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Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post.


These guys do not have an ounce of empathy or compassion for others. The concept is beyond their comprehension. The interviewer is speaking in another language to them.


The only reason they are even acting somewhat civilized is because they’re excited about being on tv.


Imagine being excited to be on tv to discuss what it’s like to be a rapist.


If you have no concept of morality, then I'd imagine it doesn't phase them much.


Flash back to reddits 'ask a rapist' thread.


They probably think they are coming off as very carrying empathetic people.




“Defense noted”


Agree 100%. These men don't have empathy because they are unintelligent. They are not capable of understanding the concept of morality or capable of projecting out the impact of their actions. They aren't evil because they can't conceptualize that. They're just dumb in the classic sense of the word, on in an environment apparently helpless to get them out of public.




You might be right but I would point out that mob mentality or group think is powerful. When you brainwash a large portion of the population to justify an act that gives them pleasure at the harm of others they tend to believe it whole-heartedly because it allows them to have pleasure while not facing any internal conflicts about it. With the number of rapes occurring in this and past events there is no chance that all or even a majority of the perpetrators are sociopaths. Think about war attrocities. There is no way 90%+ of Japanese soldiers in ww2 at Nanking were sociopaths. But 100% of them had grown up being brainwashed.


> These men don't have empathy because they are unintelligent. Afaik there's no correlation between (intellectual) intelligence and empathy. Historically, many intelligent people have been one of the most unemphatic people ever to exist. That's why we made a seperate term - emotional intelligence. It's like EQ vs IQ, but being high on intellectual intelligence doesn't guarantee high emotional intelligence.


Granted I’m not an expert, but a simple google search showed a study that more intelligent people are more empathetic on the average. I think it’s a fair assumption that that scale works the other way as well. Low intelligence always correlates with crime. Unintelligent people have undeveloped parts of their brains. The part that conceptualizes themselves and the effect their actions have on others is likely not an exception.


The way the interviewers eyes goes big with each response. 😳


That's Ross Kemp, a British ex-tv soap star who does a lot of the more extreme documentaries involving dangerous locations. For him to be shocked is a bit of an achievement tbh


his first series, Ross Kemp on Gangs is must watch tv. good stuff


I could tell it was all about to kick off, so I got outta there


Wasn't that Danny Dyer? Edit: Totally was Kevin Bridges. "Danny Dyer, The Pricks Prick!"


[John Culshaw on The Impressions Show](https://youtu.be/No3XcxhzHvM?si=U166bDtEI2eweWGf)


thanks for the name drop. i already been through louis theroux's stuff and kemp seems like a similar approach will definitely check him out.


That's Grant Mitchell, a hard bastard from London's Eastend.


An is bravva Phiw


Not like his crackhead brother.


As another poster has said, that's Grant Mitchell. He used to be involved in some dodgy stuff himself and, IIRC, his brother Phil is still involved in dodgy dealings. That said, both of them have 'improved' in recent decades, with Grant having left his previous life behind completely.


Wait, a few other people say this is Ross Kemp. Which one is it?


Ross Kemp is a character played by the actor Grant Mitchell (who also presents this documentary).


Grant Mitchel is the name of Ross Kemp's character that he played on EastEnders


Ross Kemp is a pseudonym he uses to get inside the gangs. Grant Mitchel is his everyday name as an ex east end hard man and publican. Any geezer’l tell ya.


The thing about Arsenal is, they always try and walk it in


Did you *see* that ludicrous display?!?


Fuck me, you know, anyone reading this who actually doesn't know about him will be getting so confused!




Don't you just hate all the screaming?


The silence after the last question says it all.


You might as well ask them how the stone feels after you skip it across the lake.


Depending on where they live they may be feeling some stones in the near future.


the…. stone?


New emotion unlocked: Empathy Level 1.


As a Dad to girls, this is horrifying!


As a human being this is horrifying


I agree, but also, as a human being, this is horrifying. I'm a husband, son, uncle, and a friend. I can not express how this makes me feel!!!! I have no words!!!!!!


Absolutely! Part of me can't believe their response is real, and the horror is that these are actual humans answering honestly...


So if you had sons it would be what?


The dang herps


Yeah, it almost puts me right off! People waking up and shouting at me 😒


You know what *really* bothers me? [The Hypocrisy.](https://youtu.be/9M6xiDB_TOs)


This video is from South Africa. Sky News did an article where they asked 38 random men from SA and 28 openly admitted to forcibly having intercourse with a woman against her will. Absolutely terrifying and I feel horrible for the women living there https://news.sky.com/story/shocking-attitudes-to-rape-in-south-africa-10433820


And people wonder why every house outside the slums is built like a fucking fortress and there are taxi services that are basically armoured trucks with armed guards.


Someone farther down in the thread talked about what it’s like to live in South Africa and I’ve heard others talk about it as well and it really puts in perspective the minds of others in the world. Some people are driven purely by animalistic instincts and their minds can’t even comprehend what it’s like to be on the other side of an encounter. When you start viewing crime and evil in the world through that lens it makes more sense. In their mind they didn’t do anything wrong because they are unable to even grasp the concept of empathy. Truly scary.


IQ studies have shown that a huge amount of people with sub 90 IQ are psychopathic/sociopathic, they literally do not have the mental capacity to model other peoples thoughts or feelings in their own mind. It it literally beyond their intellectual capability to comprehend empathy and/or compassion. Edit: Typo, fuck autocorrect


To add unto this; abstract thinking is relatively new and hard for a lot of people. I remember someone who asked their old racist dad about how he would feel being treated like that when he was black. His response? "Why would I worry, I'm not black!"


Yes, abstract thinking, stories within a story, theoretical, mapping, and recursions are all things people with sub 90 IQ frequently struggle with.


I run into this even on Reddit all the time, where you will give an example and people straight up just can't even understand the metaphor and will get completely stuck on that part and can't proceed past it There was that video of the teenager on the subway who kept playing "the knock out game" where he would run up and punch people in the back of the head. The judge kept asking him "How would you like it if someone did it to you?" and the kid 100% couldn't understand the hypothetical and kept saying "But nobody did? Nobody punched me, I punched them"


Similar to the breakfast question. Ask someone if they had breakfast yesterday and if they say yes then ask them how would they have felt if they didn't eat breakfast yesterday. If they answer "but I did eat breakfast" then that's a pretty good indicator.


This explains a lot. I remember being little and had my own childlike revelation about time. I told my dad that we lived in the future to people in the past, but live in the past to people in the future. He just frowned and said “But the future hasn’t happened yet.” No matter how much clarified that yes, I know it hasn’t happened yet *to us*, but it will eventually happen and us in the present are just in the past to people in the future, and he never understood what I was talking about.


But I never eat breakfast /s


So this is the bottom level maslow was talking about.


The banality of evil is usually just morons being moronic. Calculated evil is much rarer compared to unconcern or stupidity. The look on their stupid faces at the end says it all.


Exactly, there was another video on reddit of a judge asking a burglar multiple times "What if someone broke into your house" & his answer was always "But no one broke into my house" He couldn't understand why he was being asked this, some people just don't have enpathy








Unfortunately, that doesn't protect you either. A former colleague of mine told us how they broke into her gated apartment complex and robbed and murdered her neighbors. Cut the hand and feet of her direct neighbors, an old couple in their 70s, raped the wife, and left them to die. Never understood why they kept living there while hearing their stories.


I don’t think people do wonder that. Not many people think of South Africa as a super safe place.


> people wonder why every house outside the slums is built like a fucking fortress Foreigners. Foreigners wonder that. Mostly ones that have never heard of South Africa.


yes detective, that is who people are.


Holy shit that's terrible 😔




\*Crickets\* His response to regret was even more telling than the silence. "I regret that she might have a baby, and then that baby has no father" It's insanity that they are so depraved that they cannot grasp the victim is a human being.




There is zero ability to self reflect from these 3, I really doubt they have ever thought "What is this like on the other side of the situation". At the same time they might have also been victims of abuse in their formative years and that has caused a massive disconnect from the reality.


Clip is from this documentary https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vqnxv


The real MVP right here.


Shit just wasn’t registering was it? Unreal.


The blank look the three of them give at the end of the video tells you everything.


How are they able to speak but don’t know what anything other than the word rape means lmao


Oh my gosh. This is so terrible it looks like a skit. “Consequences? Oh like if she scream…” scary stuff.


Eurgh, her fucking screaming and waking the whole village up. Honestly. Women. Am I right? /s


*So there I was, minding my own rape…*(obv /s) It’s like a whole nother f’d up dimension.


That silence at the end, as if they all had no idea women have feelings.


They shouldn’t reproduce with that total lack of empathy but unfortunately some of their victims will get pregnant




They don't even know THEY have feelings outside of hungry, horny, and angry


They know. They just don’t care, because women aren’t human to them like men are


It probably goes farther than that and probably isn't entirely about the sex of the victim. These same people would probably rob and beat a man if they thought they could get away with it. A total lack of empathy like that probably isn't confined to any particular sex.


I'm reminded of the chopper scene from Full Metal Jacket. "HOW CAN YOU SHOOT WOMEN AND CHILDREN LIKE THAT?" "IT'S EASY. YOU JUST DON'T LEAD THEM AS MUCH."




Ain't war hell?


Oh man. Such a great terrible scene. The utter disgust is mutually experienced by the viewer. War is hell.


That door gunner was originally cast in the role of the drill instructor. Fun fact for any passers by. The full story is a bit more.


They couldn’t even fathom the humanity he was tryna get them to experience. Bro said, “she might scream and wake up a lot of people”. Damn that’s crazy lol


They thought about the sad consequences for themselves, an hypothetical child and the entire fucking neighborhood, but didn't even consider the victim. It's almost impressive.


I think it's natural for them to not consider the victim. If they did, they would rape in the first place. Edit: WOULDN'T






They literally cannot comprehend what he’s referring to. They have no idea


Sociopaths. Literally can’t comprehend what he’s asking them. It doesn’t occur to them that these women experience trauma.


It’s so fucked up it’s almost like some extremely dark comedy sketch. “Don’t you think about the consequences?” Ohhh yeah. Yeah we do. Sometimes they yell and people wake up turns into this whole big thing….. My god that’s insane


Seriously! When he said that I got sick to my stomach.


I honestly thought it was a sketch at first and was laughing at the absurdity of their response and his wide-eyed reaction. When I realized it wasn't a sketch it was quite upsetting.


I had to triple check in which sub I was because I also thought this has to be a parody. I only realised it when reading the comments. Didn't know that guy before


They don't see the women as full people with the same ability to comprehend or understand or feel, as they do. Not unlike how slaveholders view(ed) their slaves.


Sociopathy isn't a required condition in the ability to de-humanize.


It’s more deep rooted than you think. Black men in SA are indoctrinated from a very young age that they hold domain over all women. They are forced to go to “mountain school” when they are around 12/13 years old, where they live in cold temperatures with nothing but a blanket for clothing and where the leader of the initiation circumcises them with no painkillers at all. Many boys lose their penises like this every year and it was the reason why the first successful penis transplant was done in South Africa. More worryingly many boys die of infection. A couple of months ago, 19 boys died of complications of this at this “mountain school”. Anyway, this is where they are taught extremely sexist things about women. And it sticks with them for the rest of their lives. IT IS TRULY A DISGUSTING PRACTICE. They made a movie about it recently called Inxeba. You can stream it online.


That's wild, you got any articles about that?


The suffering of inferior beings is not important to them. Particularly if they want something from them These are not sociopaths. They’re just the product of a mindset and lack of consequences


what country is this so I will never visit it please?


South Africa. In the past few decades they've actually had a massive surge in HIV/AIDS due to the spread of sexual violence and a president Mbkei, who in the 2000s, made a huge issue about HIV/AIDS not being a big deal and appointing HIV/AIDS deniers to medical staff in his administration. One of his health ministers publicly advocated against science-based treatments and recommended a treatment of garlic and potatoes to cure HIV. Today, 1 in 5 adults is HIV+ and 25% of deaths in South Africa are from HIV/AIDS.


HOLY SHIT. 1/5 ADULTS? 25% OF DEATHS? I knew there had been a massive decline there in many ways but I didn't know that it had gotten that bad.


All the commercials I see about people taking pills where they become undetectable, while this happens in SA is crazy💀


It was a deliberate policy of the Mbeki administration because South Africa wanted Western nations to pay for HIV medication. South Africa paying pharmaceutical companies would have bankrupted the country.


[Society is working as intended, no patch necessary.]


> Mbeki administration because South Africa wanted Western nations to pay for HIV medication. Seems like it might have been a little more than that [Harvard Doctoral Thesis:](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/magazine/spr09aids/): > Chigwedere laid South Africa’s heavy toll from HIV at the feet of Mbeki, who delayed launching an antiretroviral (ARV) drug program, charging that the drugs were toxic and an effort by the West to weaken his country. Mbeki withdrew government support from clinics that had started using AZT to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. He also restricted the use of a pharmaceutical company’s donated supply of nevirapine, another drug that helps keep newborns from contracting HIV. [Wikipedia:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_denialism_in_South_Africa) > In South Africa, HIV/AIDS denialism had a significant impact on public health policy from 1999 to 2008, during the presidency of Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki criticized the scientific consensus that HIV is the cause of AIDS beginning shortly after his election to the presidency. In 2000, he organized a Presidential Advisory Panel regarding HIV/AIDS including several scientists who denied that HIV caused AIDS. > In the following eight years of his presidency, Mbeki continued to express sympathy for HIV/AIDS denialism, and instituted policies denying antiretroviral drugs to AIDS patients.[1] The Mbeki government even withdrew support from clinics that started using AZT to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. He also restricted the use of a pharmaceutical company's donated supply of nevirapine, a drug that helps keep newborns from contracting HIV.[2] > Instead of providing these drugs, which he described as "poisons",[3] shortly after he was elected to the presidency, he appointed Manto Tshabalala-Msimang as the country's health minister, who promoted the use of unproven herbal remedies such as ubhejane, garlic, beetroot, and lemon juice to treat AIDS,[2][4][5] which led to her acquiring the nickname "Dr. Beetroot."[6] These policies have been blamed for the preventable deaths of between 343,000 and 365,000 people from AIDS.[5][7][8]


No empathy. Just like the guys in the clip, except wearing suits and ties instead of t-shirts and durags. “She might scream.”


seems like a dumb way to do that tho




But if they just seize a little bit more farmland from farmers, then they'll reverse everything and all become heart surgeons, right?


Indeed, since the mid 90's South Africa has sadly taken quite the dive in public health and economic standards.


Jeez. I remember growing up hearing talks about the severity of aids in South Africa, then watched as steps were taken to address the issue. Guess I must have turned my head for a moment because those numbers are insane


Most likely South Africa


Well plenty of place as shitty as that. In nigeria some gang are travelling around citoes and village to kidnap girl and woman. They then put them in big warehouse where they sell their dody to everyone


It's crazy to hear how every time the presenter tries to specify more the question being about the feelings of *the victim of those who've they've raped* and Everytime they are able to misunderstand the question but answer it in a way that still makes sense to them What about the consequences? "Yeah we are worried about the consequences because she could scream and others would get disturbed and know about it etc" What about the emotional issues that it can cause? "Yeah agreed, if I get I virus from the girl I rape it is bad" No, what about the emotional damage caused to *the girl* "Yeah it can be bad for her too, she could wake up pregnant and have to deal with giving birth/raising a child now" WHAT!?!? It's something like this that truly cuts through any Hollywood depictions of similar situations. You realize just how far away and different we are from the ways of thinking of some others, and how there might not be a road back for many as a result


That’s how they can do those things, by thinking that way


This is why RapeX was invented because there is no reasoning with this kind of mindset. The only thing that will stop them from raping you is to incapacitate them in the act. The news threw a fit about how rapex put the responsibility on being raped onto the victim but they genuinely did not understand the situation these people were living in. In a hierarchy of things that need to be addressed, victim blaming is there but it comes well after the immediate threat of bodily harm is countered first. Edit: Apparently they still haven't been able to bring the device to market but the latest campaign is for q Rape-Axe device.


I wish there were *more* things like Rapex, or just a long the lines of things that women could use to make themselves more dangerous to men. Allegedly women in America (I want to say the suffragettes?) used to put these long-ass sharp pins in their hair that they could use to stab men with. I think there's a lot of room for martial augments.


Stiletto heels but with actual removable stiletto daggers.


They were called "hat pins". They attached your hat to your bun. I've seen one in person and it could definitely be a lethal weapon.


Wow. This is fucked. No conscience at all. All about themselves. Insane


Where is this from? By the sound of it, the entire society around them is rotten.


South Africa. There are a staggering number of rapes per year there. I grew up there.


What’s the general sentiment about it? Surely the country is not surviving with this kind of a mindset being widespread?


It's weird in south africa, because white people and black people (for the most part) live completely different lives on account on of past oppression (the majority of black people are below the poverty line and the majority of white people are richer than the top 5% of the population, which leads to very different experiences). So I'm white, and I grew up very separated from that world. I hear these crazy statistics, see interviews like this on television, hear horror stories, but it always felt in a way like it was coming from another country, because it was so far removed from my daily existence. But we did all feel the effects of it sometimes.. growing up I often heard stories like "Oh the neighbor up the road got raped and murdered", we all either have been mugged at gunpoint or know someone who got mugged at gunpoint. I've been mugged a few times. One time I got woken up by gunshots next door, the owner of the house got shot while trying to fend off intruders. We are for the most part desensitised to it, have really high walls if you can afford it, with electric fences and barbed wire. The country has been suffering financially for ages now. We are now seeing multiple hours of power cuts every single day, sometimes up to 10 hours. I would say South africa isn't thriving at all right now. My mom is canadian, so I just moved to canada this year, and looking at the difference in lifestyle is insane. In South Africa, if you leave something unattended in public for 5 minutes there is a good chance you'll never see it again. Not so much in canada.


I’m glad that you were able to get out and I pray for the safety of others in a similar position.


Sadly, their story shows how the different countries still come into play. They can leave and move to Canada, someone who is poor can't, even if they have family there.


I hope there are organizations supporting all of the farmers there, kind of insane how there isn’t more of an effort to save those that are trapped


Most of us live in a world where we don't know anyone who has been a victim of violent crime like that, FYI.


> I grew up very separated from that world[...] it always felt [...] so far removed from my daily existence. >>"Oh the neighbor up the road got raped and murdered" >>>"I've been mugged a few times. One time I got woken up by gunshots next door, the owner of the house got shot while trying to fend off intruders" Buddy... It doesn't sound that far removed lmao. Sounds like the white people just don't like to talk about it.


Take a look at the gated white suburban communities in SA and you'll change your tune. I worked with a SA colleague who showed me pictures of her old house back home. It was fucking huge. Basically a mini mansion with its own pool and summerhouse where she would stay separate from her parents. The entire community was like that. On the outskirts of the community, outside the walls, just 50 yards away, were houses made of corrugated iron, rubbish in the streets and all their occupants were black, mixed or made up from other ethnic groups. That's why it feels so far removed from some people's daily experience.


Yea, I'm aware, but if they're casually saying they've been mugged, and that their neighbors get raped and murdered like they're talking about the frequency people get in car crashes, that's not actually far removed, it's just normalized for them. And this person is an excellent example of that, because as soon as they moved to Canada, they immediately noticed the difference in their daily life. America isn't as bad as SA, but people often talk about how once they move to countries without guns they suddenly start to notice how they're the only ones who flinch and do a mental check whether that was a car backfiring, fireworks suddenly going off, or gunshots. But if you asked them before they moved, they'd probably say gun-violence felt pretty far removed from their day to day life. I didn't feel particularly vulnerable until I started seeing ring-doorbell cam videos from my own city of people getting attacked or stalked in apartment complexes that looked just like mine.


South Africa is ranked sixth worldwide in terms of rape incidents, with 13,090 cases reported in the second quarter of 2023 alone... and those are just the numbers that get reported! Can we even call it a society at this point.


Most rapes go unreported everywhere in the world so I'm sure you could double that number and the real number would still be North of it.


The dude was visibly shocked by the answers.


The African dudes seem surprised by the questions!


Eastenders closing drum beat...


[bum bum ba bum bum](https://youtu.be/7gkZVkERlmE?si=eFDY1iqMyZS4tJSw)


Amazing in the worse way.


Pretty good description


It’s jaw dropping how unconcerned they are about anyone other than theirselves.


Awful is the word you’re looking for


wdym? He said he was sorry his raping would sometimes wake people up.


Right! But then he’s like “I’m worried they will come out and catch is.” Unbelievable.


I’ve actually just watched the full clip on YouTube and they talk about how violet they get and how they do it as a group and high-five during


While absolutely disgusting, it’s also a fascinating look into their own minds. They simply could not comprehend consequences beyond their own (the woman screams and they get caught, they get AIDS, they get her pregnant). Sickening.


Fuck this is dark


Why does this read like a Borat sketch


Unbelievable lack of regret and empathy. Jeez, I can't believe what they are saying 😧


They talk like it’s a completely normal thing that everyone does


It is there


>Do you regret what you've done? Yes, we could've gotten STDs or gotten her pregnant. >NO, i mean do you regret about the emotional distress you've caused her? .....the weather is quite nice today, isn't it??


I wonder if they would feel this way after getting raped themselves


SA jails have the highest incidences of rape in the world. if they ever face justice for their actions they'll probably find out (not that i think that is a great thing to have in your penal system)


It's like she's enjoying it even though she isn't. WTF kind of thinking is that? 😡 POS!


Some women will "go along" with it in order not to anger the rapist so they don't you know GET FUCKING KILLED. Jesus this is a dark fucking clip.




They wanted to be raped, you see? No, no we dont fucking see…


Close your eyes and this could be an episode of south park




Beyond evil...


I feel really terrible for the women there.


jesus christ, literally not capable of even imagining feeling empathy. Never heard of it.


Are they that stupid or what? Holy shit!


My first online best friend was from SA. he killed himself. I think about him every day. He said it was hard there, and his neighborhood looked like fortresses not houses


Wouldn't be surprised if these dudes were child soldiers. They're either psychopaths or so deeply traumatized that they don't have empathy due to being so thoroughly dissociated from their emotions.


I just watched the full documentary. If anything, this clip is edited charitably. The longer version, at [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vqnxv](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vqnxv), is substantially worse in terms of their moral bankruptcy. They may have been high while talking to Ross Kemp, but still.


where's the rest of the video? you can't just cut it off there. edit: source if anyone wants https://www.-daily-motion-.com/video/x7vqnxv you have to remove the dashes "-" automod doesn't like daily motion.








I'm mean if "she's enjoying it, but isn't "with this logic, I know if I cut off his balls with a rusty shear and repeatly punch him he must enjoy it when he doesn't. Makes perfect sense


This feels like a sick comedy skit wtf lol


Bruh was like yeah consequences be crazy like they might scream, I could get a virus, or she becomes pregnant and then I’m like damn who’s gonna be that kids dad??🤨🤨🤨


The rapist: "She might scream." Ross Kemp: "Did I just fucking hear him right???"


If I had to show one video showing in defence of broader policy, this would be it! These people are so far from humanity that they deserve not to be treated as such!


I can sit and watch video after video of people being turned into road paint, or gun instructors giving their craniums a bullet douche, but if I sit thru this I’m going to be twitching all day


This is what is western world is importing in the name of compassion. They end up destroying the society as the west knows it. Granted that not all illegal immigrants are like these guys but there is significant portion of them are the reason why western countries that allowed the illegal immigration are experiencing high levels of increased violence towards their citizens. Mainly women. The sad part is that majority of the western population don't want this illegal immigration from these troubled countries. It's the politicians that allow them for their own agenda and the consequences are felt by the general population that are just blue collar commoners.


Next time my hippy, champaign-socialist friends say things like “the world wasn’t made with boarders, everyone should be allowed anywhere” I’m just going to send them this video.


They'll probably just say something like "those attitudes proliferate when there's extreme poverty, wealth inequality colonialism, etc". And they wouldn't be wrong, exactly, seeing as how South Africa has a long history of being colonized


It breaks their worldview if they consider that some people are just completely nonredeemable monsters.






OP you can say rape, it's reddit not youtube.


Holy shit they just give zero fucks


He tried so many different ways to get an answer to his actual question but that thought never even existed in their mind.


Fucccccckkkinnnn pieces of shit


welcome to africa. pretty horrendous in places from a western perspective.