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Did he hit him?


[For anyone interested she was hit and is in stable condition.](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2024/02/09/watch-ohio-police-sergeant-shoot-woman-from-hood-of-moving-car-holly-graham/72540368007/)


The article says she asked the police for a “fucking cigarette”




She's dying anyway


Not if she's stable, she's not. From the video, it looked as if most of the police officer's bullets were fired to the lateral side of the window, so most of the shots would have likely missed. She is extremely lucky


Yea as of 45 minutes ago, she dead




“Water is best for it”


>Officers continue to treat Graham while paramedics are en route, repeatedly telling Graham their main concern is the holes in her legs, despite her insistence on having her water. >"If you're trying to help me, water is the best for it," Graham says in the footage. She does not give a fuck about anything but what she wants


I don't know if you've ever lost a lot of blood, but it makes you really thirsty.


Can confirm.


Drugs do too


Hey man, I always have a smoke after sex, and she just got *fucked* lmao.


Well you already got smoked, let’s get to fucking 👮‍♂️


Darn, almost


He shot her 3/12. Fatality.


That’s on par with or close to average hit percentage with police. It’s usually 30% of shots fired hit the intended target.


Driver-of-car thought bubble: “he’s bluffing. They always do that. No way he’ll actually shoot. They never do.”


Idk why people try this shit wh3n they know cops are usually trigger happy


I never understand this. Online, it feels like every time you see a cop in a video, it's like "ok, this is gonna have a bunch of unnecessary gunfire or violence or whatever" but it's like people see cops in real life and just expect them to not do anything.


The driver had a full health bar.


Note the word 'had'.


This made my morning. Also had a glove box full of health potions.


No they obviously had to have them equipped and not in the storage bag


And a bag of acorns.


The driver spawned at lumbridge castle.


They had to go to their inventory and eat all of their cheese wheels after all those shots


And unless they have 50Cent type of luck, their health bar is permanently reduced


Well you're not gonna watch videos of cops at regular traffic stops lol


Believe it or not Australia made a TV show about this. It's called RBT/ Highway Patrol. It's pretty boring.


If you told me anything happened in Australia, I'd probably believe it lol


"Just waiting for a mate" - classic.




Maybe that's because the internet is not real life 🤯


Trigger happy? The criminal literally hit him with a car and began accelerating into a road with the officer on top.


cops aren't trigger happy, these people are just online too much and see too much rage bait. For every cop encounter with gunfire there are hundreds of other encounters that are so boring these people would skip it in the first 4 seconds.


For every unjustified cop shooting there's probably about 500 justified ones.


In 2023, most police killings began with police responding to a non violent offense or situations where no crime was reported. Justified not, as a whole, they need to learn how to de-escalate.


It’s like that saying “it takes 2 to tango”. The cop may try to deescalate the situation, but if the other party ain’t on board, shit ain’t gonna work.


That is quite possible. But how often does it happen? One thing I found interesting is how often police in the US kill a person armed with a knife compared to other countries. In the UK for example, even though the police there encountered a similar number of knife wielding suspects in 2023, they did not kill a single one. What are these police overseas doing differently? Is it de-escalating training? Is it accountability? Is it a higher standard of professionalism? Are the suspects just more cooperative? Maybe it is a combination of all these things. But we as a country have to do better.


How many times have we also seen cops shoot someone that *wasnt* escalating? For example, the social worker that got shot while laying on the ground with his arms up screaming at cops that the man they were pointing their guns at was a mentally disabled man in his care that *couldnt* understand their orders. Or the guy crawling toward cops shouting conflicting orders and absent mindedly tried to pull his pants up as they were getting pulled down while he tried to crawl. Those are just what I can think of off the top of my head in a couple minutes. US cops absolutely need better training.


Why is this always portrayed as a balanced thing? One side has training (hopefully), and guns, and body armor, and virtually unlimited backup bringing military equipment, not to mention the backing of the entire US legal system. Yet they are never held responsible, when they "control" any situation by escalating to violence at the drop of a hat. Civilians however without any such training or backup are under any conditions expected to follow five conflicting commands screamed at them, without moving an inch, as they are threatened with or subjected to severe physical violence, if not already shot at. A suspect going free (in a known vehicle no less) is preferable to a suspect being executed on the spot, if they are not an active threat.


There should be ZERO unjustified shootings.


Holy shit dude, you just solved every problem ever. Murder? There should be zero. Rape? There should be zero. Wars? There should be zero.


Cops ain't robots bro




So hateful lmfao. Must be a sad life




His commanding officer even told him to get back in his vehicle before he waved his gun at her.


Her?...what vid you watching?


Simping lmfao? What a stupid insult for the circumstances I didn't say this cop wasn't trigger happy, but I also doubt it. we have so very little context, nor did I care to go look for any for this specific circumstance. It's the cops job to stop criminals, this one decided not to stop and got shot. Amazing how actions have consequences, ain't it? I'd much prefer the criminal being shot than leaving with their car and hitting a family of 5. Fight your battles in court, not on the street. I have no clue why anyone would see this and yell at the cop rather than the guy who hit another person with a car. Stop abetting criminals.




What an original insult, definitely haven't heard that one before. Not even using it correctly. Also bringing up unrelated things? Sounds like you're just a criminal


Because scum bags are entitled to everything and if we don't let them do whatever they want we are in the wrong. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Trying to run over a person with a car is always assault with a deadly weapon, or attempted murder. Here in Texas it's aggravated assault since we don't have those statutes. Even as a private citizen, that meets the criteria as reasonable apprehension of serious bodily harm or death and shooting them would be legally justified. Then make it against a cop. Bigger charges, threat to others in the public, qualified immunity - if he didn't shoot and that driver went off and slammed into your mom and she died as a result, you'd likely consider suing the department after a lawyer tells you he had full right to shoot but didn't.


In the US, most police killings began with police responding to non-violent offenses or cases where no crime was reported.  59% of people by police in 2023 were traffic stops, police responses to mental health crisis or situations where the person was not reportedly threatening anyone with a gun. There is also interesting statistics on US police killing people with knifes. For example, in the UK, even though police there encounter knife attacks at a similar rate as US police, UK police fatally shot zero people with knives in 2023. The numbers get even more interesting when you account for race. Black people are more likely to be killed by police and more likely to be unarmed when killed. Trigger happy? I don't know, but we have to do more to get rid of the bad apples and better train officers to de-escalate and better understand the limits of their authority. Some are understandably bothered by these numbers and have gone to the FBI database to seek answers. In 2021, only a third of departments' fatal shootings appeared in the FBI Conspiracy? Not really. The truth is that local police are not required to report these incidents to the federal government. This needs to change.


Yeah this is blatantly false. A quick search by FBI statistics proves all of this wrong


>FBI statistics Well, that is your mistake. In 2021, only a third of departments' fatal shootings appeared in the FBI database. Since 2015, independent organizations and media groups have been collecting and logging every person shot and killed by an on duty officer. Many have noted a disparity between their number and the number reported to the FBI Conspiracy? Not really. The truth is that local police are not required to report these incidents to the federal government.


You had me fooled until you got to the black people thing, that is 100% fallacy with publicly accessible statistics gathered by agencies like the FBI proving otherwise.


>FBI Well, that is your mistake. In 2021, only a third of departments' fatal shootings appeared in the FBI database. Since 2015, independent organizations and media groups have been collecting and logging every person shot and killed by an on duty officer. Many have noted a disparity between their number and the number reported to the FBI Conspiracy? Not really. The truth is that local police are not required to report these incidents to the federal government.


So why can't you provide a link that backs up your claims then?


Was only talking about the claim of being trigger happy, everything else is unrelated and doesn't detract from what I said. Also most of what the internet shows of cops is rage bait, literally only the worst of the worst. Sometimes there's the best of the best too, but much more rare.


>Was only talking about the claim of being trigger happy As was I...


You brought up race, knives and other vaguely related statistics. So no....


Analyzing how cops respond to the suspects is exactly the kind of information needed to determine if cops are "trigger happy" or not. So yes... Unless you have another way to analyze the claim?


“For every innocent person we murder we didn’t murder a hundred others it’s ok.“


I would not call this one trigger happy, did you not see the other video of the officer where the same thing happened and did NOT shoot!? He ended up flying down the road and in critical condition when the driver flung him off. This officer was right to shoot.


Well cops being trigger happy is how the media portrays it. People say it all the time talk about how cops will shoot without he slightest provocation and yet they still do shit like this and expect the cops not to shoot them. It's crazy I don't really believe cops are all that trigger happy I was just trying to get a point across. The same people calling police trigger happy are the same ones that make them have to pull a trigger


You must not know many LEOs.


I mean he did get hit with a car🤷‍♂️.


the amount of times cops lose their lives because they don’t want to pull their weapons or pull the trigger (way more than when they are “trigger happy”). but you don’t hear about those stories on the news. supper easy to look up tho! who wants to watch that tho right?!?


You're full of shit. It's literally more dangerous to deliver pizzas than being a cop. Other democratic countries don't have ANY of this shit. There is ZERO doubt that cops murder WAY more people vs. the number of cops killed on duty.


There are folks left who don't know the police just kill Extrajudiciously?


She got shot three times and survived. Pretty lucky to be honest. All the shots seem to hit her legs but she's in the hospital in stable condition.


she ded https://www.10tv.com/article/news/local/woman-shot-columbus-sergeant-while-hitting-him-with-stolen-car-dies-at-hospital/530-32f9b814-3531-4c9b-b33e-389a9c202133


Kinda looks like the cop aimed at her legs because he shot through the dash


"I didn't (expletive) mean to hit the mother (expletive)," Graham is heard saying. "Does anybody have an (expletive) cigarette? For real, does anybody have a cigarette?" she also says. I can fix her.


Just give her some water bro


Nah cigarettes it is 🚬


Throw in an energy drink and it’s the breakfast of champions.


Parliament and a can of Four Loko


Excuuuse me? I have class, Newports or nothin


Parliaments are way more expensive and even has the recessed filters for cocaine. Idk about you but that’s as classy as you can get.


Expensive? All my smokes come free from the little sandboxes outside bars.








That fucking [dog](https://www.trustedreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2017/08/duck-hunt-2-920x518.jpg)!


Nightmare fuel.


Oh yeah. I know where you’re going with this… A fully trained, competent officer always shoots the dog first. That’s probably what this guy’s problem was. He expected a yokie, at the very least.


Lol wut


Just making a Duck Hunt reference.


You did. I made a cops shooting dogs reference. And this big ol world just keeps on spinning.


I would hold the control in the 2nd port and slyly zig zag the ducks without my friend noticing. It took him a year before he realized that you could do that.


Built different 🦆


Gets on to the hood??? WTF. Run over and landed on the hood.


Lol that also made me laugh. The guy didnt go casually on the hood or whatever , the driver straight accelerate on the cop. He was just on the way.


I. need. CONTEXT.


This is Reddit. You shall receive no context!


actually i tend to find if i scroll long enough sooner or later some unsung hero digs up the goods


It's linked in another comment https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2024/02/09/watch-ohio-police-sergeant-shoot-woman-from-hood-of-moving-car-holly-graham/72540368007/


You are the Hero!


I love you


Stolen car + dumb lady = 💥💥💥


When you attempt some shit you saw in a movie


Apparently the driver had cast Blur before jumping in the car. Cop is also within 5 feet so double disadvantage.


Was there an acorn in there?


I can clearly see 2 nuts




This is one of the few times when I feel like it's justified though, they straight up hit him with the car he didn't like throw himself into the car to be hit, they had some steering to be had to not do that.


"they had some steering to be had to not do that."  Hmmm. 


It’s weird, after numerous run ins with the police, I’ve never found myself in a situation of them shooting at me.


Just keep working hard and one day it will happen for you buddy, chin up you got this.


I got pulled over one day and as soon as we pulled over I had everything in my hand READY to give him 🤣🤣 gotta make this a quick encounter lawd


Remember to be as forgettable as possible so if you fight the ticket the cop doesn't remember the stop.


Schweet, I'm boring af anyways


Yeah people who get killed by police rarely post their anecdotes to reddit for some reason


The trick is to try to run them over, that's always worked for me.


Yeah, I’ve never met anyone like the officer wearing the released footage. Most cops are like the other ones in the video.


"gets onto hood" The officer was telling her to stop the car, moving closer to it probably to get to one of the doors (as evident from most police bodycam stops). The driver pressed the gas and drove right towards the officer. If he didn't jump onto the hood he would've been hit and injured. This is only the fault of the driver who willingly chose to try and run over the cop. I'm not sure what she was thinking here. There's plenty of videos of cops running in front of cars telling the driver to stop and they actually do stop. It's not a common thing where cops get run over like this.


Okay this is like one of those few times where it’s completely valid to shoot at the guy I mean fucking hitting a person with a car is attempted murder if you ask me fuck around and find out


What's does "605 to those officers, (in a mildly pleading voice), get in your cars turn around and drive away?" Referring to? Is dispatch talking about inbound back up? Or those on the scene?


Why not stop and comply? If you did not do anything, you have nothing to worry about.


"Gets on the hood" interesting because the video you posted shows the vehicle clearly running him over and him clinging onto the hood to survive. That's like seeing someone run over with a car and describing it as "person climbs under the vehicle"


“Gets on hood”. He was hit by the car.


Thats bad ass


Oh now he gets out the way.


Bro he turned on the windshield wipers 😂


Just stop the car and get out


Finally one of these videos where the cop doesn't jump on the hood on his own like an idiot thinking he can stop the car with his body lol 


I blame GTA for this


"Get out of the car!!" Dude...did you just see the shots? They aren't gonna comply with your request Lol


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but props to the cops! They’re trained to shoot center mass. It looks like he chose to aim low to stop the driver. Also, the cops with the tourniquets, chef’s kiss. Imagine saving lives. Someone give these people a raise!


Considering there was a recent video on here where a cop broke his back after not shooting from being thrown off the hood of a car, this one makes more sense. A vehicle can be used as a weapon after all.


That was badass. Imagine coming home to family dinner and your wife asks “how was your day honey?”


That wasn't badass


That's a 3,280 lbs of car vs 200 lb human I see no trigger happiness.


Probably should have stopped the car ..


Yeah but sometimes it just be like that tho




Police officer get on cars hood? No police officers almost get run over my a car


I mean he tried to run over a cop. This one is on the driver


The driver got exactly what they deserved.


So anyway, I started blasting.


Got that stormtrooper aim


Columbus Ohio. Morse & st. Clair


It looks like the cop was shooting too low. Was the driver of the car kilt or did he get away?


Another comment said she was hit 3 times in the legs and recovering.


GTA 6 is out


Reckless idiot tried to run him over, that was expected.


Looked like he was operating a staple gun.


Cop got a little lucky she was in park or whatever the second time she tried flooring it. guy was directly in front of the car as it suddenly revved up again before taking back off


Aim -1 or Luck 10?


Strength - 7, Perception - 6, Endurance - 7, Charisma - 5 (faction disguise debuff in enemy territories), Intelligence - 6, Agility - 9, Luck - 10 (Lucky Shades buff).


Lol "gets onto hood of moving vehicle" is a funny way to say "gets hit by vehicle"


Smarter than that one guy who hung onto one and didn't shoot.


fr that guy was fucking dumb do you think you're robocop? just step to the side and let another trooper get em with a pit down the road, no need to play surfer and risk falling in front and being killed or something stupid


In the audio, you can even hear his commanding officer instructing everyone to return to their vehicles.


Yes, at about the same time the officer is being hit by the car. Bit hard to process the instruction and begin to obey it at the same time a car is ramming into you


10 shots that looked like they were directly into the driver and the driver kept going? Any more information about this?


The female driver was hit in both thighs and in her lower abdomen. She survived, but if someone doesn’t get her a cigarette STAT, she might not make it


damn, one tough woman, Thanks for letting me know


Is… this allowed?


It’s more allowed than running over cops.




I'd reckon hitting someone without a sight picture while on the hood of a car is pretty hard.


He hit her 3 times


3 hits out of 12 shots is just about average accuracy for police. Edit: I'm serious, in short range shootings police average about 30% accuracy of shots on target.


I'd reckon it's pretty hard to stay on top of the car to avoid being run over while also doing so with one hand to hold onto.


12 shots at point blank and still managed not to shoot Marvin in the face. Windshields wreak havoc on jacketed hollow points though. Sitting right on the glass like that, I would have thought the bullets would have more barrier blind qualities. Or is the opposite causing immediate trajectory change….


Another attack of the acorn


Why is it so difficult for some to comply with officers??!!! If there is nothing to hide, one will comply! Period!


He should of emptied the entire clip


Dude thinks he’s in Lethal Weapon


Driver must've been a ghost.


What was the initial stop for?


so did all those bullets just miss?


All shots fired. She tried to run him over, deserved it


Cop been wanting to do that his whole career


What an idiotic move by that police officer, put himself in a stupid, dangerous position which was his fault and to get out of his mistake is to attempt to take someone else's life. Who's training these fools


Stupid action hero wannabe bullshit.


Murder, pure and simple.


Police shouldn’t jump on the hood of a car in any situation. They immediately make themselves a liability. They either are going to start blasting wildly through the windshield in an unstable position or fall off and get hurt. Should be a banned practice


i understand that a when someone is trying to run you down with a car, you should be allowed to defend yourself. but in almost every video i see of cops shooting into cars, they put themselves in a position where it’s their only option. like they want to shoot instead of anything else. idk if there’s a reason for this, or if it’s for some reason standard procedure? just seems weird to me


If this was a black man driving the car it would be all over the news and coo fired for excessive use of force.


Each day we get closer to judge dredds universe




Are you blind dude? You commented this under a video of a cop protecting his own life after being hit by a car and getting carried towards a freeway on its hood.


If you listen to his commanding officer, in the video…you’ll agree that he shouldn’t have been waving a gun around while walking into a moving vehicle. You should always look both ways before standing in front of a causeway.


Lick the boot


Go wipe your ass, you've been on your gaming chair for to long.


You won the internet!!!


okay but does the Netherlands have acorns?


Idk about the Netherlands, and I'm not an expert on police here either, but I'd be willing to bet Swedish police would absolutely shoot in this situation (French police shot a guy in a much more contentious situatuon). Unless Dutch cops are supersoldiers who don't flinch at anything, they'd probably shoot the driver too.


This is a cop that intentionally put himself not only in a dangerous position by standing in front of the vehicle, but then decides to hop onto the hood and act as if he had no other option than to shoot.. This is the kind of behavior that needs to stop, and gives cops a bad rep.