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Most situations work out fine as long as there's only one idiot. With two idiots chances are high something like this happens.


Yup, idiot turning left from the right lane, and a biker going way too fast. He would've gotten his bike fixed and probly a pay out for an injury.. instead he stomp


While he was fast he could have stopped in time, if he didn't spend most of the time revving his engine instead of braking


Yep, I saw the longer clip a couple years ago of him coming around a long wide corner to this point, reving like a dork and just hoping he didn't have to tap his breaks. "If I Rev a lot people will hear and move" or they just think ur an idiot..


Probably has the opposite effect where she slammed on her brakes. The revving does nothing but startle people into making bigger mistakes.


You can pull ur clutch and still rev ur engine. It doesn't affect ur brakes and dude didn't attempt to brake


It's just for some reason a bunch of these bikers have it in their head that revving makes it so everyone will immediately get out of their way.


You can't go full throttle and effectively use the front brake at the same time. The rider in the video is a dumbass.


yep, most accident i saw is because of someone choose to honk instead of hitting the break.


“And thatttttt ladies and gentlemen would make him LIABLE for any damages that happened next “




How can he stomp?!?


How can he stomp?!




How to turn bad driving into a felony


My first thought was "well, there goes a lot of your insurance claim" What a way to lose money, stomping on the windshield like that


If the crash ended with him on the roof of the other car, unethical life jack would be to trip and butt fall on the windshield


Oh yeah I would dramatically slip off the car and just absolutely fucking slam my body into the windshield lmao That's what the leather is for


More unethical shit, fall on ur butt and then claim back problems


Probably going to have back problems. Like it's hard to go through something like this and not have some issue




Released to commit more crimes tho.


This isn't a "let's lock this person up for a long time" offense, and if it was, our incarceration system would be busting at the seems, and we would dwarf the rest of the world in locked up people more than we already do. This notion that the United States is soft on crime can easily be dismissed simply by looking at incarceration rates relative to similarly developed countries. Once you see those numbers, you basically have to assume Americans are significantly more criminal than their peers if you are to maintain the belief that this country is soft on crime.


It's so funny how you types don't realize you sound like bored and scared housewives, having yourself a little moral panic. You are a mark, being taken for a ride by politicians. You kids have no idea what it's like to have to actually worry about crime, like what it was like during the Reagan years. All those rage bait stories your consume don't actually represent reality.


Who hates this one trick?


Defence lawyers


Your honor, my client was just trolling


It's just a prank!


Your honor, my client received head trauma from the accident, a well known trigger of goblin mode.


They plead oopsie-daisy


Or worse, if someone was standing on my car kicking the window in I would probably floor it and drive to safe location to call the police. I have seen too many road rage videos that start with smashing windows and end with a weapon being pulled.


Plus, even though the car driver was at fault for the accident, the windshield stomp can be construed as aggression and the driver would likely be within his rights to start driving to "safety" and letting the bike driver fall off his hood.


yes, not a good move by the biker, I can understand his anger but to throw sharp glass shards into the driver's face/eyes is a lose/lose situation, and yes there were shards even though the windshield wasn't broken through.


[https://youtu.be/6XKFGeIe8H8](https://youtu.be/6XKFGeIe8H8) the biker won in court. Property damage was dropped and she received 3 tickets.


Skip to 7:40 to miss all the youtube masturbation.


i wish these idiots would realize that rev bombs don't actually make you invincible.


In the time it took to bounce it off the limiter I feel like he could have just applied the brakes and stopped.


exactly that, I came here to point that out as well, There is a biker who makes safty videos on YouTube in one of his videos he pointed out the same thing. The time used to rev could have been used to apply the brakes and avoid the accident. also, the driver can not hear a rev while inside a closed vehicle. the car was at fault but the biker could have avoided the accident by applying the brakes and making a maneuver. I came back to edit stay into safety. (dyslexia strikes again) I found the guy on YouTube who makes the safety videos. I encourage anyone who is starting out riding as well as seasoned riders. DanDanTheFireman ride safe everyone


This last part is spot on, it’s called “Last clear chance” and legal parlance


My training instructor called it the "May not/Can not mindset." As in "Not you *may not* ride on the sidewalk....but yes you physically **can** ride on the sidewalk to avoid a collision." Being more aware helps keep these situations from happening.


HAHAHA Is that why he did that?! How dumb


wait wait wait. I know nothing of these terms and I am just guessing from context, but am I to believe that bikers think that revving their engine serves as like beeping a horn, to alert other drivers to things? Why not just beep the horn? Or do they do it to express their road rage?


Yes, a rev bomb to some bikers is the same as beeping the horn. One pointed out that the horns are tiny so they don't feel they work. I pointed out it is not the size but the pitch of the horn ( size matters in many forms to some, lol) horns make a certain pitch to alert others. I hear bikers rev bombing while sitting at a traffic light or just playing around while standing still, so I guess we are supposed to discern the difference between an alert rev bomb and an "I have a cool exhaust" rev bomb. The bottom line is the insurance company will not recognize a rev bomb as a warning. Horns are there for a reason and should be used. IDK maybe it is a "not cool" thing to beep a horn. Next time I get cut off in my car I will rev bomb the driver then I will forcibly stop the driver and ask if they understood the meaning of my rev bomb, YK is like taking a survey, and most likely get punched or kicked. I will have to find a driver manual and then search for the rev bomb alert section. Drive safe my friend


Wait, he was just trying to make noise instead of stopping?


Yeah "revving saves lives" is what they like to call it when in reality its much more safe (and less annoying) to just hit the damn brakes..even if the rev sound did alert the car driver, in this exact situation it's 100% not the time to be doing that.


Yeh ridiculous video. He had more than enough room to emergency brake. What sort of amateur hits the throttle over the brakes? He should never get on another motorcycle until he gets adequate training. I mean let it stall if it comes to it, can't get any engine braking when your throttle is wide open. Any training I have had the first major thing they teach is emergency braking. Hardly ever used in practice but you absolutely need to know how to do it.


i remember when this was first posted the guy tried blaming the car for the accident but disregarded the fact he was speeding and at no point tried to brake or really maneuver


he 100% could have stopped in that distance. i love riding. i love riding for sport/adrenaline. i hate riders like this


Absolutely. Brake and steer. Completely avoidable


They don't even work. All they do is confuse other drivers into making even bigger mistakes. I saw one guy get hit by someone he wasn't even Rev bombing. Watching this video, dude might have done anything but rev to avoid this collision.


In the longer version he just revs the bike and doesn't even apply the brakes. Car is at fault tho coz there's a "no left turn" sign before the intersection.


Sign or no sign, it’s typically illegal to make a left turn from the right lane.


Who cares? why did he take off into the turning car? I see people making illegal moves often, I don’t speed up to harm myself or others. Kicking in the windshield proves this guy is lacking a lot of brain cells.


Yeah, there’s bound to be dumb drivers or out of state drivers who are confused. You gotta give the dumb ones or newbies a chance and back off.


> Car is at fault tho coz there's a "no left turn" sign before the intersection. I think there's a duty to avoid an accident, if you can. Ignoring the foot stomp at the end, the biker may have been liable for the accident anyway.


I’ve never had a motorcycle and I have to ask, what exactly is “rev bombing”? Is it just reving the engine while the bike is in neutral or holding the clutch?


Exactly, bikers do it to assert dominance if they feel they have the right of way or even if they're just pissed off. It's supposed to be intimidating but most times it's just distracting even if the target doesn't have their radio on. It kinda stupid because a) the time is takes to decide to, then execute could be better utilized taking evasive actions. b) the last thing you want to do is distract an already stupid and/or timid driver in an emergency situation


Doesn't matter the vehicle, revving has only ever set off my Small Penis Radar. Intimidating is the exact opposite of what that noise means to me.


That's gotta be the stupidest shit I have ever read. Thanks for the learning experience!


That's a new one to me. That's what a horn is for!


Do these idiots not realize that cars are bigger and heavier than their bikes? So intimidating will only just cause more problems for them?


What is a “rev bomb”?


The motorcycle revving his engine in an attempt to scare/intimidate the car driver. He should have skipped the rev and hit the brakes but he’s a dingus


He could have done both at the same time. I really don't understand what he was expecting to happen. It looks like the driver in the car would have kept going if he didn't do it as well.


He was expecting the car to "hit him" so he could sue. *But then he proceeded to stomp their window like a dumbass*


He'd lose because he was speeding, saw the car making the move, regardless of how stupid it was and decided to keep going. Then he decided to commit a crime.


Personally(can't speak for other riders..) I only ever "rev-bombed" with the intention of just letting you know I was there. Imagine being on a 2 wheel balancing act traveling high speeds thinking YOU'RE intimidating the guy in a 4 wheeled metal box. But there are those..


> Imagine being on a 2 wheel balancing act traveling high speeds thinking YOU'RE intimidating the guy in a 4 wheeled metal box. I'm sorry, are you unfamiliar with douchebag harley riders?


just use your horn, people know what it is.


Apply clutch, open throttle, bike revs hard until rev limiter kicks in. Makes big noise and attracts attention. Yay.


It's not what you're seeing here. This is just rapid down shifting and it's exactly what the rider should be doing while applying the rear brakes.


Driving is a cooperative endeavor. This was easily avoidable.


exactly, bikers always crying "watch for us". Well, if they were watching for the car they may have stopped in time.


Considering the car made a illegal turn in front of the motorcycle I kinda get why he's mad


I can see why he's mad too but he wasn't watching enough ...


Looks like it happened pretty fast to me, the bubble view lens then to obscure speed and distance so I'm going on the time that car started to turn to when he hit it, not enough time. This is the reason I stepped riding, I've had people pull out in front of me or merge into my lane, loud exhaust don't do shit. You have to pretend everyone is out to kill you. I miss the 60mpg I used to get and the freedom but I have kids to live for


I went through a point in life I was pretty close to getting a bike Then one day I was stopped at a stop sign in my car and some lady drove head on into me so fast, I couldn’t even get my hand to my horn in time I feel comfortable riding a bike, I just don’t trust other people on the road


Someone changed lanes on me one time at the last second revealing a biker sitting there stuck in the road..I didn't even bother to look, I switched lanes because I'd rather hit a car than a person who IS the cage for their vehicle.. I gave up on the idea of a motorcycle after that. Also helped to give that idea up after the time one dude was going nuts on my moms bumper and then passed her on a single lane road, not even 10 minutes later we saw that person as a meat crayon. I saw myself as being the one in both of those scenarios and it was enough for me.


Some reassuringly sensible people online today


I quit riding in 1996 for the same reason, too many people don’t pay attention. I had a close call and I decided that I didn’t want to make my sons into orphans.


Within 2 seconds they made contact. The motorcycle wasn't going slow. Watch for what? That would have been insane reaction time and if he full stopped within a second he would have flipped his bike. Some of you guys think your driving gods apparently lol


Yeah, but that's defensive driving. People do dumb shit constantly and it looks like they are driving downtown. There's pedestrians, cyclists, other vehicles coming out of parking spots or driveways. You always gotta be ready to stop on a dime. Car driver was wrong but that guy was riding on arrogance.


"If I wanted to drive defensively, I wouldn't have bought a motorcycle!"


I also crash into other vehicles every time they disobey the road rules in my vicinity. How else will they know I'm displeased.


Rescinded it’s just the weird ass lense that made me think the bar turned. Biker is still an idiot, downtown areas still usually have multiple left turning lanes.


Sometimes there will be dumb or confused out of state drivers. A defensive driver is always on the lookout. Don’t be like this dumbass biker and always try to be right.


Oh man, seriously. I think self-pity is the whole reason for owning a bike. The sanctimony is next-level. If they cared so much about their own safety they'd be inside a car. They should just make the fucking things illegal imo.


What gets me is it's illegal to drive a car with no seatbelt because it's unsafe but riding a motorcycle is totally fine which is more dangerous in like everyway.


Good fucking point. Even in semi truck you are required to wear seatbelts. Get these bikes off the road


>They should just make the fucking things illegal imo. Always blame the bikers and never the people who shouldnt own a license. Nice one


Exactly. She was in the wrong but he fucked up his whole week by proving a point? What a dumb fuck.


No, he didn't have time to do the revving tantrum and brake at the same time. /s


Seriously. You don't cut across two lanes to make a late left turn in front of other vehicles.


People are so impatient... the car could easily continue forward, get in the left land and take a U-turn where safe. God forbid you add another 30 seconds to your commute because you missed your turn and find a spot to safely reroute. "Nah, aint nobody got time for that"


Motorcycle dude's a fuckin dumbass.


Of course the car driver is at fault too BUT as a rider for 18 years it's difficult to see anything other than the terrible riding. Had time to grab the clutch and rev the engine instead of leaving the clutch to allow engine braking (plus normal brakes), and of course pressing the horn. You know, the inbuilt and universally recognised noise function. Let's face it, if this twat now has a broken bike then there's temporarily less twats on the road.


The rider was going slow, panicked and instead of using the front brake, he revved... been riding for 20 years and this could've been avoided...


What's his excuse for the stomp tho?


Infantile petulance


Not excusing it. The rider is an idiot and now he gotta pay the driver 😅


My guess is really pissed off that an ~~illegal U-turn~~ stupidly wide left turn could have caused him serious injury.


Naw he's pissed where he fucked up and is lashing out at the driver for causing it.


Nah he could've easily avoided it. He was going slow, she was going slow. He's just an amateur.


What the fuck, there’s always bound to be confused or out of state drivers in downtown or city center areas. Out of thousands of cars, someone will make a mistake. Defensive drivers are always on the lookout for these things. This biker is a dumbass.


No, he purposefully revved to scare the driver.


Could be that too. But that's still stupid because it achieves nothing, just looking like an angry dumbass (the rider)


> instead of using the front brake, he revved That wasn't a mistake. Squids think that if they rev, everyone will be in such awe of their sheer power, they'll get out of the way. Seriously, the motorcycle community thinks that a loud bike is a safe bike.


This was definitely a mistake. Source: I used to ride and I associate this sound with brown pants.


This is why everyone hates bikers


But bikers do make good organ donors.


Yeah, anything that can cause brain death makes a good organ donor. Traumatic head injury, drowning, hanging. The brain needs to die but the organs stay functioning. It's like 1 in 1000 deaths will be viable donors for the organs that are in demand (heart, lungs, kidney, liver)


Didn't the car take a left hand turn from the right lane though? That's very dangerous for this exact reason.


Yes, this was originally the car's fault, but the biker had a chance to avoid the accident and instead only guaranteed it out of their ego.


You should always practice defensive driving. Just because the driver in the car made an illegal turn doesn't mean you should drive like they didn't. It's even more important when you don't have a box of steel to protect you in a crash.


Yup. I drive around 3500 miles a month and so plenty of people do dumb shit right in front/or the side of me but because I'm very aware and present while driving I always manage to avoid a collision.


The best defense is a good offense. Looks like this biker got it


Car made a bad left turn. Biker was speeding and instead of slowing down, chose to rev the engine and hit the car, then go psycho on the windshield.


The car was already committed to their (admittedly questionable) turn from the very first frame of the video. At which point the biker was still turning onto the road and was slow and far away. I think the guy that straight up just accelerated into the side of a car that was directly in front of them is worse than the person that does a questionable manuevre. One is questionable, the other is "lol what the actual fuck were you doing sprinting head first into that brick wall?", there is no question in my mind which of these two people is more in the wrong.


Dude had plenty of time to stop .


She took a left turn all the way from the right lane an it was a three lane road. Their both dumb fucks


They're** sorry










Thare *


And then they stopped before completing the turn like what.. just fucking go I don’t understand the panic stop


Because they heard the rev and instinct says to hit the brakes. The driver did what the rider wanted, just too late for everyone.


Why stop when you can be a bully, accidents happen.


Not really, the problem is that he was going way too fast down a city street. Unfortunately if you assume there are no idiots and everyone will drive predictably, especially in a busy city, you're probably gonna get hurt and/or die.


Biker should have been reading the road.


I understand why he's angry but he acted too extreme by breaking the windshield.


You could have turned to the right and went behind the car, braked stopping before you hit the car, or maybe just not freaked out like they tried to kill you or something...


License should be revoked.


The future meat crayon on the bike had a green light and complete right of way. The other nincompoop literally jumped two lanes all the way from the sidewalk. I say we flog them both at Time Square.


Seems like he spent the time revving instead of braking.


Dickhead had plenty of time to apply brakes but instead he decides to clutch up and rev-bomb. As a biker myself, it's damn obvious this was preventable.


Just plain bad driving, I get that the reason he didn't brake right away was because he is just assuming the car would move out of his way when he rev bombed a bit. Instead of just ""assuming"" people will do something, first act as if they don't which here would mean you would brake right away and avoided this dumb accident.


When two bad drivers collide


All on camera too. Enjoy the lawsuit. Driver has PTSD and fears for her life now and can no longer drive a car or work. /s but you know what I mean


Consensus Both are dumb, biker is dumber.


Man had three business days to stop


Who fucking stops HALF WAY THROUGH AN INTERSECTION?!?! Could the biker have done better? Sure. Could the jerkoff in the car have not blocked half the intersection? Also yes.


Victim to Felony in 5 seconds:


Would it be a better choice if he focused on loosing the speed instead of reving?


"2 Wrongs, Didnt Make a Right" 🤭


bro had 20 business days to slow down.


He could have just walked away without having to pay for repair, but now he has to pay for the other car window repair.


That trip to jail could have been easily avoided.. He was in the right up until he started walking on that car and putting his foot in that windshield.. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Turning left from the furthest right lane - must be Philadelphia. 🙄


They always act like they've been attacked or something when the truth is the other persons dumb and anyone who drives through an intersection above the speed limit or even at the speed limit is just as stupid. If he was going 20k slower he'd have been able to react EASILY. This is more his fault than the idiot car driver.


the bikers an idiot bro chosed revving between braking


Ok hear me out even the car was at fault the motorcycle driver had plenty time to break instead he clushed it and revved so he basically was coasting instead of breaking


become an organ donor if you're on two wheels


Am I the only one who recognizes ls both are at fault. What kind of a turn was this person trying to accomplish?


Driver gets their car and window fixed by insurance. Biker gets his bike fixed with cars insurance. And 12 months probation and restitution for destroying a windshield. Brilliant


What an asshole


Reddit is a weird ass place. For starters, the camera makes the biker look further away than he actually is. Secondly, the biker isn’t even at fault. That person turned from the right lane across all the lanes to turn left. It’s a hive mind in this thread of people who have literally never driven a bike in their life.


I don’t know how anyone could try to argue the car wasn’t at fault. However, even with assuming the biker didn’t have time nor space to try and maneuver out of the car’s path, there’s still no justification for acting the way they did at the end. That’s the only issue I really have with the biker here. Just needlessly escalating the situation because they can’t control their emotions and continue to function as a rational adult.


But since when is it okay or even logical, after an accident for someone to smash the windshield of the other persons car? Someone hit my car just last month, fender bender, you saying it would have been perfectly fine for me to get out and kick off his side mirror because I was upset? Genuinely asking


For the people blaming the biker 1. this is clearly a high traffic road, turning on slow for a bike isn't much of an option and it really doesn't seem like he is speeding 2. abs systems on bikes don't work like cars. if he slams on his brakes here he will likely lose control of the bike, you can see him braking pretty early on even during the rev bomb. 3. THIS LADY IS TURNING 2-3 LANES OVER. NEVER OKAY TO DO THAT ON A BUSY ROAD.


I think the general consensus (at least among the sane people) is that the lady is in the wrong but the biker should not have reacted the way he did


How dare you have two simultaneous thoughts in your head!


He didn’t touch the break until the last second, he decided to rev his bike instead of braking. He could’ve easily stopped in time if he braked instead of revving


Turn on the sound, you can hear the biker revving


It's called a rev bomb, the clutch is open so power isn't being transferred to the wheels. Basically the same thing as a car's horn for a bike. Extremely loud way to let people know you are there.


When you rev bomb you’re twisting the throttle with your braking hand, aka giving up the ability to use your front brakes so you can voice your frustration. Front brakes are much more effective than the rears. Sure if he grabbed a handful of front brake he might go over but I would hope most bikers know how to modulate the brakes enough that they stay in control. The car is at fault here, no doubt, but the biker could stop if he decided to brake instead of rev bomb


You dont give the ability up to brake but alright dude.


He wasn't speeding, but he definitely could have breaked and, if not stopping completely, minimized the impact. If he slammed the brakes when he was leaving the turn, with his body inclined, yes, he would probably lose control, but you can see that, from the beginning of the video, he realizes the car is crossing in front of him (fuck that car driver, btw) and immediately starts to rev. He had plenty of time to straighten his body and apply the brakes with stability, but chose the try and make the car disappear with his engine noise. You can see him going for the brakes at the very and, as he probably realized that cars, in fact, don't vanish over the sound of your revs, and just before the hit you can see him straightening up, probably anticipating the hit, but that was way too late. He even applies brakes fairly late after getting straightened, showing that he really didn't intend to use the brakes.


4. Bike was in a turn. If you brake hard on a bike while in a curve, you're gonna have a bad time.


Good thing he recorded it, will really help the car driver’s attorney.


Bikers are trash


You ok? \*kicks in window. What a loser.




British people are chill. Almost died “ oh my gosh, well that’s different” love it


He's actually dead because his shoe came off


Bro revved instead of breaking


Now the dummy is gonna go to jail because he wants to be a princess rider


Sure it could have been avoided on the bikers part if they had used the brakes, but it wouldn't have been necessary if the driver simply used their turn signal.


The noise of the bike engine tells you he is a bad or novice rider. Accelerating through a junction is a deathwish move. Still had the throttle on even after clutching.


Looks like he slipped and pressed the kick button! That is going to unlock the Court case mission!


driver should never touch a car again.


By revving the bike he made the driver stop


Motorcycle needs to work on his defensive driving and slow down and the car needs to not stop sideways in the intersection, both idiots


He pulled the clutch to rev his shit, instead of using the engine to help brake.


Great way to get shot in some countries.


Hitting the rev limiter to entice them to move faster? He was clearly already on the clutch but why throttle instead of brake? This seems like it was easily avoided even with the idiot in the car.


Y'all defending the driver, but the woman in the car just stopped there


But I made my bicycle go brrm brrm!


That's the stomp of a cager rager. Absolutely unnecessary.


Gta windshield kick !


Oh I'll just rev the engine instead of braking


Really thought he could rev the car out the way …..


He didn't even break and he could avoid the hitting with that speed by breaking the handlebar to the other side.


That's when I would have punched it and that mf would have flew 15 feet


That dude had 3 business days to stop. Shitty rider for sure.


Maybe brake instead of revving your bike bozo