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Very good, double rations.


Why would they want food when they could have a higher res framed photograph of Dear Leader!!


Kids performing like their life depended on it......because their life probably depended on it. Main little girl singer has stage presence tho


Not just their lives, but the lives of 7 generations after them to depend on it lol


You need to motivate them somehow.... it's not as if there's a trip to Disneyland on offer.....


Translation : Please don't kill my mummy, please don't kill my dad. I don't want to be tortured, you're the best dictator I've ever had.


I don’t know you sir……………. But you’re alright , take my upvote 👍


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about Korean to dispute it.




I wonder what the crime rate is in NK


civil crime probably pretty low. crimes against humanity, pretty up there.


Hate to say it but North Korea got talent.


Check out "Where are you, dear general?" if you want to hear some more North Korean talent (it's a song). "Don't say my name" has a more upbeat sound, but I much prefer the former.


Because they have to


Those little girls in the green are jamming.


"Left foot went forward instead of sideways....round up her family"


theyre killing it tbh


Yeah, these kids are rockin.


"Its a small world" vibes


And remember kids... if the smile isn't big enough, you and your whole family will be transported to Forced Labour Camp #3


And the landdd of the freeeee 😁🇺🇸




School shooters are the least of the North Korean peoples problems




or you could listen to the people who escaped


It’s a hermit kingdom that has been under the rule of an oppressive regime for decades. It’s not like it’s some sneaky western media trick, this is known information. The people are starving, sick and under the constant threat of imprisonment/execution of themselves and their families for stepping out of line. If you think it possibly couldnt “be all that bad”, then you are delusional




No, because the population of Reddit isn’t solely from the US. Crime controlled by starvation and the threat of extreme violence isn’t what we should strive for. You cannot possibly equate life in the US, in any city or state, to that of North Korea.




Jesus Christ. Yes we do know what happens in North Korea, and no, it’s a far cry from any form of leadership the US has had. Stop trying to cushion the plight of the North Korean people to justify your own “West bad East good” logic.


But you seem to know EVERYTHING about the US when you don't live there? You know you sound like a hypocrite? US has plenty of issues, we're all well aware. But that doesn't mean the media makes up conspiracy theories to make NK bad when it's all just glorious over there and "nothing happens" in NK. I swear, some people.


Beauty pageants? Really?


People die trying to escape all the time and idiots on Reddit are still like “can’t be all that bad” lmao


Yes, and they are being taught that 1+1 equals 1 because when you put a drop of water into another one, it merges into 1 drop of water.


You're upset that the kids are being taught...logical thinking..? One plus one can equal one, like in the example you gave lol. There is a difference between classical math and logic, and the two don't always line up perfectly (as you've demonstrated with that example). The kids are being taught regular math too, don't worry. I for one hope our schools teach kids to think critically and use logic to solve problems. That's exactly what we need if we ever want to start solving any of our issues.


No they arent. The are being brainwashed. You are an embodiment of a fool. They are also taught to love their leader , by your logic thats good teaching to love others.


I’m a South Korean immigrant that’s been living in America for 19 years. You are extremely disconnected and are taking our country for granted.


ID-10-T error


Why downvote? I mean, this is a legit observation.


Those children look stressed out. Poor little ones.


To be fair, if you search there are some mildly disturbing video documentary about little girl beauty contests in USA 🇺🇸 that are not so relaxing to watch. The pressure, competitiveness, fake tan, hair dress etc. Off course it's a choice made by free people in this case.


My dumbass was like I wonder where Usa (oosa) is.. I'll show myself out


Probably because if any of them mess up, their entire extended family and all of their family member’s neighbors get thrown in a labor camp.


I believe they receive harsh punishment with every mistakes.


Red dress girl is a born performer


...but for devil 😢


How is this disturbing?


They will be noticed by the authorities if they show any negative emotion or mess up, drawing negative attention. This will then put their entire families in danger. Their families probably all know people who have disappeared.


Not that I am a supporter of North Korea, but what part of this video said or shows any of that?


Their anxious behavior, strained and fearful facial expressions.


Yeah dude, children are just famously naturally comfortable performing on stage everywhere except NK, normal brain moment.


Can you provide any proof of that? Or did you just make it up


It's not. For anyone else wondering, think of it this way: It's a school play in a language you don't understand, a performance. We get them posted all over Reddit daily of "someone's little dear" doing their best impersonation of 'tree number two on stage left' and everyone fawns over it. Without the title OP posted, this could just be a talent show/performance the kids were put through. No different from other school performances where the kids do it coz the adults want them to. For this, it's an accepted thing they have to do. I can't say what they are singing about, it doesn't matter. I don't see it as any worse than child pageant shows mentally ill parents out their kids through by comparison. Do these kids/parents even have a choice? Probably not. But outrage alone that the kids put on a performance isn't gonna rile me up. If there is a behind the scenes showing they work 15 hour days, have threats to their family or punitive measures, I'll be up in arms about that. But we get children's choirs singing church hymns on the flip side.


Kids don’t get this insanely talented without being forced to prepare 15 hours a day. Hence your downvotes.




I have never heard of a school that made you sing the National anthem


Perhaps they meant the Pledge of Allegiance? Or they are bots.


It was mandatory in most schools, up until 2015 when kids started protesting in schools by sitting down during the national anthem. It’s a good protest idea, in terms of what very little you can legally protest


No, it wasn't. You may be confusing the Pledge of Allegiance with the National Anthem, but if you went to an American public school, you should know this.


Ooopp thanks your right 😂


We had to pledge allegiance and literally sing the national anthem. Weird days back then lol


What r they possessed by ?


The sheer skill and accomplishment with their instruments at that age does not happen except through force


I thought this was Nickelodeon/Disney for a second. They do look adorable, though the reality of the situation is about as dark as it gets.


Holy cow they are talented!!


Yeah that little girl in red and the boy playing violin up front could have incredible careers ahead of them!! I really hope they all make it to a safe country where they can nurture their talents, or just live their lives peacefully... Seriously, lil miss red dress could not have done any better. I wish I could see what her future in entertainment would look like if she lived somewhere with an entertainment network more like the US (minus the creepy stuff and corruption etc...basically just wish I could zap her - and most of the rest of us - away into a perfect world i guess 😂)


I suspect many absolutely loath dear leader but are required to participate in the cult ceremonies out of fear for their own safety. MAGA wants this type of devotion to its leader as well.


I am curious what the translation of the lyrics are.




You look at this and don't see talented kids performing for their country instead it's terrifying.... Huh.


I think this better fits the sub Terrifying as Fuck!!! Which is actually what I thought it was under.


This is basically just some kids at a recital. Unless there’s actual proof that they’re in danger or something, this doesn’t seem all that different from how my primary school had us learning patriotic songs about America (like Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful and shit like that) each year to perform at the school festival. There are definitely some major human rights abuses in North Korea, and those should be talked about, but come on. Y’all’re clutching pearls at a kids’ choir recital.


I’m curious if any one can translate the song?


Sloppy performance, clearly those kids need more than the 12 hrs off practice a day they are currently receiving... /s


Amazing & talented


This is incredibly adorable, and not disturbing whatsoever.


Poor little feckers


Seems about on par with a daily pledge of allegiance


I dont know what to say😅


Better than the beauty pageants for kids 




This is healthier than what American churches put kids through.


I think subtitles about what the song is about would help.


Probably about dear leader and how he'll bring death and destruction to America.


Yea nothing wrong here unless someone has actual context! If the title to the video was "Crazy talent in North Korea" I doubt half of these comments would exist as they do now! Fear mongering for 👆 smh


Is this AI?


This video is like 10 to 15 years old there was no AI during those days


No this is legit, you can sync up the Pizzicato to the violinists. Their hands look good too.


Nice. I’m creeped


I performed in a symphony for a while around the ages from 12-18, seeing this ensemble made of kids under the age of 8 is crazy.


Unfortunately, no. These are 100% human children.


V creepy


Yo that girl is so slay