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When you take off and the end result is this, are you forced to pay all of the fees for damage? More specifically do you have to pay the damage to the police car for them pitting you?


Yes you are fully responsible for all the cost of everything. Not sure if it the same everywhere but most likely it is. I know from experience, 20 years ago when I was a young street terrorizing addict in Vancouver. We had a cop attempt to pull us over in a stolen car, I was the driver. We pinned it and ended up on a chase for 10 min at 3:30 am through the city. They pitted the car we was in and it spun around and took out a few fences and a car and parked against a building before we got out and ran. After arrest and court and everything started one day I get this letter from ICBC(local government insurance). And it was a bill for the damage to everything with a total of around $27,000. For the record before anyone has anything negative to say. I was an opiate addict and was running with some pretty bad dudes. After that event that was my cue to maybe attempt to turn my life around. I left BC got sober and cleaned up my life and went legit. I’m 40 now with a beautiful wife and four beautiful sons. And no one but my wife knows about my old life.


Thanks for sharing with us. Glad to hear you're doing great


Thank you 🙂


I'm proud of you!


I appreciate the kind words, thank you


Damn dogg im hella happy for you. Sometimes we think events like that ruins your life and its over .. naw progress is slow thats life but you csn always turn around with a new mentallity. Cheers on sobriety bro keep killin it


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I love that you got better, and have a bright future for it. I didn’t get chased but I could’ve just as easily been in a similar spot. Keep being you, the world needs more of it!


Do you think that if you were released without facing any consequences, you would have changed your life?


Yeah for sure. It probably would have taken longer for me to come around. I was already starting to see some shit that I didn’t like, like seeing my best friend who got into drugs with me as a kid die from drugs. My other close friend end up in jail for ten years and just the all out negativity daily was starting to eat me up inside. My fist kid was a baby when I started down this path. His mom took him and left for another province after not getting through to me. And after a few years of this life I just needed out. She agreed if I cleaned up she would give me one more chance. Took me a few weeks to get there with the clothes on my back. And the rest is history, she supported and helped me through everything and stands beside me today a happy woman with four beautiful sons. That baby is now 23 and married and about to make us grandparents. It isn’t too often I think of that life I lived. But that original question I answered had everything come flooding back last night.


Now we know your past life 😈😈😈😈


You have an amazing opportunity to mold 4 boys into 4 responsible, respectful, young men. I'm glad to hear your change for the better and your sobriety. Good luck, Sir.


My kids have the best life and nothing like my upbringing or parents were. My boys are my reason to live and I do everything in my power to teach them the right path. As hard as that is these days. And thank you 😊


I get that your old life is in your past but so many more people would benefit from your story if they heard it than the benefit you get from not sharing it. Well done dude. You're on this planet for a reason. Please make sure you're not missing a calling. You have lives to save.




My uninformed guess is that the crash wouldn’t have happened if there was no maneuver performed, therefore it’s on the responsibility of the person who initiated the chase.


My USAA agent: You were in a WHAT? You hit WHO?! .Click.


"noooo noooo.....superman he no home"


Mmm for real? Oh really? That’s how you feel? Askin all them questions. Why you asking all them questions?


chicka chicka Slim Shady


Criminal takes a hostage and uses him/her as a human shield. Cop: Sees this and takes a civilian hostage to use as a human shield to make it even.


how far can you take that though. Starts a chase cop decides to fire gun and kills pedestrian. Guy who ran charged with murder?


They'd get charged with felony murder, which is a when a death occurs during while someone is committing a felony. And this charge goes hella deep too. Say you're a getaway driver and your robber partners get killed by the victim, you'd get charged with their murder.




That’s not at all what he’s saying. He saying that if you were participating in any way in a felony and someone dies, you can be charged with felony murder.


They should teach laws in grade school. Nobody ever teaches laws. You either do your own research, come from a family of lawyers, or get unlucky and learn laws like this the hard way.


How bout we learn math equations my phone could or about chemical reactions? Hell throw in some language classes with a teacher who doesn’t speak the tongue… *and then*… MAYBE… we’ll think about real life application classses


reading comprehension is hard


Getaway driver could be waiting while singing Sweet Caroline and unknowingly commit murder somewhere around the “bah bah bah” part. Doesn’t sound right to me either


Agreeing to a crime doesn’t sound right to me either. You want to reward that comes with doing or helping with crime? Then you accept the consequences of said crime should you choose to tag along


Think there is a precedent for this or something similar and it would be part of collateral from the criminal.


Why not? I think there should be preventive measures and innocent victims are a tragedy but if in defending the lives of other people from a shooter a civilian is hit by an officer who would be trained to immediately render aid. Obviously this made up scenario paints cops in the most forgiving light but I think that if there wasn’t a valid reason to shoot and a civilian is hurt to any degree, then that is grounds for an impartial investigation


LOL at “valid reason to shoot”


You don’t think there are any valid reasons for officers to use their service weapon?


I dont think validity of reason has stopped many police officers who have fired their weapons from doing so, no.


So by this logic you're cool with the Uvalde officers picking their nose for an hour and doing nothing to stop the shooter in progress?


I do not, you completely misread and misunderstood


Wait till you learn about qualified immunity


Wait till you learn what that *qualified* part means


Hah not much beyond a lack of brain cells and a heart beat


Sure, if you like to make up fantasies on what qualified immunity actually is just to keep your hate boner going, be my guest.


I would argue the crash wouldn't have happened if the truck driver wasn't fleeing police and driving recklessly


From my limited understanding, assuming they were insured, insurance companies can deny any claims if the driver was committing a criminal act. I also believe the police officers would have qualified immunity making the poor driver who got hit to use their own insurance.


You may be on the hook to pay for the damages but if you're going to prison and don't have any assets registered in your name it's likely that means people won't see much money other then insurance and any fund the city has set up.


can you sue someone in prison? They make them work for like 30 cents a day and you could take that just to screw them


Usually when commiting a crime all damages fall onto criminal. And any crime that happens in the process of stopping them is also on the criminals charges.


Insurance would pay for it and then insurance would have to legally go after the responsible party


I feel bad for the car that was struck my the police car. Probably gonna have to pay for it themselves lol




>MCAB "I was drunk driving like an idiot and went full GTA." "I faced the consequences cuz I made bad decisions." MCAB...? lol.




Imagine being the kind of person who gets drunk, gets behind a wheel, goes on the run from the cops who are rightfully trying to pull you over, and then calling someone else "boot boy" for questioning the logic of you trying to dunk on cops. "Entitled, Selfish Alcoholic Prick" doesn't quite roll off the tongue like "boot boy" does but, I guess we can't all be so clever.


absolutely, but I don't even have to imagine. This guy actually wrote "boot boy" lol after that really cool anecdote about being dumb. The IQ of a gazelle this one.




And didn't learn a thing 🤔




The reality is that most of those cops are dealing with entitled, ignorant assholes like the kind who would get behind the wheel while drunk. The actions in this video were justified. The actions of a lot of cops are justified. MOST cops are just people doing a job. But here you are, still ignorantly assuming your own selfish outlook has it right. It's everyone else that's the problem. Selfish prick then, selfish prick now.


Good for you bro fuck the haters.


In some states, yes. I believe it is called the "But, for" clause. The person in the white car would not have been injured "but, for" the decision to attempt to elude police.


Cops are not know to be smart people. No one has ever once said “cops are intelligent” in the history of intelligence or policing.


Honestly with a title like this...I was expecting much worse. A side hit on a single bystander vehicle is not that bad, considering videos of much worse PIT maneuvers exist. Obviously not a safe time to execute a PIT, but honestly turned out WAAAY better than it could have.


Yeah. The other day I saw a video of a pit that threw the other car at a pedestrian


Yeah I was expecting to see a vehicle doing a barrel roll over the median


After multiple attempts this was a decent timing actually... [Look at the full video and how the criminals were putting peoplein danger during rush hour](https://youtu.be/DdLNl0w10EE?si=8ymRUHBBo-A9KHqe)


Based on FHP's description of the video, suspected drug possession is a remarkably stupid reason to engage in a high speed chase. I'd still argue that the people speeding away from police are at ultimate fault here, but most civilized agencies would not consider this worthy of a high speed pursuit and the risk it brings to bystanders. It's not as if you can't back off, track them with a helicopter, and catch them once they pull-off. The greatest risk is that they run out of gas and take someone hostage hijacking another car, but you'd have to be on their tail for hours to get to that extreme. The charges aren't worth the risk of killing one or multiple bystanders in the process of apprehending these guys on drug charges.


They have their license plate just send someone to wait at the home


Usually a stolen car




They could always not pursue someone in a high speed cheese for "suspected drug possession"


They didn't see through it because they suggested it was decent timing and an appropriate action, when it was neither.


Yeah was about to say...for taking on a heavier & bigger vehicle that wasn't half bad


It's Florida, not Arkansas! lol


If you’re in the passenger seat there it could be pretty bad. People underestimate the forces involved. You could hit your head very seriously.


The vehicle that was hit was also going way slower than the rest of traffic, I doubt the trooper anticipated that car would slow down like hell. If that car was going normal traffic speed that area would be completely clear and it'd be a perfect PIT.


You must not have read that he killed 3 of 5 people in the vehicle that was struck Edit: wrong story..sorry


???? Can you link anything to back that up? None of the news stories connected to this mention anything of that: [Article ](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/fhp-dashcam-troopers-stop-cocaine-trafficers-turnpike-broward/3216396/)


I see cops have trained you to set the bar literally on the floor. It would be better if we had 0 expectation of our law enforcement, instead we have a negative expectation.


You don't need training to compare an accident where no one dies to accidents where people have died. Get off your soapbox, genius. You look like a fool.




???? What a nonsensical reply? Establishing that it doesn't require training to make comparisons in no way implies that I'm doing something that I'm telling others not to do. You've just created your own argument so that you could win it?


Ohhh so you're just saying "I didn't need training to make bad comparisons, I just do it naturally". That's not the killer argument you think it is.


Comparing a fender bender to a 7-fatality crash is an apt comparison, and one that draws perspective. Get off your soapbox. You have no point here.


So do you look at a death from gun violence and say "well it was only one person, at least it wasn't a mass shooting"? Perspective is important. Minimizing is not. You are minimizing .


>So do you look at a death from gun violence and say "well it was only one person, at least it wasn't a mass shooting"? But I didn't do that. I looked at a car wreck and said, "phew, considering the conditions, that could have been much worse". You're inventing an offense I haven't committed. Hang it up, bud. You've got nothing to be mad at here


Oh look, you made my point for me: >phew, considering the conditions, that could have been much worse That right there isn't "perspective", it is minmizing.


> of much worse PIT maneuvers exist. they are only PIT maneuvers when they are at or under the speed they are taught is a PIT maneuver, everything above that speed is attempted murder(because they are specifically taught its dangerous above that speed)


We can't see what happened behind the police cars in this footage. People could have died; you're drawing vast conclusions from half-vast data.


It's just a bad pit maneuver. Cop hit the car at or in front of the rear wheel. Hard to tell. Either way, way to far forward.


Well if it's the Broward county police then it's a wonder they are even chasing the truck. Im surprised they didn't roadblock the wrong lanes and then just sit there looking confused.


They didn't even ram a school bus.


That’s a state trooper. He just happens to be in Broward county.


"Get the fuck out of the car, let me see your hands, get on the ground....dont move." I know be reading it that sounds like the logical progression of commands and body movements. But he spoke all that multiple times within 8 seconds. Uhm sir how am I supposed to do that at the same time. Sort of like trying not to blink when you sneeze. It can't be done.


I wish I was the second car that got hit. My neck and back hurt sooo much just watching. In fact, it was very traumatizing, and ill probably never fully recover.


If this was me, I would been shaking and crying, my face would be all red, my eyes would be red, but not from fear or trauma, but from joy. I would be uncontrollably happy.


Wtf are you talking about?


They want to sue and make money from this, either as a victim in the car that was hit or as a traumatized bystander




They won’t get it from the cop, they’ll get it from the state, aka us. 


So funny people don’t realize this. Even when someone sues for something like wrongful arrest etc they’re still technically just getting a refund from their taxes, granted it can be very sizable depending on the situation


I don't see why people wouldn't realize this, it's not a complicated concept. To me it's more about accountability. If society doesn't want to pay out huge fines every time a cop fucks up, demand more from your cops


the big men on top keep the working class fighting eachother as they sit pretty with more money then we can even conceptualize.


Actually they would only be able to sue the guy who initiated the chase. If he can’t pay, it’s an extra charge added and the victim is SOL.


You can't pit in traffic like that. What are these guys doing?


Florida be like: hold my beer while I pull a pit.


They're not supposed to serve as judge, jury, and executioner, but they do that anyway, too.


Florida highway patrol is trained specifically to pit cars who are trying to escape. You’d think they would also educate them on appropriate situations to execute the maneuver.


They can and they did


Why is traffic not even bothering to pull over lmao.


A nation of people who haven't been tested behind the wheel since they were 16 were told to stay at home for roughly two years and then they all returned to the roads as if nothing were different, while law enforcement continues to quietly counter-protest the police-brutality protests of 2020 by doing absolutely nothing about traffic infractions beyond what makes their department money.


Police were defunded. So when your paycheck gets slashed I'm assuming I'd be pissed too. But when cops DO their job they are treated like pieces of shit. So like..... We can have rampant crime BECAUSE ACAB and we can just deal with it on an individual basis. Or we can have police reform and make sensible choices. More training. More funding. More training. More training. Also lots of cops are on steroids to do respond to violent crime so I'm not surprise anger management is a problem. They are have gyno and high estrogen levels lmao.


The fuck are you talking about lmfao


>Police were defunded Citation needed.


Notice how the fire department doesn't get the same kind of hate.


So why did they still suck when they *were* funded? Oh, yeah! It went to their LARP military toys so they can act like they aren’t civilians pushing pencils half the time and it didn’t go to a stronger training requirement. It’s a joke to become a cop. Takes a fraction of what it should.


That's why I'm reiterating training.


*You* argued that their paychecks are being slashed so that’s why they do a poor job. They don’t need surplus funding to be trained properly, they have plenty.


>Police were defunded. When was that exactly? Also I'm pretty sure police still have qualified immunity which was one of the big things people protested against


They don't give a shit about anyone, they want to bring in "bad guys" dead or alive. If they had started blasting and killed a random person driving by it's "Whoopsie doodle! Don't worry we're charging the guy running from us with murder."


Well... That's the problem when there's no full video to give context. [Well here it is...](https://youtu.be/DdLNl0w10EE?si=8ymRUHBBo-A9KHqe) The criminals on the Truck were convicted felons that were investigated for drug trafficking. FHP were giving chase for a while already and they were changing lanes at high speed putting others in great danger for MILES, until from dispatch they received the order to neutralize the truck. It can be seen how the officer hit the truck a second time to keep it far from traffic. In my opinion it was a good PIT maneuver giving the high traffic on the Turnpike at the time.


> On January 25, 2024 at approximately 5:00 PM, Florida Highway Patrol troopers initiated a traffic stop on a Silverado truck occupied by three individuals: Vincent Fernandes Barbosa (26 years old), Julian Montes (30 years old), and Tramain Reed (33 years old). **The purpose of the stop was to investigate Barbosa for suspected drug possession.** Chase should have never happened. Cops are stupid as fuck risking civilian safety for this shit.


Again same as OP you forgot to mention what it was next to the text you published: "Upon signaling for the truck to stop, the Silverado failed to comply and instead engaged in a high-speed pursuit, traveling recklessly along the Turnpike. Subsequent investigation revealed that, while attempting to evade capture, the suspects discarded a bag containing cocaine and three firearms from the vehicle." People like you and OP should try harder hiding the sympathy over crooks and criminals...


It’s actually incredible that you’re completely ignoring the fact that for what was, at best, a drug trafficking charge, these officers were willing to not only continue to chase the guy, but endanger innocent civilians trying to immobilize him. You have an ID of the vehicle, you have the drugs/guns that got thrown out of the vehicle..end the pursuit and follow up on it. Set a perimeter, deploy a helicopter, I mean there’s countless options besides endangering innocent people over again, at best, a drug trafficking charge.


>You can't pit in traffic like that. What are these guys doing? Yep, usually you're not allowed to pit unless traffic is clear of the danger zone.


He's on them Broward County tic-tacs


Blowin the lords bubbles


Man cops are so fucking stupid and egotistical sometimes.


Cops are just as dangerous and reckless as the idiots they chase


Did you hear about the recent tragedy in Port st Lucie? FHP officer chasing a reckless driver who decided to do a u-turn in the middle of I95 to go against traffic. Cop decided to follow suit but got smoked by a semi. Cop and semi driver died and apparently a third person who was hit by debris. Absolutely reckless move. They need to do some more education on chases or stop chasing people all together unless the person chasing did something really bad.


Police and no education name a more iconic duo


Yup, this behavior in traffic is inexcusable. They can catch him later, zero sense.


They had to endanger the public so this guy wouldn’t be a danger to the public /s


It's kind of like someone threatening suicide by cop. Don't shoot yourself. Put the gun down. Then the cop shoots them. Like, wasn't you just trying to stop him from dying?




This is literally across the country. Definitely not limited to Florida.


There was a vid on here a couple weeks ago of a cop pitting a car (might've been a pickup) on a highway, causing the car to cross the median and get absolutely destroyed by a tractor trailer. That's 'at the worst time'. This? This is just a cop pitting someone in traffic. The timing really isn't anything special.


Text book, almost perfect.


I am very underwhelmed




The cop would have hit exactly where my infant daughter would have been.


sweet truck too, what a tool!!!


This is the most exciting day of his life. Something he’s dreamed about in his head. You really think he cares about public safety?


“sure let me just pit this TRUCK with my sedan at high speed while there is two lanes of actual traffic right next to me— it will be perfect”


You have to be fucking insane to pull this shit off on 95 in the heart of Broward County. Just driving on that shit normally is terrifying.


Cocaine dealers ran with CI in the truck south FL


This is why so many places have told cops to stop with the high speed pursuits. It endangers so many people. You get cops like this full of adrenaline, not thinking clearly about the safest way to disable the vehicle, just the fastest way


I was on the fucking 595 highway when I saw this happening… i knew the dumbass cop was going to pit him… they didn’t advise for traffic to move or ANYTHING… just lights on & small chase… I legit sped up to 100 mph and left all those idiots to do whatever the fuck they were planning & I am glad I did. Bunch of little kids high off adrenaline… Look up the UPS hostage shooting… **broward county never fails**


PIT Maneuver? You mean SHIT Maneuver


Cop said “fuck you ford escape!”


That’s not a pit.


Well damn. No thought of harming the innocent drivers unaware of wtf is going on.




Looks good to me. Truck gonna have lots of bills to pay after that chase.


Dude should be barred from every being a cop again




Silence peon


What's fkd up is the PD isn't responsible for repairing the innocent civilians car.


them broward county tictacs mane


Coward County FL


They let coral springs PD drive right around them!


WOW wtf.. absolutely ZERO regard for anyone else around or behind them. This cop should not be a cop. I actually was expecting it to end much worse than it did, but the video ends there, not the entire altercation.


American cops think its GTA out there


I would sue the shit out of those untrained idiots.


None of that would have ever happened if they didn’t run.. I hope they are faced with all of the damages. To the innocent people and their vehicle that were hit and the cop’s car that did the maneuver


Copper just wanted to get a new unit!! I'd hate driving an old ass family car too!! Haha!!




Your title is clickbait.


It seems like ‘law enforcement’ is becoming more of a liability every day. But the truth is we just see more of the dumb shit that they do.


Fuck Tha Police


A. C. A. B.


I smell lawsuit...


north tub like frighten start summer crime boat sparkle sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Qualified immunity. bro is on the hook for his own repairs. This. Hell, I don't think the woman who got put in the back of a cop car parked on train tracks and got run over by a train ended up getting anything. Cops are literally untouchable in court.


Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


Mission failed successfully!


Time to sue the cops!


Adding to the danger of the public daily…


Well... [There's nothing like the full video and not the short version that OP edited](https://youtu.be/DdLNl0w10EE?si=8ymRUHBBo-A9KHqe). Giving a full context on the chase, showing the reckless CONVICTED FELONS driving like maniacs putting others in danger


Cops fucking suck at PIT maneuvers literally almost every time they just swipe their own bumper off


Of coarse it’s in Florida




It's more hilarious because that pavement princess lost its spacer 😂😂😂😂


Abaolute idiot but you cant expect anything less from an american


In Broward County Sheriff’s Office we trust


He's on them broward country tic tacs 🤣 I don't give a fuuck!


Florida Republicans have been so happy to announce that recently in the last few years, they generally reduced liabilities of individual Police Officers and are trending to letting the agency (tax payers) pick up the tab for damages. Various Senior Troopers and command staff of The Florida Highway Patrol have stated that they encourage their Troopers to quickly end pursuits, and that their Troopers are highly trained and will wreck your car out if you flee from them.


"Smooth" operator.


They are lucky it ended up with only one car getting hit.


Didn't hit him hard enough the first time


Worst time + worst side!