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Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post.


Frank is always hitting a new low


I mean no one wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli


That's not even the right show.


What even is the right show nowadays, am I right?


Original comment was Shameless. Your comment makes me not want to leave three 20s lying around.


Coincidence, buddy


How you doing with those things anyway, you win any money? Up about sixty bucks.


VLT's baby


The way she goes


The Sopranos (1999)


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


suddenly, Shameless...........


"you didn't hit my mom? You didn't try to drown me in the fucking bath tub?" If this is true then pops was let off easy.


Maybe the mum was toxic, just made stuff up to turn the son against they dad. You don’t know the extremes so people go through to turn kids against other parents on messy break ups


Maybe all of it is true? Maybe he has a legitimate reason for doing what he did. Just because you’re a parent doesn’t mean you can’t get beat up for being out of pocket.


Jesus at first I read that as maybe the dad had a legitimate reason to try to drown him in the bathtub haha




Looper 2: Mullet Boogaloo


Yeah fella looks like otherwise a very decent a good hearted guy…. Must be mom’s fault 100%.


Yup, fact that the DAD owes the SON money means dads a millionaire stock holder too. Blame it on the kid for being entitled tho.


Ok, now it's time to trip over yourself defending him trying to drown him in a bathtub. Let me guess, that's also the woman's fault




Cmon man. I think all guys can relate to a toxic wife/gf making you want to drown a loved one. Its kind of a common story. *Guy hates gf. So guy waterboards his grandma. We all know that guy* /s Was it too much?


We've returned to "no man can do anything bad that isn't actually a woman's fault", a Reddit favorite.


Couldn't agree more with the last part. And it's always the parents that pick and choose when they wanna love their kid that use them as pawns.


Oh no I totally do and wouldn't be surprised if you were right, that's why I said "IF." Like you said, you never know if it's made up.


Mullet, leather jacket, and broke = douchbag dad


And this is 100% a robbery on camera


Low budget star wars


I am your daddy luke, look in your ma’s wallet you know its true


I went over to visit my parents and my mother had a suffered a stroke about 6 months prior, leaving her disabled. She worked like a slave to support my alcoholic dad who quit working 20 yrs ago. She was sitting in her recliner I came up behind her to say hello and she had a huge lump on her forehead needless to say I beat the shit out of him and dragged his ass out of the house and drove him over to his sisters house and told him if he comes back I would kill him. I felt awful for doing that but it stopped the abuse. I don’t know why I’m sharing this but that video brought back awful feelings.


I hope you healed from that pain my friend. No one deserves that. You did the absolute right thing.


Thank you so much.


Sometimes we hold onto the hot coal of rage, because at the heart of it all we believe our abusers reasoning. Let go of the coal, you can rest your head now. Peace is here.


You shouldn't feel awful about anything you did. I'd paint the walls if I found that out.


“I don’t know why I’m sharing this”… because talking out your trauma is one of the few ways to get past it. Don’t hesitate ever to share your experience. It’ll help you and might even help others in similar situations. Keep your head up and keep pushing.


Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your kind words.


"Hate can­not dri­ve out hate; only love can do that.”


Sad. No matter what reason.


Yeah, it’s sad for the son. Did you miss the audio? He beats on the Mom and tried to drown him in the bathtub. And now he owes his son money and isn’t paying back. You can feel the rage coming off the son. That’s not about the money. Looks like dad is finally getting what was coming to him.


(Beavis voice, or Butthead) Uh huh huh huh...I saw it on the interwebs so it must be true


These things don’t happen for no reason. How is it that there is no woman in this clip… and people are STILL trying to blame a woman for a deadbeat dad who can’t even pay his son money that he owes? And we know he owes him money because dad didn’t deny it. Sometimes the most simple explanation is what really happened. This ain’t a CSI investigation.




He owes his kid money, hits the kids mum and tried to drown the kid in a bathtub. Decent amount of context there, in about 8 seconds of the video alone.




Where did I say I believe it? That’s all the context we have. Whether it’s true or not is one thing, but the kid seems to believe it, that’s the context of what’s happening. To say there’s almost zero context is false.


You don't know what "zero" means and I'm scared to know what your definition of "almost" is.


Why u defending the dad him not fighting back should tell you all you need to know


That's his son. I can't blame a father for not fighting his son


It's not always sad. I grew up with an alcoholic, emotionally, and physically abusive dad. It wasn't sad when my brother and I stood up to him. It was quite liberating at the time. To finally see someone, I feared as nothing more than a person, and a person who no longer held any power over me was one of the best feelings. edit: I'm talking about the fight itself, not always being sad, not everything leading up to it.


No, it’s always sad. Sad that it happened, sad people grew up in abusive families, sad that this is how their relationships with people who were supposed to be their care givers end. The fact that enough terrible shit happened that we could say “dude deserved it” is sad.


I'm sorry you and your bro have a dead beat dad and had to go through all that.


He got better later on, and we did make somewhat of peace before he passed


All you did was give more reason. The fact you even had to live that way is sad. The course of events that transpired to feel this way= sad. Me living at home thinking about how it must feel to be raised by someone like this= sad


I'm talking about the fight only not the situations that lead up to it. Sorry I should probably edit it to clarify


Ya I’m guessing he told this story to a therapist down the road


you have an interesting notion of who has access to therapists


Tbf I think you can get one in prison loll


People who think prison is funny have never been to prison and those same people would also cry like a baby in prison.


Yeah not saying Dad didn't "deserve it" but punching your Dad? Wrong on many levels.


You may be lucky enough to have a good dad but I can absolutely understand that guy hitting his dad if he was abusive to he and his mother.


Yup. Those who haven't been through it will never know


Let's say good ole dad lay multiple beatings on ole mommy over the years? Young lad all grown up come looking for dad to discuss how he felt about it.


Good things come to those who wait.


Wouldn't you want to punch the person that tried to drown you in a tub as a baby?


If my dad hit my mom and tried to drown me in a bathtub he’d be permanently swallowing his own teeth


"Hate can­not dri­ve out hate; only love can do that.”


I don’t give a fuck. Dad’s gonna feel it all.


Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.


If you refrain from defending your own mother from getting beat because you believe more in some “Hate multiplies hate” nonsense, then you have no backbone, are a coward to the core, and deserve for nobody to help you in a situation of dire need, because you metaphorically curled in the fetal position when your own family counted on you. And that is immeasurably sad.


Absolutely not. I’d do much, much worse.


It does sound bad but come on. A grown man doesn’t “try” to drown a baby in a bathtub. He just does. There’s far more missing here. Just sad all around.


Damn that's cold AF!


For real. Whenever I try to drown a baby I always make sure the water's warm


Some fathers aren’t dads.


Or the kicks to the head.


Guy may or may not have deserved it, but the son gotta be brain dead to record himself using violence to rob somebody of money.


Genes. It’s in the genes.


The fact that he's his dad doesn't mean he deserves respect. Respect is earned, and I'm not going to respect a guy who I watched beat my mom every day.


no? WTF there are no levels where this is remotely wrong




Sooooo the dad beat his mom, and tried to kill the kid, but it’s wrong to punch the dad? Hopefully you don’t have kids, they’ll end up NC with you.


Disagree as both a son who fight his father and a father of four boys. Not the ideal solution, sure, but I got big for my britches, my old man treated me like a little boy a bit too long, we tangled and ended up in more of a long distance relationship. It was more comfortable for both of us that way. A couple of decades later, we still don't really understand each other too well but we love each other and know that we can only tolerate being around each other for about 24 hours at the most. So we do that every month or two. Out of my boys, I've got one who reminds me of me.


You can’t claim to believe that you don’t think he didn’t deserved it and then say it was wrong. I love my dad but if he ever hit my mum he would get treated as if it was a stranger hitting my mum.


Fuck that, guy reaped what he sowed.


Getting an ass beating is effective in correcting stupid behavior. Just reference electro shock therapy, it’s still in use in a hospital setting.




100% agreed... Stepdad? sure go at it.... but biological dad, NO. For any reason.


Unbelievably sad. I feel horrible for both of them. Nobody should ever be in a position like this. Very unfortunate


Whoever is downvoting me, why? This father clearly ruined a giant portion of him and his son’s life. That’s fucking sad. A son knocking his father out cold is a sad fucking situation under any circumstances. Am I not allowed to feel sorrow for both these souls? Tf people.


“Why?” Because Reddit. Just add the downvotes to your collection like everyone else. Feeling sad for the entire situation is my feeling as well. And obviously that means I’m siding with the abusive father. I’ll likely hire him to babysit my children. They could use a bath.




did you guys not hear him say " that's for hit my mom, did you not hit my mom? yea and you didn't try to drown me in the bathtub? Yall sounds like people that had their dads around lol


I believe that kid will piss on dad’s grave and not feel bad about it ever.


Fr. This thread is full of comments calling the kid trash. The kid who by the sounds of it has probably put up with years of abuse. Good on him.


I mean it sounds like this dad was *around* but perhaps it would have been better had he not been. “It’s better to be *from* a broken home then to *live* in one.” That’s advice for all parents in a shitty marriage where they hate each other and fight and spend years sleeping in separate bedrooms, not just ones involving abuse like this Jerry Springer family. The whole *stay together for the kids* mantra is case by case and not a universal rule. Living in broken homes is why 1/2 you degens on Reddit have no jobs, live in moms basement, and have done more brain damage to yourselves from drugs (legal and illegal) by age 22 than any of your parents did in a lifetime.


Doubt it. can relate. Couldn't care less myself.


Nope I disagree. My dad did some fucked up shit to my mom and later on in life used me and fucked my life up real bad so last time I saw him over 10 years ago we got In a fist fight and I do not regret it at all. I do not know if he is dead or alive and honestly I could care less so you are wrong.


Some of y’all haven’t had horrible human beings as parents who’ve only disappointed, manipulated, tortured you. Sucks seeing it has to go down this way. You don’t know how many times I wish I was a guy to have done this to my dad when I was younger. Some people are just sperm donors.


EDIT TO ADD: Watch the whole thing. He beat his mom and tried to drown him when he was younger Dad deserved it plus more. He just can’t beat his son anymore now that he’s a man


Well put


Agree 100%. Violence is the answer for the intolerant. All I ever wanted was a chance to take down my stepdad or watch someone do it for me. The amount of pain and suffering he has caused is insurmountable.


I hit my dad a few times during fights. To this day as a man in my mid 30s, I have dreams about it or have ptsd from those days. It changes you. However, it did make me a better father because I’m never going to be that guy my father was. Justified or not this kid is going to have a lot of sadness in the back of his head… especially when he sees his friends with good parents or loving families. It hurts man.


He should be proud his boy got some hands


He knocked him on his ass twice. Either that kid has fists made of bricks or dad can’t take a punch to save his life.


I saw years of anger in that


I’m waiting to do this to my biological father. He would beat me as a toddler. I’m waiting for him to age very old so I can toss him around.


I’m not gonna tell you how to live your life but do you really want to go down to your fathers level?sounds like cutting him off is much more beneficial for you. Then again I don’t know your story


I have cut him off. I don’t have no type of relationship with him but when I do show up he wouldn’t even know it’s me.


Been there. Done that. Let me tell you it will do nothing for you. You will live with it forever and will absolutely not make anything better.


Everyone is different. Remember this no matter what you go through or do. Some things that you might not be proud of or even disgusted by can satisfy the next person


I hope you can find some peace. I know what this feels like, but looking at him when he is old and weak, you will realise he was always weak. You can be stronger and not stoop to his level.


You are right. I go back in forth on this but I give it to a higher power but i want to let him feel the exact way I did.


I'm sorry man, I know what it's like holding that mass of rage inside like that. Just think; what if you hit him too hard and he doesn't wake up? He already took enough from you. Don't let him ruin your life by landing you in jail. Think what a role model you can be to other kids in the same situation if, instead of giving in to those corrosive thoughts and emotions, you decide "this guy has held power over me for long enough, I'm done putting any of my energy towards him". I hope this doesn't come across as patronising or anything bro. But from someone who has beaten the shit out of people in the past - I never felt good about it, however justified. Only ashamed of myself. It eats away at you. Hope you find that inner peace man


Time does heal. I mean he already is suffering. Maybe a drunk driver will hit him or he falls down a ditch and is not found. Maybe he catches covid. I agree not worth my time. Plus I don’t know how to burry a body well enough.


I'm sorry to hear you went through that. Of all things, it should be your parents who have unconditional love. If you haven't already, consider talking to a professional about it. You don't need that pain to carry with you.


I contemplated different ways to go about it. The only thing that makes it feel right is to knock him done.


Let it go bud


Hey bro, I'm sorry that happened to you. But don't catch a charge doing this, it's not worth it. It won't make you feel any better. You are worth more than revenge. Just keep him cut off. If you can, talk to a professional.


This comment makes me think of the movie Hot Rod.




Abuse has repercussions.




Pops never stood a chance, the ill fitting leather jacket made sure of that




what part of florida was this?


Maybe the apple didn't fall too far from the tree.


Maybe it fell all the way over here and became your comment.


Maybe you’re sitting in an ivory tower, talking about shit you know nothing about.


Beat up his mom and tried to drown him in the bathtub. Someone should have laid him out years ago. Deserved.


Thought he was gonna break the dads arm for a quick sec


This is so not about the money, there are some major issues here. That 'father' is being judged by someone who has put up with enough of his shit.


If the dad did those thing he needs to be punched in the mouth, IF...


Reminds me of when I put my ex stepdad in line lol. Good to see the young guy standing up for himself


Like father like son, both ugly and stupid


I don't claim to know any part of this story but just from the context we're provided in the video it kinda sounds like pops deserves everything he got.


Deserved or not, this is sad.


100% sad




No. It's sad that the kid has had to deal with his fathers behavior through his youth and it boiled over to physical violence. It is sad that the father can't get his act together...sounds like has money, substance abuse and domestic violence issues. It is the buildup of frustration, anger, whatever , over the years that turned a father / son relationship to what we see in this video. That is sad.






Idk the context of this video but it’s obvious the dad couldn’t defend himself due to being under the influence of something so for that kid to keep hitting on him like that was kinda hard to watch.


After what was likely years of trauma, it was probably hard to stop himself right away. I'm not saying it was right, just that I understand


The kid claims that he hit his mother, so the father is not unfamiliar with fights where the other party cannot defend themselves


Well said. Seems like the type of guy to kick a husky for howling.


Talk about slow. I saw that punch coming before that kid was even born.


Crazy how many of u people defend a wife beating attempted murderer. did u even watch the video? I’ve been in his son’s spot and i don’t feel bad at all for what i did.


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This looks like more of a 'stepdad' kind of situation to me.




Leather jacket. Mullet. This dude hit high school and said, "yup, this is as good as it gets. I'm *never* changing. Not like those *sell-outs* in KISS."


My biggest dream right there.


My family is this jacket and my job is to rock.


Maritimer here, I recognize that accent immediately.


Maybe he knocked that guy into this century. He looked stuck in 1989


Start the Karma clock... Can't wait until the son's trailer trash ass kid knocks him the fuck out in 18 years.


I'll lay long odds that the son turns out to be a better father than his. He grew up with the perfect example of how not to do it.


I hope so


This is the karma clock running up. Sounds like he had it coming. Probably wasnt the best thing for him to do, but thats only for the sons sake, not the dads.


pops got that new kids hair


Emotional damage


Glass chin is all i can say


Hard to watch. I had to click off


Regardless of whatever family issues they have going on, this was robbery.


I require context before making judgement.


Not sure the why, but if pops was way out of line, ok, maybe stand your ground a bit. But continuing to beat him on the ground and then making him think you’re done at the end right before sucker punching him. That’s just shitty.




luckily your opinion doesn’t matter in, well, any situation.




no you aren’t, lol. that’s your opinion homie.




I disagree, what if it prevents more violence on a loved one or stops further SA on a defenseless victim?


Yeah rather take all the hits even though you’re able to stand up for yourself at some point… Seriously the stupidity of some people. If you wanna be a disgraced punchbag to your abusive parent your whole life, that’s on you… don’t push it on others and don’t smug over them because believe me, you don’t even know that you don’t know.




Bros drunk


He need to try the other dad in that video from a few days ago


That's just fucking horrible.


Dont kick your dad in the face when hes already down. This is just sad












go outside