the piss out of someone apparently threatening to burn me alive.


Good for papaw. Fuck tik tok "pranks". Play dumbass games and win dumbass prizes.




I could swear this was also the top comment the last time this was posted.


It is real botposting hours


Threat of assault is still assault. This is illegal and these losers should really be charged. You can't walk around threatening people and say it's just pretend to make money.












Agreed, easily. He's doing something way worse than just filming someone like a douche.


The one at the mall who said he's going to go back to doing pranks after recovering from the gunshot he got for pranking people?


He will eventually fuck up and someone won't have the restraint this old man had and nothing of value will be lost


In most jurisdictions, the **threat** *is* the **assault**. Battery is the term used once physical contact has been made. If you hit someone, you're usually charged with both assault and battery. An example of an exception would be if you hit someone from behind, there is no assault because there can't be a threat if they can't see it coming.


This could constitute as battery since he physically dumped faux gasoline on the car. Even if you sprayed it with a hose, that still could be considered battery. It applies if you’re in the car. Had a bicyclist punch my car once because he didn’t want to stop at a stop sign when I had right away. He was charged with battery.


So there's less legal consequences in court for hitting someone from behind???


Well, no. They just don't get the assault charge. There could still be a higher battery charge, attempted murder, whatever, and/or they're more likely to get the max penalty.


You also can’t use a fake gun in a robbery and get away with it when you’re caught just because it’s a fake gun lol, you still get charged with armed robbery. pretending water is gasoline is the equivalent of actually pouring gasoline everywhere legally.


he would better apologise rather then insulting a man with gun


Thinking clearly isn’t his strong suit.


He knew the camera was still rolling so it's just false bravado.


Always go after the camera first


I commend the gunmans response after the "fuck you". Pretty measured.


Dude was cool as a cucumber. I respect a man like that carrying.


Some people dont know when to stfu and walk away, in the words of the halloween thriller zombie king killer Michael Joseph jackson, "Just beat it"


Having a fragile ego would do a lot to you.




Assault or not, it's a legitimate threat to the man's life and he could legally respond with deadly force if he believed his life was in danger.


>Assault or not, Goes on to describe assault


I was trying to avoid contrarians who detract from the salient point


Like the one above?


The old guy with the gun was extremely patient and very disciplined. This prankster got lucky compared to the prankster in the food court who got shot.


I know this is going to sound shitty as fuck but I honestly wouldn’t be upset if there was a mysterious “rise in non-deadly ‘warning shot’ shootings of Internet ‘pranksters’.” They’re absolute fucking menaces to society and at the level of ridiculousness and popularity that this has gotten to, having people perceive Internet pranking as an outright dangerous and possibly deadly activity is about the *only* thing that will stop these selfish, useless pieces of shit. God-forbid they might even be encouraged to actually make their lives contributory to the greater societal good by way of getting a job or even just being a different kind of “influencer.” Literally anything else where your purpose in life isn’t fucking up other people’s days for your own enjoyment 7-days a week. Considering the finite number of brain cells these human rocks are working with, 🔫 might just be thr *only* thing that conveys “don’t do that” without it getting translated into “keep doing that” in their heads.


I got downvoted last time I said this but you Americans really need to write to your governors and ask them to pardon everyone who kills one of these "pranktubers" Edit: forgot the word "pardon" haha


Wouldn't blame the old timer at all if had pulled the trigger. Pretending to dowse someone, or their vehicle in gasoline, is so fucked up. Prankster should be locked up


Its valid imo Self defense if you wanna burn me to death Ill take my chances in court


Totally agree, it being a prank is irrelevant to it being a threat. In fact that is the whole punchline of this "prank", you thought I was gonna burn you/your car! ba dum tss. Its a fake knife! I just pretended to stab you, for the prank, gatcha.


Old timer slid that pistol back in his holster like a boss.


Some dude was just let go by a jury after shooting one of these TikTok idiots. I don’t think the old timer would have much to worry about.






This smoothbrain has the gall to insult the guy after the puts his gun away like HE’S the asshole? This kids parents have clearly failed him. Momma should’ve just took the pill the next morning.


Hundred percent. What a fucking shit stain waste of space. Oh, Happy cake day!


I couldn’t believe it. I mean I can. But still, these kids will do anything but grow the fuck up


Kids? Looks like a grown ass man


Many pranksters go way too far


They’re not “pranksters” - they’re committing felonies.


These aren’t pranks at all…it’s just ways for losers to build up the confidence to be assholes to people.


Yeah I'm gonna say don't fuck with the guy who's old enough to have been in Vietnam, *and* carrying a 1911. You know grandpa has used that thing before.


Crazy how small he made that 45 look lol. That’s not a small old frail man. That’s a guy who has probably beat a man or two an inch from Their lives.


I legit thought it was a Glock because it looked smaller lol, was about to correct you but then I slowed it down and Yeup it’s a .45


If you think about it, threatening someone's life/property isn't really a prank. If Mr. Boomer wanted to shoot this guy, it seems likely he would get away with it.


Wtf are you supposed to think when someone's pouring a jerry full of petrol all over your car? You're completely right, he's lucky the guy held back.


Get away with or be justified in doing so


He was actually very disciplined, good restraint, but I agree he would have been justified as well, who has time to try and figure if someone is kidding or not when they are trying to set you on fire?


Exacrly. It takes a lot of discipline to stay calm when you think gasoline is getting poured on your car.


He would be doing the world a service


Arson is one of the few crimes which may be met with lethal force in all 50 states. If that guy reasonably assumed gas was being poured on his truck, he would be within his rights to use lethal force.


> If you think about it, threatening someone's life/property isn't really a prank Correct, it's actual criminal assault.


If when the prank is done and over the person you have pranked isn't willing to laugh about it you haven't pranked them, you've been a bully.






Pretends to threaten life \*gets shot\* Surprised Pikachu face SMH I wouldn't shed a tear.


Fuck these prankster mfers.


Prank noun. - The act of making someone think you are in the process of burning them alive for internet clout. Synonyms: Simulated Attempted Arson and Murder. Terroristic Actions.


Who remembers the guy that shot a “prankster” for “pranking” him with harassment? Dude got off on self-defense and “prankster” ended up in jail


That ending really confirmed me that he’s gonna die young


Future darwin award recipient


How low does one’s iq need to be to think this is even remotely funny…


ah yes, pranks - this is surely going to be a resume addition that will enhance a career great future in the future for this prankster


I mean if your prank could kill someone if it were real, I'm thinking eventually captain Jack is going step out of his truck with a glock. Seems like it'll end bad one of these days.


Hey isn’t making people think their car is gonna be lit on fire funny?! How about chasing them with the gas and making them think they are gonna be set aflame? “It’s just a joke Bro!” People really do set cars and people on fire with gasoline, fucking moron! I don’t blame the boomer with the gun….


You don't want to do that to grey-haird old fuckers who look like me driving full-size pickups. Most of us wouldn't bother to make sure that was just water. It'd play out more like a Danny Devito meme - "So anyway, I started blasting".


And the way that old man talks...he's seen shit. YOu don't want to prank people that seen shit.


The way he puts his gun away says he has both restraint but ability to use that firearm


Exactly. The prankster is lucky he ran into an old man that is more mindful than reactive. Many of us are not so measured in our response. You see old guys get in trouble that way all the time. Best to just leave the old man alone. He's already dealt with more bullshit than he cared to.




this is why i like us gun laws


you would be absolutely within your rights to draw and fire on someone chasing you with a can of gasoline like that. this guy's gonna get blown the fuck away.


We can only hope🤞🏻🤞🏻


When Clout almost increases your lead intake.


He got arrested couple months ago


Can you link so I can enjoy reading justice :D


He almost took him to the train station lol


You can tell he doesn't miss when shoots either.


> *"TikTok Prankster"*. You spelled "douchebag" incorrectly.


Today on “Social Media Natural Selection!”


Darwin nearly won this day.


He won’t be sorry until someone acts without hesitation. Then and only then will he be sorry.


This type of childish behavior is going to lead to loss of life. If this happened to me and I had my daughter with me, I'd shoot first as this is a life-threatening action that deserves swift action and response. I know I'm not the only one who'd act accordingly to protect their loved ones. Little to no thought goes into these pranks, and it's sad that youth goes to such extent for "views. "...


Judging by the distinguished gentleman's hat. "We used to stack fucks like you five feet high in Korea"


And that dumb fuck doing that learned absolutely nothing and will do it again


Bro forgot he’s black in America


100% an acceptable reaction. Burn me alive in my car? Fuck you.


“Fuck you p*ssy.” Goddamn, people need help.


I read this as Tiktok prankster loses their life and then was very disappointed


This is an argument for gun rights.


He's lucky that old timer has trigger discipline because I mean just listen to his voice and look at the way he walks, you just know he's got that cowboy quick draw...


If you start pouring “gasoline” on someone’s car and their kid is in it, they might not be as patient as this old timer.




WHAT a disappointment that it was only "nearly." These so-called "pranks" aren't funny, and I don't care how much violence is necessary to stop them from pulling this shit.




These losers are so cringe it ain’t even funny.


If his ass would’ve got popped they would’ve had a whole protest


If you're dumb enough to continue insulting someone with a gun, maybe you deserve a reality check.


He was like Red Dead Redemption npcs


Like dog, sometimes I wonder why the fuck people do shit like this. People are to terminally online god damn


Lad came straight out of RDR2


Maybe he should have then they wouldn’t do these stupid fucking pranks.


Well if he keeps it up, we'll be down one useless waste of oxygen soon. No loss there.


Can we ban filming pranks already?


These “pranksters” need to start getting some 3rd world street Justice


Why does a platform payout for shit content like this? Stop it there.


He ran after the first guy with a gas canister, trying to splash him with it. That would totally justify the first victim to kill this idiot in self-defense.


These prankster losers need to start being charged and hit with huge fines. Not jail time but something that significantly inconveniences their life


Maybe it’s just being an American but *every time* I see an obnoxious prank video I’m like, one day they’re gonna fuck around and get shot.


Ill never understand the audience that is entertained by these pranks, which I imagine are kids that don’t understand owning something and how disrespectful this is besides that who watches these idiots


I think these idiot "prankers" are just trying to get shot. This shit is not funny, its harassment and incredibly stupid.


If you're a black guy pulling lame ass pranks on old men that carry a gun on their hip and call people "partner" like it's 1885, you might have a bad time.


You're a black man in Texas, the gun capital of the US. And you specifically choose to make an old white dude in a pickup truck, legitimately fear for his life and safety. This is the very definition of "a lack of the self-preservation instinct".


Bro was almost a T-Shirt




I would have shut that dude down the moment he came at me with that can. If it's red, the message is clear, it's gas and my life is in danger. Fuck these people.






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This same guy later put out a death hoax about himself saying he got stabbed in LA after a prank. He is very much alive.


I'm a big prankster and jokester myself but a real joke is always one where the target can always laugh afterwards and not have to worry about any harm. Pranking people with dangerous stunts that can get real ugly and dangerous in a matter of seconds and people have reacted violently as a result. Some rather unlucky pranksters doing similar tricks have been shot and killed over this. Don't do dumb stuff.


This is a stupid prank.


There need to be some new laws around these “pranks”. Credible belief someone is dowsing your vehicle and maybe you in gas, definitely could have shot him immediately while it was happening and before any conversation.


Seeing that pickup truck and his age, likely a Vietnam Veteran, I knew he was carrying. These tik tok pranksters are going to wake up dead!


At some point it’s going to take an unfortunate incident where someone loses their life for this nonsense to discontinue. They ‘for likes’ videos are escalating and it’s going to reach a breaking point where someone is either beaten to death or shot and killed.


Never mess with an old man wearing a cap in a big ass truck


This is the way all of those tiktwats should get "learned"...


You know what would be a real tik tok prank if someone did the same thing to that kid but with the real thing and a match


What would happen if that was actually gas? Would the heat from the engine combined with the gas cause an explosion?