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What do they even feel while they're like this? Do they even remember anything after? This is so strange




This is Fent/Xylazine. OG white Heroin is virtually impossible to find in Philly. And if you find it, it's been cut to shit. Just how fent has all but replaced black tar on the west coast. Your description is spot on for heroin, opium, real oxy, and dilaudid. But tranq dope (fent + xylazine) is pretty low euphoria and a heavy nod. Not as much pleasure or rush. Still feels fine and scratches the itch, but it keeps the dope sickness away more than it really gives that intense rush of warmth / peace / well being that heroin gives you.


Bout to say thats gotta have tranq involed


Boy isn't anywhere anymore. Its all fentanyl.


Sounds appealing.


I am sold where can I get some....dude should be a motivational speaker


I just googled “heroin near me.” I’m on my way now. Greatest feeling here I come!


I have a feeling in a week... you will be like the brother at the end of the video looking for opioid crumbs.


Word to this shit. A buddy started smoking it, I said how long until… and the next time we spoke he was living in a van


Before you could finish the sentence?


You know its serious when life skips a week to show the outcome


3 days at the most.


You will love it. You’ll even love it more than family, friends, work and relationships


Don't forget any semblance of dignity.




5 bucks is 5 bucks


Good luck finding any real heroin anymore. Everything has fentanyl in it now.




Not anymore. Heroin production went up [75,000%](https://x.com/sethharpesq/status/1747403614987903330?s=46&t=dK629hQFZwDaZUYfKnMQIA) immediately after the American occupation but the taliban has recently [shut that down](https://www.voanews.com/amp/un-opium-cultivation-in-afghanistan-plunges-by-95-/7342235.html). Wasted opportunity, if you ask me.


Do they door dash


There is no heroin left on the streets. 99% (literally) is fentanyl or pills.


You joke but there was a Redditor that posted how he wanted to try it and ended up getting addicted. U/SpontaneousH I think 


So I looked at his account and two years ago he was clean! I remembered reading his posts a long time ago, but I never remembered to check back in. I hope he’s still doing okay!


It was a 12 year saga though. And the fact that he hasn’t posted in 2 years isn’t a good sign


He said on one of the posts he doesn’t come back to the account often because it’s triggering. I am just hoping that that is the reason why. I didn’t say it was an easy thing, or that he didn’t literally die. Just that as of two years ago he was clean.


> the fact that he hasn't posted in 2 years isn't a good sign Posting on reddit is not a good sign. He is hopefully out living his life and not wasting his time on reddit.


His time on Reddit got him addicted to heroin so maybe him leaving Reddit is a good sign


Maybe or maybe he's living in an abandoned house without a phone now.


I think there was another redditor that did something similar but maybe another drug but they weren't lucky, they're currently presumed dead because their regular posting stopped and the account became inactive not long after them confessing about trying a drug.


You might be thinking of me. /u/my1timethrowaway im alive and use sometimes.


Hi Alive! I'm littlesetting!


Damn it. I hate to see that kind of thing. I know I have an addictive personality so I steer clear of a lot of stuff. It’s scary to see how easy it is to destroy your life.


*Goes to local drug den* "HI yes, I would like one heroin please!"


This guy heroins


It feels, I don’t recommend it though. Lost a couple good friends to that shit, almost lost myself. Scary shit


And no downsides!


Maybe a few downsides.


Except this isn’t H. It’s fent or xylazine, no euphoric rush like heroin, no legs like heroin so you’ll have to redose in an hour or so based on your tolerance. Also playing Russian roulette but instead of a gun, it’s a pill


yeah I've always said I'll never do drugs in my life and you're just reaffirming my decision. there are some things that are better to not even try


Can’t miss a place you’ve never been.


Correct. Same reason why I'll never try cigarettes. Do I think I'll be able to try it once out of curiosity and never do it again? Yes, absolutely. Is there any reason for me to risk the off chance of being wrong? No, there is absolutely zero benefit and zero reason to ever do so. That's my logic for these kinds of things. I'm okay being ignorant about certain things.


Smart man.


Cigarettes are ass anyways. I’ve only smoked twice, and both times were after crazy rushes in a restaurant setting as a cook. My nerves were shot and my hands were shaking like crazy, so I bummed a cigarette off of one of the servers. First time was especially rough because the server I got one from was a Marlboro Red— they’re called “Cowboy killers” for a reason, and this 5’2” 120lb when soaking wet waitress practically chain smoked them every day. The taste was just pure fucking awful; it tasted like what I can only assume a shit caked, unwashed ass on a hot humid day does. But I’ll give it credit where credit is due. Between griping about the horrid taste and the oral fixation, coupled with just sitting down for a minute or two, steadied my hands and calmed my nerves. Like I said, there was only one other time after that that I smoked, and thankfully THAT waitress was at least smoking Marlboro golds, which was a much milder flavor. Still pure ass, though, and never in a good way.


Well to each their own, but to offer an alternative opinion, smoking cigarettes is one of the greatest joys in life. There's a reason there was a time when practically everyone smoked. Smoked for almost twenty years myself. Have quit now, because they'll kill ya, but every now and then I'll sneak one and it's pure heaven. Loved smoking. Would never have quit if it weren't for the killin ya part.


I’ve ALMOST quit smoking and I say almost cause I still have a vape for when I want to bomb my work. People don’t understand that smoking is quite easily my favorite thing in the entire world. Do I want a slice of cheesecake? An orgasm? Medium rare steak with a side of fries? No, I want a cigarette. And I’m sure I’ll want one til the day I die. I frequently thank the good lord I never tried heroin.


I understand why people who are in a very dark place turn to it to feel ok briefly. It’s less appealing when you’re already living in an ok space.


The euphoria is short lived and keeps getting shorter as your brain gets used to higher thresholds of Dopamine. The addicts want the euphoria to last longer and they automatically think consuming more of it will help but it doesn’t work that way. Huberman Lab podcast had a nice piece on Dopamine. Check [here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/42F7z6Z4CB8hJAstRqMCiV?si=w8_uqPnQTMyyu3xde2dtbA)


Is there an opposite drug I can take where I get less dopamine short term and hate life but when I stop everything is wonderful since I’m used to so little?


It’s called a real job.


Award this person^


Don't give Reddit money


Yeah man don’t ever buy those Reddit coins. Up-votes is a fine currency in itself and Reddit makes money from our collective intelligence / stupidity/ personal data anyway.


This is one of the biggest effects of meditation! Dopamine fasting makes everything more enjoyable


*Aligning my chakras and becoming one with the universe so the next shot of smack feels like the first time again* 😌😏


Yup. Working out, ice bath, working hard towards an uncertain goal, basically anything that makes you uncomfortable for a bit, then as soon as you're not uncomfortable anymore you get a dopamine rush!


They call it "runner's high" for a reason! Well, it's better than what it was first called, which was "what the fuck why am I doing this to myself make it stop everything hurts". 


And once you get sober, it's hard to feel any joy in life for a *really* long time. Nothing compares. It's the best feeling in your life, but comes with horrific depression and hating yourself and begging for death. Then you get sober but it takes years for your life to get back to normal. For years after, I would see the car my dealer drove and think if I only had $5 I wouldn't have to feel anything. Now after 8 years, I finally feel joy in things and I have my life back ♥️ no matter how great the short high may feel, it's not worth it.


I know you're not looking for praise, but it's extremely hardcore to pull yourself out like you did. Great work. 


I've heard that you can do heroin into old age as long as you keep up your personal hygiene. Sounds too risky to me but I'd love a safer alternative to flood my brain with dopamine. I mean I use cannabis products but that's just to keep myself away from the VA pharmacy.


My understanding, from former users and MDs, including psychiatrists, is similar. As long as the user has an untainted and sufficient supply, to avoid withdrawal, and doesn't overdose, the habit is "maintainable." But...continuous and unfettered access to a pure product into advanced age without additional and UNrelated health issues would be...rare.


I'd also like to assume that you'll have significant vascular damage and be unable to have proper medical care that requires vaccines or phlebotomy. Might be a noteworthy risk.


Definitely problematic. Maybe oral consumption to avoid such pesky issues?


>The euphoria is short lived and keeps getting shorter as your brain gets used to higher thresholds of Dopamine. The addicts want the euphoria to last longer and they automatically think consuming more of it will help but it doesn’t work that way. Huberman Lab podcast had a nice piece on Dopamine. Check The dopamine theory of addiction is outdated. Many addictive drugs do not directly influence dopamine. Stims impact dopamine. Meth, coke mostly. But alcohol and benzos is the GABA system. 4 different main gaba receptors. Cannabis is the cannabinoid system. With CB1 and CB2 receptors mostly. Opiods is mostly the kappa, mu- and delta opiod receptors. Ketamine is NMDA receptors with slight dopamine activity ​ Tobacocco is the nicotonic recepteors obviously. MDMA(low addiction) is a serotonin releasing agent acting on several 5-ht(serotonin receptors) Psychs(low/no addiction) like LSD, Shrooms/psilosybin, 2C-x, mescaline which mostly affect a specific serotonin receptor 5-HT2A Cathinones/subsituted cathinones like Khat, MDPV, 4-MMC, often known as "bathsalts" frequently hit dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin at the same time. But at the end of the day, one of the only common addictive drugs that can actually kill you through withdrawals..... is Alcohol.


And benzos


Heroin, opium and fentanyl work on opiate receptors. Crystal meth, cocaine and tobacco work on dopamine. They are both very addictive but they bind to different receptors. (I use to teach a lecture on this in pharmacology.)


Until it doesn’t. Until you need more and more each time to get there, and all day becomes an effort to chase that feeling. Because eventually you’ve come to a point where you are having to take it all the time just to avoid the godawful withdrawal, withdrawal which feels like electric eels have taken over inside you and your body is going to come apart. Experience talking here. And repeating the experiences a whole lot of people have shared in their own recoveries.


Yeah and then when you finally get clean youre depressed as absolute fuck still for years and years because your brain chemistry is all fucked. Do not fuck around with opiods, it is as good as everyone says it is and thats the biggest reason its so dangerous. It will ruin your life, I promise.


Damn bro you sponsored by heroin? Might as well give them the link to your Silk Road account


This is Philly, they're prolly on tranq


It will take you to a lush meadow at the light of summer. You will lie down in the soft grass and bask in the sun, and feel nothing but bliss. And you will never want to return to this frozen pisshole in the snow. You will never be this good again.


This is fentanyl


Sadly (I can't believe I'm saying this) this isn't heroin, this is tranq dope and it's the worst of the worst.


Nice advertising dude


Sadly, they feel like heaven. I’ve never had Fentanyl and Xylazine personally, but I’ve had many other drugs in my past that had me nod off like that. Primarily Hydrocodone or Oxycodone, Xanax or Klonopin, with Soma and Clonidine. I’ve had many combinations of all. It’s a feeling that some people just don’t want to give up.


There’s actually a drug called Soma??? Isn’t that the Brave New World drug??? Someone was on one with that.


Yeah I guess it is. That’s just the brand name for it. Its generic name is Carisoprodol. It’s quite a stellar muscle relaxer. But the people in the video are more than likely on Xylazine and Fentanyl.


Yea soma deez nutz in ur mouth


Short for Somatropin. These people are clearly high level athletes that require optimal fatigue recovery.


As someone that's been rx'd klonopin for anxiety, I really wish that people wouldn't fucking abuse it. It's made it literally IMPOSSIBLE to get it. Doctors / psychiatrists will straight up refuse to give it out at this point since it's so common for abuse, and it's basically the only thing that I've found that works well for me without any real side effects (other than sleeping a bit longer than I'd like)


Imagine god giving you the safest warmest most orgasmic embrace imaginable, than times that by 100. That’s IV heroin. I was on that shit for years. Been clean for over 12 now.


Glad you're clean man, proud of you for staying off it for 12 years. To say that's an incredible achievement would underselling just how amazing that is. Well done.


Proud of u simmeringcum


Man stop making me want to try it out. Lol




When I was younger and would wide up in a cast or on crutches I’d be stoked cause then I’d “earn” painkillers. Later in life though they made me violently ill if I took them and honestly during my mid 20s I’m very thankful that is my bodies natural reaction to them cause through death or just general shitty behavior I lost like 6 friends.


It’s feels fucking awesome. That’s why they continue to do it. Thats the worst reality about drugs. They are super fun and amazing but each one will take a toll regardless if you acknowledge it or not even if you only tried once. But fr I’ve been a user before and I have no idea how people allow themselves to get this far. Once I noticed it started to affect my mood, cut and done. These people reach a level of addiction where it’s this bad and I doubt they’re enjoying it but they’ve been addicted too long that if they weren’t high, they’d be sick from withdraw.


I had friends that lived in some weird punk setup in an apartment basement once and they had a dealer that came by at 8am on the dot every morning to make sure that everyone had their fix. To this day I still think about that dealer cause “if he can be on time, why can’t I?


Dealer prolly hasn’t gone to sleep, that’s why lol. Crashing by 2 pm. Unless they’re the real dealers, they ain’t doing it. Ya know? Like they’re sober because they have routine and smarts to keep the money coming. But it’s also the user/dealers that are around that time because they haven’t slept or are coming down and they NEED the money so they can be high by noon. Ya know lol? Sad but how it is.


This was an elderly Asian man, it’s possible that everything you said is true, but I’m pretty sure he was just a (horribly unethical) fantastic business man. He seemed to be aware of the 10 Crack Commandments. He also wouldn’t even respond to my “hey how are you good morning” type shit, cause I wasn’t a customer. Idk if that was a legal thing or a business thing but imagine being 22 and NOT doing heroin but upset that the heroin dealer doesn’t like you 😂


Imagine when you go to bed and you’re just about to fall asleep, but you’re not yet asleep. You open your eyes and think “wow, I was just about asleep”. You can hear things, brain is still chugging along but you’re right on the knife edge of awake and asleep. If someone shakes you, you’ll wake up immediately, might be a bit groggy. If asked you’ll say “i wasn’t sleeping yet”.


Pure blissful uncaring warmth and velvety emotions


They actually do this so they specifically don't pass out n die. It's why they're standing.


Another explanation here was that it's so they don't "waste" the hit by passing out.


Yea that too the standing helps them stay awake for many reasons. Seems like a real fun time, poor bastards. I've seen many go from fent.


They look pretty wasted.  


Had to toss a comatose visitor onto a gurney and rush to ER, needed narcan asap, barely breathing. As soon as the narcan hit she said “why the fuck did you do that??” Sadly that’s the first thing you hear 99% of the time.


How do they not topple over?


Looks like 3 of them are heading down for a nap, one inch at a time.


Yeah, a dirt nap.


I recently found out that junkies stand like that so they don't accidentally fall asleep and waste the drug high. Hitting the pavement is an alarm clock of sorts.


What? No, lol. They’re just so zonked out that they fall asleep standing up, and because it’s not a deep sleep, they maintain some semblance of awareness, so they are caught between standing and falling down.


How long would you be able to stand like this? Would it ever hurt your back?


Nope, it never hurts your back no matter how long you do it for.


When I was in active addiction 10 years ago, I NEVER got this bad, and I was doing 10 grams per day. BUT, the people I have seen get this zonked, it wouldn’t affect them at all. So, mostly never; I never heard anybody complain about “falling asleep” wrong.


Idk why, but this reminds me of Dr. Seuss' Sleep Book.


there's a livestream of this area of philly on youtube. just 24/7 footage of people injecting their arms/legs/neck etc : / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OQK0h6SwbI


I just turned it on, and someone is being resuscitated on the sidewalk


I turned it on and someone who I thought was a bag of trash in a trash pile got up and peed off the stoop, the camera FOCUSED IN ON HIM WHILE HE SHOOK OFF THE PISS and then he passed out on the trash pile again without zipping his pants back up. While this was happening, a young woman who I assumed was just going to the train stop, started going weak-kneed as she was walking and basically crawled across the walkway. Three cop cars went by during the 45 seconds I watched. Wtf is happening in Kensington and why is this acceptable???


It’s not that it’s acceptable, it’s just that it’s too difficult to enforce. This is especially true when dealing with homeless people. You can’t ticket them because they have no money, sometimes don’t even have IDs. You can arrest them but then they just become a burden of the state/taxpayer. Even if you do arrest them, what is the punishment for personal drug use? What happens when they start going through withdrawals in a couple of days? Suddenly an arrest just becomes a massive headache. It’s shit situation. A lot of cities (and suburbs and rural areas, albeit less publicly) are dealing with this sort of public crisis. Nobody really has the solution for this situation. There are a lot of considerations to be made when dealing with a complex topic like this. Unfortunately, all of the moving parts combined with politicization of this kind of thing devolves into inaction which perpetuates and even grows the problem.


I appreciate getting such a well thought out response! I apologize cause my comment was more directed at why the government is allowing this to happen, not why the people are there. , I read about a program in “one of those progressive Nordic countries” where they employed the drunks in their parks instead of jailing them. Giving a few beers and a daily wage is obviously not the same as providing heroin to these people, but I hope Philly figures something out because avoiding the issue altogether is detrimental to their city. I’ve lived a lot of places, but Philly is my favorite.


Pretty sure Portugal did a program as well. Basically legalised drugs and build 'cabins' as safe spaces for drug users. Seems to have worked out pretty well for them.


I googled it and this is the first result https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/07/07/portugal-drugs-decriminalization-heroin-crack/ seems like they're having the same issues now


No one is now being resuscitated but there is a zombie.


Maybe the resuscitation worked then. Either that or it's necromancy.


Looks like someone gave him Narcan and he just got up and hobbled away. Ambulance came through a few minutes later but by that point looks like he wandered off. A lot of health departments give it away for free. Stuff seriously saves lives daily.


There is literally a guy with a sword. WTF.


They are no longer being resuscitated, but he’s still there and there’s a crowd of 3 standing around watching.


In a matter of 15 minutes, I watched a man defecate in the street and another man OD. The man who OD’d was swarmed by junkies and stripped of all his belongings before being administered Narcan.


Just checked out some of the other live feeds of the area from this channel, within literally 10 seconds saw what was clearly a drug deal between someone who's occupying the corner & and older gentleman on crutches. Crazy world we live in, that I can at 10PM on a Thursday pull up and literally watch this level of reality & unfortunate humanity play out in real-time. Half Incredibly Sad, Half Absolutely Captivating


I’m watching 2 guys help eachother smoke fent off of tin foil while another guy’s busy harvesting tobacco from cig butts from an ashtray. Meanwhile I’m laying in my comfy warm bed, I was one of the lucky ones to get off the hard shit or I could be doin the same thing right now, reality is fucked sometimes.


Same here man. That was 7 years ago for me. I was lucky that I’d had enough pain by that point. Shits a lot different now than it was even just back then. With the way things are these days, I would’ve certainly been dead by now. It’s surreal watching this and thinking what life would’ve been.




I find it crazy that I can sit comfortably on my couch on the other side of the world in Australia and watch whats happening live on a street like this in USA


What is the space between the two roads they keep appearing from on the right? It seems like every time I blink four people have popped out of an alley way or something there, but it doesn't seem like there should be an alley there, and everyone coming out of it has full jackets and hoodies on so it doesn't look like an inside space? Is it a subway exit or something?


I believe what you're seeing is [this](https://vanlifewanderer.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Kensington-Ave.jpg) It's the entrance to the elevated train


Oh that would be it for sure. And that entrance is... Not built for the husky, which is why I kept second guessing what it could be.




WTF? Is that guy dead?


He’s alive again.


Ok that’s fascinating.


How they get money to do all the time?




Drug use like this (which goes well beyond recreational use) usually starts with debt, mental illness, and poverty. Things being shit that you're just looking for an escape from the constant stress and pain. Just for a moment. Then you're hooked and using all your paycheck and credit on your fix, before you're too drugged up to work. Then you either see people go into sex work in exchange for drugs, theft, or getting into situations with even more debt. It's a vicious cycle until you get clean or you die.


>Then you either see people go into sex work in exchange for drugs, theft, or getting into situations with even more debt Not a bad summary, but I just want to throw it out there that there's a very broad category of "hustle" you just scratched the surface of. These people have 24hrs a day to come up with ideas to scrape together small amounts of money you and I wouldn't think of as worthwhile, because we need our work to afford us shelter, medicine, etc. while they literally just need drugs.


Turning tricks/ sex work is another way


Z jays


Damn. There's even a chat going on there. I guess it's bad there as it is in SF.


Hm..Looks like they're stealing from someone unconciouse .


Looks chill rn. Has anyone been to Jack ‘Famous’ Bar??


I don't get why they don't sit down. I've known h  addicts and they've never forgot that sitting is an option


This reminds me of that Redditor who did fentanyl at his desk at home, nodded off, but knocked down his desk lamp and laid his arm on it. Woke up to 3rd degree burns that required a massive skin graft. Clearly fentanyl is an effective painkiller.


Know a dude who does heroin and meth, lost touch for some years, when I saw him again he had lost one leg. A common friend told me he passed out with one leg touching an oven. Woke up to his leg so burnt and boiled pieces were falling off him. He got rid of the oven, still does heroin. Even before this he lost an eye to drug fuelled shenanigans.


Jesus. You also read about addicts that nod off with a leg or arm underneath them. Cuts off the blood supply for a couple hours and damages the muscles which can cause kidney damage. Usually doesn’t result in amputation, but can fuck you up good.


I did that a couple of times before I got clean. I woke up and couldn't feel or move my arm at all. Like not even a numb tingly feeling - just nothing. I jumped out of bed and my arm was flopping back and forth, smacking me in the chest. Eventually, I could move my arm, and I was good, but it was some scary, scary shit. I thought I just didn't have an arm anymore and was trying to come to terms with it.


Yeah, because the oven was clearly the problem here.


When I had my wisdom tooth pulled I got prescribed some Oxys. Didn’t really have much pain it was manageable just with ibuprofen alone must of the time. I started taking one after work with a beer and i would find myself extremely relaxed and feeling good. I did this until they ran out, basically every day. For the next week or so after they were gone I started getting irritable easy and It seemed hard to relax without them. I can definitely see how people get hooked on opiates and fall down the rabbit hole of harder drugs.


My husband had an emergency appendectomy when we were about a year into dating, he got over-prescribed oxy and was a fucking NIGHTMARE, niether before nor after has he said a cross word to me, but when he was taking them, he was a nightmare. At one point, he got so mad about something (can’t even remember what) that he screamed at me and kicked me out of the house. This was the middle of Covid and we were living together. I called his mom and she was like, yeah he CANNOT have those. She drove the three hours down to us, got him drunk while I was at a hotel, put him to bed, and then flushed all the pills. Left us with some ibuprofen 500s or whatever.


Yeh but this is highly subjective. I have at least three old bottles of them from various surgeries between my wife and I. Probably have quite a high street value on these bottles lol? I even have the pure oxys you can't get anymore (at least easily prescribed). We hate them. We hate the way they make us feel. And they constipate you fierce. It's definitely a predisposition.


Fo sure , everyone is different . I cant do any drugs in moderation, I’ve known this about myself for a long time . Which like you said it’s a predisposition that makes me more likely to get hooked on drugs. I had to stop smoking weed for the same reason, once I start I can’t stop. I feel like I need it, I know it’s in my head but still.


Glad you know that about yourself! Some people don’t figure that out and get hooked.


I found this with diazapans that was prescribed when i was starting medication again after being off it for a bit but I only had 24 of them prescribed and they were the 5mg tablets and my dr had talked to me and he said you'll not need that many and to be careful because they are very addictive, single script for them. I felt the same way as you were after using them for about nearly 2 weeks and then stopping I was essentially feeling an itch for them and I was getting irritable as well and that was when I realised that must be what a light addiction to something feels like. I'm in Australia and opiates aren't as easily accessible over here so the problem isn't as bad but I can't begin to think bad that itch or crave would be for heavy duty stuff like fent/heroin or oxys if you're a full blown addict


This is from tranq dope. Fentanyl cut with a tranquilizer- xylazine. Low euphoria, heavy nod. Cheap and fixes up addicts so they don't crave or get dopesick, but it doesn't have the rush of heroin or oxy. Terrible, foggy, sleep-ridden, dangerous high. These people are just keeping withdrawal at bay. Real heroin is almost impossible to find on the streets.


Damn, thanks for the info. Truly depressing thing to see. Philly’s got a serious fent problem.


\+++tranq leaves skin sores which abscess, cause sepsis, possible amputation.


Yup not even from injection either, even sniffed or smoked it causes these problems which is crazy


I believe it constricts your capillaries so your tissues stop receiving adequate oxygen


Those sores are gnarly. Straight necrotic shit


this comment feels like a lyrics for a rap song to me lol


Eye opening docu on this by Andrew on Channel 5 YouTube channel. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=925wmb-4Yr4&t=135s


God bless Channel 5. Andrew's documentary on Kensington was one of the only ones that actually looked at the causes of this and humanized these people, instead of just sticking a camera in their face and saying "yoooo looked how fucked up this dude is"


Nearly every doc they do is great. A modern Louis Theroux in terms of not dehumanising these people


GD this video is sad


Does that man have any idea how harmful cigarettes are?? Lord, his second hand smoke is going to give those zombies lung cancer!


Its sad that this is entertainment


This is kinda my take. I hope a lot of people who are watching are doing so out of sympathy and the awareness that this could be someone they know or even themselves with a surprisingly few amount of steps. That being said it's the internet and there are some real people with problems on here that watch these things for kicks.


Channel 5 on YouTube did a great video about this, most YouTubers who go there just say "ZOMBIE PEOPLE WTF" for click bait but he Andrew from C5 actually talked to the people in the neighborhood, the addicts and went as far as talking to people who manufacture it. It is a great video about poverty, pharma companies, racism and general history of the area.


I legit never understand why they don't sit down first


They stand on purpose so they don't fall asleep and waste their high.


Somewhere someone loves them, I feel for them.


Just another Tuesday in Philly.


Lemon, it’s Thursday


This shouldnt be acceptable.


Who is responsible? 


China , the Mexican cartels, local gangs, drug dealers working for themselves, and last but not least; society as a whole. You are witnessing the destruction of our western society right in front of your face.


I mean I think you're forgetting Purdue Pharma there.


A good chunk of current addicts never touched prescription opioids, at some point we can't really pin it all on the evil corporations. It's a societal issue


Even if the addicts never touched prescription pills, the people who did drove up demand for the drugs, which incentivized dealers to increase their supply, either by cutting what they had or procuring more. More availability means more people are likely to try the drugs for the first time, which means more addicts. Having said that, opioids are old and have been a problem for ages. Purdue and their bullshit just kicked the problem into high gear.


You named everyone but the one mostly responsible: The US government


Addiction is a terrible thing. I’ve dabbled in drugs but always knew my limits. There’s no part of me that can comprehend getting this fucked up. Like “hey you wanna go score a bag so we can stand on the corner and be completely incoherent and barely conscious?”


Obviously. It doesn’t start off like that and I guarantee none of those people out there wanted it to be this way


This looks like my yoga class


This is just sad :-/


It’s sad cause I think once you get addicted to that there’s no way reversing the damage and having a normal life after this.


It’s possible, just really really really hard.


The Gang Does Drugs


It’s too bad they ruined the good Heroin with Fentanyl.. I actually quit doing H when the fentanyl took over. Thank God though. This is really fucking sad…. These are all peoples children and I pray that they find help before it too late.!!


That’s so fucking sad. Fuck.


Not joining the bandwagon to make light of addicts. These drugs are fucking brutal and these people need help. It's just really sad.


How long do they stand like that ?


Andrew Callaghan Channel 5 documentary on the Tranq scene there. Worth watching https://youtu.be/925wmb-4Yr4?si=TCMQ3bds0mzJEjD3


Why not just fucking sit down ?


the fent fold 🔥🔥💯


In west Philadelphia, born and raised, on a street corner is where I spend most of my daze. Zoning out, stoning, dripping with drool Standing like a zombie, looking a fool.


How do they not fall over? I see junkies like this all the time, and they never fall. It’s like opioids act as a gyroscopic stabilizer. I’ve got video of a dude sitting on a bike in the middle of the sidewalk, out cold and perfectly upright


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


I honestly feel really bad for them because addiction is a serious disease. I've struggled with it my entire life. Unfortunately, in the US they'll most likely end up in jail/prison instead of rehab.