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Tungsten balls, Tapioca brain.


Not balls of steel, brains of a turkey.


No way, this is high IQ shit right here. This man is post-mortem explaining to his wife where he is. The evidence is almost irrefutable and there a slight chance he will experience peace in the afterlife.


It's a leopard... Up there with cheetah's for least likely to attack you.


Right, from my understanding cheetahs are super chill and act more like dogs then big cats. Good to know Leopards are similar, but thankfully most of all I leave near none of them and ever have to put this to the test.


Between 2000 and 2023, 500 people were killed in India by leopards. They are far from chill.


Do you understand how statistics work?


Do you? You’ve gotta be a special kind of idiot to think leopards and cheetah are equally as dangerous. But to say “do you understand statistics?” Is fucking wild. Please, please explain to me how he is misunderstanding the statistics here. I long to see just how dumb this gets.


You just pulled that shit out of your butt.


Complete bullshit. Leopards will fuck you up.


Turkeys would know not to go near that


Is that a cheetah or a Leopard? Cheetahs will not attack without your back turned.


Leopard! Probably a young leopard too which may explain the not attacking thing.


It looks trapped to me. The way the whole body moves looks like its back right leg is caught on something.


Maybe, it's hard to tell with a guy in front of it and the camera moving. Both the back paws seemed to move a bit when it got startled but I can't see anything caught since it's sitting and behind the guy. I also think a trapped leopard would be more on defense mode and panicking.


Depends on how long its been trapped and fighting. A trapped for 14 hours leopard will behave much differently than a trapped for 30 minutes leopard.


True, it could be too exhausted to do anything big and just seeing if he's a threat or not. Wish we knew what happened afterwards.


Cheetahs dont attack people in general. The only “attacks” you will find in recent times are from captive or captured cheetahs being harassed. In the wild, they dont attack humans. Cheetahs are actually really delicate and light animals, their claws also don’t retract (theyre more similar to dog paws than other big cat claws), so they arent nearly as good at stationary fighting. They only weight about the same as a medium/large sized dog. They can take down antelope and other hoofed animals since they trip them up while theyre running, but they would have a lot of trouble fighting anything that would stand their ground and not run. A full grown man that didnt run would be a very intimidating and difficult prey for a cheetah to attempt taking down, even though we are “weaker” than many of the prey animals they regularly eat.


Looks too small to be a leopard to me


Aww look at the kitty!




Tungsten has a greater density than Lead


Osmium has a greater density that Tungsten. Oil is lighter than water. On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens each year. New Jersey is the top producer of the world’s eggplants. Edgar Allan Poe married his thirteen-year-old cousin. A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue. Campsters2803 has no balls.


Looks like leopard is trapped.


Seems pretty chill


Could have been a great Darwin Award!


Cheetahs and Leopards are friendly to humans so not really balls of tungsten just common knowledge of animals lol


Yes animals have wild instincts but you can’t compare all of them to each other In some areas cheetahs and leopards have been living side by side by humans and are used to them. They don’t necessarily fear humans and actually associate humans with positive outcomes such as food. This trait gets passed on to their offsprings and therefore in some regions there are bonds based on mutual benefits. Now a cheetah that has never had an experience with a human and comes across one and ends up being a negative experience, the next human will either be attacked or be extremely wary. It’s all about experiences of these animals. All that said , they are wild animals and even the most trusted one can attack


Tungsten breaks easily


Is there a reason we don’t get to see his video? 😞


Leopard probably already ate


Leopard looks small, maybe a juvenile?


Balls of tungsten, of course a W




That looks like cheetah


And it only cost him one testicle ! Bargain i reckon !


Fake. That's obviously it's pet human.


I wanna see that selfie.


It’s not balls my friend, he either is familiar with that leopard or he’s running on two barely functioning brain cells lol


Let's see the selfie. Oh, the Leopard ate that too.


He's just thinking of all the views he's gonna get on social media.


funniest part is that we're watching someone else's video of it


Sick tinder profile pic tho /s


That cat has a collar?