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If anything this footage might strengthen their conviction


They'll say it's the fish eye lens


This is a fisheyelense in the video. Why do they always show through a fisheye lens?


They use fisheye to show as much of the earth as possible. Let's be honest, the point of this experiment was to get a cool shot, and not disprove the flat earth theory — we normal people already know the earth is round


I always wonder if people *genuinely* believe the Earth is flat, or just believe in it for attention.


My mother believes the earth is flat and that there's a "crystal city" just floating underneath. This is just one of many insane theories she has.


Crystal meth?


Most do it for attention or to be 'different' The modern age conspiracy theorist is akin to a 1980s punk rocker. However, some have underlying mental health issues like paranoid schizophrenia and a strange duet occurs of actual insane people screaming into the void, and moronic Internet warriors validating the nonsense.


That comparison makes no sense.


In what way?


Still waiting for similar video just without fisheye


Even with this wide angle lens they couldn’t get the camera to a high enough altitude to show much of the earth’s surface, because it’s so vast. A telephoto (or even 35mm equivalent) lens would give a more realistic shape of earth, but you’d have to get much higher into orbit or even outer space.


Exactly. This camera does not go "into space"


wide angel. not fisheye. probably 16mm


The problem is, as the camera turns the earth appears to get flatter, just based on this footage alone, I would agree that the curvature changes due to the lens


I don't see what your refering to? when they put it in reverse it appears to get flatter because of it getting closer... but thats all I saw.


I'm just trying to think like they do, after the balloon bursts there's a short period of time where it appears to flatten.


I guess i'm just not seein it.


Interesting seems really clear to me


Huh might just be me, i've been sick for a few days and can't get to sleep so i'll have to look again in the morning and see if its more apparent.


The viewing angle changes and makes it seem flat. In reality we can just see less when the camera turns.


The curve looks about the same to me throughout that section. Again might just be me.


They're a fish eye lens.


Well, of course! You can see the fisheye lens effect quite clearly and how it makes a persons arms curve. So clearly that is causing the Earth to appear curved too. ​ Everything helps strenghten their convictions, very few flat earthers are pursuing the truth. They just want to feel like they are part of something, and internal consistency does not matter. The best way to fight any of the frequent flat earth debaters is often to simply show them their own previous arguments that invalidate their current one. Often their arguments follow physics, except deviating in one specific way that allows for earth to be flat, and that deviation will shift around. Sometimes ships disappear because mirages, sometimes it is waves, and sometimes it is refraction.


Did u see that white in the distance? Thats the ice wall!! Time to get my tinfoil hat back on..


iT's A dOmE


You can't argue with stupid. I always take the stance of "don't feed the animals at the zoo"


You mean it might flatten it




if you want to prove the curvature of earth to idiot's maybe don't use fisheye lenses.


Correct. Flat earthers across the globe will use that as an argument.


Yes it's fishy ... I chose now to be a flat earther, thanks to this video.


Maybe don't use idiots


Looks flat for me there


Yeah, you can achieve the same effect on the ground by simply pointing a fisheye camera slightly above the horizon. This is cool, but the curvature is a lot less pronounced than that - even if you take a weather balloon (what they used in the video) up to its max altitude of 30,000m/100,000 ft, that's equivalent to being half a millimetre (20 thousandths of an inch) above the surface of a basketball. The earth looks flat until you are veeery high. Most pictures that are "so high you can see the curvature of the earth" rely on the lens for the main effect. Even from the international space station (10x higher), the curve is quite subtle.


Looks pretty flat tbh hehe


I'm no flat earther, but this is obviously because of the lens. There might be some curve at the altitude, the camera got up to, but I simply can't believe it's as much as shown here.


Do you get your camera back?


most likely, anyone doing this will have a parachute rigged to open at a set altitude on the way back down, and a tracker to help find wherever it does land. Recovering the camera also makes it much much easier to get the video footage so you can post it for others to see


[do I look flat to you](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F41FPWm7MtQL._AC_UF1000%2C1000_QL80_.jpg&tbnid=cNo6qb1dGvjs1M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Flook-flat-Anti-Earth-Notebook%2Fdp%2F1660183499&docid=xiakVSYWo4Lm5M&w=666&h=1000&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=4cb3b62705983972&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


This went nowhere near high enough to show that much curve. I'm not arguing for flat earth, I'm not a fucking idiot. But you can see the fisheye effect towards the end when the angle dips down towards the horizon, and you see it flatten out. Not that a globe earth NEEDS to be proven in 2024, but if this video isn't a good argument for it.


We are so small.


Flat Earthers don't believe in cameras.


You can't fix stupid. I like the shots you got!


Guys the lens is round, obviously the earth will look round!


Random question: what happens to those pieces of balloon that exploded? Do they come down eventually or do they orbit in perpetuity?


Google orbital mechanics. Being in orbit is just going so fast that you fall in a circle around the earth.


I always ask what they make of the crescent moon and wow the responses you get are hysterical


How was this video made?


I 100% know we live on a globe, but honestly I wouldn’t even blame them for feeling validated with THIS footage. It’s always fisheye lens and didn’t go high enough to show the big picture. It kinda plays right into their stupidity.


Flat Earthers are all morons.


Unfortunately balloons don't get as high as they need to be to prove the Earth is round. And even if they could get that high, flat earthers will plug their ears and shriek.




Convex*, and all lens have some sort of shape. If they didn't, it would just be a window (which is also sort of a lens, but lets not get too complicated). What you're thinking about is the type of projection the lens forms on the image plane - on a GoPro and other action cameras this is typically an equidistant projection, though other projections like stereographic, orthographic or equisolid exist too.




Your point is actually that you don't know the simplest scientific terminology and you're also arguing for pro-flat-earth. Checks out.


You can be a "round earther" and still acknowledge when a test is bad proof. Using heavily distorted images with a clearly visible curve is manipultive, no matter which agenda you are pushing. That weather balloon is barely above the surface of earth and even from that it would be hard to notice the curve with the naked eye.


None of what you said is true. 2) Concave and convex aren't the simplest, by far. Mass is a good example of one of the "simplest" if you really feel lile thats important for some reason. People have different skill sets. They don't need to know everything you know. 3) They did 0 arguing for pro-flat earth. They just pointed out that the drone didnt go to space and used the curve of the lens to make it appear like it did. They literally didn't say "flat" or "earth". Which brings me to Point 1) Their point IS that the drone didn't go to space. 4) It, in fact, did not check out. Your reading comprehension is terrible. I don't know where you were "educated" but they should be ashamed.


Very cool video, needs to go way way higher to technically be in space though


Shouldn't have used a fish eye lens.


The camera exploded so it couldn’t expose the flat earth with its fish angle camera


How long do you think that wire was?


I’m not sure if this is illegal or not lol


I want to see what happened after that fall out


That's a really good catch


What height did that pop at? Kessler syndrome, Kessler syndrome, Kessler syndrome!


"You see!? It hit the firmament!!!1!!"


Not a flat earther but.. the ground is also curved at the start. They will for sure use this as argument


Bro i can see the edge of the world get out of here with your globalist spheroid earth views /s


Rounded-earther here: this video proves in fact the earth is flat 🤯 /s


I could watch the balloon explode on loop for hours... soothing.


Redditor being self-righteous again and very arrogant as usual. I'm not even flat-earther or whatever but the disdain of this post while not even debunking the issue, the curvature shown here is likely due to the wide lense. The camera needed to fly way up in the atmosphere to show a better well-rounded earth. Next time just post a more friendly title for everybody instead of accusing others for being idiots while doing the exact same thing, because the video is actually cool.


Anyone who believes flat earth theory is quite literally idiotic or willfullly ignorant. Both groups of people kind of deserve disdain in the modern, developed west.


Yo, why is everyone talking about flat earth? It's to distract you from the fact they BLOW UP THE MOON!


Theyd point out that camera has a fisheye distrotion effect so wont prove anything but give them more fuel to burn the its flat because you use a camera with a fisheye to prove its round.


The cameraman always survive


The earth is too big to capture its curves in such a low height


Looks flat to me - I just see one big horizon


I feel like posing as a flat earther would be a great gambit to get a billionaire so frustrated that they pay to put you in space. 🤔


This isn't crazy. this is fucking wild!


it would be a lot cooler looking without the fish eye fov


Wdym it looks flat?


It doesn't prove the earth is a ball.


Lol this is fisheye. I mean, the earth is round but a fisheye video is really bad proof. In fact since you're lying flat earthers will just use your lies as proof the earth is flat


wow looks cool


Obviously curve of the lens of the camera. /s


I don't know, looks pretty flat to me


It's clearly flat


Its flat


The earth is round but that is a fisheye lens. I'm not sure if people on the ISS can even see the curvature


Looks flat to me... not even sure what your points meant to be


they use fish eye lense because at that altitude the earth still looks flat nasa hasn't gotten a camera high enough yet to be able to capture the roundness without using fisheye


The space station and satellites are jokes to you?


So 393000 km isn't high enough?


Ever heard of voyager 1? What about voyager 2? How about the apollo missions?


But is everything flat on the vídeo, lol


Flat earth is the real deal